Inglorious Revolutions II: Act of Union | Explaining the Jacobite Risings | Part One: Descent

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] home the jackaby rising of 1689 was the first of several attempts to restore the Scottish royal family the steuarts to the Scottish and English Thrones United since 16603 under the Stuart King James I 6 and 1st in the union of the crowns an administrative Arrangement made mainly to simplify negotiations with foreign powers the steuart's personal Union of the crowns had endured through the 17th century until Williams invasion in 1688 as the Stuart's interest in Scotland waned however so did the benefits to Scotland from this Regal Union it felt less like a partnership than a hierarchy where England always came first a running theme you may notice throughout the film while many jacobites used this argument against William the truth was that the steuarts had long neglected the land of their descent as their Ambitions had turned to more lucrative Global interest nevertheless Scots who wished for the dissolution of this Regal Union joined English rebels in laying responsibility for their two kingdoms Mutual troubles squarely upon the illegitimate Invader William III and second or to his detractors Dutch Billy William and his wig acolytes on both sides of the Border seeking a way to protect the British Isles from another steuart restoration now pursued the very opposite goal ever closer Union they plan to cut off Stuart claims to the Scottish and English Thrones by yet again selling out the British crowns to a foreign lineage but this time also to render Stuart claims legally irrelevant by means of a momentous piece of legal chicanery there was to be a full political Treaty of Union between Scotland and England in which Scottish sovereignty would be dissolved and less than a quarter of its rebellious inconvenient Parliament merged with England in Westminster replacing the union of the crowns with a formalized conjugation that would help to birth a monstrous new Colonial superpower the British Empire those in Europe who stood to lose power to this New Leviathan now encourag the jacobites like never before and for much of its first 50 years this fragile so-called Great Britain seemed more likely to collapse than to endure it was in the aftermath of this Union of 1707 that the greatest opportunity for a Jacoby revolution in Britain presented itself never before or since was there a better chance of successfully restoring the king over the water now if the jacobites had succeeded here the ensuing history of Britain Europe and arguably even much of the globe would have progressed in a very different direction enjoying its greatest level of public support and backed by the superpowers of France and Spain the Jacoby cause might yet rule the fate of all of [Music] Europe the turn of the 18th century was a period of great change and uncertainty in Europe and an enormous amount of important history is condensed within the three decades of 1690 to 1720 in order to fully explain why the jackaby risings of 1708 1715 and 1719 occurred we need to unpack this complex narrative into the Myriad short and long-term factors that combined to produce it in this first of three jam-packed history films we'll examine these interconnected factors in detail beginning with Williams European campaigns we'll then check in with James the 7th and second and the jackaby resistance before investigating the tragic catastrophic Folly of Daran Scotland's doomed bid for Empire it's time to secure the succession colonize the Caribbean and start learning French just in case as we explore the momentous events of the 1690s and their causal effects on Modern British history [Music] despite the momentous invention of the modern nation state in the Peace of West failure in 1648 peace continued to be the exception rather than the rule in Europe the continent was a cargraphic nightmare a fractal Patchwork of duchies within States within kingdoms within Empires which meant that there was always some group of people killing each other over land religion or ancestry a war Without End in the last Decades of the 17th century the overarching European conflict was between Catholic France and the Allied European powers of the league of Augsburg this Grand Alliance of what's now called Germany a Austria the Netherlands Britain and Spain was entrenched in a series of defensive campaigns against the colossal expansionist might of French King Louis I 14th the complex motivations for this war encompassed dynastic and sectarian feuding as you might expect but also clashing political philosophies the progressive Dutch Republic for example was ruled by a council of Representatives of its provinces an early version of Parliament not the Divine will of the Monarch as opposed to the authoritarian absolute monarchy exemplified by Louis the 14th but the deepest roots of this conflict lay in the historic French Habsburg rivalry since the 14th century Central and Eastern European lines of succession had been dominated by an aristocratic and famously incestuous Austrian family known as the habsburgs the Habsburg monarchies of modern day Southeast Germany Hungary and Austria held enormous power and influence in Continental Europe with the notable exception of its second largest nation France here the Royal Heritage lay with the borbon dynasty with Louis the 14th the latest in a lineage that had ruled France since the 16th century the habsburgs and Bourbons were mortal foes and this animosity would only increase in time despite the fact that Louis the 14th and leop the first the Habsburg emperor of the Holy Roman Empire were actually cousins what yep you really couldn't make this stuff up the balance of power between these two dynasties was maintained by ensuring the succession of the status quo that is keeping Habsburg derer on the relevant Thrones to inhibit and encircle France but who was Louis the 14th and why was France so powerful under his Reign well since his coronation in 1643 Louis the 14th's long Reign had transformed the French nation into a military industrial superpower through its enormous Army its absolute centralized Authority its massive tax base and the vast personal wealth of the borbor dynasty French military might was unmatched because it had by far the greatest population of All European nations at around 212 million inhabitants for context in in 1700 England had around 5.1 million people Spain 8.7 million and what we now call Germany had 16 million inhabitants against the sheer numerical superiority of the French no Nation alone could hope to defend itself the absolute rule of Louis the 14th over his 215 million French subjects allowed for a centralized power structure in which the vast Armed Forces at his disposal could be rapidly deployed and commanded Louie was endowed with an incredible energy somehow managing to keep an iron grip on all facets of his government military service was not a multiple choice question and let's just say that the Protestant Reformation hadn't exactly caught on under Louis the 14th's staunchly Catholic Reign or rather Louis's own personal version of Catholicism historically speaking we can say that there are authoritarian monarchs and then there's Lou the 14th like James I 6th and 1st in Britain Louie was an Exemplar and entrenched proponent of the divine right of kings declaring Leta sea literally I am the state it was said that not a single official decision in France could be made without Lou's explicit approval in practice of course given the size of France this seems a tremendously inefficient Arrangement but you get the idea Lou was certainly not a man burdened with an excess of modesty he styled himself the Sun King God's representative to France and indeed Earth this was a guy who every morning had his servants sorry ministers formal Longline in order of hierarchy to pass his clothes along from drawer to Monarch until the most trusted finally handed the Divine King is undergarments you thought your job was bad Lou gargantuan ego it was his top- down style of government that the jacobites sought to restore to Britain The divinely Chosen Monarch answerable only to God himself the increasing power of parliament was seen as a threat to this ideology because of course men were held to be inherently sinful and corrupt unlike their supposedly divinely chosen Representatives as we'll see whether divinely chosen or not men were still Men by 1678 Louis the 14th was by far the most powerful Monarch in Europe he gained territory by means of annexation political intimidation or good old violence which he went on to defend and even extend in the brief and misleadingly pleasant sounding War of the reunions of 1683 to4 he claimed titles for himself and his family through his Paris courts then attacked the corresponding Western regions of the Holy Roman Empire in this manner he had already Annex large portions of what we today call Belgium the alaz Luxembourg the palatinate and what would come to be called sarand The War of the reunions was ended by the clear demarcation of a new Eastern French border under the Treaty of risbo but the general feeling among the rest of Europe was that Louie could not be trusted one inch French expansionism was an existential threat to All Nations but particularly to the countries of the Protestant Reformation there was certainly no Toleration or freedom of conscience being indulged in Louis France he had exiled the Protestant hugos earlier in the century and defying the king's chosen Faith was a sure way to a similar fate or an early death the habsburgs and their powerful allies could not tolerate even the slightest chance of Lou's Catholic dictatorship coming to rule all of Europe it jeopardized not only as mentioned the Protestant re itself but the very small wavering steps towards greater freedom and democracy that had been made in the handful of protestant countries as a result of their Breaking Free from the relative ideological restraints of Catholic tradition the stakes didn't get much higher than this now if anyone's still unclear on what all this has to do with the jacobites France was the only realistic means by which the jacobites could seriously threaten William's reign with without French military support there were simply too few jacobites in Britain to pose a threat to the greatly enlarged British Army even though the majority of this was deployed to the continent but in the old alliance between Scotland and France the door lay a jar for James iith and second to return in a jackaby Uprising backed by Lou's French expeditionary Force Louie had granted Asylum to James I 7th