Ingrid Bergman | The Hollywood Collection

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oh yeah who made the scene stealing in 1934 she was an eager young newcomer to feature films soon she would be acknowledged as a talented beauty on her way to success she wore in touch [Music] then came Hollywood the awards the qiyamah the adulation of millions who claimed as their star but when her private life clashed with a public image they turned on her deserted by her fans publicly vilified it seemed as if her career was over however she was never just a star she was an actress a great one a courageous one and that made all the difference her name was Ingrid Bergman [Music] she never had time to waste I remember going to the cinema with her and suddenly she would whisper in my ear I don't like this movie I'm leaving I don't have time to waste the important thing about her was that she never stopped working she never just said this is me and I can sell this and that's enough I don't want to ride only limousines I don't want to be only and hotel suites I want to walk down the street and be the person who I really am and this was the most important thing to me about her as a person was that insistence on honesty and truth and her feet always on the ground [Music] there have been many changes around Stockholm sniper vehicle but the fit is still running the storefronts of the Strand vagin still remain here Eustace Bergman had a photography shop and in this same stronghold of conventional middle-class respectability he made his home but there was a difference but under the tired roof he also kept his painting studio and in this color filled environment his daughter Ingrid was born Friedel Ingrid's mother had left her secure German background to marry Eustace a struggling artist of their three children only Ingrid survived Ingrid became the center of her father's life and the subject of movies made on each of her birthdays through him she learned to view the camera as a friend this shot was to be Ingrid's closest link with her mother but the following year filming took place at Friedel's graveside a bohemian at heart Eustis raised his daughter to be a part of a formal well-bred world but every free moment he encouraged all artistic an individual in Ingrid when I came to England I was eating aged and indeed nine and I I think that her father wanted someone to be her older sister and I think we was sister and she was very very happy Ingrid lived often in imaginations she played the princess she was a dog she was a cat and she was singing much and her father he learned her very much he wanted her to be a great opera singer but she want it all to be active [Music] Ingrid would never need to be taught about grief or the briefness of life at 13 she lost the father who believed her the most talented the most beautiful of children her aunt Ellen took Ingrid in but she too died within months and in Ingrid's arms when Enid was 15 years old I took her with me to film studio I had a little role in the film there and I thought perhaps she could have a little job extra - and after she said to me I must be a film star she couldn't believe that they paid her because she was a happy only two years later Ingrid was to take the first major step towards her goal just yards from her childhood home was stock homes Royal dramatic theatre and its drama school here such great players as Greater Garbo had studied ingrid applied for a scholarship to this distinguished institution and happily she was accepted actor and director Frank Sundstrom was a fellow student she was a very different kind of person this was at a time when women in this country were not supposed to have ideas of their own but not so Ingrid she got I think disappointed in the school because she felt that she didn't come forward earlier enough she wanted to get into the to the to the work as fast as you possibly could and that is the reason why she left the Royal dramatic school to start to make films at 18 Ingrid had her first speaking part in the count of the monks bridge other roles followed quickly leading parts the starstruck adolescent was suddenly a movie actress and for Ingrid the joy of acting would never diminish praised for her gentle beauty Ingrid began to yearn for greater challenge she found it in a woman's face that's a beat on a so Chanda need to make only bad thing to be not gonna discuss a viewers were taken aback of this Ingrid course disfigured view that also don't need to be thought of it it [Applause] meanwhile an important event had occurred she'd met a handsome dentist almost ten years older than herself and they'd fallen in love a twenty one Ingrid was married to Peter Lindstrom with the birth of their daughter Pia ingress happiness seemed complete vivre only poor mean little my only woman the intermezzo a highly acclaimed film of an ill-fated love affair resulted in world attention for Ingrid Devine and Wendy click start hmm honey if we believe men they needed dangle it also brought to Stockholm the woman who would become her agent and lifelong friend Kay brown Ingrid Bergman had come to our attention and mr. Selznick sent me to talk to her and to get a contract with her if possible it's a long time since I had that conversation and as I recall it we ended up with one picture and an option for another picture in the meantime I got to meet and know this lovely family and I kind of