L'Inde au bord du chaos

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Last April, We were in the midst of chaos in New Delhi. Day and night, ambulances criss-cross the city. The capital has become a gigantic pyre. Everywhere, bodies are being cremated. This crematorium has been operating 24 hours a day for 10 days. We'll put it here. Rahman Sing is a student and volunteered. Since the beginning of the crisis, It helps the poorest families. He carries the wood that will be used to burn the bodies and offers support. Who is dead ? Your mother ? No, she's my wife. Be strong, we are with you. I would like to say that the mortality rate indicated by the government is completely wrong. They say there's only 200 people who died in a single day. It is false, it is much more. This government does nothing. We have no oxygen, no beds, no ventilators, not even enough ambulances. India, breaks contamination records, It has become the epicenter of the virus in the world. A hecatomb that had not seen coming the one who has ruled India for 8 years, Narendra Modi, Prime Minister, Who declared last January that India had overcome the pandemic. This country has successfully controlled the coronavirus. And it saved the whole world and all mankind from certain devastation. 4 months later, India is on its knees. Hospitals are overwhelmed, The sick die in the street for lack resources and organization. Let the ambulance pass! Step back, step back! It's the panic, people are fighting for oxygen cylinders and their survival. We've been waiting since this morning! Let us pass! Please, my mother is dying! 350,000 sick and thousands of deaths every day, including many young people. Doctors and volunteers, like Rahman Sing, are exhausted. Critics of Modi are more and more numerous. He is blamed, For authorizing the Kumbh Mela, One of the largest religious gatherings in the world. It was last February. 10 million Hindu pilgrims united, without a mask or any barrier gesture. Did he want to flatter his electorate? Modi is the leader of the BJP, ruling Hindu ultra-nationalist party. Prime Minister since 2014, Narendra Modi reassuring as well as frightening. First seen as liberal and modern, Like a father of the nation, he gradually turned into an Indian guru. Who knows that behind this reassuring white beard, Hiding a tough, determined man, who supports an extremist ideology? It's an India you don't know, An India that marches on. She is the one who trained Narendra Modi. Hindu Youth, a paramilitary faction ultra secret to which we had access. A group, to train the future elites of the country, For an India, 100% Hindu. With Modi, they conquered power. No wonder then that in this India there, The cow is more sacred than ever. His government is investing millions in programs of protection and studies, On its benefits for man. An Indian who drinks cow urine will never get sick. There's gold in it! Muslims and Christians, they Considered cow killers, Are punished, lynched by the mob. People are bloodthirsty! Modi put poison in their heads. The protesting voices are muzzled, impossible to criticize the government, Without risking being imprisoned. Secret Service Arrested My Husband and took him to court. Since then, he has not returned. This lawyer defends dozens of cases like this one. If you disagree with the government, they treat you like a terrorist. Modi is accused of exacerbating tensions and divide the country. Fascist, ultranationalist, dictator, The politician scares everyone a part of the population. He sees Muslims as enemies. One year from the next presidential elections, What remains of the largest democracy in the world? And this tricolor flag, Orange for Hindus, green for Muslims and white for other religions. Is Gandhi's dream of a united nation threatened? In the land of Modi, cows, did you know? Are treated better than men. They have become divinities on legs. Upon coming to power, Modi's government has unblocked tens of millions of euros, For their well-being. 1 hour drive from New Delhi, There is a luxury retreat for individual residents. It is a gaushalas, a refuge for cows. There are 5000 farms like this in India. They are subsidized by the state and private donations. This former security guard, a devout Hindu, Left his life that had no meaning, according to him, To devote himself voluntarily to his cows. We believe in the divinity of the cow. They are goddesses our mothers to all. Outside, they suffer and they eat anything, even plastic. Here, everything is clean, they don't get poisoned. These cows are pampered, And their droppings are carefully harvested. These are considered miraculous. Every day, the former agent of security and his young apprentice, Get up at 4 a.m. to collect the first urine. I stimulate them It's to make them urinate. First choice urine intended for human consumption. * Many diseases are healed, Just by touching our cows or rubbing their hands on their backs. Indian cows are the best. All doctors and scientists agree to say so. Here, we believe in the therapeutic virtues of the cow on the man. The manager of this farm, Doctor Daya Conceives drugs from urine, And also cow dung. Manure is transformed, Packaged in granules or capsules, Before being sold in pharmacies in the country. Doctor Daya wants us show all the steps. The smell of urine and ammonia is unbearable. They seem used to it. * We pour urine from cow in this tank. * Then we boil it and foam forms. The foam is the gas of