INDIA travel guide | EVERYTHING to know before you go

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if you are planning to go to India one day don't even hesitate and book your flights we had an incredible month in India the food was Unreal the people were amazing and the history and architecture was just mind-blowing if you're planning a trip to India or have always had an interest in visiting India then look no further this video covers everything you need to know about traveling to India [Music] thank you foreign sport budgets how to pay for things what to pack apps needed scammed what to do what not to do and a whole lot more we absolutely loved our time there and can 100 recommend it you just have to be aware of a few if you find this video helpful in any way we'd really appreciate it if you consider giving it a like and subscribing for more videos like this let's start this video off with how to get to India India is big and there are a few different international airports you can fly into daily Mumbai and Bangalore are the biggest and see the most international flights we chose to fly to Delhi in the north of India because they had the cheapest direct flights we were also trying to avoid the hot and humid rainy season in the South and it is the start of the touristy Golden Triangle route that we did use Google flights to see what flights are available now let's touch on visas we applied for an electronic online visa you go to the website listed here and it's really just quite an easy process as of November 2022 175 countries are eligible for a 30-day Visa we're South Africans so we got that for free otherwise it is 25 USD if you don't qualify for the free Visa just make sure you apply for your e-visa at least two weeks before you try travel using this link down below there's a lot of holidays in India and that can actually affect how long it takes to get to your Visa so make sure you're applying in advance our Visa took seven working days and we printed it out to show to immigration at the airport covered requirements because we went before the latest update which occurred in November we had to show our proof of vaccination right now on the website you can check more information about it here at least that you are preferably supposed to be vaccinated but I don't think it's an actual requirement anymore but you can read more about that on this website once again or you can go to safety Wings borderless website and tap on India and see what the latest requirements are they are often updating that website it's a really good resource to use if you're traveling anywhere in the world no proof of accommodation or outward flight was needed but we did book one just in case next section is currency the currency in India is Indian rupees about one dollar will get you approximately 82 rupees with that you can pay for a short ride in a tuck tuck buy a couple of drinks at a Mart or a bowl of Maggie noodles things are quite affordable but more on that later while on the topic of currency our number one tip is to make sure you've got a good amount of cash on you so either draw money as you land in the airport or convert your foreign currency there we say this because it'll save you a lot of headaches trying to find working and legitimate ATMs outside of the airport in our personal experience we had a really hard time finding working ATMs and cash was actually really needed for us we needed it all the time half the ATMs just simply didn't accept my credit card and I had the same thing at points of sale about half or if not more of the points of sale vendors would not accept our credit card even though I have a USD credit card on the Apple pay front we found it worked at places like Starbucks and proper establishments but it didn't work at a lot of the local Indian stores what Indian vendors will use is something called upis which is like your tap to scan or your QR code payment methods we were unable to apply for that we tried paytm we tried Google pay we tried multiple methods but they just did not accept our International credit card we found that you actually need to have an Indian bank account or an Indian phone number to be able to sign up for these things which makes it a little difficult for international Travelers paying for things was probably one of our biggest struggles in India so be prepared for that in conclusion just make sure you have cash because a lot of vendors still do accept cash next up best time to visit India the best time to visit India is in the winter between December and March the whole country tends to get very hot from April onwards and most regions in India experience the Summer monsoon from June July August and September the good thing about traveling a bit later in the year is that it's Festival season in India Diwali is in October or November it changes every year Independence Day was in August that was awesome holy festival is in March and there's tons more in between I think going to India during the festival period is so awesome you should definitely plan your travels around those times we visited from mid-august to mid-september the temperature was ranging between 30 and 35 degrees in Delhi it was actually very hot during the day so if you're going to be traveling at that time of the year prepare to get quite sweaty if you go in the summer we would recommend visiting the northern regions where it's a little bit cooler next up what to pack firstly we highly recommend traveling to India with either a small carry-on or a hiking backpack that's going to make your life a hell of a lot easier especially if you plan to use buses or trains for transport in that bag pack the following once are wrong to cover up from stairs and from the Sun you can pack another one just in case the first one gets dirty second of all pack breathable loose-fitting clothing that covers your bum chest shoulders and legs next walking shoes that you're prepared to get dirty iPad sandals but I she didn't