InertiaJS: Falling Behind in the Laravel Ecosystem?

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Hello friends Tony here welcome in this video I want to talk about the inertia GS why we don't have any news why we don't see any talks on Direct one about inertia so on ecosystem here we have the inertia so create modern single page react and View apps using the classic server s side routing and also I have open here I see here the live wi of Bo reactive Dynamic applications Us in larav and blade and I think the larav core is moving the Live Wire we see talks about live wire on latest lons and no one talks about inertia also the live wire with the version 3 now is hosted inside the website inertia is hosted in the inertia and inertia we have the version one since uh a year or two years ago and also I have opened here the LaRon us and here we have the onstage developers and I think no one is going to talk about inertia here on other hand we have the calab here the creator of Live Wire and albs who's going to talk about uh Live Wire and also pillow which I think is going to talk about Live Wire next is the lon India and I I think here we have speakers also here I don't see one to speak about inertia GS so no inertia and in all of them is going to talk someone about the Live Wire also we have updates about the Live Wire we have the filament which is built on up on live wire and here we have the vapor which as you can see VJs is detected on this page uh Forge also VJs is detected on this page also the laravel NOA is built with VJs and laracast and code course is built also with inertia Jaz and what you think about the inertia is going to be forgotten or we're going to have updates and people who love to work with react and view is going to create a projects easy with larav as backend because we can we can create projects so larav as backend and use VJs or react as a front end but we have this inertia to be more easy to have also the back end and front end projects in one directory and also the inertia simplifies the route handling and that's it all about this video now if you like such a videos don't forget to subscribe to my channel like the video share with your friends and see you in the next one all the best thank you very much
Channel: Code With Tony
Views: 1,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laravel, vuejs, livewire, laravel 8, laravel 9, laravel crud, laravel 8 tutorial, laravel 9 tutorial, laravel 10, laravel filament, laravel inertia, inertiajs, laravel inertia js, inertia vue js, inertia react, inertia, react, react js, vue, vue js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 8sec (188 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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