Input System: Workflow tips and feature integrations | Unite Now 2020

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♪ [MUSIC] ♪ [ANDY] Hello, folks, this is going to be a Unite Now webinar on the Unity Input System. This webinar is going to be a bit different to the last time we spoke about the input system in that it's going to focus on workflow tips and feature integrations. The last webinar that we did, which was Meet the Developers, covered more of the fundamentals of the input system and showed how to set up a base character interaction system where you could run around, and you could attack with a sword. You can watch that on the Unity YouTube channel. My name is Andy Touch. I'm a Senior Content Developer at Unity Technologies. My job is to use Unity and use the new features that come with the engine and demonstrate how they're made, make examples, and show you how you can use Unity in your own projects. As a summary, Unity has a newish input system. I say newish because it's been a verified package or a verified feature for a little while now. It's our solution to setting up cross-platform input for Unity projects. It's a verified package in Unity 2019 LTS. It comprises of several things, such as an Asset, an interface, component, and API workflows. As you can see here in these screenshots, on the far left, we can see here that we can create an Input Actions Asset. This Asset then has an interface, a window, which allows you to set up your control schemes, such as Player, Menu, Vehicle Controls. What actions those contain, such the player has movement and attack, and vehicles could have accelerate and steer. Then you can use a Player Input component, which takes these actions, then instances them in the Scene. Then once it instances them in the Scene, and it can be read at runtime, you can then apply that to your game. For example, if you had an attack action, you can use a playerInput component in a Scene to register when that attack is taking place, then apply some code to it, such as swing a sword on a character or play a sound effect. I've created an example project called Warriors. This is available today publicly on GitHub. There's a link at the bottom. Warriors is an example project, which covers a wide variety of different uses of Unity's Input System. This ranges from cross-platform inputs, such as gamepads on console, keyboard and mouse, and touchscreen all the way through to rebinding UI. I'm going to be using this Warriors project in this webinar to demonstrate several workflow features that I'm going to cover, from feature integrations, such as UGUI and Cinemachine, to also how to do things, like rebind UI and detect when a gamepad is unplugged and re-plugged again. If I now switch over to Unity... Let's take a look at this project. When you download the project, you have this example Scene, which has several different components or several different objects in the Hierarchy. We have this centralized GameManager, which allows you to switch between Single Player and Local Multiplayer mode. In Single Player, when you click Play, you'll be able to take control of this warrior character. Using keyboard, you'll be able to move around and also swing your sword. This character controller is driven using the Unity Input System. Here, we have player controls, which has actions for Movement, Look, Attack, and TogglePause, like so. Each of these actions is comprised of several different bindings because you may create a game for cross-platform, one that runs on a touchscreen, one that runs on different forms of consoles: desktop, VR, anything that you want to target. Movement has a binding of WASD, arrow keys, so I'm controlling it with a keyboard like so to move the character around. Also a binding of a left stick of a gamepad. If I pick up this PlayStation controller, I can then control the character using the exact same code base. I haven't actually changed any of the code to say, "If using PlayStation, do this," it's all automatic. It's all pretty generic in the code. It just takes whatever gamepad is set up here, whatever input device is set up here and funnels it in. I can even pick up an Xbox controller, and UI will now update and run around with that as well. So it's very automatic. It switches gamepads very easily. You can create all kinds of different action maps' actions and bind it to all kinds of different devices. As mentioned earlier, the previous Unite Now webinar covers a lot of this setup. I went through the process of creating an action map, setting up these actions and these bindings, and then hooking that into the code. You can watch that video to go over that if you're not familiar with the system. We can continue watching this video to see how the input system fits into different workflows and scenarios that you may come across or you probably will come across when creating your games and projects. This Warriors project also includes a local multiplayer mode. This takes this warrior Prefab instance and it spawns using Instantiate multiple at runtime. So as I hit Play, it takes that warrior that's in the Scene, removes it, and spawns four instances from a Prefab. Each of these has the Player Input component, as you can see here. Each of them is using this very same InputActions Asset, but it's instead getting the events of these different bindings and actions and using them locally. Using the Unity Input System, you can not only set up very visually these inputs and bindings, but you can also use it flexibly to create things like local multiplayer. I can move using my keyboard keys. I can run around with the keyboard and also the PlayStation controller. I'm doing this all by myself, so it's a bit tricky to run around with