Inflation - Real Estate Investing with Grant Cardone

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[Music] every monday grant cardone here in the cardone zone i come to you to talk about your money your finances your business to get your business straight to get your game on okay you guys out there need to take care of your kids your ladies your moms your dads and you ladies out there y'all need to take care of them bags you know what i'm saying and that takes money to do that so every monday uh every monday i come here to talk to you about your money about your finances about your business and today we're going to talk about the effects of inflation they don't teach you this at school i spent five years in a college they never taught me what the big inflate was they talked about the inflate shun but they never gave me the education on the down low what does it even damn mean okay uh today in uh there's a there's an article out oh there's armando colony there's an article out right now uh warning about inflation rising inflation for well over a year now and it's supposedly soaring it's supposed to terrify you as much as the plandemic and the covida and the delta variant and now we got the inflation consumer price index dex is up 5.4 percent year over year what does that even mean the producer price index is up almost 8 percent and i'm going to show you a little graph here johnny i don't know if you could show them that graph okay but this is saying that the cost of goods and services is up almost eight percent and the dollar is going down in value okay now i'm going to explain this to you today and why the best hedge against all this freaking insanity is real property okay now we talked about inflation as being five percent higher this year over last year but keep in mind that uh inflation was relatively tame in the years prior to this like there's been almost no inflation in the marketplace so to see a temporary spike mostly caused by covida the pandemic okay don't be hating on me all you vaccinated people okay by the way who's paying for all that stuff check it out i'm gonna show you the simplicity of inflation okay uh before the pandemic before the covid a sensation okay bigger than a bigger than uh justin timberlake um that's johnny the camera guy in the background before that okay before you guys were out buying masks and toilet paper people rushing off buying gasoline for their car people buying cars they can't even go out and use right so insane right so what happened was the number of goods and services were basically stable in this country we didn't produce more goods and services because of covet however because of covid we we created seven trillion dollars of new dollars this is simply supply and demand warren buffett once said that inflation is so complicated that maybe only two or three people on the entire planet even understand the effects of it i just want to simplify it for you today pre-covid okay and today for uh seven trillion dollars in new cash was produced u.s dollars in circulation u.s dollars in circulation uh has increased almost 40 percent that means 40 of all the us dollars that existed or that have been created in the last 12 months did not exist 12 months ago okay we have four trillion dollars all this new dough what happens when there's new dough and what happens when interest rates during covid went to zero fuel prices by the way fuel prices went to minus forty dollars a barrel during covet whirlwind into freaking terror shrunk everything shrunk and then all of a sudden the u.s government says print money print money send out 1400 checks to everyone send out a 1400 checks then send out money to the ppp money send that out to the business make sure everybody stays afloat and you you basically pushed all this doe into the marketplace all this new cash comes into the marketplace interest rates go to zero the cost of fuel goes to nothing okay and then what happens what follows next is the inflate of real property toilet paper is a real property for a second you can wipe your butt with it so it's real so everybody rushes out and goes and gets the toilet paper they get the water the water goes up in price okay when you have rushes of money money goes to the people people push out into the marketplace and they start buying goodies look unless inflation suddenly stops in its tracks inflation numbers will be much higher this year at 5.4 or consumer price index than it was last year okay but what will stop inflation will not be the fed it will not be what they're saying it is it will be that people simply do not have money when you don't have money when this doe dries up and it could be two years i'm going to tell you right now we're in 2000 what 21 right now is probably going to be in 2023 that we stabilize okay real values will start to stabilize because all this does going to come out they just approved 3.7 trillion i think 1.5 trillion of it was approved they're going to stuff that's what kabul is all about by the way the whole thing in kabul is basically a diversion for you to see how they're going to jam that freaking they're going to they're going to drain jam that 3.7 trillion and nobody's going to read it you're not going to read it because you're so worried about what's going in afghanistan it's like look over here look over