INOJ - Love You Down (Video)
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Views: 8,169,486
Rating: 4.8750782 out of 5
Keywords: INOJ, Love You Down, R&B, So So Def
Id: q96o9AvJO0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2013
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It’s a cover of a cover, this is the original song that’s being covered in the link you posted. Ayesha samples, and covers a lot of songs from old 80’s-90’s black bands.
i found out it was a cover in a forver 21 dressing room. the instrumental started playing and i was like there playing ayesha!?!?!? and then it was a diff voice and i was like ohhh it was a cover!
Ayesha’s version is perfection
Yeah the photo of ayesha taking a selfie with the “That’s Hot” shirt and redish furcoat is a outfit inspired by that lady
I love this song!
Ayesha ate her up wbk