these characters. I need more hands and fingers, as you can see in this project. You can create local multiplayer, you can create cross-platform control schemes, you can create them more visually as well. Let's cut back to the slides. As I said, you can download that project now, it's public. I'm going to keep updating and improving this project, so you might see that there is a version 1 for the previous webinar, version 2 for this webinar, and I'll be doing bug fixes and things, so if you find any issues, you can file them as an issue, and then I'll look into it. I'll also be adding extra features and functionality in this example scenario as they are released with the input system in future releases. Let's talk about one of these scenarios. This one is Switching Control Styles. In a typical game, you'll have a set of controls. In this case, character controls. This is a reference from Grand Theft Auto 5 made by Rockstar Games. This is not a Unity project, but I'll be using it as an example scenario. In a game like this, you would have a set of character controls where you use a joystick to move around, use, perhaps, the X button to jump, use a trigger to aim. You may use another trigger button to shoot. You have this kind of control scheme for third person on foot control scheme. But in most games, you often have other types of control schemes that you'll switch to at runtime or when you go between different scenes and scenarios. In this particular game, you can switch from this on-foot controls to vehicle controls. Obviously, you come into some complexity here. The X button on character controls could be a jump. But the X button on a vehicle controls would be an accelerate. So you've got very different types of functionality in play, but using the same input method on your device. This obviously grows in complexity as you add more different types of control styles, so you not only have on-foot controls, vehicle controls but also UI controls. An X button, which would be jump in character accelerate in a vehicle, would, in UI, be very different and just accept or confirm a button or an option that you've selected in the UI. This obviously increases for other things, such as inventory systems, weapon selection, settings menu, if you have other types of vehicles... the list goes on. So how do you set up in the Unity Input System different types of control schemes and switch between them easily? In the input action Assets, you can create a series of different action maps. As you can see here on the left, we have Player Controls, Menu Controls, Vehicle Controls, and a couple of different scenarios. On that Player Input component, which is basically the instance in the Scene of this InputActions Asset, you can set a default map. This is basically what the Player Input is going to start with when you run the game or you run the Scene. In this case, Player Controls. Of course, you can switch this between different maps. For example, most games start up with a UI menu not necessarily directly in gameplay, so you could have the default map as being menu controls to start with. Each of these action maps can have different sets of actions. As you can see here, Player Controls at the top has Movement, Look, Attack, and TogglePause. These are all contextual based on Player Controls. Menu Controls don't have the same actions. They have things like Navigate, Left Click, Pointer, Submit, Cancel. Things to do with navigating the UI, which I'll go into a little bit later on. They're very different types of actions, but you might have similar bindings. For example, a movement of a character will use a left stick on a gamepad to run around, whereas navigating through the UI or navigating through a menu will also use the gamepad left stick as well. You have a lot of crossover in different types of bindings. Once you have your different Action Map set up via this API, it's very simple. We can reference the playerInput component. You can use SwitchCurrentActionMap to switch to the Action Map. It's very simple and very straightforward. After you set this up, you can then switch to it and then bring in the actions as they're happening and apply to your game code. If I switch back to this Warriors project, I use exactly this to switch between Player Controls, which is the warrior running around and attacking, and Menu Controls to navigate through a different UI. As I hit the Play button, we spawn all these different instances of these warriors, and we've got the PlayStation controller. This warrior is currently using the Player Controls Action Map. However, when I push the Start button, which is this little TogglePause option here, Start [Gamepad] or P [Keyboard], it basically switches the warrior to use the Menu Controls Action Map. If I pause, it then switches back. You can preview this happening directly inside this Input Debug window. If I navigate to the instance of Player Input that's using the DualShock controller, which is this one here, User #1, and open up the Actions, where you'll notice that we've got Player Actions for Movement, Look, Attack, and TogglePause. Then we've got the menu ones, which are disabled. Notice as I pause the game, it disables the Player Controls and switches to the Menu Controls. This is using an API called, I think, it's Active or DeactivateInputControls. Using that API SwitchCurrentActionMap, you can switch between these different control schemes. Using that activate and DeactivatePlayerInput, you can also turn on different sets on and off. The next scenario I want to talk about is navigating UI interfaces. in this specific case, it's UGUI, Unity's UI system. In a typical UI system, you often have lots of many different buttons, sliders, toggles, and