worried as to whether or not this was a wise decision on her part at any rate that night we were walking in Old Town and I had the courage to bring it up I said you sure this is the right thing that you want to do you've got a wonderful husband and a lovely baby and you have all the work that you want and she said yes it was because she wanted challenges in life and work in life in May 1939 with a single suitcase Ingrid arrived in Hollywood after the well-ordered life of Sweden it was all unbelievable [Music] [Applause] [Music] they wanted her to change her eyebrows they wanted to change your teeth they want to change her procedure they wanted her to be something more in the hollywood-style but Ingrid answered I am Ingrid Bergman that's my name I'm going to tip it these are my eyebrows this is my mouth these are my teeth you have brought these teeth these eyebrows and my name over to your country and if you not please I'm perfectly willing to leave after her first screen test Selznick agreed that Ingrid's natural beauty should remain untouched he was now convinced that radiant integrity should be Ingrid's permanent image will you ingress first Hollywood film a remake of intimate show with Leslie Howard launched this image on to the American public ever since they first began to care about music it seemed strange through what I had only one idea for yes I say daily Pena I could do be able to hear you whenever you play did you allows you to tell me that you know nice for me think of my being able to penetrate that's what I can't get over here I am talking to you as if you were an old friend well I'm a friend anyway hey don't leave me why not go out and look at the different such until now you don't know how fantastic it was to me to be here I'm so fantastic was the response to Ingrid but it took even David Selznick by surprise by now he had signed her to a seven-year contract giving him total control over her professional life [Music] being under contract meant waiting for the right part and waiting was something Ingrid never did well she therefore accepted a leading role in a Broadway play litleo despite her meager theatrical experience Ingrid had magic she have real magic in fact oyster teases sometimes she wasn't often nervous but when she was has to say to her darling you can go on that stage and you know recite the telephone book backwards or forwards there they love you they just love you it's what's within you they loved her William and they loved her in the film she made when Selznick lent her out to other studios [Music] one of these was rage in heaven in which she played opposite Robert Montgomery only when Ward went away I lost you too I'm all alone but you are not alone we can still be happy together I'll do anything you want couldn't we go away together right now let's forget everything that's happened we can't stay in this house we can't stay in this house torturing each other let's put an end to it we will put an end oh we two together and I'll have you all to myself at last so easy don't be frightened you know I wouldn't hurt you [Music] Selznick also brought me over to Hollywood and the methine grid of course we were very good friends and I remember that she she was very happy very happy with returned with a whole memory a little child she seemed to very happy but at the same time my finger she wasn't quite satisfied with her work in Hollywood Ingrid always hated what we call typecasting she she wanted to go beyond she didn't want to be be exactly a Hollywood cliché with dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde Ingrid one has struggled to break out of the cliche her co-star was Spencer Tracy I forgot to mention my friend and I are physicians doctors well I'm glad to see you're not really hurt what would I am in doctor really really may be able to send you the hospital huh oh look here see you feel here Oh mmm-hmm just as I thought cirrhosis pectoris what that mean that means your eyes are twin pools of desire Oh doctor that's not like this there wasn't a man that came with him breathing distance of of Ingrid that didn't fall in love with him I had met her once having a malted milk on Rodeo Drive and Beverly Hills and she was sitting at this sort of fountain and I fell head-over-heels in love with her without without ever saying elope she would come in very casually sit down within ten minutes all of those men we're absolutely hypnotized by her and she did nothing for that they knew instinctually from the age of nine or ten to the age of 18 that they were looking at woman by now all of America was in love with a young Swedish woman who refused to go Hollywood what started as just another studio production emerged as a highlight of ingres career for generations to come these images would recall a movie classic and one of the great screen love stories of our time Casablanca with Humphrey Bogart all right I'll make it easier for you go ahead and shoot you'll be doing me a favor I tried to stay away I thought I would never see you again that you are out of my life [Music] the day you left Paris if you knew what I would you knew how much I love you how much I still [Music] the part of Maria the terrorized Spanish girl in For Whom the Bell Tolls gave in with the challenge she sought for her role opposite Gary Cooper she received her first Academy Award nomination the film for which Ingrid won an Academy Award Gaslight