Industrial Design Trends 2024

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welcome back to my favorite video of the year the industrial design Trends video for 2024 in this video we take a look at the hottest Trends in industrial design and physical product design so if you're an industrial designer looking for the hottest Trends in the industry or you're just curious about what all this design nerds are doing today we're going to look at what's going on what's hot and what's cool and it's going to be a good one in this video we got some fat things skinny things subtle things loud things and even a super futuristic Trend coming out of Asia as always on some great things we'll be designing a product with our Trends video and this year since I like to sit a lot we're going to design some chairs so join me as I take a look at the hottest Trends and let's go so so as always on some great things we will be looking at forms details and finishes jumping into our first form trend is a very tasty form I like to call the sausage forms this is a trend of forms that basically looks like bent sausages maybe balloon animal forms would also been good but doesn't have the ring of sausage forms there's something really fun and friendly about these forms they're so inviting to touch and look like something you just want to play around with it's a great way to make a product fun inviting and soft looking it's kind of got the same Vibe as a puppy and you like you just want to squeeze it I think we're still in the age of seeing designs that are more approachable and friendly so this definitely goes into that direction not everything needs to be really Hightech sometimes you just want something a little fun so let's make a little sausy chair of our own nice little uh nice little squishy chair looking thing that looks soft to sit in and has got some uh chunky sausy legs that's a good start already jumping Ming into our next form Trend we have the folded surfaces folded surfaces are minimal shapes based around bending folding and morphing a main surface so imagine taking one piece of material like wood or metal and bending it kind of into the shape you want you see this a lot especially with furniture and can be used really quite nicely on lighting and electronic devices too there's a really cool vibe to the soft surface it's got sort of this contrast between these soft bends and these hard flat surfaces this also gives a nice mix of flowing versus structure which is something I also talked about in my video about Timeless design if you haven't seen that and a lot of companies are looking at working with wood as a more sustainable alternative to synthetic materials so I think that maybe one reason you kind of see this coming up it's very natural looking it's also just cool isn't it yeah it's like a it's like a nice style so let's take this idea and make our own version of a chair and make kind of a bent lounge chair thingy so here we have this kind of bent form and all bends around one piece kind of more of a lounge chair than a dining chair nice chunky big boy I think we're starting off good this year we're going to have a good time moving to the next form Trend we have the lattice frame Trend I had a hard time coming up with a name for this one but I think you can see what this is and kind of get what I mean essentially we have this sort of grid thing that comes together to makes the shape of the product so like these parallel planes or parallel beams or stuff like that a lot of parallel there's something very organized about this form the repetition of the base shape coming together to make this larger hole feels very structured and very clean it's like a really well organized spice drawer but you know like way cooler of who organizes their spice drawers Psychopaths that's who if you do this in the right way this can actually be pretty sustainable the reason is instead of using one larger piece to create something with a lot of waste you're using a lot more smaller pieces that are made in the same way and repetitive and that way you end up having less waste than the end if you don't know what I mean just trust me makes sense so I have this idea for this that we can make a dining chair out of a nice lattice so we take kind of these parallel planes and put them all next to each other and then wrap that around with something we have this nice dining chair form pretty cool stuff and on that note we have finished the forms and we're now moving on into the details so jumping into our first detail trend is the debos logo what this is is taking the brand or logo or brand name of your product and basically pressing it into the surface so you have the indent of your logo in the surface the style of doing this kind of logo into a product isn't a new thing but it has picked up in popularity in recent years you don't need to add any extra parts to create the logo especially if you're already doing an additive process like injection molding or something like that that's why you also see this on more sustainable projects there's no additional parts that you have to put on to the surface or no additional Coatings and also there's nothing to disassemble if you need to repair this also makes it easier to recycle you know I always really like this style of logo and I'm actually really happy to see it coming back into Trend it's very minimal but somehow really rugged at the same time it almost brings sort of a handcrafted vibe to things that usually aren't very handcrafted it's also a nice way to visually break up a big surface without really messing up the overall Vibe of the surface too much so I think this would be a great thing to add into our sausy chair uh give a little bit of AC symmetry make this chair a little bit more interesting and really just break up that surface a bit oh yeah you know it's all about those nice little details that really make things and this little logo really makes this thing nice so moving to the next Trend we have the details of the big circles not Lego I swear it's not Lego you watch my videos you know I'm really into whole patterns which is a really weird thing to be into but I I guess that's my life so this is basically like a normal hole Grid or kind of like a DOT grid bump grid I don't know what to call it but just a really scaled up version of it so a lot of times you see whole patterns or grids like you know the hole pattern of MacBook they try to get as Tiny and small as possible and this is going in the totally opposite direction making the holes and circles as big as possible it's a very bold statement because the scale of the circles is so big becomes less of a texture and more of a form statement it's also got this really like funky vibe to it okay I wrote this earlier like playing Legos on acid I really got to check my scripts Better h no I've never done that let's take this into our folded chair I think we can just add a little pad