here look over here while they steal from over here okay now it doesn't mean that you don't need to pay attention because what's happening in real estate right now is property values across the country are exploding you could see property values in miami where i'm at home prices going up 40 percent and sometimes that doesn't even get it so the house that was one million dollars is now 1.4 million dollars 40 percent increase overnight literally because of so much money coming into the marketplace who's buying a 1.4 million dollar home a 1.5 a 1.4 million dollar home you have to put 20 percent down 280 000 you're gonna finance 1 million 120 000. let me see what that payment is going to be times .055 that payment is going to be 6 000 a month uh six thousand dollars a month seventy seventy thousand dollars a year okay that person needs to make about 18 grand to a a month to get that loan approved how many people make 18 grand a month almost none almost no one makes that kind of money so why is that important because what will happen is the wealthy people or who are buying homes today that have 20 down and they can get approved for these kind of loans the jumbo loans they are going to buy homes and then this thing will soften out supply and demand will show you that there's no real inflation in the marketplace if the if the job market does not explode if the average person making 54 000 can't make 74 000 they can't afford this and they'll quit buying homes but it will then lean over into rent okay for instance i'm buying a deal right now the average home in the neighborhood is 850 000 this is the reality of supply demand and inflation johnny's going to show you a picture of what i'm buying right now across the street the median price in that neighborhood is 850 000 if i multiply that times zero five five point zero zero five five i'm gonna see a payment of forty seven hundred and two dollars a month before insurance and before taxes in texas where this property is located okay so that payment's going to be 4 700 bucks a month check it out the rent on the place that i'm showing you on the screen right now is 1800. once these homes are sold and taken off the marketplace and there's no no longer homes to sell what will happen is when these homes and the heights are sold the guy next door is going to be like okay i'm going to make my house 950 000 that's inflation we're having inflation we're having real life inflation because all the homes sold people came in about the 850. they didn't want to rent at my joint so they're like no i want to own a house and i want to take care of it and i want to i'm going to actually have a house that's 50 or 60 years old this property is brand new they don't have a 4 million swimming pool but they want to own their own home and they want to put their little welcome mat on the front of it so this guy next door says i'm going to go to 950 and it sells so the guy next door to him says what i'm going to go to 980. okay check this out somebody comes in there's 16 people trying to buy this house at 980 000 and the guy that gets awarded the house says i'll pay one million dollars i'll pay one million and eighty thousand dollars and i'm gonna rent the house to somebody i'm gonna write a check for it and pay cash and i'm gonna rent it to somebody for four thousand dollars a month and he's gonna get a four percent return on his million dollar investment this is happening right now in this location that i'm telling you about across the street is my little property at eighteen hundred bucks a month the reason it's eighteen hundred bucks a month this is a brand new property and they're leasing it up leasing it up and they have more supply right now than they have demand for it so they basically offer what's called concessions in the rental market we talk a lot about rentals here because i'm telling you the rentals will be the winner over the next 24 to 36 months and then into the next 10 and 15 and 20 years going forward because of this this thing called inflation that is so difficult to understand inflation really is again supply and demand how much cash is in the marketplace how many real products can i buy how much toilet paper can i buy i mean after some point you're like i got enough toilet paper how many cars can i buy sooner or later you're done with cars how many watches can you actually purchase and who's buying paddocks and richards only people with a lot of money the rest of the marketplace that that drives the marketplace is not the rich people it's the everyday people right so watch this rent when this starts happening here right and this house rents for four grand and it's gone once it's gone it's gone and nobody else can rent it and over time this rent will go to twenty two hundred dollars and then this rent in the next five years will go to twenty eight hundred dollars and while this happens over here at the rental these homes keep going up in value in prices okay and that's what happened when you put too much money in the marketplace trillions of dollars in the marketplace and more is coming and then interest rates go down to zero okay as the fed takes on more debt the interest rates will have to stay low as jobs don't increase in value if the salaries don't go up if salaries can continue to stay stable around the united states and by