it also starred Charles Yee featured was a young English actress Angela Lansbury a Gaslight was my first motion picture in Hollywood and I was extraordinarily lucky because I was signed to play a supporting role with the then new great Ingrid Bergman even then even as young as I was I was absolutely struck by her extraordinary ability to convey a tremulous transparent vulnerability on screen also the bail no one was here sir while you were out you saw him you opened the door for yourself I would say an illiterate ain't ya mum I didn't see anyone at all yeah I know that point well he was here I know it sighs you see how it seasons a bit yes sir I see just how it is I couldn't have dreamed it I couldn't have dreamed look it stars really didn't bother to talk to supporting play as a great deal in those days you did your scenes with him but she was interested and she thought the part of Nancy was terribly funny and shared the most infectious marvelous laugh and she she enjoyed the scenes that we did together she enjoyed the fact that here was I a little seventeen-year-old upstart who had to put her down and she was a very lovely tall woman and I happened to be very tall - although I was rather fat in those days but they scooped me up on high lifts in my shoes so that I would tower over her she was taller than a charles boy yet we both were and we should have a lot of laughs about that Charles was the most elegant lovely dear man but he wasn't very tall and they always used to say that if you worked with him you had to walk in a ditch to the visitor who's Sweden who took these movies it must have seemed she had it all [Music] Ingrid's achievement in just a few years was a fantasy come true should capture the very heart of America and it seems she could never ever lose it [Music] you don't become a nun to run away from life that it's not because you've lost something it's because you've found you're still a little girl you don't know yet how about I do I just want to be like you you don't know what the next four years will bring you have to be the high school yet those are years you will always treasure new companion new interest that's a fun as well as study going to do parties football game your first prom your first party dress your first wall you can't give up these things if you know nothing about them not until you have known all this and more can you say with complete understanding I want to be enough [Music] audiences have put Ingrid on a pedestal never quite asking if that was where she wanted to be miss Bergman I want to present you with this look magazine award for being the best actress of the year to Americans the honors heaped on Ingrid Bergman could not have found a more deserving recipient say that's wonderful and I know that you've played with most the leading men here in Hollywood and Ireland like Gary Cooper and Gregory Peck and Bing Crosby I wondered if you'd consider doing it just give me a job sometime oh yes I would like to very much Bob Proctor you see I worked very hard to get where I am yeah the United States was at war and Hollywood did its part Ingrid addressed bombed rallies toured bases and factories and made a film for the Office of War Information Swedes in America and all the while despite the public relations image of perfect happiness her marriage was slowly coming apart with spellbound David Selznick thought he had the ideal vehicle for his star the director was Alfred Hitchcock playing opposite Ingrid Gregory Peck [Applause] [Music] quite ridiculous stupid and creamy like a distracted child you're very lovely please don't talk that well you think I came in to hear that I know why you came in why because something has happened to us it doesn't happen like that in a day that was in the moment sometimes I felt at this afternoon it was like lightning striking it's treks room in notorious director Alfred Hitchcock likely challenged the motion picture code of his day regarding the duration of a kiss at night out here Ingrid's co-star Cary Grant's have to eat we can eat here ninety-two no I don't like to cook it but I have a chicken in the icebox and you are using it what about all the washing out there tonight well you do with our fingers don't believe me please yes fun for you and one for me mind if I had dinner with you tonight Ingrid's contract with David Oh Selznick had expired now she would be free to select her own parts and they would not be simply carbon copies of her earlier successes when she became an independent producer did arch of triumph from Joan of Arc neither of which was successful I believe it was in her search for growth as an artist she wanted to dig out something deeply personal about Joan of Arc they liked it men hate corruption and God I don't know but men take to it very naturally why Kate have you taken money from already that is not a question a king should answer all be asked and you have done it you trade Oh your country and even yourself I shall tell the people of France what you've done I hate war I don't like the battles every time I see French blood flowing I can I can feel the hair rise on my head with all my soul I pray Hollywood in those days glamorized everything and they glamorize their stars she would come out of battle with maybe one little smudge on her face an immaculate armor and her hair carefully groomed and I think she herself didn't want that despite Ingrid's misgivings