wear them at all I wore clothes shoes instead the ground is a bit dirty and dusty so it's just best to wear clothes shoes next is diarrhea medication for runny tummy cramps and vomiting but the pharmacies in India are amazing and you can find all of that there next up is thrush medication if you are a lady prone to uids because it's hot and sweaty but that applies to all hot parts of the world next up enough female Sanitary products they are hard to get if you use a specific type this once again applies to every single country like even Indonesia so yeah pack those for yourself I've said enough where it can carry on with the list next up we recommend you bring a lot of rehydrates and protein bars because India is largely vegetarian especially up in the north there's quite a shortage of meat so you're going to need a bit of protein in your diet good protein next up which we found we could not do with that is eye drops and nose spray it gets very dusty and dry up in the north so bring those if you do forget them though pharmacies in India have got you covered and the hospitals are amazing by the way but more on that later next up a plug adapter as always these are what the plugs look like in India we're South African though so we did not need an adapter next up bring proper mosquito repellent there were quite a lot of mosquitoes in Delhi actually everywhere in India that we went even in ladakh next up is something I'm pretty passionate about is pack your anxiety meds if you are prone to getting anxious around loud and busy scenarios because India is very loud [Music] my anxiety gets triggered by loud sounds so I had a bit of a hard time Brady also over here started forming anxiety so the doctors in India prescribed them anxiety medications too then if you plan going up to the Himalayan regions definitely bring your warm winter clothes it can smell up there depending on the time of the year it's another storm in India late September so we have Payway jackets and thermals and we pretty much just put that under like warm-ish clothing just lay it up if you're based in Delhi or maybe perhaps the coastal areas then you can just pack your normal summer attire do make sure like I mentioned before that you're covering certain areas if you're a female and actually men too like you have to cover your knees and your legs if you're going into certain temples and mosques but on most days just walking around daily I did just wear t-shirts and shorts with a pair of sneakers the don't worry if you forget anything though India has amazing malls with h M's and Birkenstocks and Sephoras we don't even have Sephora in South Africa they have everything you'll be totally fine next up apps to download zomato this we use to order food to our house it's basically like Uber Eats in India next up is Uber we found that to be the most reliable and really good for Intercity travel another one like uber is Ola which is also a Ride e-hailing app then paytm is the next one if you can get it working I would highly recommend getting it because we're going to make your life a hell of a lot easier to pay for things in India it didn't work for us though next one is obviously going to be Google Maps make sure you download the maps for offline mode this was super helpful if you ever run out of internet connection when we travel we use Google Maps for everything from navigation to reviewing good restaurants and coffee shops in an area that we're in next up is my trip this app is golden you can book anything from flights buses trains it's brilliant and it takes international cards so make sure you download the app and add your payment method it's going to save you a lot of headaches we even booked our flights to Layla duck from South Africa using the app it is highly recommended next up the Airtel app if you do get a SIM card and want to top up and check your data usage but more on that later we always have it downloaded it's super easy to book your accommodation and have all your reservations saved all in one app so get that and finally download the zostel app they also have a really good website it's used for booking unique stays across India and it's also the world's largest Backpacker chain next up accommodation India is huge and the sheer amounts of different types of accommodation reflects that you can do anything from a seven dollar hostel to a 400 a night luxury resort I'm pretty sure I read that India has the most amount of seven star hotels that's pretty darn impressive as the average Traveler book we set mainly in hostels in Homestay days and in like 60 dollar hotels we found airbnbs weren't really a thing we didn't even use the Airbnb app we used to book all of our accommodation and we stayed with friends as well thank you Auntie and Uncle for having us the only accommodation option I really struggled to find were co-working and co-living spaces I'm sure they exist but I had a very hard time finding them therefore we didn't even stay in them if you're a digital Nomad like us it's a really good option wherever you are in the world to look for co-living spaces because they've got workspaces really good internet and just like-minded people are staying there so you can make really good friends for all the links to the accommodations that we stayed in check the link in the description to buy our India resource pack and itinerary all of the accommodation options will be in that there's so much included in that resource pack such as our favorite guides numbers and where to hire motorbikes as well as our Google Map link which I think is golden next up is transport and this honestly was the best part about India it was so much fun as discussed earlier Uber and Ola are going to be your e-hailing apps we highly recommend you use these because a lot of the drivers actually might not speak English and it just becomes a bit of a nightmare trying to navigate and tell somebody where you want to go so that's why if you use Uber they already know where to go