the way our number here is 305 865 868 but i wanted to show you something this is completely off the cuff wages over the last 50 years in a graph and i'm putting this in here and let's see what we see uh look at this okay uh i don't know if you can see this johnny can you see it yes sir okay so i'm going to pull up one of these graphs does it get big for you though johnny or just really small uh let's see let me just visit this website okay this is pew research pretty good pretty good website okay these are wages american paychecks are bigger than 40 years ago but their purchasing power has barely budged okay uh back in 1964 your average wage was two dollars and fifty cents that's me man i'm working at mcdonald's for 250. okay okay today that same wage it says it's 22 well that's not true we know nobody at mcdonald's is a right here you see just use a little common sense with the you read okay uh you guys at tiktok common sense would work it doesn't actually work on a good video but okay 250 and then to 22 well the reality is somebody at whole at mcdonald's today is not making 22.50 they're making what 11 bucks nine bucks eight bucks okay so and i don't know maybe back in 1964 they only made 75 cents the bottom line is this the median income let me just put median income in america i'll bet you it's under 58 000 bucks a year and i'll bet you over the last 30 oh median income in america is 31 thousand dollars in 2013 13. to 26 000 in 2014 26 000 in 2015 can they see this johnny is it big because i don't see it like that 27 thousand dollars in 2016. you guys wonder why you're not getting ahead this is why you're not getting ahead right here because you don't make enough money okay how can you buy a damn home when you're you're making 30 30 grand a year but you can rent an apartment cannot you okay in fact on 30 31 000 in 2019 let's see what average income is average income the difference between average income and median income is median income i think they kick out the high and the low and then come up with a median okay and the average they're going to take everything across the board uh let's see what is average income of u.s in 2020 62 000 i said 58 grand 62 000 a year and if you went back for the last 30 years you would basically see average income doing this like it's not doing much of anything the cost of goods have exploded okay gasoline when i was growing up was a quarter i remember paying 25 cents for a gallon of gas i remember going to a gas station saying how much how many gallons can i get for one dollar you can't get that today what's a gallon today three dollars four dollars three dollars yeah three dollars so and it's down so i remember going to the grocery store and you could get a bag of groceries cost you like 20 bucks man for a whole bag uh you go to whole foods today every bag is going to cost a hundred bucks that is the simplicity of inflation okay the simplicity of inflation is i rented my rent was 275 dollars a month in 1986 and today that rent would be uh 1500 bucks same same exact apartment by the way but there's been another change particularly with apartments and then i'll take some calls from our apartment investors 305-865-8668 renting an apartment today i don't know johnny can you show a 1970 1980 apartment 1980 apartment and then i want you to pull up a 20 20 apartment building okay 1980 apartment buildings and let's see if i got some images here uh no those are 1980 let me show you 1980 apartment 1980 uh duplex building duplex because this is what they used to build back in the day not not that bad not that bad not that bad those are all redone rehab rehab rehab that's a little duplex right okay uh johnny i don't know if you have that picture of me grant cardone's grant cardone's apartment uh on st uh now let's see if it comes up here the one the one i got the one i was living in johnny you think we have that one somewhere yeah because that's that's the kind of duplex i'm talking about this kind of stuff right here not even that's too nice um yeah it's not in there johnny you can find it i'm sure you can find but look at the kind of stuff that people are building today okay look at this property right here these are freaking amazing properties unbelievable security full gems um massive swimming pools sundeck swimming pools johnny if you can bring them back and show them that property i'm doing right now over it i mean look at some of these properties that we're buying today show them the 29th street heights yeah look at this property i'm buying in fact i'm gonna have for all the accredited investors if you want to join me for a call tonight i'm buying a deal tonight uh this uh we're going to close on in the next two weeks this is a massive massive property 646 units remember this rent 1500 bucks a month for the same piece of garbage i used to pay 275 for and i can rent something brand new today in miami or in the heights in houston texas orlando tampa vegas for 1800 to 2800 a month that used to buy a home folks that is inflation but also with the inflation is the quality of the asset you follow me renting an apartment today is not like renting an apartment 20 years ago the apartment renter today is different than the apartment renter was when i was growing up many of these are well-to-do people there you go johnny that's that duplex can