for her role as Joan she again received an Academy Award nomination but events would condemn in a new Ingrid Bergman film to box-office failure for years to come [Music] Ingrid would always remember the first time she saw this Italian production its impact was soon overturn her life [Music] soon Rome Open City its star Ana manana it was directed by a brilliant newcomer to the International film world Roberto Rossellini open city was the first picture he shot and he had no script for it he had ideas in his mind very clear he knew what he wanted he didn't use professional actors except two or three most of the people were what he wanted to see in the picture and which he chose from people ordinary people in the street that was his way of working and that was his way of improvising as they call it in the United States but that was the way he made pictures she spoke to me about Roberto Rossellini on a few occasions while we were shooting Joan of Arc and she felt that working for him and with him would be an enormous step to get away from the glamorization of characters that occurred in in Hollywood in those days and having seen Manny on e and Rome Open City and so on she felt that this give her a chance to play a peasant not a glamorized queen of celluloid she was praised to her performance as a tormented woman in under Capricorn with Joseph Cotten please be seated gentlemen I hope I'm not too late to take a glass of wine with you my wife gentlemen lady Henrietta flood ski but more than ever Ingrid viewed her recent efforts as obvious products of a studio backlot when of course Hollywood was extremely glamorous at that time and they were very big productions going on and PepsiCo loved the board I mean she was playing she had a lot of lovely parts but this man writing turns saying I want you to come a BMI film was great excitement turb was a new beginning a new idea and I think that's what made her feel she would start again which was very brave very brave indeed banan she was a very brave lady [Music] Ingrid came here to Italy to Rome in 1949 I was 16 at that time and all Italy was he make a big feast and Ingrid arrived she was overwhelmed from love I think because they were not only the family who really loved her was very easy to love Ingrid because she she was so natural so it was a fantastic human being by easy to say but she was like that is not saying exaggeration she was she had a communication which is we didn't expect from a Swedish person because we know that they could have been very cool as a character and she was not so really love was in between us was very easy Ingrid was to star in a film called Stromboli production delays were only part of their problem rumors were spreading that Ingrid had fallen in love with Roberto Rossellini [Music] Dean in true Rossellini's style there was no shooting script and Maria Vitale a local fisherman was cast as Ingrid's husband Casa de touraine engleza Nutella see we plant again parlayed fine communal [Music] I don't care about your body or your fine for your new carer I want to leave this island and go away far away I got the others who lived here and before near and went away far away which is listen it is my home my wife mr. here because I want to now reports of Ingrid's pregnancy overshadowed the film and made world headlines quick exploitation follow robertinho Rosselini was born shortly before Ingrid was free to marry his father PR would grow up in the custody of dr. Peter Lewis true on March the 14th 1915 Senator Edwin Johnson delivered a blistering attack on Ingrid he accused her of abandoning her husband and child and declared that Ingrid Bergman should never again be permitted to set foot on American soil I believe that in America they had little statues little heads of her as Joan of Arc which had played in some of the churches and the what happened I think is when this broke they took them out of the churches and I can see her now standing looking out of my window onto the road and she was crying really very upset about it altogether and it's funny because nowadays of course all this who doesn't mean anything but they saw her as a Madonna or so somebody who representing motherhood and all these things that as actresses we act but you she represented these things to the world and they felt let down I suppose there was a lot going on behind the scenes in those days in Hollywood that the reigning arbiters of moral values Hedda Hopper and Louella Parsons knew about and with their favors they kept their mouths shut when Ingrid in her tremendous honesty fell in love with Rosselini and declared she could no longer live with the husband because she was in love with another man she was pilloried the Virgin Mary of films had betrayed the image that they had built up about her and she was crucified for being truthful and honest that she always was although she was rejected by the United States ingrid set about building her new life there was work and there was family I lived within written since she arrived in home and so I follow her when robertinho was born then the twins Ingrid then is a vanilla and I know that she was very unhappy because Pia was not with her and I was warning her because grown-up people they don't know how much children can suffer about things I visited ended in Rome and one day when I was with her she received a letter from Pia and I have never seen such happiness she