and using these apps will also help you avoid being taken advantage of some of the taxi drivers are part of elaborate tourist scams so just trying to avoid that situation altogether but more about scans a little bit later another awesome thing about Uber is that they have so many different types of transport they've got tick-tuk rides that you can order they've got luxury cars they've got normal cars and they've got inter-city drivers that can drive you from Delhi to Jaipur or Jaipur to aggro it's super easy all in one app we just highly recommend using Uber and then one more is actually blue which our friend told us about it's a basically an electronic vehicle version of uber we didn't get to try it but I think you should check it out next up trains they were amazing they are the best way to get around India so much fun it added to the experience of being in India they are different types of trains that you can choose you can go on one dollar trains or you can do the premium kind of ones that we did they were amazing you get snacks and wool hot tea and blankets and the people are funny oh my goodness you have to use the trains this is probably the best way that we got around to have a smooth amazing training experience we recommend that you get first or second AC class trains they are not expensive at all and they are wonderful also we use very good brands that were recommended by our friends they were the ranjani express and express or something like that for more information about the trains go watch this video it's quite a fun one I actually really like this video so yeah go watch this linked above all right flights flights around the country were accessible and reasonably priced a flights of about two hours from daily to lay cost us around about fifty dollars we booked all of our flights using we even used the website to book trains it is highly recommended in our train video you'll see we explained how we had a difficult time booking train tickets using the standard Government website so is my trip made things a hell of a lot easier for us if you're in Agro we found a lot of tourists or tour guides which would book the trains for you you just take your cash straight to them again another reason why you need cash and they'll help you book your train tickets all across India the reason for this is that a lot of the government sites or Indian Run sites do not accept foreign cards motorbikes a lot of cool cats like to ride like Royal Enfield cool air spikes around India it's a thing even the Indian people love to do it they arrive from Delhi all the way to ladakh in the north it's super cool it's definitely for The Adventurous and brave people though because some of the roads are crazy but yeah that's another option if you want you can hire one in Delhi or we have our motorbike rental place in ladakh down in the resource pack below motorbike hire in Lair was 1800 rupees per day but apparently it's a lot cheaper in the bigger cities if you don't want to take public transport then definitely organize yourself a private driver Avis has a private chauffeur option that you can order on their website otherwise our favorite drivers details will be linked in the resource pack all right cars you might want to hire a car and drive around yourself but the locals are actually hesitant to hire cars out to foreigners we wouldn't even recommend it at all we tried to rent our own car in the dark to drive it around but they really wouldn't let us and I think that's because the driving in India is very different and foreigners probably might mess up the cars and stuff so it's definitely not common for Foreigner to rent a car in India probably the most common transport method in India is the Tuk Tuk and you can held down one pretty much on every street in India and it roughly costs you about 50 to 100 rupees for 18 to 20 minute drive next up is budget how much should you can safely say India was one of the most affordable countries we've ever visited probably Thai with Vietnam for one month in India we spent 2500 USD for two people and majority of that were spent in ladakh in the north that was quite an expensive trip for us as South Africans transport was quite expensive food everything of all was more expensive there and we spent 10 days in the duck if you're staying in places like Delhi Agra Jaipur it is much cheaper than that so you can definitely spend way less than 2 500 for two people we would say that's pretty good though we moved around a lot every few days lots of transportation we saw everything we wanted to see we ate all the food we didn't actually skimp on any of the pricing probably the hostels we did try and save a little bit of money on accommodation because obviously if you're spending a hundred dollars a night on a hotel you're gonna spend three thousand dollars alone on accommodation so we didn't want to do that to 2500 for two people in India it's pretty darn good looking at our personal expenses we spent approximately eighty dollars per day for two people that includes accommodation food transport entry into all of our sites that we wanted to visit absolutely everything not a bad deal but let's break down some of the prices if you're a Backpacker you can spend as little as 15 to 40 dollars a day you'll be able to because we stayed in the seven Dollar Hotel the one night next up if you're a comfortable traveler similar to how we are you'll be spending 40 to 80 a day and then finally luxury dude there is no limit to how luxurious you can be in India they are unbelievable places you can stay at you can do private train experiences like Cara and Native for what ten thousand dollars a night or something crazy it's the luxury in India is next level so I don't even want to put a number on the luxury but anything above I'd say 200 a day is pretty luxurious good value for money though even 100 a day I'd say is pretty luxurious if you want to check out a nice Heritage Hotel I will link the video above we splurged