ammonia that is released. Then, we remove this foam, Because it could damage the liver. And there in those jars, We prepare all kinds of medicines. There is even some to cure AIDS and cancer. We put the base and then we add everything we need. For example aloe vera or turmeric. Then it is mixed with cow urine. His practice is based on conviction, That everything that comes out of cows is divine. In these tanks, the urine is filtered until it becomes clear. Look at that, it's like water! He himself drinks it every day. * When an Indian drinks regularly urine and milk, Or eat butter, He never gets sick, ever! In all his life, he will not have a single disease. And it is thanks to the presence of gold in the urine, But also in the milk of our cows. * It is essential for us, But also for the entire universe. * you are saying is there gold in the urine? Yes yes. All this is proven by analyses, Which showed the presence of gold. * All these beliefs are proclaimed as scientific truths. Look, this is our medicine stockpile. * Tablets for all kinds of ailments, Liver, digestion or even syrups. He sells 3,000 bottles a month. And lately, sales have exploded all over the country, Hindu clerics made the promotion of cows urine, Against coronavirus. * The coronavirus is a bacterial disease. * And this cow urine destroys all bacteria. * Others smear themselves with cow dung cow for the same reasons. Indian doctors warn of alternative treatments for coronavirus. Faced with the growing influence of these sorcerer's apprentices, The Indian College of Physicians had to intervene. People should understand, What to use cow droppings, Or all kinds of animal waste, May instead increase risk of disease or infection. Today in Modi's India, We drink the urine of cows, We can get covered in dung and wash with her milk, But you can die from eating it. These last years, Cows unleash passions and the most extreme violence. Fanatical Hindus who strike until death. Just be suspected to eat beef, To finish, Like this 15 year old young man, Lynched by a mob on a train. He was a Muslim. Muslims, 14% of the population, 200 million Indians, Who have clearly become targets. And Modi is increasing the pressure. In 2019, it reformed access to Indian citizenship. The law provides for the regularization immigrants on condition, They are not Muslims. A measure against which the Indians of all denominations manifest. When celebrities, students, Ordinary citizens defend a cause, It's becoming a movement. Tension mounts and the situation escalates into confrontations. In New Delhi, Hindu extremists, Get into several northern districts of the city, Where many Muslims live. They are armed and will sow terror. Stone throwing, live ammunition. nationalist factions, Aimed at Muslims only. For 3 days, Residents call for help But the police and the army came reinforcements do nothing. They will even be suspected of having participated in the lynching. arson, Until the destruction of the houses. After 3 days and 2 nights murderous madness, Hindu extremists leave the scene. The balance sheet is heavy, 54 dead, hundreds injured. Waking up is painful. Three districts of the capital are destroyed. Whole streets with their houses and their businesses, Were set on fire. Thousands of families are now homeless. Parvez Alam lives here. He must have holed up with a friend. He is a paramedic and when the riots broke out, He was on duty, he saw it all. This is where it all started, 2 days ago. The crowd has come over there. They were Hindu extremists. They came from elsewhere. This neighborhood is inhabited by families, Muslims who have nothing to do with this violence. Look, he lives here. They attacked his house, They broke the windows. In the crowd there were some people, who gave instructions. They showed the houses that had to be attacked, And the ones that shouldn't be. They only targeted those who belonged to Muslims. Parvez is Muslim, he grew up in this quiet neighborhood, Where all the communities lived in harmony. And like everyone this morning... Oh my God. He discovers the damage. That was our big public school. I was told she was attacked by the mob. They set it on fire. * Nothing remains of the classrooms, textbooks, Nothing. 800 students were enrolled in this public school. * This house belongs to a Muslim. The assailants also set fire to it. Everything burned from bottom to top. Look, there's nothing left. It is your house ? Yes. You must have lost all your stuff. Unfortunately yes. There is a climate of terror today. We will no longer be able to live here as before. I will sell everything and leave India. And the police protected you? No, they haven't moved. We were afraid to die and they did nothing. The behavior of the police is unimaginable, I do not understand. We have lived here for 14 years, And this is the first time we've seen this. Here we live with the Hindus, There was never a problem between communities. We never would have thought, That there would be such clashes one day. that we should leave, run away from our own homes. I am 24 years old and all my life, I never witnessed of such violence in Delhi. Everyone was very scared. We thought we were dying. No one had imagined experience such atrocities. Here we live together, Whatever our religion. But since Modi is in power, People are full of hate, And their minds are poisoned. People are bloodthirsty. * We could never have imagine that in our country. * Did the government let Delhi burn? After the clashes, No official has yet come to the scene. The inhabitants are on their own. So we must act, Parvez has fulfilled his food ambulance. Donations that he was able to collect. * The victims received no government assistance, Nor from the city authorities, nor the government. * That's why we decided, to help people. Driving his ambulance, Parvez is quickly blocked, Volunteers arrive from all over the city to help too. Like those men in turbans, Sikhs, another religious minority. People are starving. Children have not eaten anything for three days. * You have to stop, it's blocked. There is a procession. You can't go there. * Processions accompany the bodies of the victims in silence. 