laughed and cried and she was so happy and when she it was the first letter she have received and I could understand that I'm sorry if I woke you up I I only wanted to know how the children are Ingrid would make six films with Rosselini or box office failures in fear she portrays a woman engaged in an illicit affair blackmailed she resolves to commit suicide tomorrow morning when the children wake up you must take them in your arms you must tell them it was tell them how much I loved so very very much no no more than nothing nothing is wrong it's only very late I don't know when I can come and see you Marta can you hear me stay with them always yes you you always stayed with me goodbye but there was something always very positive even in the moments when she was really suffering and I met her when she was suffering in Italy after all the the power that pressures were being put on honoured by America and the press that that she never lost that wonderful sense of hope people used to say that my uncle has ruined ingrid careers and and they say even that Ingrid has ruined his career but what is career career is doesn't to me doesn't mean anything I don't know what it means if you have get to a top and you never get to a top in life I think and I think that my uncle saw the same thing in Ingrid too they were they were just changing experience is it that you transform your ideas your you make a little revolution with yourself every time that you change as you choose choose something else but career well you you you do less money maybe when this is career the career can be that you just it can happen that you you gain less money so you have less respect from the other people I don't think that this is is the way that my uncle and Ingrid were thinking about life oh I knew him before I met you well you in love with him no in journey to Italy Rossellini's sought to build up audience appeal by engaging another Hollywood star George Sanders I couldn't even visit him for almost a year I didn't see then on the eve of our wedding the night before I left for London I was packing my bags when I heard a sound of pebbles on my window and the rain was so heavy that I couldn't see anyone outside so I ran out in the garden it was and there he stood he was shivering with cold he was so strange romantic maybe he wanted to prove to me but in spite of the high fever he had braved the rain see or maybe he wanted to die how very poetic much more poetic than his verses remember Ingrid being very surprised by the fact that Roberta directed the way he did direct George Sanders was very very upset by the way of write that way of shooting and he told me personally that he thought he was going mad because of the way it was shot and he wanted to he called his psychiatrist in Hollywood five or six times and wanted to quit the picture and he said how did the hell can I get out of it but naturally could not get out of it when the financing of new films seemed impossible Rosselini directed Ingrid in an oratorio Joan of Arc at the state they've toured the Opera House's of Europe often so family eventually they reach Stockholm the Swedish critics were not very kind to her one critic even said this Rosselini family who runs around the world the tomb will show themselves for money and that was the made in the Furies I remember there was a big concert if the concert house here where she appeared and she said abroad hmm I am considered a good actress but a bad person here I'm considered a good person but a bad actress I think I'm not neither one or the other I I believe that you Swedes have difficulties in ever seeing one of your competitors becoming larger than the other and you know what the audience did they stood up and applauded and I was one of them anyone who thinks that the Italian years were wasted years perhaps that's not quite the word I don't think they were I thinking wood learned an awful lot about living a lot about Italians a lot about love a lot about hard work a lot about failure a lot about a lot of things she never knew before and I think that she grew very much as a result of all the hardships that she went through during the Italian years and I honestly do not think that she felt that they they were wasted years or anything because they weren't successful years in accordance with what Hollywood thought were successful I think in retrospect she grew up during that period the strains of their lives were having an effect and now the lovers who had made world headlines were drifting apart Ingrid took her career into our own hands when she decided to star in Jean Renoir's Paris does strange things but it would be completely overshadowed by the film that followed they wanted to hear my opinion of what the situation was now with Miss Bergman I was a little huffy about that but nonetheless I went and I sat at this great big board table at 20th Century Fox and told them that I thought that Miss Bergman was very very well suited to Anastasia and that they would be very lucky if they got her and as far far as her conduct was concerned I did not take care to discuss it I thought that she should give the picture on the merits of the fact that she was a great actress and I got up and left PS 20th Century Fox did okay the picture you want to find the family to whom you belong don't you Ingrid Costa was Yul Brynner by yourself you're lost but with me you'll find you don't you