the one night next up is traffic insane like insane Next Level 12 Lanes worth of traffic bumper to bumper cars so if you're traveling by Road or in cars or anything on the road it'll take you a lot longer than you expected to a lot of recommendations came from our comments to use the Metro System we didn't actually get to use it but maybe you would like to check it out apparently it's very efficient to move around daily at least yeah I think it would be better to use a much other than to use cards because it does take longer short and it's loud it's so loud guys the hooting oh my goodness the beeping you know what else makes the traffic bad in India it's the cows they just walk and roam on the highways by themselves it was so cute oh I loved India and the cows and yeah it's all fun it's so much fun next up language and culture the locals speak Hindi and most speak fluent English actually so except for the odd driver Hotel staff and some of the older generation but we got by pretty easily with English Hindi is a pretty cool language to learn though it's awesome to hear it I think the only words we learned were Namaste and yeah we really didn't need to learn Hindi though everyone spoke English in terms of religion and culture Hinduism literally originated from India so it is the most common religion we came across and the reason why so many people are vegetarian although India is a Hindu majority country they also have a big Muslim population they have Buddhism they have Christian Christianity all sorts India is one of the most religiously and ethnically diverse countries in the world you will be surprised when you travel all around India you'll learn so much it's amazing and they practice their religion solidly next up is where to go India is so big that we were overwhelmed and completely confused as to where to go but some people suggested the Golden Triangle tourist route to us lots of blog posts and supervisors have the same so we went with it our friends wanted to visit ladakh for the first time so we added that on too maybe head down to the comment section and our Indian followers can guide you a little more as to where you want to go we were pretty happy with the Golden Triangle Roots although we would like to see more raw authentic Indian culture a lot of the areas we visited were very touristy but it is the Tourist route it a lot of people didn't agree with us doing the Golden Triangle and I totally agree it is such a small little area of India I'm glad we ended up going to ladakla that was further away and we saw a different part of India although the history and architecture in each city is amazing we do recommend the Golden Triangle we're not saying don't do it we're just saying if you are going to do it try do somewhere else like Goa or Varanasi or ladat like we did as well as the Golden Triangle but for first-timers like us it was great we had a good time we had a great little Taste of India and we loved ladakh for our whole itinerary and what we did in India you can check the link in the description once again all right next up is what to eat oh the food is the best part it's just as amazing as you can imagine it to be some of our favorites are filmy I mean the desserts were really good so here's some of our favorites on the list just eat all of these when you're in India paneer kulfi chapati Dosa Paratha Tikka chicken gulab jamun biryani here idli rice cakes and there are so many vegetarian meals if you're vegetarian or even vegan you'll be sorted we come from South Africa so we're very used to Indian food although it's very different actually in India majority of these things we just mentioned are vegetarian you're mainly eating vegetarian food while in India there are lots of Western food options as well you can use the zomato app in order to your house an average meal in India will cost you around two to three dollars and you can go to very nice restaurants and spend a lot more a lot more yeah one thing to definitely not doing in India is eat seafood oh this will happen it really knocked me out for like 10 days which was very unfortunate next up is water and ice pretty much nobody who drinks tap water we all just use bottled water while in India and we also avoided ice for that reason definitely don't brush your teeth with tap water it's pretty much the same as barley the locals might be used to the tap water but foreigners certainly aren't so just avoid it just in case bottled waters were supplied on the long train rides which was really convenient we didn't have to pay for this bottle of water which is cool it's readily available in most Marts and restaurants so you don't really need to worry about it if you are staying at a Homestay or hotel they will order these big 25 liter bottles of water so you sorted next up is alcohol we didn't actually drink a stitch of alcohol while we were in India it just actually didn't really come up we found it kind of hard to find alcohol places it wasn't really sold at restaurants or in the Mars like it is in Bali you can seek it out they are these specific bottle stores which we saw in the daily area so you can and get alcohol and wine and those sorts of things but it's just not a very common thing aren't really even comments on the pricing line [Music] you're not going there to be partying and stuff unless you're probably in Goa it's not really a topic that you even entertain you just have fun sober and enjoy seeing the sights and stuff and eating the food next up travel insurance and medical travel insurance is definitely not a requirement to enter India but it is highly recommended at least we think so this is if you get hospitalized and you have a serious accident it might be quite expensive and you'll want to be covered but we can say after visiting the hospital three times in India that it is so affordable we went to private International hospitals the doctor only costs rates ten dollars for consultation and he had a full full body health check 11 steps all sorts of tests and that was 73. 