Inmate Tries to Escape From Max-Security Prison Where Cells Are Made of Glass

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In a federal prison in Colorado, Ray watches  the guards while burning a page from his Bible   and using the ashes to draw on the wall. At  that moment, his cellmate informs him that a   prisoner is planning to attack Ray in the yard  the next day. When the time comes, Ray attacks   first and quickly overpowers two other prisoners,  fighting like a pro and severely injuring them in   the process. The guards immediately capture  Ray and take him to solitary confinement,   where he’s allowed to keep his Bible. As  days pass, Ray studies the guards’ routines,   like their smoking breaks and the use of a keypad  lock. Ray also starts making little balls with   toilet paper and water, which he hides inside  the toilet paper tube. When they bring him lunch,   he extracts a transparent plastic sheet from the  milk carton. One afternoon, Ray asks a guard for   the time, then he starts counting for himself.  Outside, a mysterious woman leaves a car in the   prison’s parking lot and as she walks away from  it, she uses a control to make it explode. All   the guards run to evacuate the prisoners, only to  discover Ray has escaped. The firetruck rushes to   take care of the fire and it’s revealed Ray is  on it dressed as a fireman, using the chance to   escape in a vehicle driven by his friends Hush  and Abigail, who triggered the explosion. They   drop Ray at a store by the road and give him a  coin, which Ray uses to call a certain number   and just say the word “showtime”. Soon Ray is  surrounded by policemen and he’s arrested again,   but he isn’t bothered because his contact Lester  is already taking care of it, Later in the prison,   Lester explains that he and Ray work for a  company hired by the government to break out   of prisons and expose the flaws in their security  systems. Ray has already escaped from fourteen   prisons and explains how he did this time. He  studied the layout and the routines, discovering   an unsecured fire garage. He made some enemies  on purpose to be sent to solitary confinement,   where he noticed the prison was understaffed and  he was left alone whenever the guards left to   smoke. Then he wrote a letter for his team, hiding  the chosen day to escape in code. He also put the   plastic sheet on the keypad to get the guard’s  fingerprints and retrieved it by hiding it in   his Bible. The sheet gave him the four numbers,  so to guess the sequence, he used the paper balls   on the door’s food hatch to stop it from locking  properly and when the guards weren’t around, he   would put his hand out to test combinations until  it worked. While the guards were out smoking,   Ray came out, rewound the security cameras a few  hours to cover his absence, then used the vents   to reach the fire apartment right before Abigail  started the fire. Now the warden is annoyed but   lets Ray go. Sometime later in Los Angeles, Ray  helps Hush with some computer problems before   meeting CIA representative Jessica, who has a job  offer. She explains that the CIA has created a   new prison whose location can’t be shared with Ray  or his team, but if he manages to escape from it,   they’ll pay 5 million instead of the usual 2.5.  Ray agrees to do it even if Abigal and Hush are   wary, and Jessica provides Ray with a cover ID:  an explosives terrorist named Portos. His contact   in the prison will be Warden Marsh and Ray is  given an evacuation code. A few days later in   New Orleans, Abigail and Hush are still worried  about the lack of information they have on this   prison and convince Ray to wear a tracking device,  which they inject into his arm. Then Ray goes to   stand on the street to be picked up, only to  suddenly be tased down and thrown into the back   of a van. While the vehicle takes off, the masked  men scan Ray’s body and find the tracker, so they   immediately take it out. Abigail's and Hush's  computer instantly loses Ray’s signal at the   same time Ray is put to sleep with an injection.  