Andi not because he particularly liked him but because the aims of the Jacoby cause generally aligned with his that is the removal of William of Orange but despite his formidable power Louie relied upon James claims to the British crowns to legally Dethrone William just as much as James needed Lou's Army to provide the muscle if James could gain access to the British Mainland fear jackaby controlled Scotland as he had planned in his Irish campaign in 1689 before William had routed his troops at the Bo he could overwhelm the orange man's Home Guard by simultaneously invading England from the North and South but this would require the element of surprise and as we'll see if there was one thing at which the jacobites were completely inept it was keeping [Music] [Music] secrets in response to renewed French aggression William of Orange used all of his powers of negotiation to bring about an alliance between the Dutch Republic England and the Habsburg monarchies Austrian Germanic territories of tremendous wealth and power whose influence spread far beyond lines on a map this league of Augsburg was joined by seavo and Catholic Spain the following year now if you're wondering why Catholic nations would Ally with their bitter Protestant Arch enemies well the answer is that the French Habsburg rivalry was an even more fundamental conflict than that of sectarianism arguably the most strategically important branch of the Habsburg family to the Grand Alliance was that of King Carlos II of the Spanish Empire Carlos II's Reign formed the Southern Wall of the habsburg's Continental encirclement of France and crucially gave them control of the street of jalar the gateway to the Mediterranean we'll come back to charos II but first we need to explain what we mean by the phrases Holy Roman Empire and what we now call Germany because this will become relevant later in the story Germany was at this time a jigsaw of small states bound together under the nonsensical title of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation since 1512 but the Holy Roman Empire had existed since 800 CE and would endure until 1806 the the original Thousand-Year Reich if you've ever wondered why Hitler referred to Nazi Germany as the Third Reich well the Holy Roman Empire was the first Reich and the German Empire of 1871 to 1918 the second however by the late 17th century as voler dry observed the first Reich was in no way holy nor Roman nor an Empire its total population in 1700 was around 27.4 million but to say its power structure was fragmented is like saying Britain gets a bit of rain now and then the Holy Roman Empire was more a feudal Union of personal association bound to an elected Emperor yep I said elected you see the Holy Roman Empire was actually a quasi democracy whose Emperor admittedly almost always a Catholic Habsburg was actually voted for by archbishops but wait the archbishops were actually in the minority of States deemed electorates the Catholic territories of mons cologne and Trier the other electorates comprised the secular territories of Saxony Bohemia Brandenburg and the aforementioned palatinate now secular does not mean atheist such a concept remained essentially Unthinkable secular territories were simply those without an official state religion this arrangement of self-determined deted religiosity was the result of the 1555 Treaty of Augsburg after which the Grand Alliance was named which had established the key principle of a sovereign being able to choose the religion of those under his Dominion resulting in German states with greater autonomy splitting into Lutheran and Catholic territories the 1648 piece of West failure meanwhile had left Germany further fragmented and resentful at its relative insignificance following the redistribution of and resources around the Empire territories such as Bavaria a Southern state around Munich and the northern domain of Brunswick lunberg otherwise known as Hanover had gained in wealth and influence since the Treaty of Augsburg but much to their frustration did not hold the status of electorate this was remedied by the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold the First's upgrading of these territories to give them the vote with Hanover being made an electorate in 1692 why is this relevant to the story of the jacobites well it's a good question but we'll get to that thanks to Williams acquisition of the English throne in the so-called Glorious Revolution of 1688 the league of Augsburg was heavily supplemented by the Armed Forces of the Three Kingdoms of the British Isles whose Protestant establishments naturally opposed Louis France a mere 33 km or 20 miles away over the water of the English Channel this is the reason William accepted the immortal Seven's bizarre invitation to take the English Throne he wasn't interested so much in power over the Three Kingdoms as in being able to command their military forces and tax their populations to fund his War by 1697 his taxes on the Three Kingdoms were paying no less than 45% of the cost of Williams multinational Army and providing a quarter of its Manpower Williams Reign saw a Monumental change in British foreign policy not only did he begin the process of rebuilding the Royal Navy from a small ineffective Fleet into a position of global Maritime Supremacy he greatly increased the size of Britain's standing armies including the Scottish Highland regiments such as the Duke of argiles between the union of the crowns in 1603 and the Glorious Revolution of 1688 England had been actively involved in Continental Warfare for less than 13 years but between Williams coronation in 7 194 British soldiers were almost always on the front lines of European conflict this was the most significant level of British intervention in foreign affairs since the age of the Crusades and necessitated an unprecedented coordination of its human and financial resources that would eventually lead to Britain's emergence as a dominant military and financial power with greatly inflated ambition upon the global stage this extraordinary transformation was achieved in less than 20 years the main reason for this process was Williams need for a capable British Military and when he took over in 1688 it was anything [Music] but in September 1688 Louis the 14th returned to his French reunion agenda setting his sights on more territories along the Holy Roman Empire's western border without declaring war he crossed the river Ry and marched into the electorate territory known as the palatinate hoping for a quick Conquest it's likely Lou expected the Empire to practice appeasement in order to avoid a war but he miscalculated the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold the first and the various German princes whose titles stood to be assured however had no such intention and joined the Dutch Republic in declaring a war on France so began the 9 years war also known as The War of the Grand Alliance or the war of the league of alburg some historians even refer to it as the war of the English succession because Louis had also recognized James Francis Edward Stewart if you'll remember James son and Heir as the Prince of Wales that is Posh code for heir to the English throne but it's unlikely those inter Ries being invaded by Louis on the continent saw it this way we must be careful not to approach these events from an overly Anglo or British Centric perspective because as we'll see there's already plenty of that going on in the actual history it's considered by historians to be the first global conflict with fighting in Europe North Africa the Indies and Americas as the battle raged for the colonies across the farthest flung reaches of the globe things did not go well for William in the initial years of the war and this was due in part to the inadequacy of British Armed Forces he would be made aware of the weakness of the royal Navy in June 1690 when 56 English and Dutch ships under the command of Admiral torington were forced back to the mouth of the temps by 68 French vessels under Admiral turville in an engagement of Bishi head at the loss of six Dutch and one English warships with no friend losses if Louie had followed up on this all bets were off at the following Court Marshal torington declared most men were in fear that the French would invade the whole nation now exceedingly alarmed by the French Fleet braving our Coast even to the very T's mouth turville even made landfall a Tor Bay of all places raiding touth James implored Louie to seize the initiative and launch a full invasion but the Sun King could spare no more troops at this point the threat of a Franco Jacoby Invasion loomed large over Britain until 1692 when a combined anglo-dutch Force defeated the French Fleet in the Bay of log this was a mere reprieve however as a year later Admiral turville destroyed part of the Levant bound Anglo Dutch commercial Fleet at a loss of around1 million over the whole 9 years war the French captured around 4,000 British Merchant ships and they often highly valuable cargo the scale of such losses to French privateers was a powerful impetus for William to greatly enlarge and strengthen the Royal Navy to such an extent that it would soon come to not just defend but rule the waves meanwhile the land war was consuming the armies of the Grand Alliance at a Ric good El Ford the alliance suffered terrible defeats at the battles of steer in July 1692 and near wind in the following year while French Siege tactics led to their capturing Ms in 1691 namur in 1692 Hai in 1693 and Charis the following year losing thousands of men and hemorrhaging support for the war among its populations to many it seemed increasingly likely that against the Flames of the Sun King there could be no Victory no end to the war's burgeon and costing lives resources and hard capital in Britain Williams increasing taxation of everything from land to Windows in order to fund the war was proving ruinous to the British public and devastating Scotland rallying many with no great love for the stewards to the jackaby cause in December 1694 Mary II died William lost not just his wife but his claim to the English and Scottish Thrones while William carried maternal St genetics Mary Stewart had been the daughter of the previous King the exiled James iith Andi this left Mary's Sister Anne as the last Protestant steart heir to the throne as per the 1689 bill of right and Anne had lost no less than 16 children to miscarriage or illness her 17th William Duke of Gloucester was a sickly child and while he had rallied in his teenage years this was not considered a particularly cure line of succession if Gloucester died there were