73 dollars so just a small visit to the doctor you'll be totally fine to cover it yourself but if it's a bigger thing then definitely have travel insurance now pharmacies they are really really good in India too stuff is very very affordable and they're all over the place you can even get antibiotics over the counter without seeing a doctor in India don't even worry about the medical in India they have some of the best doctors in the world they are super knowledgeable and they will take care of you we even know a few people that come specifically to India to do dentistry and other medical related things it's actually quite a popular thing to do in Delhi they even have a medical Visa that you can there's a medical Visa there's specific hospitals for tourists and hotels for tourists to stay at when they come to get their medical procedures done in India there's like a whole setup about it brilliant next up is vaccinations we always talk to our travel doctor before we visit a place and we were advised to get Hepatitis A and B shots and typhoid shots before going to India specifically we would also recommend the rabies vaccinations in case you end up getting scratched or bitten by a monkey or a dog laughs I just got bitten by a dog in Bali Indonesia and had to do the four course rabies vaccinations wasn't really fun but it could have all been avoided if we did get vaccinated beforehand it can be quite stressful trying to get those shots in a foreign country they are quite rare to find and hard to find even in Bali a tourist destination so yeah if you're worried about rabies and things like that then probably get vaccinated before you leave your home country next up is the length of stay the length of stay really actually depends on you you do get a 30-day tourist visa and that was more than enough time for us if you don't have a lot of time maybe 10 to 14 days is good enough you can do the whole Golden Triangle and maybe one or two other places as well but if you want to travel the entire of India that'll take you about 10 years to do India is massive there are so many different amazing places to see good luck travel planning and figuring out where you want to go it's tough there's a lot it's we definitely need to go back a couple more times to see all the places we'd love to go we'd have to probably buy more trips to cover all right next up is the electricity and plugs that they use India uses the same plug system as South Africa at least the two-prong version of that so we were able to plug in our phone charges and everything directly into the plugs in India without needing an adapter but these adapters are pretty cheap grab one before you leave or you can even get one in India itself there were plugged on the trains in most starbuckses and we basically didn't have a problem getting a charge whenever we needed next up is SIM card and internet we suggest getting a SIM card as soon as you land in the airport and get them to set it up for you and load a good amount of data on it we say that because the app didn't actually work for us afterwards and to try and load data on the app ourselves was quite difficult if you do it at the airport you're sorted if you don't happen to do it at the airport then definitely get a local friend or a hotel to help you in terms of Wi-Fi speed the Wi-Fi was a bit of a hit or miss like we got really good speeds up to 200 megabytes per second in some of the places we stayed on average it was about 50 and then sometimes strangely in the Starbucks is we got two megabytes per second so it can be quite variable we relied on mobile data a tan and luckily data is very affordable in India and the LTE signals are pretty darn good although when you go to ladakh in India they use a totally different system so your sim card actually doesn't work have to buy a new one in ladakh or just rely on the Wi-Fi is there next up International driving permits this is something you only need to get if you plan to hire a motorbike I'd say like we said renting a car isn't recommended so get it if you need it's basically just your own choice you pretty much won't need it though next up is now tipping is not actually actually quiet or kind of experience so generally when we would agree with a guide or a driver on a certain price they would finish the job or whatever and then at the end they would kind of guilt-trip you into paying them a little bit more so yeah whatever price you agree with someone doesn't necessarily mean it's the end price you will kind of be expected to pay a little bit more we found in restaurants and things was kind of already worked into the receipt um so you don't have to tap there in terms of the amount you're wanting to tip that's really up to you a little bit goes a long way you can be as generous as you want next up is laundry we'll cover this quickly we basically did it at the guest houses and the hostels it is Affordable they don't charge you an arm and a leg if you're wanting to do laundry and your accommodation doesn't offer it just ask this off they are so helpful they'll organize a laundromat for you and it can be done in the day quick sticks one load of laundry shouldn't cost you more than 10 to 15 dollars it's super duper affordable all right next up is weather and natural disasters India has floods and landslides and that's pretty much the only natural disasters that we would worry about is especially if you're planning to drive a motorbike around the country that could be very dangerous especially since a lot of the roads are still very Sandy so avoid the monsoon season from April to September if that scares you otherwise if you are sticking to the big cities as a tourist you don't need to worry about any other natural disasters now the part that most of you would probably appreciate is what to skip in India we love doing these two just to inform you a bit more about things that you shouldn't even waste your money and time on first