Sometime later, Ray wakes up inside a helicopter   while still in a groggy state. He watches as guard  Drake beats another inmate up before stabbing him   and throwing him out of the helicopter. Then Drake  notices Ray is awake and orders his men to put him   to sleep again. When Ray wakes up again, he’s  finally in prison, but it’s nothing like he’s   ever seen before. All cells are plexiglas cubes  hanging from the air, and guards wear black masks   to hide their identities. There’s also a huge  sphere with a camera that moves around to keep   an eye on the prisoners. Now that he’s awake, Ray  is taken to see the warden, who is a man called   Hobbs. Worried because this isn’t the warden they  told him about, Ray gives out his evacuation code,   but Hobbs doesn’t know what he means and doesn't  care. Later when everyone is taken out of their   cells for a break, Ray watches how the guards  don’t hesitate to brutally beat up anyone who   doesn’t obey them. The prisoner’s jumpsuits have a  special code on them, and they’re scanned through   every door. At that moment Hobbs says the name  of Ray’s fake identity through the speakers,   as if announcing his presence. After watching  another man getting beat up, Ray is approached by   some thugs who want to take advantage of the new  guy, but Ray immediately breaks the leader’s hand   and punches him down. Before the others can react,  prisoner Emil tells them to back away. Emil tries   to befriend Ray and explains he used to work for  Mannheim, a powerful man who stole from the rich   to give to the poor. Mannheim is a wanted man, but  Emil refuses to tell Hobbs anything. However Ray   doesn’t care about Emil’s story. Meanwhile Hobbs  scolds Drake for killing that inmate since it was   a capture for a client, implying many people here  aren’t criminals and they just got on someone’s   bad side. It’s also revealed he has the book Ray  wrote. The rest of the day, Ray continues to study   the layout of the prison and the behavior of the  inmates, like noticing the Muslim prisoners that   still pray even if they can’t see the sunset. Emil  notices Ray watches everything and points out he’s   the guy to go for favors, so Ray explains he needs  to get into the isolation area. Eager to help,   Emil immediately punches him and makes him fall,  but when Ray punches back Emil just laughs. Then   Ray starts hitting him harder and an actual fight  ensues until the guards come to drag Ray and Emil   to the isolation area. The isolation rooms are  tiny metal boxes with blinding lights on the side,   which torture the prisoners with unbearable  heat. Ray does his best to withstand the   suffering and inspects the box for anything  he can use to escape. A few days later,   Doctor Kyrie comes to check on Ray’s health  and Ray tries to get information from him,   but Kyrie doesn’t say anything. On his way out,  Kyrie is approached by Drake who demands to know   what they talked about. Kyrie lies, which tells  Ray he may have a conscience after all. Afterward   Emil and Ray are sent back to the general area,  where Ray starts making a drawing on the table   while telling Emil he’ll need a piece of metal,  promising to get Emil out too if he helps. Next   Emil asks to speak to Hobbs and pretends he’ll  finally confess Mannheim's location. He asks for   some paper to draw a map, only to make a very  rude drawing instead. A furious Hobbs makes his   men hold Emil down to waterboard him, and after  enduring lots of pain, Emil uses the chance to   steal a metal drain cover. Later in the common  area, Emil gives the cover to Ray, who tells him   his real identity and how he got there. By having  watched the layout, Ray guesses this prison has   been built underground and there’s something under  the box's hatch that should allow him to escape.   Since the place is subterranean, there’s moisture  in the air that has caused the steel rivets to   rust, so Ray will apply toothpaste and heat with  the metal cover to make the rivets snap. First   they need to be sent to the isolation again,  so Emil approaches Javed and starts a fight by   insulting his mother. Javed’s Muslim group comes  in his defense and after hiding some bread in his   clothes, Ray joins the fight, but they only get  to exchange a few hits before the guards arrive   to subdue everyone with tasers. Once everyone  is back in the heat boxes, Ray starts working   on the rivets while hiding what he’s doing with  his own body. It’s very hard to work because of   the heat and his hands start bleeding, so whenever  he makes too much noise, Emil hides it by yelling   his pain. Eventually Ray manages to remove all  the rivets and covers the security camera with   the bread before knocking on the wall to give Emil  a signal. At that moment, Emil begins to cry and   yell like crazy in German, getting all the guard’s  attention on him. Ray uses the chance to finally   open the hatch and begins going down a ladder  until he lands on a corridor. The door is locked,   so he decides to use some pipes to start climbing  up, only to accidentally tear off some electrical   cables and break a few pipes in the process. Ray  just keeps going until