elements on the screen. In this specific reference, which is <i>Legend of Zelda,</i> <i>Breath of Fire</i> by Nintendo, this isn't a Unity game, but it's a great example of having explicit navigation for a list, so you push up on your gamepad or your arrow keys and it basically navigates up a list or down a list, pushing right and left or down, and you navigate through directional navigation, such as like a grid of items. This is quite typical in an RPG. Also, a typical button press where you select a certain option or you hover over it with your mouse and you click it and you confirm it. This is pretty typical. Most games have this type of UI-style navigation. Of course, how do we actually set this up to work in Unity, especially to make it cross-platform and especially to navigate these different UI interfaces, depending on what type of device you have selected. If I go to this Menu Controls Action Map, which I showed you a little bit earlier on, there's a series of actions I've already set up: Navigate, Left Click, Point, Submit, Cancel, and TogglePause. This is just a couple that you could have. You'll notice that I set up a range of different bindings for each type of action, so navigating the UI, you can navigate through arrow keys, WASD keys, D-pad on a gamepad gamepad left stick and gamepad right stick. Then you also have elements, such as Submit and Cancel, which would be like an X button or a Pause button. If you use the Unity UI system, you have this thing called an Event System, which handles all the events that are currently being processed and applies it to the UI. With this, you can have an Input Module. When you install the Input System package, it basically comes with this Input Module that you can assign. You have this very attractively named Input System UI Input Module, which will pop up as an option or is automatic, depending on your version of Unity, alongside the Event System. What you'll notice in here is that you can then choose an Action Asset to assign to it, in this case, Input Actions, and you can correspond these bindings to different options to navigate the UI. Now, if you actually create an Event System from scratch or you assign this Input System UI Input Module component, there's already a default Input Action Asset set up for all of this. But I want to show you, in this webinar, how you can use a custom Action Map, in this case, this Menu Controls, and apply it to certain options. You can see here, Navigate, to move around the UI and select different options is associated with Move, and Submit is associated with Submit as well. Now, once you have this set up, so all this data from the Action Asset is fed into the Event System, it then automatically works with things, such as Interactable components. The best example is a button. When you navigate, and you highlight a button, it switches to a highlighted color. When you click a button or you submit, it will then process this On Click event, and it factors in stuff like the Navigation, so you have a Horizontal, Vertical, and Automatic navigation. I might be overcomplicating things, but this just happens automatically. It's basically saying that as long as this is all set up in the Event System, from this Input Action Asset, it'll work automatically with Interactable elements, such as buttons, sliders, scroll bars, and things like that in the Unity UGUI system. If I switch over to Unity, let's show that in work. If I go over to my Event System, you notice here that I've already got the Input Actions set up from that Input Action Asset. But if I added this Input System UI Input Module, imagine I'm just adding a brand-new one from scratch, we've got here this default Input Actions, which is already set up with all the things like UI Point and Click, so you don't actually have to create this brand-new Action Map. You can add this component, it's all automatically set up for you. But, of course, in this demo, I want to show you how you can use your custom sort of actions or your own specific Action Map. If I switch to the Game Manager and go to Single Player and click Play, obviously, you can run around with my character. When I push that TogglePause option in Player Controls, I'll then switch into the UI. As I move up and down with my joystick, I can navigate between these different elements, and I can press the X button to confirm and choose these different types of panels. I can also navigate left and right to move to this Rebind Control System. If I switch over to my keyboard, and I pause the game, I can actually use up and down in the WASD and arrow keys and enter to have basically the same functionality. In the code, I haven't actually changed anything or done anything exotic or unique. As long as that Event System has these actions and bindings set up, it will just work automatically with the Unity UI system. They also detect mouse hover over states and also things like if you built to a touch screen device, tap is a submit or a left-click, and your finger is where the pointer would be. That's the Unity UI system in a nutshell and how the Input System can tie into it. Controlling Cinemachine. In most games, you often have a camera that follows a particular target. Most cases is a character, but it also could be a vehicle or kind of anything that's tracked in the Scene. In this particular scenario of, say, an orbit camera, you have this camera that follows this character, but you also control it, so you have that automatic element of it following and being a certain distance from your character that's moving around, but you also control it. You push left or some kind of X input, and it orbits around the character, but then you have some value in the Y-axis, which is then going