I'm tired you know I am right they ever take the chances the only one you have you don't have to do anything I will do it all yeah look if you're on the deck of your father's yacht standard you know the name on the light book oh yes now here you are with your family the father the star your mother your sisters your little brother man and here 1930 the University of the house of Romanov 300 years there they are on the balcony of the Winter Palace their gay pals Bunyan general of the Turkish regiment oh my 8 daca attached to the person of his imperial majesty nicholas ii star of all russia good night i am hurt tyrion highness the grand duchess anastasia nicolaevna for her role is Anastasia the woman restored to her rightful place ingrid would win her second Academy Award it would mean a comeback I come back in more ways than one now I know that this it's like she's a controversial figure so it's entirely up to you if you want her on our show I wish you'd drop me a note and let me know to that effect and if you don't if you think it shouldn't be done you also let me know that too because I say that it is your decision and I'd like to get your work verdict on it I think a lot of you think that this woman has had seven and a half years you know she says seven half years of time for penance others may not think so but whatever you think whatever ed Sullivan's audience is thought about Ingrid one thing was certain when she flew in to pick up the New York Film Critics Award the reception was more than she had expected the reporters were waiting but there was also a group of loyal fans from the days when she played in June of Lorraine at New York's Alvin theatre we would go every Saturday afternoon and every Wednesday matinee to see I come in and come out and as the week's progressed she got to know us who recognized us and she'd stop and talk to us giggle would this show us pictures of Pia postcard she might have gotten for drawing something like that Ingrid was returning to the States finally after her exile now we're adults more or less the two or three of us get together at the original group and another thing we thought would be some kind of impact was to make some placards welcoming back trying to get his bigger group together to make as much noise as we could to distract maybe any negative approach the press might have as he appeared for the first time a plane arrived back 20 minutes later Ingrid appear at the door and we started out screaming and jumping and carrying on until we were recognized when the press saw this demonstration and the sincerity that was there they definitely changed their approach their reception of her Ingrid at the end was received with the respect that she deserved Bergman did you have any criticism of the way the press in general handled the story of your life in the past year being in actors you have to take looking back on it do you have any regrets about anything that you've done in the last few years this person no I have no regrets at all I regret the things I didn't do I think my life has been wonderful because I have never I have them but I have done whatever I but I felt like I have never died I was given courage and I was given a sense of adventure and that has carried me along and then also but the sense of humor and a a little bit of common sense it has been a very rich life while Ingrid was appearing in a play in Paris she and Pierre had their first reunion after six long years of separation it was made a media event more such media events followed when Ingrid now living in France was divorced from Rosellini and was sued for custody of their children agreement was finally reached an ingrid bergman with increasing visits from a grown PR had all had children together at loss it struck me as very funny that here was Ingrid my client in Paris Swedish and here also was Lars Schmitt my client for America Swedish and they didn't know one another so I was not only Ingrid's agent I played Cupid in this situation I introduced them to each other it took because not too long afterwards she became mrs. Laura Schmidt indiscreet starred Ingrid opposite an old friend Cary Grant in it she again revealed her fine flair for romantic comedy you're willing I'm willing the last two days never happened what do you mean I mean we'll go on it's before and not be married that's right well it's the most improper thing I ever heard what I can hardly believe my ears hey what are you so shocked about I didn't think you were capable of it what is different we are not married we weren't before but you didn't know I wasn't married you knew I knew you didn't know what's the matter with you how could you ask me to do something how did you be following what I'll be saying oh I'd tell you women and other sensitive sex as well the great dilution of literature of men of the drew romanticist what are you crying about stand up don't cry Anna I'd love you everything would be all right you're like being married time was passing an ingress beauty remained you were any soldier this way we have nothing to hide if we were caught I could explain who we are whether you're given a chance to explain if the journey doesn't kill you no no I think this journey was meant for me Lena I think this despite God wanted me to come to China to get these children out Ingrid became a legend I believe because she lived we knew about her her face was a livid face her