they see it johnny i paid 275 a month in 1986 and today that same place rents for 1800 that is inflation but there's another inflation the improvement the improvement of a person's quality of life okay meaning the house that i rented the house that i rented or bought for uh 78 000 this is one form of inflation today is 400 grand okay it went up 320 000 property taxes went up but there's another inflation here the quality of living that we have today show them the heights building again with the swimming pool the quality of asset today that kind of complex with the lighting the security the gym the full gymnasium open 24 hours a day i mean i i was in some properties this weekend i'm like elena i would sell the house that we live in on the beach to go live at this property it is that nice it gives me a social technologies there it gives me a social network of people uh it gives me full full gym yoga massage like it is an incredible improvement so some inflation by the way is improvement of inflation and quality of life improving the quality of life and for you guys out there that are able to buy property to think creatively to buy property and rent it to others what you'll have over the next 20 years is you're going to have a property where the rents are 1800 a month here i think the what the deal that we're doing right now inflation we will go to 2 200 in the next two years that is actually not inflation by the way when it goes from here to here is not inflation we are below the market right now because of supply and demand and that rent this is inflation this is real inflation those rents will be 3 200 uh in the next 10 years which will take this property that i'm buying right now for 285 per door and make it worth 400 000 per door going forward and the owners of this property if i'm buying a deal for 185 million dollars i think we sell this deal for 250 250 million and i think i could do that in the next three to five years i'm gonna have a call on this tonight 305-865-8668 if you want to call me i think our lines are full but tonight if you want to join me if you're an accredited investor and you want to join me can you show them the the asset johnny that we're buying uh if you want to invest in this asset we're going to be closing in the next two weeks if you want questions and answer or q a tonight uh what time am i doing that call at johnny i believe it's gonna be seven o'clock but let me double check whatever we'll give you the link zoom forward slash zoom if you want to join me to see if you're you'd be interested in investing let's talk to some of our callers johnny who we got i can't hear stephen from colorado stephen how you doing buddy i'm good how are you good good are you guys seeing inflation over there say that again are you guys seeing inflation in colorado oh you know we seeing something place and things are popping out here like yeah and why why do you think it's popping over there what what forced the price increases in in uh colorado to be honest man just i don't know the way of life everybody keep moving here well i think yeah say it again say it again everybody what everybody keep moving exactly so that's called demand right demand for your products and services went up so if you have restaurants you have 10 restaurants in denver and all of a sudden another thousand people show up guess what people are going to start building more restaurants the moment people start building more restaurants the cost of goods and services are going to go up because there's only so much labor hey what's your question my friend or do you have a deal i got a deal for you okay tell me about the deal so the deal uh so it's a 36 unit multi-family property and it cost 1.35 million okay it was built in 1983. too loud johnny can you hear me yeah i can hear you perfect and then uh on net annually it brings two hundred and ten thousand dollars in so the cap rate is fifteen point six percent okay it brings two hundred thousand dollars from rent how many units are there 36 units 36 units and what are the rents the rents are well there's uh there's a one bedroom one bath at 550 a month and for the three bedroom two bath is 650 a month okay so six i'm just going to go ahead and say they're all 6.50 um 36 times 650 is it full it's full 100 okay so you're 280 000 you said it brought in 210 000 that's your gross income right no that's net well i don't know how how could that be net it only takes 880 000 the the expenses is only 60 000 a year okay that's impossible that's impossible you're in colorado the taxes by themselves would be 56 grand a year oh this property is in mississippi though i'm not talking about it oh you in mississippi man man why are you why do you want to why you want to like deceive me okay well hey bro look i mean what are taxes on the property um i'm not i'm not sure okay so you got taxes you got electricity you got water you got property taxes you're going to have you got to have some expenses but you want to use the 280 number there's a it's impossible to buy something and not have expenses you're going to have a lawn the operating the operating expenses annually are 65 000 okay so you and me take the 65 grand off the 280 yes sir okay and you want me to assume that you collected 100 of the rents 100 of the time because you sir you are a hundred percenter