Industrie 4.0 - The Fourth Industrial Revolution

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a vision of tomorrow's manufacturing products finding their way independently through the production process in intelligent factories machines and products communicate with each other cooperatively driving production raw materials and machines are interconnected within an Internet of Things the objective highly flexible individualized and resource friendly mass production that is the vision for the fourth Industrial Revolution a look back at history at the end of the 18th century the first steam engines and the intelligent use of hydropower revolutionised production the late 19th century saw the rise of electrical engineering and mass production the first moving belt conveyor was used as long ago as 1870 and the slaughterhouses of Cincinnati Ohio in the mid 1970s electronics and IT began to expand rapidly into industry Siemens develop the first somatic production became increasingly based on computer assisted controls the fourth Industrial Revolution is still a vision experts believe that it will only become a reality within the next 20 years in intelligent factories everything is interconnected wirelessly at the German Research Center for artificial intelligence in Kaiserslautern this future can already be experienced right now research is underway here into exactly what the industrial production of tomorrow will be like public egg on Zukunft e oz Boston bastino smart Nora intelligent vouched and Amanda Snell Marc focalization goddess flight Muslim busy with an Allegro standard Nahum standard is here to power standard Eva often - relative n photos and taken on some jet Sinkin period is about an artist in the food's meditating the kanji to completion in animation public int an internet stun Kamini on a bottling plant for liquids setup together with Siemens is used to demonstrate the most important components of the intelligent factory of the future each bottle contains an RFID chip during a precise description of how it has to be processed which liquid which lid and which label at each station the bottle communicates directly with the machine telling it how it has to be processed at the end a computer checks whether the bottle has actually been produced as desired factories with network machines and products are already in existence today in the future however these hitherto self-contained systems will be connected together in a comprehensive network all devices machines and materials will be duly equipped with sensors and communications technology and connect to each other these systems are known as cyber physical systems the highlight is that they communicate with each other and also control each other cooperatively position see - rafi abbulu uncle Tintin position of the localities of cyber-physical systems the size Siham autocratic law deserts abiding the system it is the abdomen when seeking inside Acosta with a Jewish lettuce production obtained Ian divisions it aroused us via an internet quasi in non taught Simba's of the endosteum notices DeRozan wahida actor Mohamed quasi anti Nima and his internet a dingus he discovered Hitomi diagonally address Islamic Atlas Yaba in this network for the customers this means tailor-made products at relatively affordable prices for industry it means highly flexible mass production that can be rapidly adapted to market changes because in the future product life cycles will be even shorter another reason why it's increasingly important to depict engineering across the entire life cycle maintenance for instance is planned in from the very start we amulets and anointing a young we totally integrated automation and replacing time and set up cobalt wounds our product and system is a good with Ananda community at corporate Technology in Princeton a cyber-physical control is being researched even today the vision the control and all linked sensors are connected to the Internet one potential scenario is enabling the PLC to react the utility pricing information in building automation we can enhance PLC's to use simulation to calculate how much to pre-cool a building with the ultimate goal of turning off the cooling system during peak times but that's just the beginning with prototype capabilities in a PLC to access big data in cyberspace in real time and we've also enabled a network of PLC's to connect to a dynamic simulation of the entire physical process Siemens is shaping the future of industry connecting the real with the virtual world of production is making it possible to enter entirely new dimensions in quality efficiency and flexibility the company is well prepared for an industry 4.0
Channel: Siemens
Views: 878,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Siemens, Industrie 4.0, Industry 4.0, Fourth Industrial Revolution, future of manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, Industry Automation, Industrial Automation Systems, future of industry, DFKI, Kaiserslautern, smart factory, intelligent factory, resource-friendly production, individualized production, internet of things
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2013
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