54 residents were killed. Parvez, knows the relatives of this victim. This person was murdered during the attacks. They burned down his house and they shot him. He was killed with a bullet to the head. There, between the two eyes, at close range. Faced with the absence of the authorities, The residents mobilized. In one day, this camp was organized, A refugee camp in the middle heart of the Indian capital. Volunteers flock from all over the city, To set up tents and welcome families to the street. The whole neighborhood rushes to this makeshift camp. And Parvez is one of thousands of volunteers, On a war footing and in revolt. The tents are over there, Let it pass! * tents, food, Small hands, but also doctors to help the many injured. And a question on everyone's lips:. "Why the police did nothing to prevent this massacre? * When the police arrived in the neighborhood, We asked them about us help escape attacks. By forming a safety cordon to protect us. But they did nothing. We had to manage to escape. Calm has returned But no one feels safe anymore. Parvez is shocked by these stories. He doesn't understand why either. 3 days of violence were possible in a capital, in a democracy. He wants to go to the morgue, Where are the families gathered? angry victims. They wait to be able to recognize the bodies of their loved ones. Everyone here feels abandoned. * Stop killing our children. The families kept the photo of their loved one, A son, a father, a brother, Mutilated, lynched. If only the Delhi police had acted, And had intervened at the right time, This pogrom would not have taken place in Delhi. The government is sleeping! He is blind to atrocities. The police themselves shot at the victims. The police are in cahoots The whole administration is in cahoots! Did the police let it happen? Could the government have stopped this violence? Narendra Modi waited 2 days before reacting. With just a tweet. A call for peace and harmony without condemning the attackers. This story recalls another in 2002, Orchestrated anti-Muslim pogroms again by Hindu extremists. The police are accused of passivity, even complicity. 3 days of destruction and murders. The balance sheet is terrible, 2000 dead. All this in a ruled state then by Narendra Modi. And again, he does not react, And his responsibility is in question. But his political career is in no way affected. * Who is Narendra Modi really? Whoever swears by the Indian Constitution, or the ally of extremist Hindus. Modi never lets go defamatory or provocative remarks. To understand what he believes in, You have to go back up his journey and he begins, Within a radical paramilitary group. The RSS, a patriotic organization, For young Hindus from 3 to 15 years old. Narendra Modi entered it when he was 8 years old. And it is here that most members of the ruling party, The BJP, have made their classes. * If we can only convert 3% of the nation to our values. Seat the people, Make them listen like you do it today, So we can change the face of this country. Dressed in khaki, his students must follow the strictest discipline. On the program raising the saffron flag, the color of Hinduism. And learning combat techniques. No interview possible that day, But we will find out elsewhere, Up to what paranoid delirium can go the talk of these supremacists. We were able to go In a school for girls of the organization. During a self-defense class. Imagine your target before shooting. The members of this school will tell us, Their fight for an India without Muslims, Enemies who do not take don't even bother to name. In our India, I wish there were only people who share Hindu values. Those who are patriotic and love their country. We see that all countries that are Muslim, Do not tolerate other religions. Watch them act in their country, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon. This is why we must prepare to defend ourselves. To depend on no one, And not having to go through these kinds of problems. And that's why you train his daughters. Yes, because I want that if one day we get there, Let them fight for our nation. These girls belong to the Indian middle class. They come here to do their good hindu education, Before being married. A member of the organization is came to give a conference. His speech is delirious, But that's what they hear every day. They try to reduce the number of Hindus in this country. Tell me if it's good or not, For a Hindu girl to marry with a Muslim or a Christian. It's bad ! A Muslim is capable of anything. According to the laws of his religion, He can cut up his wife and eat her. They are allowed to do that. Is our religion like that? No. No, because our religion is the best. Our religion is the greatest. * The RSS movement was born in the 1920s. He is inspired