Indianapolis Attic Remodel -Thomas J. Pearson, Inc.

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hello I'm Tom Pearson I'm a builder remodeler I operate at a new Palestine Indiana I've got a really cool job that we're working on right now we're working on a third floor it used to be for attic storage we're going to turn it into a study in an entertainment area for the for the three boys there's a stairway right here that we rebuilt we tore down the existing stairway and we rebuilt it because the old stairway the steps were steep and the treads were small and after we got it completely built you can see it's it's up to code it's completely strong and everything now when we start a third floor project or any major construction we spend the entire first day just getting the house protected as you can see we've built plywood walls we put in a metal door completely seal the space off we put plastic on the stairs and we cover up the return air grills and and then we start the first day is spent just getting the house protected when we first looked at the project there was plaster on this whole area right here and would this be an attic we couldn't tell at that time that this valley the sagging down so what we're going to end up doing is we're going to put a beam across here where it'll support this as we continue up the stairs I'd like to show you the floor joist and the rafters what we're going to be doing up here we're going to be adding on to the few by six ceiling joists with two by tens and the rafters were going to be installing two by tens on that also to allow for proper insulation and ventilation here we are up in this open area this was the storage for all their Christmas belongings and everything else and they always knew that there was a large space up here but didn't know how to how they could actually use this further they have several boys so where they could have a TV area a couch and eventually a future couple of future bedrooms so my architect and I work together on this and we had an existing stairway and he went ahead and worked it to where we could get a stairway that was up to code with the treads and the risers and that put together a design on the floor joist the proper two by tens that we would need right now we have two by six they were vent piping how we would cut the existing vent pipe for the bathrooms and get it rerouted and then the exhaust pipe for all the exhaust in the bathrooms getting that rerouted some of the challenges that we came up with were there was insulation in this whole area and there was also existing plywood so we had to take some of the plywood up to see where our load-bearing walls were we have a load-bearing wall right here and another load-bearing wall over there and we had to how we were going to vacuum the insulation out we had a six-inch gas-powered motor that vacuum the insulation out to the dumpster to where we didn't have to carry it down we let it we hosed all the insulation outside and then then we had to figure out how we were going to get the material up here with this house with the roof on here and there's no windows we did it's kind of hard to orientate yourself with it being so high how we were going to get the 20-foot material up here so we had to cut a hole down in the master bedroom wall to slide all the material up here so we could do our work as you can see the existing ceilings 2 by 6 joist that's not adequate to carry the floor load up here so we've added two by tens this 2 by 10 is resting on top of the load-bearing wall right here we still have to run another 2 by 10 across here but we've got 2 by 10 16 inches on center throughout the space what we're going to do with the finish space is we're going to put a new furnace over here right here where you see this exhaust piping we have a little door to access at this I have a separate furnace and air conditioner and then we're going to over here where the existing sewer pipe is we're going to build a little closet around it and then actually put some shelving in there and then along we're gonna have a three-foot knee wall going around the whole perimeter of this and some of the areas we're going to build in built-in bookshelves and ceiling there's going to be a there's going to be a collar tie that goes across the whole middle of the space now we'll be a support collar type of a decorative and then there will be two collar ties tying the roof across this direction so it'll give it a beam effect look and it's going to be open all the way up so there's like 11 12 foot tall ceiling in here with a ceiling fan we're going to have a can lights running around here and we're also going back with some historic light fixtures also can lights aren't part of the historic but this with this being a complete separate space we're trying to give it a little bit of its own its own feel and also with our boys we're going to give it more of a touch for her for her signs hi welcome back to our finished project as you can see we've taken down all the walls the carpet runners and I'm really excited to show you the third floor a few short months ago it was an unfinished attic space there was in this bedroom here there was a attic pull down staircase now we've got a new staircase leading up to the third floor behind me we took this door this existing door from a closet in the bedroom and we've created a new opening for the store and right now you cannot tell the store Way was never part of the original home I'd like to come and take you into the bedroom here and show you where the existing closet was at and the new closets that we built to accommodate the closet that we took away for the staircase right here is where the old closet used to be in the bedroom we took the door that was here for the closet we moved it over here at the stairway we recreated that we built two new closets here and we recreated the door panel system Treiber lumber there millwork came out and they matched the existing door and they put the moldings on and they routed out all the rails we got the old doorknobs we found a vintage doorknob place here in Indianapolis and we were able to get the doorknobs to match as closely as we could we added a closet shelving we also added these two sconce lights there used to be a light that was facing on the wall so the owners wanted to bring the sconces back into the room so she picked out some historic sconces and he put those in on each side and we also had another closet over here and then we installed the old baseboard we saved back the baseboard and use the old baseboard to patch everything back in let's go take a look at the Attic two short months ago this was a dusty unused space it was just for storage there was a pulldown ladder now we've got these beautiful floors we've got this built-in niche that we were able to utilize a space on the back of the wall here we put in an air conditioner a separate furnace we built a separate storage area back here in the back we've got two future skylights that we're going to install we went ahead and frame the openings we insulated them and all we got to do is cut out the slate install the skylights we wired it for TV and cable we've got back here in that back area we've got several sconce lights that we put in then we built in another storage niche with a separate door back here in the back the customers could be happier with how this project turned out in the crew and I are extremely proud of our work
Channel: thomasjpearsoninc
Views: 58,641
Rating: 4.7626114 out of 5
Keywords: Indianapolis Attic Remodel, Attic Remodel, Indianapolis Construction, Construction Indianapolis, Indianapolis Remodel, Indianapolis Remodeler, Remodel Indianapolis
Id: 65DudifOheg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2011
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