Inglewood Park Cemetery: A Journey Through the Final Resting Places of Legends | Part 1

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all thanks for joining us today we're standing outside the mosum of the Golden West Englewood California within this mosum we'll start out visiting three or four locations also within this video we'll visit the gravite location of sports stars and movie stars first stop today will be Betty gyel Betty with an actress pinup girl and model in 1946 and 47 the United States Treasury listed her as the highest paid female in America so not only in show business but in America she earned over $3 million in her career gyel was noted for having the most beautiful legs in Hollywood the studio famously ures them for $1 million with Lloyds of London uh quite a quite a p quite a publicity stunt and idea here's a picture where Betty imprints her legs on the Hollywood Walk of Fame now back down the hallway the long Corridor uh this mosum is built 1905 it just has beautiful stained glass and marble just everywhere you got to see it in person if you ever get a chance okay we're going to turn left here we're going to come up upon the final resting place of another Hollywood Legend none other than Caesar Romero Caesar has a 60-year career in radio and television he played the Joker in the 1966 68 Batman series he refused A shave his lifelong mustache so as you can see here in this picture they covered it up with heavy makeup he was 6' three and often played the part of at Latin lover he co-stars with Betty gryo and Springtime in the Rockies this came out in the 1940s he played a leading role in The Devil is a woman Romero was never married and had no kids he would frequently be seen as an escort for Hollywood actresses at events with the likes of Joan Crawford Barbara Stein Lucille Ball and Ginger Rogers amongst others not a bad gig huh and right behind will stroll over to the final resting place of Bud Jameson Jameson was a very busy actor appearing in 450 films from 1915 until his death in 1944 he's best known to me for appearing in 38 three stoia shorts he died on September 30th 1944 at the young age of 50 from a blood clot that traveled from his leg to his lungs one day after he finished shooting the movie Knob Hill he was a Christian Scientist and refused to go see the doctor for treatment we'll stay in this same area we'll go down to the end to the last Corridor and as we make a ride we'll come upon Ray Charles Charles pioneered to so music by combining Blues Jazz and rhythm and blues he began losing his sight at age four or five and then by the time he was seven he was completely blind uh possibly by glaucoma he learns to sing and play the piano when he attended the Florida school for the deaf and blind he' go on and win 18 Grammy Awards he sells Millions of Records he also fathered 12 children with 10 different ladies well that wraps it up inside the mosum of the Golden West now we're going to head outside go across the cemetery and find a couple of OJ Simpson defense lawyers you'll begin to hear some jets flying above we right next I mean we're right next door to LAX now we're at the chapel of Honor uh this is another mosum we're going to visit the grave of a defense attorney for OJ Simpson as I mentioned earlier I like how these automatic lights work now we're at the grave location of Johnny Cochran fellow defense attorney Gerald yulman gave Cochran the if it doesn't fit phrase let show you something this is a nitc cap I'm going put this knit cap on you've been seeing me for a year if I put this knit cap on who am I I'm still Johnny cochan with a knit cap and if you look at OJ Simpson over there and he has a rather large head OJ Simpson in a knit cap from two blocks away is still OJ Simpson it's no disguise it's no no disguise it makes no sense it doesn't fit if it doesn't fit you must AC quit cochr dies of a brain tumor March the 29th 2005 here's a picture of his office here in LA and they keep it as is in his honor we're out at the main grounds of the Inglewood Park Cemetery you can probably guess who we're going to visit with next I'm going to stop the video right here because when I first shot it I was at the wrong Kardashian the Robert George Kardashian is OJ simpsons's friend and attorney I want to tell you a little bit about Kardashian he let his law license go because he was making a lot of money as an entrepreneur did you know it was his programs and ideas and marketing to play the music in between the shows when you go to the movie theater they play music in between the shows well that's Robert Kardashian he ends up selling that company and made a whole lot of money uh later when OJ gets into trouble kardashan reinstates his uh his law license so he wouldn't have to take the stand and testify against OJ Simpson OJ and Kardashian would often go on vacations together with their families they would go to dinner attend social events together in the book even before the trial started you say that Robert Shapiro said to you this is how I think the murders may have been committed what did he say Mr Shapiro told me one day that he thinks OJ went over there and he was just going to poke her tires and she caught him and that's when the murders took place and I was astounded here is our lead trial attorney giving me this theory of guilt and I said I don't want to hear theories of guilt do you think Robert Shapiro thought that OJ Simpson was guilty yes there you go Kardashian would also go on to say that he and OJ we're no longer on speaking terms if you look to the right of the video here that would be Robert George Kardashian that's where I meant to go but I went to the I went to the fell on the left might be a relative Uncle something like that now we're at the sunset missions mum we'll stop by and see the grave of Tom Bradley mayor Tom Bradley he was once a police officer for LA County um working his way up to the rank of Lieutenant he'd go on and earn his law degree while still working as a police officer he serves on the city council of Los Angeles County later becomes LA's first black mayor serving a record 20 years from 1973 through 1993 President Carter offers him a cabinet position for which he turns down later vice president Mandell strongly considered Tom Bradley as his vice presidential running mate before he chose Geraldine Ferraro now let's head upstairs here at Sunset mosum as we do I'm going to show you this picture that I found online making it helpful in finding our next location our next stop next up if you look for the stained glass and also look for this Arch doorway you'll find a great location of Ella Fitzgerald Ella was a jazz singer she was referred to as Queen of jazz she said she try to sing just like the horns she heard in a big bands you may remember that me X commercial where her voice would shatter a glass there is a bronze statue of her in Yonkers New York where she grew up the United States Postal Service honored her on a postage stamp as part of black heritage month April 2007 close to the main entrance of Inglewood Park Cemetery where're at the Garden of chime section building D we're here with Eda James Eda was a gospel Blues Jazz and Rhythm blue singer also did some rock and roll she had hits in the mid-50s with something got a hold of me and I'd Rather Go Blind amongst others in 2001 she's inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame and the Rockabilly Hall of Fame she dies of leukemia 5 days before her 71st actually her 74th birthday on January 20th 2012 right next door to Capistrano section of the cemetery we have Ernest Fredick Morrison Sunshine Sammy he was a child actor who appeared in the hour gang short film series after he grows up he worked for an aerospace company as an inspector his last television parents was in 1974 as a guest Spott appearance on Good Times we'll stay in the same section right behind us we'll have a 1970 sitcom star you know her as an Esther and the sanord sun t ision series she was the Bible thumping Baptist that would often call Fred an old Heathen he would insult her by calling her King Kong and Godzilla did you know that they were actually childhood friends in St Louis they grew up together also within the television series she had the old drunken husband his name was woodro well this wraps up part one of Inglewood Park Cemetery there are plenty of famous graves in here so more to come thanks for joining us today and everyone should be remembered
Channel: Famous Graves with Diamond Dave
Views: 4,421
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Keywords: inglewood park cemetery visit, inglewood park cemetery, famous graves, cemetery, graveyard tour, inglewood, famous grave tours, inglewood cemetery, famous graves with diamond dave, celebrity graves, cemetery tour, history of inglewood park cemetery, final resting place, betty grable grave, ceasar romero grave, bud jamison grave, grave tours, cemetery tours, hollywood legends at inglewood park cemetery, movie star graves, celebrity gravesites, hollywood legends gravesite
Id: ugS-gJG5zDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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