he finds another hatch,   which he opens to find the shocking truth: this  prison is inside an oil tanker ship in the middle   of the ocean. Suddenly he notices some guards  nearby, so he quickly hides and goes back into   the hatch to climb down. The leaking water pushes  him away and he ends up falling, but the corridor   is getting flooded so he lands safely in the  water. As the boxes slowly get flooded too,   an alarm starts ringing and the guards rush to  take the prisoners out of isolation. Ray swims   as fast as he can and after lots of effort to  go against the water pressure on the stairs,   he returns to his box right before the guards  come for him. Meanwhile Abigail and Hush inform   Lester that Jessica’s payment has been frozen, but  Lester tells them he’s already talked to her and   everything is going well. After the water is taken  care of, Hobbs finds the rivets in Ray’s box and   starts getting suspicious. He makes a call that  reveals Lester has been in contact with him all   along, and Lester tells Hobbs Ray’s real identity.  Lester asks him to keep Ray forever and then asks   Hobbs for information on Mannheim because banks  all over the world want his head. Hobbs explains   Emil may be working with Ray, so Lester gives him  permission to break Ray too. Later in the evening,   Ray is trying to sleep but a guard keeps tapping  on his wall to keep him awake, and he beats him   up in the morning as a wake-up call. This starts  happening every day, and Ray’s body begins getting   so weak that he can barely move. Emil gives him  as many pep talks as possible to keep up Ray’s   spirit, and Ray ends up sharing his story. He used  to be a prosecutor, and a criminal he sent to jail   one day escaped to kill his family for revenge.  The drawing Ray is making is the last memory   of his kid. Since then he makes sure criminals  won’t escape ever again. For the next few days,   Ray studies the guards’ routine to find any  useful habits, starting to assign names to them   by differencing them through body shapes. To start  making a plan, he first needs to know where they   are, but there were no landmarks when he went out.  One day during lunch, Emil discretely stabs Ray,   who is taken to Kyrie’s office for stitches. Ray  suddenly pretends he’s in great pain and falls,   using the chance to steal a few things from  a tray. He also reminds Kyrie of his oath,   but the doctor still ignores his questions.  When Ray returns to the common area, Emil   gives him a pen and a prisoner’s glasses. Hiding  his hands under the table, Ray builds a sextant,   which should help them determine where they’re  based on the stars. Drake and Hobbs notice weird   movements on the security camera, so Hobbs asks  to see Ray. Fortunately he hides the tool before   he’s dragged away to a new section, where Hobbs  tells him he knows his identity and admits he used   his book to design this facility. Hobbs is ready  to leave him there forever, so Ray lies and says   he can get information on Mannheim from Emil. Then  Ray is sent back to the common area and tells Emil   of the new plan. Later while Ray is giving a bunch  of fake information to Hobbs, Emil approaches   Javed and gives him the sextant, promising to  help him escape too if he helps them. Afterward   Javed contacts Hobbs and tells him the others are  planning to escape, so Hobbs agrees to buy his   information by letting him pray in open air as his  beliefs demand. This is all part of the plan and   that night in his new cell, Javed uses the sextant  to get the coordinates of their location. The next   day over lunch, Javed gives his notes to Ray,  who puts it together with things like the weather   he felt when he was out, the date mentioned by a  newbie, and the direction the water goes down in   the toilet to conclude they’re near the coast of  Morocco. Next Ray swallows some clothing powder to   get sick and be sent to Kyrie’s office, where he  tells the doctor to go to Hobbs' office and read   a passage on a particular page in a certain book.  After some hesitation, Kyrie checks the book and   finds the Hippocratic oath. The next day, Kyrie  asks the guards to bring Ray to his office for a   check-up. He wonders how Kyrie knew the exact page  and Ray explains he wrote it, which confirms his   identity and finally convinces Kyrie to help.  Afterward Ray gives Hobbs a fake location to   find Mannheim, so they have 24 hours to escape  before Hobbs catches on. As part of the plan,   Javed also meets with Hobbs and tells him about  the incoming escape, so Hobbs rushes to check the   cameras and notices Ray tapping on his cell wall.  