of all this is yeah this is interesting in Delhi this is one of the biggest Spice markets in the whole of Asia and it's where a lot of tourists in uh that's where we saw the most tourists in India a lot of tour companies operate tours to this Chinese market and at first we were all excited about it it was a new experience it was cool to go there but after we posted the video and we received a lot of comments about how local Indian people just don't believe that tourists should even be going to Parts like this because it's not even a reflection of India it's very run down it's very busy and chaotic and it's quite dirty I also feel I agree with the people in the comments because it's not a good reflection on India or Delhi there's something strange about tourists going to go and view this place to do what you want with that information it's up to you whether you want to go to China and have a tick-tuk driver take you through there at the end of the day it's your choice as a tourist but a lot of the local Indians don't think it's a good place for tourists to go next thing to skip is probably spend we spend more than one night in Agra as where the Taj Mahal is and the Taj Mahal is gorgeous the grounds around there are amazing but the city around there is quite run down dirty and chaotic and there's really not much else other than the Taj Mahal and agrofort to see you can totally cover Agra in one night it's more than enough time next up is a trip to tomariri this we would not recommend if you do come from a country like Canada or New Zealand and you are used to seeing these incredible big mountains all around you if you are not from a country like that and you'd love to see the beautiful lakes and mountains we highly recommend it it was a beautifully Scenic trip we're from South Africa and we have nothing like it in our country so to see snow-capped mountains and Blue Lakes and mirror reflections of mountains and stuff was incredible but doobie warned the trip is brutal you're on bumpy roads in the car for hours and hours altitude sickness is also very real so if you're an adventurous type and you've never seen landscape shapes like that definitely do it if you're from a beautiful place like we said before skip that one and finally we think that you should skip Amber Fort unless you have a local guide to take you there so don't do amber fort on your own this is one of the only places in India that we were seriously harassed and we actually wanted to leave but it is so beautiful there too so make sure you've got a local guide and if you don't have one then don't go because it will be a bad experience for you if you want to see our full experience at Amber Fort then check this video linked above next up is things we recommend you do first one is diaper pink City we loved diaper the architecture the things you can do there the people the food and we particularly love the homes that we stayed in in Draper as well it was overall just an amazing experience being in that City we mentioned it already in the previous section but we highly recommend you visit the Taj Mahal one or two nights is more than enough in Agri though a lot of people commenting on the video saying that there's more incredible little historical sites in India than the Taj Mahal but it honestly was one of the most beautiful buildings within you have to see and the grounds and the sunrise it was just amazing then literally one of the most favorite cities we've ever been to is Le we highly recommend if you can go visit lit go and watch the videos if you're planning to go to India definitely plan a trip to LIT we fell in love with it so much that we could see ourselves living in Leia for a couple of months yeah and finally something we didn't actually do ourselves but we're pretty bummed we missed out on it is either dharamsala or in ladakh if you're a fan of the the layalama then definitely go and see his teachings in ladakh or dharansala it's something we actually didn't even know happened until we got to India so if you're a fan of them check out his teachings obviously there are tons more places to visit in India we've heard really good things about Goa Varanasi Mumbai and Bangalore you'll just have to check out other YouTubers for more info on those places and see which one tickles your scent s next up is safety well really different video on this topic but we can straight up tell you that India and Indian people are some of the most incredible people we've ever met they were so hospitable they all they want to do is feed you and make sure you're enjoying the food and have a great time they are so playful they want to take photos and they pose with you and oh the people are just incredible and they make India the amazing country that it is and make the experience amazing so don't worry about safety in terms of being a Solo Traveler or female traveler well then we'll cover that in the other video because we need to dive into it in a deeper way if you are a content creator wanted to make content about India then just be warned about the keyboard Warriors there are a lot of really nasty people on the internet they are brutal in the comments they will be racist towards you and they'll say very nasty things and criticize everything you do but they are not a reflection of the people in India in person at all like it's day and night all right the next section which you've probably been waiting for is the scams there weren't any really really bad scams we can tell you the first of all was Uber drivers asking for cash and asking you to cancel the drive on the app and pay them cash in person that was weird our friend just told us to cancel the drive and book another driver on Uber there are drivers that will charge you a fortune also they'll do meter taxis and the meters will just keep going up and up and up another nap just use Uber the app and try and avoid these guys telling you to cancel and pay in cash it's very important to use the Uber or a authorized