INFINITE ZOOM Effect from ZACH KING (After Effects)

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This video is brought to you by Storybloks Video. Hi guys, Gilles here for and welcome to Gilles what are you doing? You can't host Copycat Friday. You're the new guy here. Go back to the office and start making those Cinebattles everybody loves. Okay, sorry, Yannick! Let the real OGs do their work. Hey guys Yannick here for And do you know the feeling when you're working on an effect but it's taking forever to figure out? Well, that happened to us in this week's Copycat Friday. We came across a super cool Looping Effect on Zach King his Instagram and after seeing the effect we had to do it. But the effect also came with a dark side. We are truly sad to say that we lost Jordy - Forever - The looping effect has Jordy in his grasp and there is nothing we can do. If you guys have some tips please let us know because we are desperate. Now while we wait on your solutions, let's create this cool Endless Loop Effect from Zach King and like, you know, we are big fans of him and his effects. That's why we recently did a video on the three basics of Zach King. Here we explain which techniques he uses for his effects. However, I now think that Zach King is mad at us because in our previous video we said that all the effects are quite simple. And now for his new Endless Loop Effect he really broke my brain and that's not all he's really going all out for his other effects. That's why I want to say: 'Zach King, if you're watching we are sorry and we love you' Okay, enough for the corny stuff, let's create an effect. Like I said, it was a very hard effect to do but eventually, I cracked the code and to make it all accessible for you guys I made a list. I really like lists. The list I have for you is about filming the shots. Because we noticed during the testing that everything needs to be perfect to make the effect work. Point one on the list: Use a tablet with a green screen. This will be used so we can key out the green in post-production and create a hole. The second point: Film on a wide-angle lens and stand really close to the camera. This allows you to take medium-long shots of yourself while preserving a large surface on your tablet. Now if you shoot with these two points in mind and place your tablet on, for example, a table you can already create an endless loop effect. Take two different shots and place them into a new composition. Using the Keylight effect you can remove the green in the tablet of the first clip and place the second shot into that opening. Next, also key out the green in the second shot then select the second clip and parent it to the first clip. Now with the scale properties of the first clip we can zoom in on the second clip then you want to select both clips duplicate them and play them underneath the original clips. With the duplicate of the first clip selected you can scale them together and play them in the opening of the original second clip. This is because the duplicate of the second clip is parented to the duplicate of the first clip. Now that the duplicates are on the right spot you can parent the duplicate of the first clip to the original second clip. This will connect everything to the original first clip. You got it? Good! All these steps can be repeated over and over again. You just need to zoom in with the scale of the original first clip and keep adding the extra shots. The only thing left now is to animate the scale of the original first clip. And boom! You got a zoom As you can see you can zoom as much as you want if you keep adding those shots in the openings. But you can also create this Endless Loop Effect so that it starts and ends on the same position which will automatically loop it. And this leads me to point number three: Your acting. You need to have a long round-up to the point where you're going to start with the loop effect. This will make sure that there's always something playing inside your tablets. But what now with the potato that Zach King throws inside his tablet? Well, that's my point number four: Swallowing an object to the surface towards the next shot. And this is quite simple. Like I said do a long build-up and after 20 seconds, let someone throw in an object. This needs to be quite close to the lens and besides it. Of course, you then need to catch an object and throw it against your screen. Don't throw it too hard and don't use hard objects. - Obviously - We use a ping pong ball to play it safe. When throwing just mak.e sure your hands won't cover the screen. So, if you can throw it from the sides. This will also make the object bounce off the screen to the sides. Something that will make it easier to remove the object afterwards. And the last point is again: Acting After you threw the object keep playing your part for a while. This will leave you with enough bleed before and after the throw. Now take as many shots as you want. We are going to take two shots to keep it easy and similar to Zach King's endless effect. Now before placing our shots in After Effects did you know that our sponsor Storybloks Video has an endless library full of video assets? Well, here you can find everything from 4k star clips, drag and drop transitions, to easy adjustable After Effects templates. The library is even so endless that it's