because i'm like that okay go ahead man you like the deal well i don't like the fact that you think you're gonna collect all this money well even let's say it's at 90 well okay so look you got a 14.3 cap on this deal so that terrifies me because i'm like okay what's the location like it's uh it's nasty it's nasty can you say nasty it's a little nasty it's a little it's a little it's down south you know how it is yeah but uh but all down south is not created equal man you know but i tell you what bro like like 36 units you're only going to pay 1.5 million you're paying 40 000 a door i mean i don't see how you go wrong you pay 40 what are the rents there you're paying 40 grand and you're renting them for you're paying 40 000 per unit and you're renting them for 600 bucks i mean it's a no-brainer bro it's a cash flow machine it's like i mean the only thing the only thing that's going to generate more cash flow is grant cardone my only problem is i have i'm having trouble getting the debt oh why is that because i just recently graduated college and i don't have any networks yeah have you joined the grant forward slash club uh i have not yet well you should you should invest in club all of you that are serious investors you really want to raise money for deals you want to get equity you want to get debt that's not a problem on this deal the way this deal is going to work my my friend is a million five okay you need about 300 grand to buy this deal you're going to finance 1.2 million dollars the payment on that 1.2 million is going to be 36 000 bucks a year and if your numbers are right this thing's going to make 164 000 bucks a year divided by 300 000 you'll make 50 return to your investors so you should get involved in the club all of you out there by the way that you know you got a deal but you don't have the money or you don't have the debt you should join the club man hook up with these people show them your deal every week we meet on wednesday at noon right we meet wednesday at noon every wednesday and then three times a year we meet in person okay it's 25 000 bucks it's on sale from 75 grand it's got about 150 people in it three times a year we meet in person and then once every week we actually go over deals together so that deal if i'm not wrong if i'm not doing the math wrong on this i guarantee you somebody in that group yeah it's forty thousand dollars worth of debt it's going to be 40 grand 40 grand off the 215. the deal is going to make 175 000 you put 300 grand down you literally have your down payment back in two years that's what i've been trying to tell people they they ain't listening to me they think i'm naive because i'm young yeah well you know just tell them hey man alexander the great was 16. he did all the persia all right but you got to get with the right people bro maybe you talking to dumb people i am clearly well get with a different group bro like like just come come it cost 25 grand to do that borrow the money get the money do the money do whatever you got to do to get with the right group of people and you'll quit having dumb you'll quit having people tell you dumb i appreciate that because somebody in my group is going to tell you how can we do this deal together now the question is not going to be is the deal any good the deal is going to be can you manage it or who needs to manage it maybe you just get a little piece a little piece to deliver this deal and stay on for like five or ten percent and let somebody else have a majority of the deal next caller all right these deals by the way are all over the united states of america all you guys that are bitching and moaning and growing oh my god i'm in los angeles i can't afford a house okay well why don't you leave los angeles and come to mississippi come to alabama come to florida come to texas god damn why y'all keep you you you complain but you won't leave i hate the way you treat me okay once you leave we did we left the damn state of california because we didn't like the way they treated us i'm not going to just i'm going to walk you guys dominique from the old fort stewart what's going on what's going on grant yeah what's happening today hey i'll pay you 500. if you can tell me what the original word inflation meant in latin okay it's actually uh it's actually uh it's a latin word but but i'm going to translate it to english i'll pay you 500 cash if you can tell me the two words that inflation stood for back in the 1700s does it mean not money no no i'll give you another shot at 500 to inflate what did it mean to inflate you look at the makeup what makeup no no it meant to blow in it meant to blow in like to inflate that's what inflation is it blows in how could you blow some up put a bunch of cash in the marketplace everybody's like man goddamn i got some new money i got some money they gave me some money okay if like if i gave everybody a million dollars right now what do you guys think you'd do with it you think you'd save it that's why they always say man you could take all the money on the planet away from everybody divide it equally and it will still end up with the guys that started with the doe you know why because you guys would go out and spend your money and wealthy people don't spend money they invest money okay go ahead what's your question man you got a deal or you got