no more Protestant stewards to turn to and it should by now go without saying that the Catholic stewards that is James and his issue were not an option this insecurity gwed at those who had invited the Glorious Revolution and wider Protestant Society returned to the paranoia and existential dread of earlier years William now ruled alone and increasingly poor health of his own his chronic asthma had begun to worsen no doubt exacerbated by The Damp British climate and his crown lay in Jeopardy finally a ray of Hope Came on the heels of the deeply inconvenient to William at least Glen Co inquiry in August 1695 the Grand Alliance retook namur a much needed morale boosting victory that while incremental demonstrated that the French were not Invincible Williams persistence in defending the Spanish Netherland was actually keeping the French at Bay but his allies in the league of Augsburg were becoming increasingly distrustful of each other such a close alliance with Protestant Nations was decidedly unpalatable to the Catholic habsburgs and it was only Williams deaf diplomacy that was keeping the alliance from fragmenting completely the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold the had even begun to conduct clandestine peace talks with Lou as soon as 1692 while in 1696 the so-called Allied seavoy signed A Separate Peace deal with Louis the 14th taking it out of the war William had to deal not just with his enemies on the battlefield but his squabbling disingenuous allies as he labored to hold the many spitting plates of the Grand Alliance aoft talk about high maintenance by 1697 the 9 years war had reached a stalemate and the cost of war was becoming unsustainable to both sides the historic introduction of the national debt had provided the funds to continue the war and while British credit like Lou War chest was considerable it was not infinite it became a matter of who would blink first eventually in 1697 the Treaty of riswick was signed by Louie and the alliance this actually restored a great deal of the territory gained by France in 1688 and demanded that Louie recognized William not the exiled James as the rightful ruler of the British kingdoms which he did at least for a while technically this goes down as a score draw but in real terms it was a victory for the Grand Alliance and a rather chastening setback for Louie parlament in London called for the British armies to be disbanded to allow the economy to recover from the years of costly War there were celebrations in Britain and much public rejoicing at King William's New Years of peace and Prosperity Louie may have received a knuckle wrapping at riswick but the Sun King had an ace up his sleeve Carlos II of Spain's imminent death brought a new problem for William and the habsburgs because in line with the late Carlos wishes Lou's grandson Philip of Anu was to inherit the Spanish Throne as Philip V breaking the Habsburg encirclement of France and greatly expanding Lou Catholic Dominion with the riches and Military might of the Spanish Empire determined to maintain a Habsburg grip upon the Spanish Peninsula the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold the first insisted that his son and not Phillip should be on the Spanish Throne William even tried to negotiate a peaceful agreement to restore the Spanish Crown to the habsburgs but to no avail Lou's potential alliance between Catholic France and Spain was terrifying to Protestant Nations and threatened borbon domination of all of Western Europe Another War seemed inevitable but Williams troubles were not confined to the Continental theater the jacobites in London and Edinburgh most certainly did not recognize him as the legitimate Monarch and throughout the 1690s made elaborate plans to facilitate James Invasion take the British Isles out of the 9 years war and to assassinate the hated Dutch [Music] belly [Music] despite the collapse of the 89 Rising jacobites across Britain continued to pursue a second steart restoration by any means necessary as mentioned British jackaby numbers were not great only around 1 in seven landowners in Mainland Britain supported James restoration but crucially a far greater number would not oppose it as the nervous ruling wig Juna were painfully aware but now the interests of the Jacoby cause began to diversify According to which part of Britain you were in restoring the stewards became a proxy for nationalist goals in each of the Three Kingdoms and many of Jacoby persuasion viewed James potential return more as a necessary evil than a desirable outcome for example Scottish jacobites generally Catholic or Episcopalian greatly resented Williams replacing episcopalianism with presbyterianism as Scotland's lawful religion in 1690 while in England there were even Protestant jacobites anglicans who refused to swear allegiance to William as long as James and his son lived some of these English jacobites such as William Penn the bishop of Eli and Lords Preston Dartmouth and Clarendon wrote to James in late 1690 bidding him invade but conscious of recent history with the stipulations that he must only use the accompanying French military for his own protection and that the terms of his restoration must be determined by Parliament they would certainly have had their work cut out to get James to agree to such terms however it was rendered academic as the letter and its Bearer John Ashton were intercepted at Tilbury and the conspiracy exposed Ashton was condemned to death the following year and on the scaffold he handed a prepared statement to the sheriff this was carefully worded to be as inflammatory as possible eloquently explaining the jacobites opposition to the Dutch coup in a way that ensured it would be widely circulated afterwards Ashton claimed that these new methods of government by which he meant the ENT model of parliamentary sovereignty over that of traditional authoritarian monarchy were ruining the nation and endangering the Church of England there seemed to me no way to prevent the impending evils but the calling home of our injured Sovereign I am so far from repining at the loss of my life that had I 10,000 I should rather think myself obliged to sacrifice them all Ashton's martyrdom indeed provided fuel to the fire of the Jacoby resistance James made Ashton's son a baronet and the English government was even forced into producing a pamphlet to counter Ashton's inflammatory Call to Arms the jacobites did well in the Scottish elections and were increasingly well represented at Parliament House to the horror of the majority wig government meanwhile over the water in the Palace of San gerain on the outskirts of Paris the exiled James iith Andi was beginning to wear out his welcome among the French establishment shortly after James returned to France from Ireland following his Irish jacobites better defeats at the Bo orim and the siege of lmer he made his annual Retreat to the convent at latrap France's strictest most Pious Monastery where he took spiritual advice from the Thundering abber Arman duroni duroni is famous for establishing an ultra Catholic sect known as the rapists who weren't exactly renowned for their wild parties and the steuart took great inspiration here James was very keen to display his deep piety and unshakable Devotion to his faith to anyone who cared but few did his overly performative prostrations failed to endear James to the French nobility who found him a foolish uncultured and socially inept boore more Awkward embarrassment than honored guest James Court in Exile at San gerain had the atmosphere of a mosum with strict rules prohibiting laughter unnecessary conversation and God forbid public or even private displays of affection particularly testing for those of Double Y chromosomes as by all accounts there seem to be a regular parade of extremely attractive young women around the palace the French saw James lack of compromise during his short Reign has laugh naive and self-defeating with one particularly snarky Bishop remarking there goes a very good man he gave up Three Kingdoms for a mass now that's sarcasm Anthony Hamilton provides us with a scathing summation of the mood at San gerain our occupations have all the air of being very serious and this is no place for those who do not either spend half the day in prayer or pretend to do so common misfortune which usually brings its victims together seems only to have swn Discord and bitterness Among Us the friendship which we profess for each other is always simulated the hatred and envy that we conceal is always sincere agreeable flirtation even love making is severely prescribed in this Melancholy Court James poor conversation skills and abject lack of social graces led to ridicule from his hosts the Aging Exile endlessly regaling his unfortunate dinner companions with relentlessly iterative accounts of how he had been betrayed how the events that saw him in their company instead of on the British Thrones were a great Injustice for which he bore no responsibility those who could keep a straight face at such proclamations would have found their countenance tested however by the cost of entertaining the exiled steuarts and their sizable EXP expensive Court James lived at the Chateau de San Jamon on Le with his wife Mary of Medina and their children Louisa Mary's eldest surviving issue and James Francis Edward whose birth and baptism as a Catholic viewers may remember was the final Catalyst for English Protestants to engineer the coup to replace his father known as the Glorious Revolution the rumor persisted in England that James Francis Edward was not actually James son and had been smuggled into Mary's arms in a bed pan to ensure a Catholic hair to James we'll come back to James Fran's Edward and the veracity of these outlandish claims in part two James may have been seen as a boar but Mary was quite popular with her courtiers and French contemporaries particularly the nuns of the convent of Shalo where she would take Louisa but the funds the family were consuming were not their own despite James professed p the Stuarts were in fact enjoying an indulgent lifestyle at the expense of the French taxpayer understandably The Wider French population began to resent the huge sums of money being lavished by Louie upon the Stuart Court when Lou's endless wars were eviscerating his citizenry and driving the French economy towards a serious financial crisis their earlier sympathy with James and their Fury at his daughter Queen Mary II's shocking betrayal had soon transformed into resentment at this costly Exile who had brought his downfall upon himself but James was as oblivious as ever to his public standing