onto the top of our chair that really makes a big bold statement we're going in a really fun Direction with this moving on into the next detail Trend we have the booon cylinder I always have Boolean stuff in my videos and I never really learned how to say it properly this is like if you ever wondered what it looks like if you smashed a cylinder into like a box or some other form that you probably haven't cuz that's not normal but basically you would get this kind of thing so this Boolean cylinder is merging a cylinder into some other form and sometimes it's for control sometimes it's for some kind of display or sometimes it's to highlight some other function oh man I don't know why I have this on my desk I have trouble explaining why I really like this but for some reason it feels mysterious to me it's like you a cylinder contrasting with a main form and even a little bit of mystery to how it's really attached or what's going on it's very cryptic somehow also makes a big contrast in a pretty minimal way like cylinders and boxes are very functional shapes and if you have both of those and you really need them this remains a very functional form but also not too boring it's also a bit of a highlight so especially if you have like a function or interaction you want to show uh this is a great way to make the thing pop in a way that's just using geometry rather than colors or finishes I think this is a good example of things you see in what I call the Post minimal era minimalism is still quite in Trend but designers are really pushing away from being too minimal and starting to explore things that are still kind of minimal but not as boring so let's try to make our chair still minimal but not as boring and update our little lattice grid chair I added these little cylinder feet thingies on here to kind of just give the legs a little bit more something interesting going on good idea me wow that was some great details I'd say let's jump into the finishes and I think a lot of people watch these videos looking out for what's the color of the Year industrial design this year it is definitely the color sand is sand a color you know the color of sand very warm dirty white there is something very refined and elegant about this color it feels like a very premium version of white or gray it creates a very relaxed Vibe you know it's a great choice for any products you're going to put in your home or just want to have like a very calming feeling this is going to get a little philosophical but maybe people are looking for more comforting designs in this very chaotic World it also could be a symptom of this post-minimalism stuff I talked about people trying to find a less boring version of very minimal designs I really don't know why this is popular but it is it looks cool and uh we're going to use it on one of our chairs so let's put this into our sausage chair oh yeah wow that was really the detail that took this from a silly fun design into a serious piece of furniture for your home I'm really digging the sausage sh here this really came together it pretty easy to do actually moving into the next finished Trend a highlight color this time and we got the orange highlight highlights I love a little pop and this is a bit of Pop if you got a product that needs a little highlight a little pop little bit of bam and this is the Highlight for you it's a very very saturated orange and just a pop of orange on the product often with like a white or gray or silver color in the background it makes a little bit of excitement and draws attention to something sometimes it's like controls or maybe it's like a key feature the orange highlight really takes something that would be a rather boring color scheme like a mostly monotone gray light gray it makes it really exciting adds a little bit of little bit of wow also has a really technical vibe to it so works really really well with tech products or like new Innovations and a lot of these designs with the orange highlights also seem to have kind of teenage engineering overall designs and details if you didn't know the Swedish design company teenage engineering they are currently one of the hottest design companies and I would say the orange highlight is really a key part of their style but anyway let's jump on that bandwagon let's try to add a little bit of orange pop to one of our chairs maybe on our fold chair we can just add a small little orange detail to hold down our cushion and overall we got this nice chair updated it to Wood and we have this nice little orange detail on our gray cushion oh baby that's uh that's pretty cool maybe I'm actually going have to make one of these Trend thingies one of these days moving on to our last finish trend of the Year this is the space engineer and it's really more of a combination of materials rather than just a single finish also thanks to gill toio who commented on one of my videos and gave me the awesome name for this trend so space engineer is sort of a combination of Darker materials so you often have like this matte metal or metal colored material with this uh black material which is a lot of the times glossy but not always so it's like a lot of metallic with black kind of stuff this is a super techy style looks very modern almost looks futuristic in a way but not too futuristic it's also very heavy on the contrast so this very contrast between light and dark rough and glossy and a lot of times opaque and transparent and there's a lot going on these designs but they get very interesting you see this a lot from Hardware Brands coming out of Asia right now especially shenzen companies and it seems that Asian brands are using this style a lot to Showcase their awesome Tech skills so I think we should also use this to Showcase one of our designs and let's add this in one of our chairs boom so we added this space engineer finishing so the metallic with the black and I put a little see-through black top on this thing dope now we got this really cool design really just takes up Notch makes this like a super techy futuristic kind of chair it's ready for space so we have our three chairs sausage chair with the embossed logo and the sand color we have our folded chair with the big circles and the orange highlight and finally we have our lattice chair with the Boolean cylinder detail and the space engineer color sty so that's it for this video I hope you enjoyed taking a look at what slaps right now as the kids say bet if there's any Trends you think I missed in this video please let me know in the comments thanks for watching some great things hope you have a great start to 2024 and I'll see you in the next one toles sick
Channel: some gray things
Views: 73,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #industrialdesigntrends, #industrialdesign, #trends, #productdesign
Id: Ieg5qv1JYuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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