Individual Crit | 2018 CrossFit Games
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: CrossFit®
Views: 347,453
Rating: 4.6725664 out of 5
Keywords: Functional Fitness, Fitness, Functional, CrossFit, The CrossFit Games, The Sport of Fitness, Forging Elite Fitness, Affiliates, CrossFit Affiliates, 2018, Individual
Id: kfnjMFd5q4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 31sec (7951 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Riding with clips will get you every damned time:
Confirmed by CBS Sports: "Clips allow you to utilize your leg muscles throughout the entirety of the stroke, however if you're not comfortable with the clips, it could be a little bit dangerous if you don't know how to properly clip out if there's a crash ahead of you or if you're forced to slow down."
Brave ride by that woman who spent the entire race sitting in the wind trying to ride everyone off her wheel only to have everyone come past in the last 100 meters. She's my spirit animal.
I duct tape my feet to the pedals.
Those poor bikes don’t even have ENVE wheels. How are you supposed to ride them?
Loads of crashes. But the one at 44:30 is particularly interesting.
The explanation on drafting at (46:00) is the best "Studies have shown, given weight and angle..."
lol CrossFit cyclists
These ladies have the biggest arm cannons I've ever seen in a cycling race