by far-right organisations, Including the German Nazi Party. In his books published in the 1960s, The ideologue of the Golwalkar organization, Makes glowing references to Nazi Germany. Gandhi's assassin in 1948, Was from the RSS. After his training in this patriotic group, Narendra Modi joins the BJP, The ultranationalist party in power since 2014. Is he in command to apply, The supremacist ideology advocated by this organization? We went to meet one of the prime minister's staunchest supporters. His name is Shiladitya Dev, And he is an MP and a member of the BJP. Also known for his anti-Muslim remarks, He never moves without his close guard. I had death threats. There were 400 calls during of the past five years. Threats every time. Muslim groups, Islamist groups around the world. They identify as residing in Bangladesh, In Pakistan and other foreign countries, Even from England, the Philippines, From the United States, from the Middle East, everywhere. In the area, Shiladitya Dev, Does not hide his pro-Hindu positions. Today he is campaigning in a predominantly Hindu district. He backs the BJP candidate for the next local elections. For years, the Hindu electorate, Hears speeches about the Muslim peril. * In this country, we were 80% Hindus. Today we have been reduced to 70%. We are now moving towards a minority. Our rights are violated, The lands of our temples are seized. The land of our ancestors is taken from us. Our women do not feel safe. * Play on fear. On this day, the speech is adapted to its public, Only women who have been summoned to hear their MP. * The whole country is in danger. The Hindu community is in danger. If the opposition returns to power, The whole Hindu community will have problems again. They have already divided this country on the basis of religion, And they will continue to destroy it. * For these voters, Shiladitya Dev carries the voice and the project of their Prime Minister Narendra Modi. * Yes, we say it, We want an India for Hindus only, Because we are all Indians. * I love Modi, he is like my father. He is our God! Yes Modi, it is my God. Shiladitya Dev has joined the ranks of the BJP 30 years ago. With for idol and model, Narendra Modi. People who work with me say:. "Modi is your idol." It's true. In 2015 he was Prime Minister, He came here and I accompanied him in many meetings. I sort of escorted him. At the end of the day, he hugged me very tight. He put his hand there, on my face like that. And it was like I felt his iron hand. I've been in the prime minister's hand country for a few minutes. And it's as if the time had stopped. * Shiladitya Dev has also integrated, The ranks of the organization patriotic in his youth. This is where he trained, like Modi. Then he joined the BJP. There it was when I was in the youth section of the BJP. We organized a hunger strike in Delhi, To protest against immigration illegal in Bangladesh. * It's a threat to Indian culture, Our culture, our land, our political rights, And religion, of course. Because Bangladeshis are Islamists, They come here, they practice Islam, They convert the people who are here, who practice Hinduism, And that becomes a real problem. * This fear of the loss of Hindu identity, It is the obsession of nationalists. Fighting immigration is not enough, We must reclaim territories and people them with good Hindus, Patriots and Religious. And for that, they have to create, A pure breed. In the state of Gujarat, Led for 13 years by Narendra Modi. This center which looks like a holiday club, Funded by the health branch of the RSS movement, Attracts families for a very strange promise. To give birth to perfect and superior beings. In these huts, couples come design their future wonders. Doctor Narouami is the one who theorized, Developed a program that mixes, Religion, diet and indoctrination. After purifying the body and blood vessels, We will move on to the process which will allow you to elevate your soul, To make it beautiful and thus cleanse your body. She set up this center 15 years ago. It doesn't matter if the method works, It is the speech that pleases. Design a perfect little Hindu. Today it's Sony's turn, 25 years old, and Rajesh, 27 years old. The ceremony is organized by a Hindu priestess. The dates of their stay were planned by an astrologer. They will stay here 7 days to conceive their child. We must pray for this every day. * To help them in their prayers, The couple must throw urine into the fire and dried cow dung. Here, we use the word science a lot, But it does not have the same meaning as elsewhere. It is the science of the Vedas, Which comes from the sacred texts. * It's the process. We have to follow these rituals. It is purely scientific. For example, the time especially pregnancy, It's from the sixth ovulation day, That day, the color we wear, Must attract cosmic rays from the universe. Behind this atmosphere of peace and tranquility, This is Hindu supremacist thought which is put into practice. There is the idea of purifying the Indian people. Once pregnant, women follow the program, For their child to be a perfect Hindu, Pious, intelligent and patriotic. Doctor Narouami has already opened, A dozen clinics across the country. Several thousand children are born following this project. She sees dozens of patients every day, And promises them for 800€, The birth of a prodigy. Her program begins well before pregnancy. It's about repairing damaged genes. For 9 months, the future parents