a question i got a deal brand okay let's go bring it all right i'll be done young ignorant guy i'm going to try to learn real estate can't hear a deal 101 east hindering street pinesville georgia 101 east henry street east pendery yeah atm d-r-y p-e-n okay okay where pen p p-e-n-d-r-y uh heinz henry henry street did you say henry street injury henry yes sir okay henry okay good and then and then give me the what what city is it in hinesville georgia hinesville georgia so it's a tour it's a really beat up for flex and i really want to invest in because i like the area okay so so look he he he likes the area oh yeah it is beat up dude that's good i like that that makes me feel good you about to go home man you about to go home all by yourself what do you do you look around the room what do you look for do you desperate man you desperate you like dude don't you look for something beat up yeah you know what it's my first deal i'm looking at i'm kind of looking at the best opportunity that i can uh possibly get yeah yeah yeah i like this deal man this deal is beat up because you know you can put some landscaping around this thing get rid of these antennas splash some paint on this fix these windows you're good okay okay what do they want for this for this old hack so this old hag is looking like this estimate of 55 one it you know just tell me how much they want for man just tell me what they want for it man so they haven't i've i haven't figured out from anybody yet that's why okay how much of a rinse how much of the rinse i mean i thought you had a deal to show me it's about 600. it was about 600 before a guy evacuated okay 600 everybody's out oh it's been evacuated yeah everybody's up oh that's good they're trying to get everybody out because they're getting ready to put the spinky spanky on it they about to put the lipstick on the pig you know what you got to start somewhere yeah so what how do you like the location of this this the little pig it's right next to downtown hinesville next to the courthouse the pluto police station nobody knows where hinesville is man it it drops out for it by military bait okay uh about 30 minutes 40 minutes from the band oh okay yeah yeah that's cool well look everybody knows 600 a month didn't i rent okay that sounds like i went to the grocery store so no notice if you told your mom this or your grandma this hey my rent's 600. she'd be like what that's crazy no baby that's inflation that's all that is okay a penny saved is a penny when your mama when your grandma your grandma used to have a jar of pennies so now now nobody even picks them up that's inflation folks okay so look uh i don't i don't know why you're telling me about this deal when you don't like like is it for sale yeah it's off the market and i and i have a broker that i can talk to okay well how much is it how much is the deal about 155 155 000. just buy it bro i mean it's simple but buy it well how do i know you can buy it because it's forty thousand bucks a door and forty thousand dollars a door that gets a six hundred dollar payment you should buy the deal now in this case what you guys are going to do is he's going to take 150 000 okay he's going to put 4 500 down that's how he's going to buy this deal you're going to put you're going to finance 145 000 hopefully on your income hopefully you have a job times points sir yeah you got a job yeah i'm a military good there you go the payments are going to be 5 800 a year okay add another two grand for taxes his his total payments are going to be 7 800 bucks a year on this purchase he's going to pay 600 a month to own four units in the hineyville okay he's going to pay 600 a month to own four units that each rent for 600 bucks now let's say let's say in his free time when he's not when he's not defending the country he goes over there and throws some paint on the place steals some trees he goes to a neighbor that's got this old bratty ass palm tree and they're like hey how about i remove that tree from your yard they transplant easily i remove that tree he just goes down the street picks up four six eight trees in the neighborhood of these ratty-ass palm trees that nobody wants and he takes them and he puts them on his property he doesn't even pay anything for him just sweat equity he had some trees he adds some paint he fixes the porch okay probably fixes the window units and the air conditions like what are those going to call for 200 bucks each it's nothing you notice we've had the deflation on appliances like costs less money i could get a big ass tv today for my damn apartment cost me 300 bucks that tv used to be three thousand dollars i remember paying 60 grand for a tv back when the big plasmas came out i had i got a 55. hell yeah you remember all that bro bruh so so like that's what i would do with this place i'd buy this bad boy i get better and better deals every week we're getting better and better deals that's what i would do now i don't know anything about hinesville i don't know if there's any people that live in hineyville i know what they do on the weekends in hineyville but hey i'm not going to hold out against them okay everybody needs a place to live no matter what they do with their hiney let's talk to the next caller all right you got dylan from colorado what's up big d big d from the big seat hold