he was determined to reestablish Catholicism as the Church of the Three Kingdoms of the British Isles through Toleration and Indulgence cuz that worked really well last time but most English jacobites including John Ashton were similarly pragmatic in their demands advocating compromise and pardon for those who had aided William on the sound reasoning that neutrals I.E those who had simply not actively opposed the Glorious Revolution would be greatly disinclined to support a second restoration if it meant that they might be executed as collaborators jacobites who advocated this moderate approach were known as Compounders those who favored a zero Su campaign of mass conversion pardon the pun to Catholicism and bloody retri ution against all those perceived to be William ites were termed non-c Compounders see what they did there prominent among these hardliners was Lord mfor who although he hadn't exactly covered himself in glory during James unsuccessful Irish campaign had the exiled King's ear in all matters of State James greatly valued his Council and later made him Secretary of State for all three kingdoms wait hang on how could he be Secretary of State when as we know the master of stair already occupied this position under William well this is one of the reasons that the exiled Stuarts would come to be known as Pretenders to the Thrones they made appointments issued declarations and held Court in saner as if they were still in power spoiler alert to be clear they were not and never would be but that didn't stop them from as their detractors like to put it pretending that they were Lord melfor once calvinist and now fanatically Catholic possessed as breathtaking a level of intransigence as his Divine Sovereign melfor did not concern himself with trivial matters like charm logic diplomacy or compromise seeing the restoration as a holy Crusade that transcended such Petty considerations you can see why James liked him [Music] in late 1691 melfor warned the rebels in Britain to be ready for revolution Louie had finally decided to invade Britain as he controlled the English Channel or so he believed even if it faced a pitched battle this operation would present William with a war on two fronts in which his forces would be split and his attention drawn away from the more important Continental theater James made plans for his triumphant return he would land at Glasgow with 14,000 of his Irish veterans from the Bo and out and 11,000 additional French troops as well as 3,000 horse for a total of over 28,000 men he would then March into England and rendevu with the jacobites in the north of England before continuing on to take London now the numbers that James had in mind here were certainly a force to be reckoned with and he stood a good chance of Victory but to James's great disappointment Louie could only spare enough ships to carry 8,000 infantry total and James was forced to seriously downgrade his plans instead of Glasgow he would land in Kent and entra the whole English Fleet in the Medway causing the London establishment to capitulate a considerably more ambitious scheme with significantly less chance of success nonetheless James issued a declaration likely worded by melfor of his intent to reverse the illegal taxes imposed upon the nation and establish religious tolerance but of course he didn't accept any responsibility for losing the Thrones he did however include a list of those he intended to hold responsible for collaborating lawyers juries and judges who had tried his supporters even the Kent fisherman who had caught him on his first attempt to escape in 1688 this declaration didn't go down very well in England Queen Mary upped her sass rating by republishing it with a range of sarcastic annotations and jacobites were generally appalled at the ridiculously Petty list of those upon whom James Wanted retribution the jacobites even hastily produced and circulated a counterfeit doent removing all but four prominent wigs from The Hit List and promising lower taxes should James Prevail but Mary's jokes were made partly out of fear in Britain the threat of Jacoby victory was very real those living near the coast hid their valuables and many williamite Elites sent spineless letters of Contrition to James in anticipation of the French invasion such as the shamelessly unscrupulous John Churchill the Duke of marlor yep the same guy who had betrayed James in his greatest hour of need during Williams Invasion who now begged the Stuarts forgiveness by supplying him with all English troop movements and warning him when jacobites were in danger of exposure principles Ain't Nobody Got Time For That by May 1692 the troops were a master not waiting to board the ships as soon as Admiral turville had taken care of the English Navy but on the 29th before the French Fleet could even cross the channel turville was ambushed in the aforementioned Allied victory at the Bay of log its ships driven around and burned by Landing parties yet again the Jacoby plan came to not but James knew that William was losing popularity in Britain the Dutchman's taxes on Landon windows for example were of particular aggravation to those who possessed small Holdings while James may have been unpopular during his Reign he had chosen to tax luxuries only a pretty egalitarian policy for the time the worst affected grumbled that James would not have laid one farthing on land it depends what he needed it for they opposed the new moneyed interest that is the financial class of bankers and investors which they associated with duplicitous williamite politicking or in common Parliament wiger the Earl of Alsbury a key Jacoby compounder had a new plan to lure the Royal Navy into the Atlantic with false sealed orders and then invade while the country was unguarded yeah this was about his hairbrain a notion as it sounds nevertheless elbury was smuggled across the channel to visit his exiled Sovereign at San gerain in April 1693 the ever oblivious James was stunned to hear asbury's ill opinion of his declaration and took his advice to issue a new version with less of the petulant after explaining his idea to James and melfor hillsbury was then brought before Louie himself to present his scheme for consideration but Lou dismissed it out of hand the eglish Admirals could not be trusted which is the first of many problems with the scheme elsbury evidently earned the sun King's respect however with his straight talking warning Louie that even James biggest supporters in Britain hated Louie so much that his arrival with a French army behind him would not endear James to the proverbial swing voter yep that's right the jacobites were no fans of Louis the 14th either but we'll get to that later I see you are a plain speaker and no flatterer Lou smiled and there is great reason in what you have said Louie proceeded to directly intervene to make James more palatable to Protestant Scots forcing the still reluctant James into promising the Scots Parliament constitutional status similar to that of England while leaving the religious settlement of 1688 untouched and offering Indemnity to supporters of the Glorious [Music] Revolution yet another Invasion plot was foiled in 1695 when the conspiracy was betrayed and the Army mobilized undeterred Alsbury continued to liaz with a broad Church of Jacoby supporters in London coffee houses and taverns regarding plans for Invasion while being careful lest he end up like John Ashton not to be seen to actually endorse them these associates included John fenick Captain George reporter Sir John friend and William Parkins the latter two having amassed private arsenals in anticipation of revolt and even the likes of scum Goodman a quote professional actor pimp and poisoner who sounds like a character taken straight out of a Terry pratchet novel later in 1695 sillsbury met with Robert charuk who favored a rather more direct approach to the problem Alsbury heard of charu's design to kidnap that is assassinate King Billy a Tor order but not impossible if planned correctly however its implications that is stirring memories of the killing of Charles I first and the ensuing disaster of the internum would be a step that even most non Compounders would consider Beyond The Pale in January 1696 the jacobites were joined by one of the late John Bonny dund D Graham's closest officers and veteran of Ky cranky Sir George Barkley who had returned from San gerain the idea of assassination instead of invasion was favored by Barkley who even propagated the lie that James had personally authorized Williams murder of course James had done no such thing after all he had watched his father being murdered by an executioner and was dismayed when he learned of this ugly defamation regardless the jackaby plot was drawn up by Porter and involed around 40 conspirators including all those previously mentioned in alsb liaison the plan was for Barkley and eight other men to shoot and Dirk the king in his lightly guarded Carriage while he was returning down a narrow secluded Country Lane after hunting deer at Richmond Park which he did regularly every Saturday but on the allotted day of his assassination Williams said he was ill and didn't fancy hunting strange but possibly coin ident but when the king did not keep his Saturday appointment with startled deer for an unprecedented second week running the conspirators knew that this was not simple happen stance indeed the next day Williams agents pounced and the King announced dramatically that a plot of his assassination had been thwarted the scheme had been exposed by one of albury's dinner companions his attempt to recruit Thomas Prendergast had resulted in the Irishman disg usted by the plan for cold blooded murder tipping off the authorities and around 300 jacobites were arrested including Alsbury and charik while Alsbury was released after a year in the Tower of London the latter was executed for treason and like John ason took the opportunity upon the scaffold for another bout of incend rhetoric he had sought to rid the world of a Public Enemy who has kindled a war all over Europe according to charik William was not only a common usurper but get this an unjust ravisher good Lord the exposure of the assassination plot was extremely damaging to the honest cause the impetus it had gained from the scandal of the Glen Co Massacre was largely squandered by this ugly murder plot nevertheless the Jacoby cause was joined by those such as William Montgomery an airer landowner so enraged by not being made Secretary of State for Scotland he had published a pamphlet called Great Britain's just complaint in which he Savaged Williams Reign and used the