face was everything she had lost everything she had loved everything she had experienced and it was a real face it was the sum of who Ingrid was in a way looking at her because she was so beautiful I'm so proud of my son in good what what kind of exercises do you do I mean like creams or her I mean what have you and she said why does everybody ask me I don't exercise I'm not interested in exercise I never exercised I'm too lazy she said I like to swim that's it the visit presented Ingrid in a new kind of role a woman intent on vengeance however changes had been made since the original play Ingrid's co-star and the film's co-producer Anthony Quinn I had bought the property the property was really mine and my first choice of course to play the part was Ingrid and at first she was gonna play it as the old lady but somehow she got scared of playing or the old lady and she wanted to play it a little more glamorously she gave up the wooden leg and so forth it's important for me that you knew you were the first we were both so young I don't know whether you believe me or not it was hard for me to pretend [Music] [Applause] I was too much in love with you I think it's great I remember how surprised by what those devil gypsies were still play and then you married Mathilda Kovak our Father owned the general store lucky for you I did Connor you would have been stuck in Cullen living a miserable life with me you said I went to Trieste where I met mr. zachanassian in a whorehouse I think that the Ingrid seduced I don't mean physically she just seduced people she was a great seductress and sometimes to a fault because I think that sometimes she seduced people so much that they would give in to her I mean for instance you're talking about the I should not have given it to that seduction in the visit I should have existed on the plays the thing that the subject has written was the importance but the thought of working with Ingrid was so fantastic that I I was seduced into doing what she wanted plays films television dramas some produced by large schmitz Ingrid's passion for work was unceasing but she had not performed before an American audience since she had left Hollywood the Roman Rosselini 18 years earlier now with some apprehension she agreed to appear in more stately mansions also in the play Colleen Dewhurst she was going to open a theater the amundsen a new theater in the very center of the place that she had been a queen and where they had abruptly and as usual without sense had banished her it was not treated as a play opening it was treated as a news event I think it was then I began to realize what Ingrid had to be going through she and I were sitting together and I asked to interview Ingrid Ingrid I don't think even realized she had a hold of my hand and she just was squeezing it later they told me that on the news they just went down to the two hands holding on that opening night she knew would be wrong as people that she had played with the great leading man and leading women of the world the great producers [Music] [Music] when we did open opening night was incredible there was such an applause when she entered her welcome home that welcome was made official when in April 1972 Senator Charles Percy paid a long overdue tribute to Ingrid Bergman to the American public she will always hold a place in our hearts as one of the greatest performing artists of our time but she loved acting I think that she tried many many parts some of which she probably shouldn't have played we all do that nevertheless she never stopped and she once said to me you know we all think were exhausted and that we have to go and have a long long rest she said but I I've spent probably two weeks in my island off the coast of Sweden so I'm ready to go back to work again and I said yes it's absolutely true isn't it if you think that you're gonna strand me in this ghastly Oh tell your days are dreadful and my bedroom is nice books you're making a very big mistake if you do not wake position my cards that understood I'm sorry but I must join my group take a taxi taxi take a course then more importantly her career had spanned four decades she had worked under a studio system she had been an independent producer and for seven years had made films in Italy then she had returned [Music] for with all her love her craft never diminished the joy of acting they would always remain devoted friends but now Ingrid 17-year marriage to lar Schmidt was over career demands had accepted their price in 1973 Murder on the Orient Express was released for her performance Ingrid won her third Academy Award and I I saw yes in the sky many little children but all the children their prom so it was the time for me to look after little baby were your parents religious they had no respect for God so it was used to sign the pictures producer Richard Goodwin on the picture all the way through it Ingrid was working in a play and she was incredibly professional I mean she was never laid to show us newer lines in fact she was absolutely astonishing in that respect and it's only just recently that I've learned that she was in fact ill in fact ill of the disease that she died of subsequently it's something that I would never never have known and I don't believe anybody on the crew knew it because it's producer I think I would have heard about it I think it's astonishing that she was to keep this to herself and