to move the camera up and down, not flip over entirely, but it's going to go up to a certain top degree and to a certain lower degree, whereas the X is more free form. This is a typical orbit camera setup. You want to take your X and Y data, which is probably going to be a mouse and joystick or a mouse and joystick here. That joystick could be on a gamepad or a virtual joystick as well. You want to feed that into Cinemachine. Unity's camera system, Cinemachine, does this stuff automatically. But you need to feed your data from the Input System and from your actions and bindings directly into these values. So, I won't go through all these elements of Cinemachine. I'll just go through the scenario that's in this Warriors project, which you can download and dissect a lot further yourself. But in Cinemachine, when you install it and you have this list of different types of cameras, if you go to a FreeLook Camera, it will create this free-look camera circular or spherical rig. You've got tons of options here. I won't go through all of them. But the main ones that you want to have a look at is Y and X here. The X-Axis value is going to orbit the camera around the warrior or around your car or spaceship or whatever it may be and the Y value is going to move it up and down on this bar, so when you push, say, a joystick up, it's going to go to the top or it's going to go down, depending if you like inverted control schemes or not. You need to get your data from your mouse, your finger, your left stick gamepad, or your D-pad on your gamepad as well and feed it into this X and Y value. How do you get data from this? Here, we have this action called Look, and Look gets the bindings of delta of the mouse as the mouse moves in a particular direction on the screen and also the right stick of any gamepad, whether it's PlayStation, Nintendo, Xbox, or any other gamepad that is compatible with the Input System. How do we actually get this Look Action and assign it to these values? Because Look is going to return a Vector 2 over which direction the keys are being pushed. We're going to take the Y and the X from Vector 2 and feed it into these values. Cinemachine automatically has a component that you can use that does this. This is called the Cinemachine Input Provider. You can obviously open up the script and see what it does inside. What it does is it allows you to assign an action with, say, a Vector 2 or a compatible set of data and feed it into the X-, Y-axis, and also the Z-axis. When the Cinemachine Input Provider is attached to a Cinemachine camera, it will feed that data in automatically, so you don't have to write any extra code or do anything like that. You can just add this component, point it from Look, or whatever your desired action is, into here, and then it will feed it to this Y and this X value. I go into the Warriors project. In Single Player, you'll notice that there's a Single Player Camera of Stationery, which when I enter Play Mode, the virtual Cinemachine camera is stationary, the character runs around, and this would be similar to local multiplayer game like <i>Mario Party,</i> or <i>Overcooked,</i> or something like that. But if I switch from Stationary to Follow And Orbit and into Play Mode, it's actually going to use a Cinemachine FreeLook Camera. You can actually go to the Camera section and select them here and be able to view this free look and see all the settings I've already set. I won't go through all them because I will take a couple of hours. I'm supposed to be focusing on input. What we've got here is we've got our warrior. Notice it's using the keyboard. The UI is displaying what current input device it's using. As I move my cursor to the left and right of the screen and up and down, it's basically applying that logic to that Cinemachine data. If I push the arrow keys, it's then going to obviously move around the character, but that Cinemachine look of me moving around with the mouse position or if I go down to the Player Controls, the delta mass position is going to look in the direction that I want. So it's tying that input into Cinemachine. If I pick up my PlayStation controller and run around, obviously left stick applies to the movement. Now, I move my right stick. As you can see, the right stick is tied to that Look action. You'll notice it's applying the same logic. If I push up and down with right stick, it's now going to move the tilt in Y. If I push right and left with the joystick, it's actually going to rotate the camera. Of course, if I pick up my Xbox controller, it's going to do the exact same logic as well. This is how you would get data from this Input System and the actions and feed it directly into Cinemachine. You'll notice here if I run around as I move the camera and settings, you'll notice that these Input Access values are changing. You can see that the data is being fed in from the Input System into Cinemachine. Switch back to the slides. Runtime rebinding. This is a big request or a big scenario. I've got to mention that all of these scenarios are ones that I've read online or read on the forums or read in YouTube comments or read on Twitter. It's kind of key common things that are popping up. This list is by no means every request or every element in the grand scheme of Input because that's a very long list. But these are the main big ones that I can tackle, and then in the future, hopefully tackle other ones. One of the main big questions was how do we set up runtime rebinding with the Unity Input System? As an example, in the recently released <i>Spelunky 2</i> by Mossmouth, it's a game I've been playing quite a lot recently, and I love it and enjoy it. But pretty much any game released on console or a major release