Glen cool Massacre as a political football for good measure nice he then formed the club a rogue cabal of MPS who disrupted the functioning of the Scottish Parliament by messing up orders and waylaying Couriers yeah that'll show them Montgomery eventually fell a treating with King James party in England where he hatched a plot to incite Rebellion that yeah you guessed it it was betrayed by a supposed alley despite this the jacobites in England were by no means defeated and the honest cause endured among those more understated in their resistance however in the very last years of the 17th century Scotland was making plans not for Invasion but for its very survival [Music] [Music] w William Patterson stood in the Panama sun and looked out to the vessels of the nent Scottish Merchant Fleet in the glistening Waters of the Bay of Daren he listened to the sound of the settlers in the village the warm air waving the saltire slowly and proudly above new Edinburgh as if to confirm Divine endorsement of this historic achievement here was the defiant Act of Scottish Enterprise that would see it rival England and the East India Company on the global stage here lay the door to the Seas the key of the universe the bull workk of a new Scottish Empire that would rescue the nation from famine and destitution here in a place called Daran on the ethos of Panama a narrow spit of land between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans lay new calonia Scotland's very own Plantation gu here had been a long challenging battle in the face of adversity the union of the crowns in 1603 had not brought the parity and economic benefits to Scotland it had initially promised leaving the country increasingly financially dependent upon England while a free trade Arrangement had at first existed between Scotland and England and cromwell's Commonwealth experiment had legally acknowledged it in reality Commerce with England was anything but free the restoration of the Stewarts in 1660 had seen Scotland regain its political Independence but little in the way of Financial Security the Navigation Acts of 1660 and 1663 which decreed shipments from the colonies could only be carried to England in English ships or those of the country of origin had severely curtailed Scotland's access to the One Nation free trade that the union of the crowns was supposed to deliver the entire Scottish annual revenue amounted to little more than what the English economy brought in every 2 weeks the Scottish economy had been in Dire Straits for much of the century due to the cost of endless religious Warfare and in the 1690s this was compounded by consecutive poor harvests famine and disease the jacobites considered what they called King William's ill years as punishment from God for the Glorious Revolution Scotland was a small nation with an even smaller population only around 1 million people and most of these lived in rural areas at the end of the 17th century only around 5% of Scotland's population lived in urban areas of over 10,000 people most of edinburgh's 30,000 citizens were poverty stricken housed in cramped tenements along the High Street while glasgow's population were in similarly abysmal conditions the shest way to turn around the country's fortunes the merchant class reasoned was for Scotland to embark on an ambitious project that would allow it to compete with the other European nations in the enormously lucrative trading of African and West Indian sugar tobacco and of course slaves at the start of the 17th century only Spain and Portugal possessed Global Empires but the Dutch Republic harbored Imperial Ambitions of its own as did France and England the potential subjugation and enslavement oh sorry profits to be made from trade with India the Far East and the East Indies sparked a race between European nations to secure these lucrative virgin Market over the 17th century the Dutch had developed the joint stock company whereby public investment was secured to make Expeditions and establish colonies that if successful would provide significant return to the company's stakeholders and a stock exchange where said Investments or stocks could be traded these joint stock companies were the prototypes of today's modern corporations and the Dutch model was hugely influential not least unsurprisingly in England the English East India Company granted a royal Charter by Elizabeth the in 1600 had grown from a small trading interest into a colossal quasi Sovereign Juggernaut generating astounding profits and wielding a power greater than any nation state as we saw last time the Stuart King Charles II had formed the slave trading Royal African company in 1679 run by none other than his brother the then Duke of York and now exiled Jacoby figurehead King James iith Andi the enormous revenue streams of the Royal African and East India companies enabled them to provide loans to English monarchs in return for a monopoly on trade with the East Indies and this is among the reasons that England's credit rating was so high William was able to borrow heavily to support his war with France but the French economy was facing disaster due to Lou's constant War extravagance and France's inefficient and outdated systems of Taxation it should come as little surprise that hitherto Scotland had seen little of the astonishing profits these companies were making across the globe while individual Scottish Elites may have subscribed to the East India Company Scotland itself did not possess the Financial Security of the English State as we'll see quite the opposite its credit rating was near zero and thus Scotland could not secure the massive loans from the East India company that England could to compound matters Scotland could not trade its way out of financial crisis either the Dutchman's coup and declaration of war on France in 1688 had had the effect of disrupting traditional Scottish Commerce with Continental Europe because now many of the territories in question were officially enemies of Britain legal Scottish commerce was restricted to domestic French and increasingly English Markets but the English Parliament enacted punitive customs duties on the main Scottish exports like salt coal linen and cattle a deliberately ruinous strategy designed to keep Scotland in its place that is as many wigs increasingly thought of it a vassel state this systemic economic repression was a result of the English Merchant class reluctance to seed one iota of their rapidly growing economic agency especially not to the Scots a descriptor which the English establishment used pejoratively in the same way that they did Irish that is to rhyme with scum The gales of Ireland and Scotland were considered lesser subhuman people there to be civilized and dragged into modernity by English Dominion but this openly racist laughably ignorant and colonialist way of thought was prevalent among the powerful lawyers financiers and politicians of the new political class in London and Edinburgh alike we know from the Glen Co Saga how the supposed ly backward Gales threatened English and Loland profit which made them essentially enemies of the state in Ireland Gales were subject to increasingly discriminatory laws prohibiting their doing things like running schools holding public office or even owning weapons by the latter half of the 17th century the network of drove roads had become well established across the Scottish islands with great herds of black cattle being driven consider able distances from the northwest coast in the Isles to be sold in creef and Falker where English Traders could avoid the high levies South of the Border similar circumvention of trade laws occurred in Glasgow which emerged as a key commercial hub for the smuggling of Contraband such as tobacco from Virginia and sugar from the West Indies while Scottish wool coal linen deer hide and grindstones made their way in the opposite direction over the Atlantic to the American colonies the English policies of repression had actually seen Scotland seek out alternative options to get round them and many of these new trade networks would come to be coveted by English merchants now that Williams Reign had ironically freed the Scottish parliament of the restrictive Lords of the Articles giving it more freedom and independence from the crown the Scottish Parliament began to make its feelings increasingly plain in 1693 it passed an act for encouraging foreign trade a bond which stressed the great advantages that may redown to this nation by promoting a trade to the coast of Africa America and other foreign Parts Montgomery's Club survived his exile to France and became known as the Cavaliers translation jacobites who were gaining greater representation in Parliament meanwhile the wig majority were Paralyzed by feuding factionalism and to combat the Cavaliers William installed James Douglas the exceptionally wealthy Duke of Queensbury to ascending roles culminating in Lord High Commissioner however Queensbury proved ineffective in quelling the jacobites partly ironically enough due to the Scottish parliament's abject lack of funding its economy was in constant recession and when the S ill years of famine which saw two failed harvests and several poor yields between 1691 and 1698 struck the nation the situation in Scotland deteriorated into the kind of conditions we would today associate with a so-called third world country heavy rains meant mines were constantly being flooded frequent galeforce storms wed havoc on buildings and infrastructure and Roads ports and dwellings fell into disrepair Scotland may have been home to a thriving intellectual movement with several esteemed universities but most of its million inhabitants did not have the Leisure of such bajar Pursuits at this time Scotland had one of the very poorest populations in Europe their poverty was absolute many went door too begging while some fell dead in the street the gilch was hit hardest by the failed Harvest the folk of the Highlands struggled to produce a sufficient yield from their Stony barely fertile soil at the best of times in Winter they were often forced to bleed their cattle and boil the blood into cakes and the shortage of basic Staples such as peas beans and most importantly oatmeal brought unimaginable hardship and misery to the highlands with no fodder much of their livestock died from starvation condemning many Gales to a similar fade God help the poor people wrote One observer in 1696 for I never did see such outcries for want of meal as if this wasn't bad enough Scotland was then decimated by diseases such as typhus dentry and smallpox the close-knit tenaments and open sewers of urban areas