follow a draconian dietary protocol, A purifying diet. You follow your diet well milk and all? Yes. In the morning, I take almond milk, Puffed rice and wheat biscuits. Very well. To all his patients, Doctor Narouami asks, To read religious texts, These same texts which serve as reference to Hindu nationalists. * You have taken it all in. I am still learning them. Perfect, you'll have to read a little more. In these sacred texts would be found, real science, she says. Before, people were more obedient and he was following the tradition. Today they are obsessed by logic and science. And they question our beliefs. fight logic, This is indeed brainwashing. But for what purpose? Once his mission is accomplished, Doctor Narouami advises parents, To put their children in suitable schools. The schools, financed by the famous RSS, the paramilitary organization. There are 2500 today. We went to one of them. All parents follow the program, And they will tell us how well it works, To obtain perfect children. I have 2 children, A girl, she is 8 years old. Back then I wasn't here and I didn't do anything special. But this child there, it's a boy and I followed the preparation. And now I can see the difference between the two. My daughter is unbearable, While he is very peaceful and very intelligent. What then becomes of these lovely toddlers? They follow the courses of the director, She also a fervent patriot, And who is going to show us this card which sums up the goal of all his efforts, To return to ancestral India, ideal, reunified and 100% Hindu. Before Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, It was all part of India, Also called Bhārat. Then slowly it split into smaller regions. Then different countries were created. * We try to make sure, May these regions be reunited again and that they become Hindus again. * Our Prime Minister Modi, Also wish all India to unite, And that the whole world recognize all areas, In which India excels. Faced with this ultra-nationalist drift, It's hard to be critical. And when we try to be, this can end very badly. That's what happened to the author of these photographs. His project, to wear heads from cows to women, And tell that in India, A woman's life is worth less than that of a cow. A way to denounce the drift government sectarian, Symbolized by this sacralization of cows. The photos of Sujatro Ghosh are scandalous. He is invited to TV sets to talk about it. Tell us, why these photos? I started this project in reaction to the political context. I denounce what happens to the name protection of cows. People who are lynched, who are killed. * And you don't fear attacks nationalists and the extreme right? * No, I've never been afraid of these bands, Because I tell myself that what I'm doing is right. And when you do something right, You don't have to be afraid. * However, a few months later, harassed, threatened with death, Sujatro Ghosh, must leave India. He now lives in Germany, in Berlin. We found him. Sujatro Ghosh is today a political refugee. He lives in this little apartment, away from his family back in Calcutta. Because of his photos, He is accused of carrying an unpatriotic feeling. He has become a traitor. * I took it in Varanasi. It is the state where we worship the cow the most. This place is truly iconic. A political center, the religious heart of Varanasi. * I want to tell that in my country, Cows are more important than women. Because you know, for example, that in India, There is a rape every 15 minutes and almost no convictions. * Following this work, The threats have intensified, Until it becomes unlivable for the young photographer. He now fears for the life of his family and that of his friends. In Calcutta, there was a wave of Hindu ideologues who changed everything. I grew up in this city. Before, it was not like that. I had friends from all walks of life. * Things started to become more complicated, And there was a moment, where people started follow me home. The reality changed from 2014, With the current leaders, And this Prime Minister who had already was accused of allowing a pogrom to take place. * Today, artists have fear of the government. The fear is that of ending in a prison in the country, For an indefinite period. For a year, not a week has passed without the announcement of an arrested person. Renowned activist or ordinary citizen. That's what happened in this New Delhi family. Ani Babou, English teacher at the faculty of New Delhi, Was incarcerated 6 months earlier. His wife and daughter have not seen him since. The academic is arrested after a conference. Ardent defender of human rights, He had been supporting for a few weeks activists unjustly imprisoned, according to him. He is also a Muslim. And there, what is it? There he is taken to court. The secret services are taking him away. A friend of his filmed it. He is a lawyer. I can't believe this happened. Sometimes I wonder if this is real the situation is so incomprehensible. * Indian secret service search the family home, Under Jenny's eyes and of his daughter Farzana, 15 years old. There were twenty policemen in the house, And so that we don't contact someone from outside, They confiscated our phones. When I wanted to go the bathroom, they followed me. They took my phone my daughter's, And they searched the whole house. They were filming the books on the shelves. They wanted to see what we were reading, We, a couple of academics, As if it were a crime to read books. They took