taxi service at the airport and not just any random person because some of them take you to a toy or a center and they try to sell you a tour and it's just we've heard very bad stories about people losing a lot of money through that so just try and avoid that all together and then another thing that happened to us in Agra is as we got up the train station a man ushered us to go and get a tuk-tuk he tried to take us into his house to have tea and lunch and stuff but all we really wanted was the tiktok from the train station to our hotel it didn't actually bother us at the time but people told us in the comments that that is a scam and we should never have left with the guy and gone and yeah it was a bit strange rather stick to the proper entry and exit points and you know just stay to the busy areas where it looks like more people are going in and out of the stations and don't be afraid to say no to these people and just go on and get another drive also they are very pushy there guys so you have to be able to just say no no no you have to get used to it and then one that really annoyed us it's not really a scam but it's the guides at The Monuments and stuff well yeah I guess it is a scam so a lot of the guides will especially at the Taj Mahal they also offer to take photos for you and they say no we don't expect anything we're here we're just doing favors but then once they're done taking photos for you they will demand money from you and they will harass you until you pay them the amount that they want so don't actually trust anybody or listen to them that they're doing you a favor because more often than not they're trying to scam you'll get money out of you and literally you can do that with one person you pay one person you walk 10 meters there's another guy trying to do the exact same thing we got hounded at these sites so just just say no no it gets very annoying and you constantly have to say no thank you and then they even have some attitude back and say no no thank you here oh it just it can get kind of ugly sometimes and then finally ATMs some 18 games are dodgy and they will swallow your card and that's the last thing you want to happen in India so try and stick to the air conditioned like multiple ATMs in an air-conditioned room with a security guard outside those are the legitimate ones next is the other section we'll just brush over these quickly it's been quite a long video and there's lots of information one of the things is that you don't throw toilet paper in the toilet you throw it in the bin and use a bum gun it's the best cleanest way to do your business anyway so embrace it in terms of mosquitoes good thing to know is that mosquitoes don't actually carry Dengue and malaria especially if you're going to certain tourist destinations at least in the daily area but do take mosquito repellent anyway to avoid the hundreds of bites that you will encounter then the next and last thing is airport security is literally crazy guys if you have Electronics on you like a camera bag you normally take out just your laptop forget that you're gonna take got absolutely everything I'm talking cables Chargers drone batteries propellers like they'll literally take a whole bag of parts and look at every single item individually it's crazy yeah man a guy even had his big jar of honey taken he had to eat his honey and pour some of it out in terms of drawings I think you should cover that that's important drones I literally did not pack it in my carry-on I stuck it in my checked luggage and they did even find my batteries and my controller and they were like where's the Drone where's the Drone they don't like drones at all and then finally to end this video the question that everybody probably wants to know would we travel back to India the answer is absolutely freaking yes we loved India we love the people and it was just we look back on that month with such fond memories we came out with really cool pictures and stuff we had some ups and downs that's a given I think that's always going to happen in India it is a different place it's crazy and chaotic and loud and not like home at all but just it's amazing embrace it you'll look back on it with very fond memories and you will learn so much about the country and the people and the history and the religion and your highly recommended will definitely be back we even planning a trip and figuring out where we want to go to next time we're in India and that's literally basically everything you need to know about India we hope you guys found this informative there's a lot of stuff it's jam-packed sure leave any other comments if there's anything else you'd like to know and maybe we can answer you in the comments and also if you have other knowledge for fellow Travelers leave it in the comments below too we were first-timers to India we're just sharing what our experience was and what we learned we've also done a similar video for barley you can check it linked above if you're planning a trip there and once again the India resource pack is available for you to download from our website so check it out if you're interested we'll see you guys in the next video bye-bye bye happy travels and time in India thank you [Music]
Channel: Rhett and Claire
Views: 422,575
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Keywords: india, travel india, how to travel india, travel guide, Rhett and Claire india, india what to do, india travel guide, india places to visit, india travel itinerary, india travel tips, india what to eat, india things to know, laundry, india 2023, how to india, everything about india, best time to visit india, what to pack for india, india visa requirements, travel india 2023, india travel guide 2023, india travel requirements 2023, things to do in india, transport india
Id: KuJwC9gTYhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 17sec (2537 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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