Indian on a Stump - Miss Moonshine buckdancing to fiddlers Amy Alvey & Brad Leftwich - Mt Airy 2017
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Channel: Miss Moonshine V
Views: 832,602
Rating: 4.9110198 out of 5
Keywords: Oldtime, Fiddle, Calico, Clogging, Buckdance, Tap, Jam, Mt airy fiddlers convention, Banjo uke, 2017, Brad leftwich, Amy alvey, Festival, Guitar, Viral, Dance, Flatfooting, Bluegrass, buckdancing, chomp and stomp, miss moonshine, billy in the lowground, dallas rag, nice legs, blue grass, bluegrass, dançando, tanzen, bailar, dancant
Id: qavC04p7jaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2017
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