providing ideal conditions for infections to spread the death TOS were so high that bodies were piled up by the roadsides and it's estimated that the population of Scotland was reduced by a whopping 133% thanks to these seven ill years in a bid to escape the horror around 50,000 Scots in the southwest of the country fled to oler England or to join the armies of Sweden Germany and even Russia in all nearly a fifth of Scotland's population were lost to hunger disease and immigration over the 1690s clearly the jacobites were not short of rhetorical ammunition not only were Scottish taxes being used to fund a Dutch war with Scotland's main trading partner the great number of men of working age being shipped to the front lines created a labor shortage in the country the nation appeared to be in a death spiral a destitute poper on the European periphery dependent upon the charity of others through the Gloom however William Patterson and a group of Edinburgh Merchants Glimpse sunlet [Music] Uplands Patterson was determined to reshape Scotland's image as an economic Powerhouse rather than a poor backwards facing country of noble Martyrs more concerned with their past and their future future to achieve this Vision Scotland must be bold adventurous and ambitious a colony or Plantation should be established in an area lucrative for global trade providing Merchants with a point of trade that hopefully the East India Company did not Patterson had been Hawking this idea since the mid 1680s but mainly due to his lack of Charisma his ideas had generally bored rather than excited his audiences that is until now as we know in May of 1695 it was unexpectedly announced by Tweed Dale Williams commissioner to Parliament that William was open to the Glenn Co inquiry but this was not the only surprise tweet Dale had in store for the assembled Convention of the estat if they found it would tend to the advancement of trade that an act be passed for the encouragement of such as should acquire and establish a plantation in Africa or America or any other part of the world where plantations might lawfully be acquired his majesty was willing to declare that he would Grant to his subjects in Scotland in favor of their plantations such rights and privileges as he was accustomed to Grant to the subjects of his other dominions after the Decades of destitution the Estates in The Wider Scottish public saw this as the light at the end of the tunnel a Scot Colony under the protection of the royal Navy was a bright future indeed the only question was where well traveled and having come into a small personal Fortune Patterson had set up in London as a merchant and founded the bank of England Patterson had heard tell of a tropical idle called Daran in the Caribbean a green Land of Plenty where the sun always Shone where crops grew without cultivation where Noble Indians knew where gold might be found and crucially located at a point where the short land journey across the ethos to the Pacific would save Merchant Seaman a long and dangerous Voyage around Cape Horn Daren would allow Scotland to broke her trade between East and West making a very handsome profit in the process Patterson sensing that the iron was hot set about whining and dining various merchants and ex-military officers s ing out potential interest and lobbying the relevant parties in Edinburgh so that his vision might be floated before the parliament it worked on June the 26th just a week after the report of the Glen Co inquiry the convention of the Estates passed an act in favor of the Scots company trading to Africa in the Indies Edinburgh taverns and coffee houses soon saw the distribution of a pamphlet titled proposals for a fond to carry on a plantation which explained the scheme in detail it did not mention Daran but proposed an immensely powerful company with quasi statehood of its own empowered to buy ships pursue commercial opportunities in countries not at war with William claim land for the Scottish Crown form governments where necessary and create the Bank of Scotland there is no need to take up any time in setting forth the usefulness of plantations in general to all places or or to the kingdom of Scotland in particular seeing now at length persons of all ranks yay the body of the nation are longing to have a plantation now let's be absolutely crystal clear the opportunity Patterson and the company of Scotland referred to was not simply trade in luxury goods but people Dian was excellently placed for the trading of African and West Indian slaves to the Spanish South Americas and BR British and French North American markets the door to the Seas Patterson had spoke of was in fact the door to the plantations a national chattle house through which the inexorable business might flow to Scotland's great enrichment Scottish Merchants were deeply envious of the English company's Monopoly on the slave trade and it was considered only just that Scotland should be granted a seat at the Imperial table profiting upon the misery desperation and indentured servitude of fellow men and women conveniently deemed to be subhuman the participation of Scottish Elites in the culture of slavery was just as enthusiastic as that of any ignorant wellfed investor of the East India Company horrifyingly not even Highland Clan chiefs were averse to selling their gallic tenants to the Americas as slaves to make ends meet and much of the slave wave cloth Bound for the new world was actually made in in veress by indentured Gales this inconvenient detail of Scottish history is often skipped over either through simple ignorance or because it doesn't fit with the popular Narrative of noble martyrdom the likes of Sir Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson invented to sell their books for more on Scotland's role in the slave trade check out Scottish history tour's excellent video on just this subject and so the company of Scotland trading was formed with William Patterson as its leader the scheme was wildly ambitious projecting a plan for the next 30 Years and presenting Scotland as a new Imperial power in waiting it wasn't long however before cracks would begin to appear between the company's Personnel in Edinburgh and those in London the two factions were odds where the company should be based Patterson insisted on a London headquarters for Simplicity of negotiation while those in Edinburgh saw it as only fitting that the company of Scotland should be administrated from Scotland's capital the English distaste for the Scots and the Scots Envy of the English played its part and the English East India Company complained that its livelihood would be threatened by the Scottish company a line of argument taken up by English merchants who saw too much potential for French influence in the Scottish ENT priz two cargo Laden ships of the East India Company had recently been attacked by French privateers with the loss of significant Capital to its investors the very last thing they wanted was another Potential Threat from a wild card Scottish startup that seemed to be openly antagonistic to English interest when the company of Scotland spoke of ambition and economic independence the East India Company and its allies in the establishment heard rabid anti English sentiment while not wholly unfounded this perception contributed to a growing hostility towards Patterson's scheme some wgs even claimed that the Scottish contingent were all Jacobite and that the whole plan was a means to break free from the union of the crowns it was made clear that the Scots should speak with respect for his majesty and the English commercial class despite said class being free to use whatever racial slur they fancied with regard to the Scottish contemporaries the London faction of the company became increasingly irritated with their Edinburgh colleagues refusal to even furnish them with a copy of the act when copies of the unofficial proposals pamphlet were being circulated among London's political class in other words mostly the company's enemies eventually the Edinburgh faction came to London but they were greatly displeased by what they found the proposed level of investment 300 ,000 was far in excess of their estimates and furthermore Patterson himself stood to profit disproportionately well from the scheme it was questioned by London financiers whether there was even enough liquid capital in Scotland to meet the total subscription requirement but such was the London faction's ambition this Grand undertaking could not be done on the cheap no effort or expense was to be spared in laying the foundations of the Scottish Empire indeed many interested parties saw such a high figure as to borrow a phrase reassuringly expensive this was a serious Endeavor that promised serious profit no sooner had the official subscription book been opened in London before it was filled at the full £300,000 greatly surprised that such a sum had been raised by the second poorest country in Europe the English establishment now turned its full wrath upon the impudent company of Scotland both houses of Parliament delivered an address of protest against the scheme which amounted to the renowned political dictat it's our ball and they can't play William irritated by the distraction declared that he had been ill served in Scotland wait now you realize that in January 1696 the board of directors of the company were forced to testify in front of a common select committee who duly called for their impeachment this made all subscribers withdraw their funding and the London Venture collapsed Patterson returned to Scotland determined to make his plan a reality despite such dangerous opposition he was not alone in resenting the Prejudice and disingenuous politicking of the English establishment and Scottish interest in the company increased galvanized by the old enemy's distaste for the Enterprise so the English Parliament thought that it could deny SC land its share of Empire huh not on Patterson's watch in February the company opened a new subscription book in Edinburgh this time for a total of £400,000 this was it the last role of the dice Scotland had to shoot for All or Nothing the fire of resistance to English subjugation paid a rich dividend and again the company was fully subscribed in short order with investors rushing to get their name upon the RO the company of Scotland United most of L and Scotland in a common cause with poor Edinburgh tenement dwellers and landed Merchants alike all pledging what they could spare to see the scheme succeed by the time Patterson handed off his plans and papers on Daren to the company with his formal recommendation of its suitability for