on one second see i'm surprised anybody in colorado even got covid because there's so much sunshine there all right what's that big date hey you got it you got a deal or you got a question i got a question okay um so i'm 20 years old and i'm wondering if it's better to get a four flex in florida or to join the cardone club now i would definitely join the club bro you don't need you don't some of you out there like oh man i got 25 000 i could buy a deal or i could join the club but get in the club there's so much money in that club it's unbelievable okay like there's so much money there you don't need to have the money to do a deal you need the deal and the money and the debt will follow i would definitely join the club grantcardone.comclub forward slash club we meet every single week folks and then three times a year in person okay i would definitely one thousand percent if i could go back start my whole career over rather than doing what i did i would have joined a club like this so i could be with the right people the right thing c deals see debt see equity i could learn the language faster inflation is the decline of purchasing power okay okay does this buy less today yes okay is money any longer a problem there's more money on this planet today folks than any time in the history of planet earth we have never ever had this much money it is everywhere and it's being printed by every country inflation is the decline of the purchasing power of a given currency over time okay so when there's more money when there's more money okay more money comes up well the cost of goods should come up however because of technology notice i can get my music for free today we used to pay when i was growing up we paid twenty dollars for an album we paid we paid two or three hundred bucks for a stereo you know uh today what you get a phone bro you got it all i got everything i got my phone i got my video i mean like like you understand like i got my telephone i don't have a telephone in my house anymore my mama used to pay 800 bucks for a phone and she'd have like four or five of them around the house now what you got one phone you don't even have a tv anymore you got the tv you got the music you can order your damn groceries here but your car's on the damn thing like like there's things that cost nothing today that we used to pay a lot of money for so that's deflation by the way that is created because of automation and technology and nobody's talking about that so um price of goods and services food water clothing even clothes look at clothes clothes are in many ways cheaper today than they were years ago i mean anybody can find cheap clothes today you could pay 68 for an athletic workout shirt but you could just as easily pay six bucks or less a t-shirt you could get a t-shirt for freaking a dollar today uh that just did not exist in the past okay johnny let's talk to our next caller one more caller johnny what i got one more caller okay every monday i do this show folks if you like it turn your no tie fications on so that you get this information you get notified that grant cardone is going live i'll take your calls i'll take your questions if i can help you get in this game i started with three thousand dollars first deal this is about inflation first deal i ever bought was three thousand dollars it was a seventy eight thousand dollar single family residence that house today is four hundred and eighty thousand bucks it would take at least a hundred and twenty thousand dollars as a down payment that ladies and gentlemen is inflation how do you play the inflation game by the way when things inflate what goes up fastest real property yes sir all right we got teddy from buffalo new york oh we're going to buffalo what's up teddy what's going on well what's happening bro not much man you got a deal very important question for you sir okay now this is the question you invest in a lot of things but yet i haven't so much seen or heard about the people i haven't too much seen you talk about investing in the people because you know if you invest in the people then all the money that the people make that's inflation see the inflation game you talking about on here it's like this you take a property tell me right okay they have right now they have i'm sorry am i talking too much no man you're right you hadn't said anything okay you ain't not talking to me okay bet check this out right now take on stock right now take the stock market okay now what you were saying is hey we have all these or you know how they talk about the um investment properties or uh going into buying the um i forgot to think your man be talking about buying the properties when they real low yeah but if you go into the stock market and you get 20 and you invest say 35 or 35 um you get 35 shares you buy 35 shares now if you were to get 25 people to invest in those 35 shares that you already bought and all they got to invest is a short amount of money hello yeah you jumping all around bro first you started talking about people now you're talking about stocks now you're talking about 35 shares like what what do you want to talk about okay what's your okay this is what i want to talk about since you act because i had a conference with your people before you had a conference with my people i did i thought i didn't have any people