never at any time to let it affect her performance if possible I think I admired the woman more than the actress I admire this woman who had gone through so much in life and at this point when we started the film already was marked by her illness by cancer but nobody knew about it it was never talked about Ingrid came first before anybody else to the studio she was the last to leave and even when she had to do things like lying on the floor and put her arms back over her head which I'm told later is very hurtful after the operation she had had she never said I can't do that I'm not well Ingrid took her arms put them behind her head and did her part you were and people absolutely not I was entirely truthful in about Boris tapa I was attracted to Martin at the time and live with him for eight months you don't do you don't think that affair was any bed of roses well it was our you had to remain with Popeye every night it was I had to console it it was I who despite everything kept repeating that you really did love him and that you really were coming back it was I were to open up your letters and read them out loud long loving in muse any letters we'd you told us choice bits about your interesting travels we both sit there like foolish idioms and how many times would go through your letters if we thought there wasn't anyone more special than you many people I think believed that autumn Sonata since it was a film about a career woman who had a child but for a long time also traveled and and attended her career was a film about Ingrid her life obviously it was not autumn Sonata was written by a man it was a man's view of how a career women maybe has a lot of guilt for for leaving the child at intervals for for mistreating the child by the very fact of her leaving I don't think Ingrid felt that I know she didn't feel that this script was her words I think Ingrid took pride in what her work had been and she took pride in in the way she had been a mother and I think she took pride in the way she had loved I think Ingrid believed that a person can have many roles and you don't have to do all of them to perfection to to feel to feel you're doing right Ingrid had a wonderful way of never looking back at mistakes she had done you know shivering with her mouth and and feeling bad about it she would look here back in and smile and laugh sometimes she would have anger but the anger would never be malicious the anger would just be I could have taken that bastard and she would you know laugh I think it's her laughter I remember the most you know the room would just fill up with with laughter in 1981 Ingrid appeared in a television production a woman called Golda well if I'm supposed to be the mother of Israeli mother whatever kind of mother I have the responsibility to be a good one and what a good mother would say to you now is it's ladies everybody's tired go home mr. president I'll say good night good night dear lady I hope we see each other again so I'm glad you came I'm glad too so let me ask what took you so long for her performance Ingrid received an Emmy posthumously it was accepted by her daughter Pia lindström I know that she would be very proud of this award tonight because of what it meant to her to film it and I'm very grateful to be here to be able to thank each and every one of you for this final tribute to my mother she will live in my heart forever thank you [Applause] there has been said that a great actor never worries about where the key light is that the light is inside of him very few actors have the light inside him I think Ingrid glowed from inside she carried her her light inside she treated success and failure as both Impostors and she knew she has somehow knew that she because it could exist on any level and that she could live on any level and that this radiance of came from inside would never go out and it never has gone out even that moment when she told me very simply that she was ill and piers apartment and I knew what she was saying and got up and went over to her it was dealt again with a great simplicity and a great honesty of what she had done in her life what she stood for before our time she had loved the men that she wanted to love she had had the children she wanted to have she was grateful she had grandchildren and it did not dismay her that she had them she had done by then the movie with Liv Ullmann she would go on then to do gold in my ear she would end her life with the people she loved around her on her birthday was great affection and giving them the understanding that she would rise again tomorrow but also with the understanding and the honesty that she was going to go and it was all right a week before she died Ingrid returned to Stockholm the time the saying goodbye to old friends it was a time for remembering [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: The Hollywood Collection
Views: 121,059
Rating: 4.8289137 out of 5
Keywords: lassie, charlton heston, director, biography, bio, documentary, movie, audrey hepburn, hollywood, theater, star, shirley temple, biopic, michael caine, hollywood collection, cinema, actress, film, filmmaker, clint eastwood, steve mcqueen, marilyn monroe, theatre, stage, actor, free
Id: DKbc47-5Mxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 47sec (4187 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2016
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