Recognizing Morse code, they discover a message   about a plan to riot in block C during transfer.  Meanwhile Kyrie is sending a coded e-mail to   request help. After most of the guards are sent to  block C, Javed starts a riot in the common area,   which soon becomes absolute chaos. As Hobbs tries  to make his men change areas quickly, Ray, Emil,   and Javed rush to knock down the few guards around  them and steal their weapons. The incoming guards   start subduing the prisoners but also throw a gas  bomb, allowing the trio to sneak away unnoticed.   Ray explains that they only have eleven minutes  to meet with the rescuers, who are approaching   in a helicopter. They rush upstairs and shoot  a door open before Ray finds a security camera,   but since the cameras are connected, Ray messes  with this one to disable them all. At that moment   Hobbs activates lockdown protocol, so when the  trio is about to get out, they find the exit   locked. The trio starts wandering around looking  for another exit and soon they’re surrounded by   guards who open fire. They immediately shoot back  and quickly bring down all the men, but Javed gets   wounded in the process. More guards are coming, so  Emil and Ray drag Javed as they run to hide behind   another door. Ray realizes they were found by a  motion detector so he disables it while a furious   Hobbs taunts him through the speakers. Then Ray  decides he must find the engine room to shut down   the power, so he gives his gun to Javed and tells  him and Emil to take the stairs. After Ray leaves,   Javed admits he won’t make it, so he takes Emil’s  gun too and asks him to go on without him. Soon   after Emil also leaves, Javed is surrounded by  guards, and he bravely makes sure to shoot all   of them down before he’s brought down by a hidden  shooter. When Hobbs finds him, Javed says his last   words to his God before he’s killed. Meanwhile  Drake goes after Ray in the engine room. Ray   jumps around and runs to dodge Drake’s bullets,  then he manages to surprise him from behind. In   the struggle, Drake loses his gun, but he takes  out a knife and a hand-to-hand fight ensues. After   exchanging a few hits, Drake chokes Ray for a  few seconds before starting to kick him down,   so Ray grabs his leg to overpower him and get the  fighting going again. Both men steal a few tools   to use as weapons and after exchanging a few hits,  Ray pushes Drake down the stairs, killing him.   Afterward Ray rushes to the control panel, knocks  out the technician, and turns off the ship’s   generators. All lights go out in the ship and the  doors open, allowing Emil to come out. At that   moment a helicopter opens fire on the ship before  landing on the deck, where a few men come out   to start a gunfight with the guards. Emil sneaks  around while avoiding bullets and makes it to the   chopper, where one of the soldiers has been shot  down. The pilot wants to take off, but Emil asks   him to wait for Ray before he takes over a machine  gun to join the fight, killing dozens of guards in   seconds. In the engine room, Hobbs is looking for  Ray, who is hiding inside a water tank. At that   moment the guards turn the ship’s systems back on,  so Emil has no choice but to leave with his guys   in the helicopter. Ray’s tank starts filling  with water, but before he can drown, the tank   automatically flushes itself and expells Ray into  the ocean. He immediately swims to the surface   and Emil throws a ladder down for him, but as he  climbs up, Hobbs and the guards open fire on them.   Emil gives Ray a gun and they both fire back until  Emil gets wounded in the shoulder. Hobbs keeps   missing his moving target and Ray uses the chance  to shoot a bunch of oil tanks, causing a big   explosion that kills Hobbs. A few hours later, the  helicopter drops the duo on the Moroccan beach,   where they’re picked up by Jessica. It turns out  Emil is Mannheim and Jessica is his daughter,   so she hired Ray to get her dad out of prison. She  also confirms that Lester is dirty and betrayed   her too. Sometime later, Ray reunites with  Abigail, who has acquired information on Lester:   he had been offered to be CEO of the prison  program if Ray was unable to get out. Now Lester   is trying to get away, but Hush is waiting for  him in his car and quickly knocks him out. When   Lester wakes up, he discovers the car is inside a  box on top of a ship in the middle of the ocean.
Channel: Movie Recaps
Views: 804,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ndgysrFiADA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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