because i never talk about people well you know i'm talking about the uh you know you're the man that be your other man i had a conference with you people anyway okay so a video conference sir okay hey you guys are online you guys that are online right now on youtube or ticked out man i want to know what's your name is your name teddy yeah my own american bosses i want your bosses okay i want to comments about my guy teddy here man does teddy know what he's talking about have you been smoking this morning man you've been burning i just got done small smoking right now i knew it i knew it bro i knew it okay and that is why i left the cush alone okay look every monday we come to you to talk to the teddies of the world the theodores of the world okay uh we talk everything about real estate business economy cash man what you guys got to do man y'all got to get your game on okay teddy's asking me about people we have almost 200 employees here in this company i have another 70 in phoenix arizona look this is all a people's game i got 10 000 families that rent property from us today and uh i'm gonna tell you guys there's nothing more important than people teddy brought up a great line even though he's all he's all hacked up on himself okay he's just he's he's what do you call it when y'all when you're he's cooked is it cooked what is the word please post below what is the word what is the word for teddy is he cooked is he baked he's baked it's baked man some of my guys in the office know what it means i'm baked right now so so look man you guys got to ask the right questions man you got to have good people okay in real estate in real estate or in money money is about it's a it's a people game i said this in undercover billionaire you want money i started with no money on undercover billionaire they dropped me off in pueblo colorado with no money 90 days i had to build a million dollar business i knew that the thing i needed was this i didn't need money okay the way to get money is to get people and then you get credit okay then you get debt then you get credit a credit line and then you could get you could get a valuation evaluation based on the people that have the cash the credit and the value so in the case of real estate what do i need i need people to get me the deal the deal is the value okay okay once i get the value once i bring value to somebody i can utilize their credit and or their cash that's what i did with matt smith matt and jenny smith i met somebody i didn't have credit i didn't have cash discovery channel took the credit and the cash from me so what do i do i need to find people people become the deal once you get the deal you get the deal then you get the debt then you get the equity that's the game folks and contacts equal contracts okay i got to meet people and that's why i created the club forward slash club you guys out there guys and gals ladies and gentlemen boys and girls from all places in the world okay if you want to learn how to buy real estate the first thing you got to do is get the deal and who's got the deals people have the deal okay and the people that have a deal or want a deal always have the cash and and the credit to do a deal when there's inflation what we're talking about today is inflation when there's inflation in the marketplace there are no more people okay there was eight billion people when this freaking stuff happened somewhere 7.8 billion people there was 7.8 peop billion people before we went into this crazy pandemic okay where we just the united states of america seven trillion dollars i bet you i can't even write this number correctly the first time i don't know where i'm at right now i think i got to go three more we printed seven trillion dollars is that right i don't even know if it's right i just kept adding them until i was like that's got to be it okay seven trillion dollars did not exist eight billion people still existed also credit facilities remember when you print seven trillion dollars every bank has the right to loan that money out nine times so if they got any of those deposits you're talking about times nine you're talking about more money was generated via cash and debt that existed on the planet before this happened and you're like man i can't make any more money because you're not connected to the right people this is what you need right here these people control this and only a handful of those people control all that dough you got to get connected with them first the deal who's got deals people have the deals find the right people you'll find the right deals then you'll find the debt then you'll find the equity my name is grant cardone i do this for you every monday if you enjoyed the show please post in comments if you think i'm full of please post in comments don't be a anna coward god bless you guys i'm pulling for you and if you hadn't turned your little bell on hit it so you never forget it okay see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 41,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grantcardone, grant cardone, 10x, money, finance, business, sales, motivation, yt:cc=on, WeAre10X, 10XNation, 10XStrong, 10XLife, 10XEverything, real estate, rehab, property, fixer up
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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