a colony almost half of total Scottish Capital was now invested in the proud nation's final desperate at gamble now that the company was fully funded the hostility of its opposition increased the East India Company issued a thinly veiled warning to the Scots in a statement that forbade its vessels and crew from engaging with the Scottish company in any way even in an emergency and that all efforts would be taken to undermine the Scot's Endeavor upon the Seas William now deeply regretted his initial support for the company the last thing he wanted was for his northernmost Kingdom to become less dependent on England William condemned the Scottish scheme as dangerous Folly reprimanding the company for its impudence and inconvenient levels of ambition to the company however this resistance from England and particularly from the unpopular Dutch Billy served as a powerful motivation to see the scheme come to fruition now what Patterson had likely been reticent to mention in all his earnest lobbying however was that Daren was not simply a spare bit of territory lying around that no one wanted the ethat of Panama was like much of coastal South America under Spanish Dominion Spain as you'll remember was a Habsburg monarchy and key member of Williams Grand Alliance now the likelihood that Spain and its puppet governments of Panama and carena would simply turn a blind eye to Scotland's annexation of such a strategic ically important territory instead of blowing the Scots out of the water on site was not great this was one of but several calamitous misjudgments that would prove fatal to the Daran Endeavor in November 1697 the company assembled its newly acquired Merchant Fleet in the fth of fourth in preparation for the first expedition to Daren comprising the abant named vessels the dolphin the Unicorn the Endeavor the calonia and the St Andrew from January to June of 1698 the ships were loaded with supplies while counselors and officers were selected for the first expedition including one of the villains of the Glen Co Massacre Captain Thomas Drummond Butcher of inan closer to departure these were joined by volunteers that is those of sufficient background to avoid getting their hands too dirty and Planters who would definitely be getting their hands dirty during the hard labor of Scotland's Imperial expansion these were mostly Soldiers with family discharged from duy such as those of the Argy regiment who saw the Expedition as preferable to porom at home many of these Highland men had no language but GAC the first expedition to Darion comprised a total of 1,200 colonists on July the 14th the fleet left leth made various stops on the way to pick up supplies then sailed Southwest across the Atlantic to the Caribbean Sea here nestled at the very narrowest stretch of land between oceans lay the golden Bay of [Music] [Applause] [Music] Daran on November the 2nd having visited kkot madira and the West Indies on Route even claiming a nondescript atle called Crab Island for the company the Expedition reached what they christened calonia Bay site of the proposed Colony the settlers struck ground at what would become new Edinburgh and began construction of Fort St Andrew where they would place the 50 Cannon they had brought with them one colonist John Dal Le no not that one imparts the following in his Memoirs on the other side of the harbor there was a mountain on Mile High on which they placed a watch house which in the rarified air of the tropics gave them an immense range of prospect to prevent all surprise to this place it was observed that the Highlanders often repaired to enjoy the cool air and to talk of their friends whom they had left behind the Left Behind included the significant amount of colonists who had died from illness on the long Voyage the settlers negotiated with native tribes folk who could speak a broken Spanish true enough these natives or as the settlers called them Indians knew exactly where the gold could be found but they also knew exactly where the Spanish could be found and these almost naked nose- ringed locals were certainly not as primitive as the Scots thought they were of course to these native people the Guna the newer Rivals were just more pale-faced Invaders after their gold only these were even harder to understand now we should make it clear that the Scots did not abuse or mistreat the kuna indeed the tribe much preferred the Scots to the brutal conquistadors but beneath the Scots friendliness lay the same motivation to take the kuna's land the fact that the Scots had offered to pay for the land rather than simply taking it by force is a distinction without a difference a colonialist with a patronizing smile is still a colonialist but negotiate they did and even sent cordial greetings to the local Spanish Governors which suggests either astonishing naivity or astonishingly ignorant bravado one native man they named Andreas who came to frequent The Colony and another Ambrosio became the unofficial local ambassadors to New Caledonia agreeing a treaty of trade and cooperation with the settlers they asked the scotsmen if they were here to displace the Spanish the visitors said they were not and at present had no quarrel with the Conquistadors the native men smiled at each other some of the Scots party question whether these guys were actually double agents you think and besides where were the Spanish they would have to be treated with sooner or later but Andreas said the Spanish ships were elsewhere to the West besides the colony had more immediate concerns it's clear that Patterson despite his obsession with the place had never actually been to Daran before recommending a nation gamble over a third of its liquid Capital into its colonization put simply there was a reason why this part of the ethos was uninhabited it was an area of swampland Rife with mus mosquitoes and bordered by thick jungle that had to be cut back if you wanted to do anything with it this meant the colonists had to use Higher Ground for planting where the soil was thin dry and infertile crops inevitably failed due to this poor soil and infestation by local FAA which the colonists lacked any experience in dealing with to compound matters sickness was taking a devastating toll on the colonist the Scots having no immunity to Mosquito born diseases such as malaria dentry and well you get the idea December saw the arrival of the mipa a French frigate seeking Refuge from Spanish forces the captain was given amnesty but would not divulge why the Spanish had engaged them many suspected this Privateer had raided nearby Spanish Holdings and that the morah carried a cargo of stolen gold and booty the Captain told the Scot settlers that he had seen Spanish ships gathering in the west when the drunken crew of the Moapa seemingly inexplicably set sail into a swelling tide the next morning they were dashed upon the jagged rocks of the outer bay the mipa sinking with over half its crew and all of its cargo the survivors were rescued by the Scot but seemed in ungrateful antagonistic mood it turned out that the MOA had indeed been Laden with Spanish gold silver and trading goods and this equivalent to a small National Fortune all lay at the bottom of the sea letters from the wreck would later wash ashore revealing that the Spanish were trying to warn the native people not to cooperate with the Scottish settlers or face the wrath of France and Spain on the 28th of December 1698 the settlers Council declared the settlement of colony of the company of Scotland its high cost in lives to sickness and malnutrition was noted stoically these brave souls had died in the name of Scotland's Freedom there wasn't much to show however for their sacrifice their rudimentary settlement lay on an exposed Peninsula and comprised little more than an unfinished Fort and a hamlet of wooden Hut for this 76 people had died between July in Christmas Day the majority of these were Planters which for all the pretty Bluster of the Declaration showed the class system was the only thing thriving in this Promised Land predictably the Spanish were enraged by this apparent British act of aggression that they heard tell their so-called Ally at the time William himself had given his Blessing William moved swiftly to condemn the Scot settlement and reassure the Spanish that the matter would soon come to KN but the Spanish saw that in reality William had no control over the Scottish settlement and they would have to take matters into their own hands seemingly however the Spanish greatly overestimated Scottish military capabilities and saw this as the tip of a planned British Invasion in January 1699 the Spanish barlovento or Windward Fleet dropped anchor at Porto Bello a military Port just west of Daren as the Spanish Governors decided what to do about these disingenuous Interlopers meanwhile the company and its supporters in Scotland petitioned to have the Scottish Parliament send an address to the king requesting the protection offered in his statement of 1695 the protoc Scottish nationalist Firebrand Andrew Fletcher of Sultan wrote they must not think that we have so far degenerated from the courage and honor of our ancestors as timely to submit to become their vassals when for 2,000 years who steady on we have maintained our freedom and therefore it is not in their interest to oppress us too much if they consult their histories they will find that we always broke their yoke in the long run but their yoke had now infiltrated the Scottish Parliament despite the national patriotic fervor around Daran and Scottish public opinion generally stridden in its opposition to English arrogance and intimidation the Edinburgh politicians were reading from a different hem sheet the Lord Seafield marchment Queensbury and the new Duke of Argy were the chief opponents of this protest influenced from the Shadows by the nefarious master of stair John Del rimple murderer of Glen Cole now VI count stare after the death of his father John Del rimple was a fanatical advocate of a full political union between Scotland and England largely because it served as a means to defang the Troublesome Scottish Parliament which was now filled with far too many jacobites for st's liking the company's address to the king did not make it through the Scottish parliamentary process without being significantly altered to render it as inoffensive as possible to the King marchment called it an address to his majesty in such terms as shall please him I'm so so sorry it should come as no surprise that turning a document of protest into a simpering declaration of loyalty to William did not exactly endear the Scottish Parliament to The Wider