on Steam or any other platform will have some kind of runtime rebinding like this. You have a list of different controls for different things, so jump is X, attack is square, bomb is circle, triangle is rope, and things like that. Most of these games, I think pretty much all of them, on console as well, will have some kind of rebind system. This means that you can take the instance of jump, which is X, so you push X to make the character jump through the air. It's kind of self-explanatory. You can then rebind that or listen out for another button to use because maybe you don't want to use X, maybe you want to use right trigger, or you want to use left trigger, or maybe you're using a control that's more suited for accessibility. Obviously, we have PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo controllers, but there's many more different types of controllers out there, including ones that allow for better accessibility for people who may not be able to use these controllers in the same way as other people, so maybe you want to rebind jump to something that's easier to push or is a lot suited for your hands or your input method you're going to use. Runtime rebinding is very important to make your games more dynamic but also make them more appliable and controllable by many more people out there. In this workflow, you have three steps. One is whatever the binding currently is, in this case, Jump is X. Two is Jump, and it's listening out for a button to be rebound to. Next is Jump, and in this scenario, it's been set to R2. You have the scenario where you have to support many types of controllers. This is just three of them, but there's many more out there. Jump is Z on a keyboard, Xbox is A, and Jump is X in <i>Spelunky 2.</i> Obviously, this multiplies greater and further to many other platforms. The solution for this is a relatively straightforward and simple API in Unity's Input System that allows you to bind any input to any other input on your device using Interactive Rebinding. Let's take the scenario of attack. In this scenario, this code, or the subset of this code or a variation of this code is in the Warriors project. You can download it and see how I've set it up. In this case, we have an Action Map of Player Controls. We have an Attack action. The Attack action is a button. When you push a button, the character will attack and swing their sword. You want to rebind this to different things. We have this API, which uses an InputActionRebindingExtensions of RebindingOperation. StartInteractiveRebind, that's just a custom method. This could be when you push a button in the UI or you open up some kind of menu, you create a new rebind action. With this, you assign the InputAction, in this case, this Attack. You perform the Interactive Rebinding, and OnComplete, you'll then trigger RebindCompleted. It will start the rebindOperation. When this code runs, you'll listen out for your next input on your device. If you have a PlayStation controller, and X is for attack, it will listen out for if you say push R3 or L1 or any other type of input. Then once that operation has been completed, you push another button, it will then dispose of that rebindOperation. Then here, you can then apply your changes. Obviously, when you change your binding to something else, you want to say, "Hey, update the UI to be a different icon," or say "rebind completed," or something like that. You take your Input Action, and via code, you can then say get Input Action and assign it to here. Kind of like how the Cinemachine was taking that Look action and applying it to the Cinemachine data there. This is basically doing the same thing but just using it in a different way. We have this StartInteractiveRebind, but there's a couple of scenarios you might run into. You can accidentally bind it to things that you don't want to. Let's take the scenario of an attack. You probably don't want attack to be bound to a mouse position movement, which might happen if you're rebinding. It's very easy for someone to grab the mouse and move it around to pause music or to pause the game or something. Then that will detect that the mouse is the interactive device that's moved, so every time you move your mouse, your character is going to attack, which doesn't look great. Obviously, you don't want to bind it to things like Start. Using WithControlsExcluding, you could say don't rebind it to mouse position and don't rebind it to Start because then it's going to be very difficult for you to fix the rebind if you're trying to push Start to pause the game, and then you're just going to be attacking all the time. The same with "/p," which could be like pause, or "/escape," which is usually saved for exiting the game or pausing. There may be some very specific controls you don't want to rebind your action to. So hit with this, you can use WithControlsExcluding. Here is an OnMatchWaitForAnother (0.1f). It's kind of like waiting for a little duration of time before it runs the OnComplete, and then you can then apply it. You can use the pretty standard Rebind code. It's very simple, very straightforward. It's documented as well, so you can look there for some more examples. But you can also use some extra elements of the API to exclude some use cases you might run into or some bugs you might run into. Let's switch over to the Warriors system and see how this works. For this, I'm going to go into Local Multiplayer mode. If I run around my keyboard, and I push P, which switches from Action Map Player Controls to Menu Controls, I can then come to this UI using that Event System to control it. Here, we have this simple rebind UI. Here, it's going to display the binding name, in this case, Attack, which is this