impossible to download every asset they have. And I dare you to prove me wrong! So if you want to accept my challenge and start downloading right away go to the description and click in the first link below Ok now in After Effects place your first shot into a composition. Make sure that the shot has not bleed before and after your throw. Now because I'm holding a tablet and can't stand still we need to track the motion of that shot. Go to the Tracker and select Track Motion. In the Tracker options, you can also enable the rotation and scale. Then place your two Tracker points on the surface you are holding and start the tracking. When After Effects is done save the tracking data to a null object. Next, we want to create a hole in the tablet so key out to green. Now import the second clip into the composition and place it on the bottom. Then also track the motion of the second shot and key out the green. Now before we can place the second shot we first need to parent the null object with the tracking data of the first clip to the first clip. And also parent the null object with the tracking data of the second clip to the second clip. After this you can place the second shot in the opening of the first shot and parent it to the null object of the first clip. Now the next step is to sync our throw from both clips. After this is done we are going to add the next shot into the tablet. Now what you want to do is select all layers, duplicate them and place them underneath the original layers. To make it yourself easier give everything a correct name. This will make your workflow much nicer. When you are ready with this select the duplicate of the first clip and because the other duplicates are linked to that layer you can easily scale and position everything at once So play them an opening of the original second clip. Once placed, parent the duplicate of the first clip to the null object with the tracking data of the second clip now Now the eight layers are all connected. But you need to do this step one more time Zoom in with the scale of the original first clip and add two more shots in the opening of the duplicate second clip. After you have done all this, zoom back out all the way and let's add the ball effect. Look for the points where the ball is completely inside the screen. Now the only thing you need to do is to remove the ball in the first clip which you can easily do with a mask. Of course, don't forget the falling ball Which you can hide with an anti layer and some masking. Okay now we will already have this cool shot of you throwing a ball into a tablet towards yourself. Now do the exact same thing with the second throw. You can make it yourself easier with again zooming in by increasing the scale of the original first clip This will let you work on a bigger clip which is easier. Okay, It's starting to look like Inception here, but no worries were almost there. The only thing left is to pre-comp it all and enable the Continuous Rasterize option, which is this star right here. This will make sure that we don't lose quality when zooming in on our pre-comp. Now to make it really endless the clip has to end on the same frame at started. And let's say we want to let the clip start here. So make a cut here. Then when the zoom is done it should also end on the exact same frame. So let's create that zoom, which is quite simple. Just create a null object and play the anchor point of the null object in the center of your tablet. Then parent your pre-comp player to the null object. And with the scale and position properties of the null object, you can now animate your zoom. Now like I said, the zoom needs to end on the same frame as a clip started. So look for that frame and stop the zoom right there. It can be possible that you need to change the scale and position properties for the first frame to match the last frame. Just make sure that they match perfectly otherwise, you will notice. Then the last step is to select the scale keyframes, right-click on them, go to the keyframe assistant and select exponential scale. And that's it! Okay, guys, I know this was a harder tutorial and my brain really suffered with this effect. But I hope you learned something new and enjoyed it. So, thank you so much for watching! Thank you Storybloks Video for the support, and by the way, you can always let us know in the comments below how we can help Jordy. And as always, stay creative! So I've been working on this effect for an entire week. If you guys don't like it, we're quitting the channel. Okay?! Do you want that? Do you want that we quit the channel? No, you don't want that! Like This Video! Oh, yeah uhm yeah, we're gonna quit!
Views: 534,159
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Keywords: zach king, after effects tutorial beginner, After Effects Tutorial, Adobe, endless zoom effect, endless zoom video, endless zoom animation, limitless zoom effect tutorial, how to do limitless zoom effect, infinite zoom limitless after effect, zach king tutorial after effects, zach king tutorial magic, Editing tricks, Special effects, visual effects, infinite loop after effects, zach king editing tutorial, zach king tutorials, infinite zoom after effects, infinite zoom effect
Id: v8Qa-9oTrLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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