Scottish population in January the dispatch left leaf with much needed supplies for Daran but was wrecked off Isa in February the first encounter with the Spanish saw the dolphin driven into neighboring Kena where it ran ground and was ultimately captured by Spain the next day saw a land Skirmish in which Montgomery routed an attack by the president of Panama K de cania meanwhile at the colony Andreas and Ambrosio had disappeared and were rumored to be dead but it was later that month that the final straw for many of the struggling settlers came in the form of a worldwide Proclamation from William that spelled Doom for the [Music] colony in his Majesty's name and by command strictly to command his Majesty's subject whatsoever that they do not presume on any pretense whatsoever to hold any correspondence with the said Scot nor to give them any assistance of arms ammunition Provisions or any necessaries whatsoever either by themselves or any other for them or by any of their vessels or of the English Nation as they will answer the contempt of his Majesty's command at their utmost peril this was war Williams minions claimed that the king had been unaware of the true nature of the Scots Enterprise and that their activities were not in line with his encouragement of 1695 which of course they were almost the latter this devastating betrayal meant that no further supplies could be shipped to Daran the colony was now in desperate need of food medicine and clothing the settlement was populated by starving yellowing inhabitants as disease and malnutrition left men too weak even to finish the ditch around Fort St Andrew the Scots fleet was Merchant based and had no vessels capable of attacking into the wind which meant that they were trapped in the Bay of Daran if there was a strong Northerly wind unlike the advanced and terrifying Spanish barento Fleet which could move quickly and effortlessly in any direction a formidable tactical advantage The Colony could not hope to counter but the hubris of the Council of New Caledonia knew no bounds there were those who publicly stated a wish for Spanish attack in order to demonstrate the new artillery guns now mounted on Forton Andrew many of the colonists however took Williams proclamation in the spirit in which it was dealt and the council realized it could not prevent an evacuation from a settlement that had long become a living nightmare so many had died that there was not enough able manpower to properly bury them of the 1200 settlers who had arrived the previous summer nearly 400 were now dead disease and starvation had ravaged the settlers of their pride and Defiance the dream was over by June the colony had been abandoned except for Six Sick men the ships sailed to North America while the wind was favorable and some made it back to Scotland by any sensible Reckoning this should have been the end of the affair but the company of Scotland was determined to recoup its massive investment the board of directors not only failed to disclose the abandonment of the colony to the public but doubled down on the now inarguably doomed Enterprise later in 1699 a second Expedition left the Clyde bearing another 1,200 colonists under the impression that they were headed for a thriving Tropical Paradise in reality the majority were being sent to a slow painful death the dream they had been sold would be brutally shattered upon their arrival at new calonia where they found Thomas Drummond two sloops and overcrowded burial grounds literally overflowing with the dead survivors later wrote of the everpresent inescapable stench of decomposing flesh that pervaded the settlement the company had tried to deny what it called the desertion of the colony but the reality was painfully apparent in the hellish scene of death and despair that was new Edinburgh the council and officers called a meeting at which it was agreed that all women and 500 men were to be evacuated to Jamaica in its death throws the colony of Daran like the company of of Scotland during its conception was Riven by factionalism differing ideas and opinions between the settlers now turned ugly those deemed to be deviating from the original vision of the colony began to be labeled as criminals and even mutineers Thomas Drummond had floated a plan for he and around 50 men to go native with the Indians living independently so as to solve the problem of both descent and lack of supplies this was dismissed by the council outright but in reaction to the decision one volunteer Alexander Campbell made the mistake of pointing out that if the council would not adapt to the changing situation there was a possibility of rebellion in the colony that could see its Masters swing from the proverbial yard arm the next day Campbell was arrested and imprisoned aboard the Duke of Hamilton without trial in December he was executed by hanging on the charge of mutiny Drummond too was arrested and imprisoned but likely due to stories of his bravery during the 9 years war was later released in January of 1700 Williams surprisingly agreed to ask Spain to release the crew of the dolphin while at the colony Robert turnbill had been to visit the natives and returned with news that the Spanish were preparing for an imminent attack February saw the arrival of the militarist at Campbell of forab who wasted did no time in bringing the fight to the Spanish winning a much celebrated victory at tuac but Thomas Drummond knew that there would be a fearsome retribution from the Spanish and by now he had had just about enough of this godforsaken endeavor and its boneheaded leadership Drummond left Daran shortly before said retribution arrived in the form of Don Mel de cabara who landed to the east of the colony and quickly rebuffed an attacked by the Scot holding the landing site for his backup to arrive this backup was Don Juan pimenta who made landfall later in the month with significant reinforcements Penta offered the Scots terms of surrender but despite the Settler's desperate situation the council stubbornly refused to give in they were determined to persevere in the face of now impossible odds ideology bitter resentment and nationalistic F had long since replaced logic in the minds of the colony leadership Penta surely non plused at the Scots increasingly pointless resistance Advanced forward to the neck of the peninsula here the only obstacle was a rudimentary ditch that the Scots had dug as a makeshift defensive position and it would do little more than slow down any Invader on March the 18th the Spanish duly crossed the ditch ending any serious hope of the colony survival now the council finally saw sense and asked pimenta for a truce with a view to agreeing terms of surrender but then the squabbling colony council members could not reach agreement on how to proceed and hostilities resumed on the 22nd at the end of March pimenta again offered terms which the council now had little choice but to agree to the articles of capitulation were signed on March the 31st 7 1700 which allowed the Scots to leave with their artillery if they made it snappy on April the 12th the colony was abandoned for a second time and pimenta took possession of Daran the settlers left on the hope the Rising Sun and the Duke of Hamilton while the hope of boness was sailed to Kena where it was surrendered to the Spanish in May the Scottish ships reached Jamaica later in the month the Scottish Parliament reconvened but Queensbury refused the company another address to the king adjourning Parliament instead this act of dissociation together with the news of the battle of tuac caused widespread rioting in the capital that night the City of Edinburgh was under the control of armed mobs and wigs such as Queensbury batten down the hatches fearful for their lives in July the hope the rising son and the Duke of Hamilton left Jamaica Bound for home but the Hope became wrecked off the coast of kuna encountering further adverse weather the Rising Sun became dismasted but it and the Duke of Hamilton managed to make it to Charleston in Carolina by late August however barely a week later both ships were destroyed in a hurricane in October the Scottish Parliament met again and the company embarked on a fruit lobbying campaign to establish Daran as a legal settlement thereby falling under the protection of the Scottish Parliament I mean guys do the words barnor horse and bolted ring a bell the colony of Daran founded in such defiant Vigor had ended in a dreadful humiliating capitulation cut down in its infancy by chronic infighting and mismanagement English betrayal and Spanish attempt we have no record as to how many of the 2,400 colonists who sailed to Darion survived the catastrophic Endeavor but estimates suggest that as few as 30 people made it back to the British Isles which would represent a staggering mortality rate of 98.7% Scotland's great gamble had failed in the fatted odorous decay of new Edinburgh lay the ruin of the Scottish Nation an unprecedented financial disaster most terrible in its implications the country had not only lost nearly half of its liquid Capital but its dignity and its ability to function without assistance condemning Scotland to a poverty and dependence greater than ever before little did the company know that in their misguided attempts to join the great game of Empires they had in fact destroyed the one thing that they sought to protect the ability of Scotland to make its own way in the world as a Sovereign Nation for nearly a thousand years the Scots had resisted Invasion and Insurrection to maintain their often bitterly won right to political autonomy but from the disaster of Daran there could be no return amid the wreckage of New Caledonia torn aunder by the cruel Winds of Fate lay the dream of Scotland's Independence thanks for watching and we hope you enjoyed the film in part two Union we'll investigate the controversial choice of air to an the gamechanging war of the Spanish succession The Long Shadows cast by Daran the deaths of James iith Andi and William of Orange the political chicanery in London and Edinburgh that led to the creation of Great Britain and the jackaby response in the attempted rising of 1708 until then enjoy your [Music] adventures [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Utopia Planitia Studios
Views: 950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scotland, Scottish History, British History, England, European History, Europe, Jacobites, Jacobite Risings, 1715, 1719
Id: fLtJjFJcld8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 12sec (6312 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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