one here. Here is the current key, which is E, to attack. We can inspect and see E is attack. Then I can click it. If I click that button, it's then going to go to that custom method StartInteractiveRebind. It's now listening out for rebind. Okay, I can move the mouse. But I'm going to push another key on my keyboard. Let's do Right Control. Then OnComplete updates the UI. Now, Right Control is active. So now, if I run around and hit right control, obviously, you can't see it right now, you just have to take my word for it, I can push right control, and it's going to attack. Similarly, I can then open this up. Let's do something like Backspace. Obviously, it's such a ridiculous scenario, but it's demonstrating that you can set up this Interactive Rebinding using this very small bit of code for different things. Maybe attack is L. Then use L for the attack. That's great on a keyboard, but what about on a gamepad? I've picked up the PlayStation controller. I'm going to pause the game and go back to Rebind Controls. What you'll notice here is currently it's bound to X. It's displaying a little icon. It's displaying that icon because I've created a very simple tool, which takes in the binding, so you take the binding, which is currently active, in this case, Button South on the gamepad. It's then going to this tool. It then goes to a binding set. It basically says Button South is this icon here, PS4_Cross, now display this icon. This isn't specific to the Input System, other than taking bindings, and assigning them here, but it's a tool you can extract for your projects. But I'm using this here to demonstrate how you could tap into data from the Input System and then build a tool around this. If I now select this button and hit X, it's now listening out for another input on my controller. Let's do R2 and unpause the game. Now, if I press R2, you can probably hear me moving the trigger, is then going to do an attack. It remembers that, and this is applying it to the Player Input. So, if I find the Player Input for the PlayStation controller, which is this one here, it's applying that rebind or that override to that Player Input. So this being rebound to R2 is different to the keyboard that's being rebounds to L, backspace, or whatever it was. You also have the beauty of being able to bind to anything you want. I could bind this to the Share button if I really wanted to, which doesn't make sense in the grand scheme of an attack, or maybe even the touchpad, so now, when I leave the game, the touchpad is now being used to attack. Of course, something a bit more traditional, which is R3 that can attack. Now, if I pick up the Xbox controller, as that's a different Player Input and different type of device, it's no longer X, square, triangle, circle. Microsoft obviously uses A, B, X, and Y. I can then change this to, say, a Y to attack. Then the Y to attack on this Xbox player. If I switch to the other one... I'm juggling all these devices on my desk. That's obviously an A still because it's overriding that Player Input, so each player can set up their own control schemes, and their own input sets, and then it's going to apply it to that Player Input. I'm using here 2019.4 LTS and Input System 1.0.0 package. I've heard that 1.1 package has an API to be able to take these rebinds inputs and be able to export it to JSON. You'll be able to export it, so when you leave the game or you want to share input maps, you can then leave and reload it. This is not currently in the Warriors project, but I'm looking into updating it to make use of this API soon. I wanted to just let you know that API is there if you use 1.1, and you'll be able to make use of it using this Interactive Rebind API. Device disconnect/reconnect. This is kind of a strange scenario and where it's not as interesting as Cinemachine or navigating UI on local multiplayer things like this, but it's a needed thing to fix or solve, especially if you're going to make local multiplayer games. This is a scenario where you have three players, and they all have their own gamepad, and this could be wired or wireless. Then let's say Player 2 gamepad becomes disconnected, and this could happen through it runs out batteries, or it's unplugged, or something like this happens, or it breaks. But then you reconnect it, you go to the store, you buy new batteries, or you replug it into your computer or games console, and then you reconnect. You need to detect that these events happen. When the disconnect happens, you want to pause the game, throw up some UI, and say, "Hey, Player 2 is disconnected, reconnect," and things like this. Obviously, when you reconnect, you want to say, "Player 2 batteries are now plugged in," something like this, "Press A to continue," because you don't want Player 2 to be in a disadvantage in a racing game, a fighting game, or something like that. So the way that you can detect that this happens is through the Player Input component. As I mentioned earlier on, each player or each player in a local multiplayer situation would have a Player Input component. The Player Input would detect when a disconnect happens but also when a controller has been regained as well. This is through an API called Device Lost and Device Regained. On the Player Input, when you set up your Unity events or send message or your behavior, you can then assign an event here, so it's going to trigger when Device Lost happens and when Device Regained happens as well. It's just a method like this, OnDeviceLost. In the Warriors project, it actually updates the visuals, so the character will have a gray beard, and it will say "disconnected," if I remember correctly. Then OnDeviceRegained, it's then going to WaitForDeviceToBeRegained because, obviously, when you plug in a controller, the OS has to detect that it's plugged in, and it's a value controller, it doesn't happen instantly. It happens after a second or two. Then once that regained is finished, you can then unpause the UI or do something. In the Warriors case, it then recolors them to whatever the devices that you've plugged it in. Now, I'll switch back to Unity and make sure in Local Multiplayer. We've got here our characters. If I select one of them, let's select the Xbox character. We've got one of the Xbox people. I think this one selected is Player Three. You'll see we've got Device Lost, Device Regained, and also Controls Change, so if we switch from an Xbox controller to, say, a PlayStation controller. Obviously, this would happen on a PC, not necessarily on an Xbox console. We have here OnDeviceLost, which would then go to the code and say, "Display this new Device Lost UI." OnDeviceRegained is then going to detect it again. If I now go to the Xbox controller, and I'm going to unplug it from my computer. So I've now unplugged it. Did I unplug it? I unplugged the wrong thing. One sec. Okay, I've unplugged the right thing now. So I've unplugged the Xbox controller. Obviously, the other warriors are controllable, and I can run around with them. But you'll notice that it says "disconnected," and the character's gone gray. It's displayed that UI above the head, and I can't control it, but the game is still active, and the game is still running, so if I now replug in that Xbox controller, after a split second, it'll then be detected and picked up. I can also do things like unplug the PlayStation controller. So I unplug it, and this should be a good way. Unplug the Xbox controller, and now, I can replug in the PlayStation controller, and it's going to remember that that was Player 2, so it's not going to override the PlayStation to the Xbox controller. It's very smart in remembering what was disconnected and what was regained. So something that was quite troublesome or quite a bit of a headache to sort out in the past with the Input Manager, it's actually pretty simple, and it took me an hour or two to set up this whole Device Lost, Device Regained system and make sure it was all working great. I probably took less time because the API is so automatic. You can now detect when these things disconnect and regained and, obviously, in this scenario, it just recolors the character, but you could throw up a pause menu, you could say Player 4 is disconnected, and things like that. That's the end of the presentation. I'd like to thank you for watching this and tuning in. As a note, this project was using 2019.4 LTS and the Input System package 1.0, which is verified for 2019 LTS and newer versions, like 2020.1, 2020.2 and things like that. The Input System package 1.1 is in preview for Unity 2019 LTS and newer as well. That has more features and functionality added on top of what I showed you today. We have a lot more information on this Input System landing page, such as links to, eventually, this webinar, but then the previous Input System webinar where we met with Renee and Will and spoke about different things, different designs and functionality of the Input System, plus a variety of other examples and content on there. You can also download this "Warriors" example project. Everything I showed you now is in this GitHub repository, and it will be on Branch V2. The reason why I've set up a different branch is for different snapshots for this project. I created this project originally around the time of the first Unite Now Input System webinar called Meet the Devs. I branched that off as V1 because if people watch that webinar, they want to get the project at that state, which is fine, but since then, I've actually improved it, fixed bugs, added extra functionality, tidied the code, made it look a lot more optimized. For that, I've then branched it as V2. You can download this project webinar as a V2, which will basically be as it is of this video. But if you download Master or Main and on GitHub, you'll then get the newer version with other bug fixes, so take note when you're downloading this project of which version you're going to be downloading from there. If I now switch over to GitHub, I can then show you that you've got this project on GitHub. I've written some elements of what it shows. Some parts you've already seen, some parts you maybe haven't seen, maybe I haven't shown, and also some other features it uses, like tone mapping, and nested UIs for the input device. You're more than welcome to take this project, learn from it, extract code from it, build on top of it if, you want, but I see it as a learning resource where people can dip into the code and dip into different functions and say, "How do they display the UI above the player's heads?" and things like that and be able to extract it for your own projects. If you do that, definitely contact me because I really enjoy seeing how people use our example content and how we can improve it for the future. My email is in this GitHub repository in the readme here. Just to summarize, thank you for attending this Unite Now webinar. I hope it was useful, and I hope it will be helpful for your projects, whether you're going to implement the input system or solving typical scenarios in creating games. I hope to talk to you soon. Thank you. ♪ [MUSIC] ♪
Channel: Unity
Views: 48,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity3d, Unity, Unity Technologies, Games, Game Development, Game Dev, Game Engine
Id: xF2zUOfPyg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 30sec (2730 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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