his computer, They took documents concerning another professor who had been arrested. My husband supported him on behalf human rights. They took everything and took us kept like that for 6 hours. And for 50 days they remained without news, Until that first letter. My dearest Jenny and my little darling. After writing to you hundreds of times in my head, Here I am finally able to you write on a paper. I am in a cell isolated with a toilet. I do not have the right to get out of my cell. I'm fine and I'm sorry for you put in this situation. * Do you want me to continue? But I know you're strong And together we will fight this injustice, It doesn't matter how long it takes. * It's really awful, They arrest anyone with Baseless accusations without proof. It's awful! The government accuses the academic, Of terrorism, of Marxist conspiracy, And to have organized riots six years earlier, In a town where he never went though. Farzana had a depression. Jenny, also a teacher at the university, Abandoned his job to take care of her daughter, And organize the defense of her husband. After six months of waiting, They finally had permission to see it. This morning they are leaving for Bombay, In the south of the country, where he is imprisoned. We did some shopping. My daughter wanted to buy her a mask, To sleep, 'Cause they never turn off the light in the cells. It's on 24 hours a day. They are never in the dark. They are going to take the train. The most economical solution. 16 hour journey. * They fight against a formidable weapon, An anti-terrorism law that allows the incarceration anyone without a warrant. Is that train there? This law has become Modi's weapon, To silence the critics and dissenting voices. There, they will also meet their lawyer. They still hope for an early outcome. A long journey awaits them. After a day and a night of travel, Jenny and Farzana arrive at their destination, in Bombay, The megalopolis of 20 million inhabitants. * Mom, we have arrived in Bombay. * In less than an hour, they will be in front of the prison. I hope we will be able see it together, both of them. Yes, I hope we will get there. Only one visit is allowed. They are two. Jenny gave priority to her daughter. They will do everything to see it both. Activists and intellectuals detained since 2017, were placed in this prison near Bombay. Some are in solitary confinement Others in common cells, 50 prisoners on average per room, Mattresses on the floor. After 6 hours of waiting at the prison gates, Jenny was able to see her husband. We met him! And Farzana, his father. Both ? Yes, both. At first they only allowed one only one of us to enter. But I insisted and told a guardian that I was from Delhi. And I started crying. And finally, she accepted. We saw it and were able to talk, For a long time, at least 30 minutes. But no, only 5 minutes. He asked me how I was, And we just talked a little bit. And then my mother arrived, which was unexpected, but it was so good. We were all 3 together! We finally got to see it after 6 months! They don't know when they can see him again, And how long will he have to still stay in this prison. It's with their lawyer that they expect to have answers. The same evening, they have an appointment with him, At the other end of town. Hello. We managed to see it, yes. It's him, who came to see, Master Hughes. He represents other families. All have seen one of their relatives arrested suddenly, And imprisoned under anti-terrorism law. Activists like ordinary school teachers. Difficult to counter this formidable state weapon. He's not very optimistic. * The case of Babou and one of the examples, The most extreme I've seen so far. A false involvement in a case of terrorism. I don't have the slightest doubt that the case was totally fabricated. * It's a bogus case of terrorism, Who could have serious consequences for the prisoner, But also about his family. * The anti-terrorism law allows to keep people in jail. people who are not in agreement with the government, And that the government chooses therefore qualify as a terrorist. And you have many cases like this? Yes, a large number. Unfortunately, a very large number. Whether a politician, of an activist or a teacher, It does not matter. Everyone can be affected. The government is systematically attacking To people who disagree with him. What is happening is unprecedented. I have never seen that ! And justice is also with Modi. * And do you have any hope that he will soon be free? No, unfortunately not. Why ? This is the nature of anti-terrorism legislation. You remain in prison for an indefinite time, Until the trial is over. This is the principle of this law. He will stay in prison for a long time, There is not much hope. How long do you think it is? Maybe 6 years, 8 years, 10 years... 14 years old maybe. The two women leave for Delhi, exhausted and helpless. How far can madness go nationalist of Hindu extremists? Even further, We went all the way to India, In a state that is leading, A unique experience in the world, in Assam, A rural and border state of Bangladesh, 2 million Indians have had their nationality withdrawn. They have become stateless. Here, Modi's men have achieved a tour de force, Legalized the process of excluding Muslims. It all started 3 years ago. The state launches a major census campaign. Residents must prove that they arrived in India before 1971, Year in which millions of refugees flow in from Bangladesh. In the midst of civil war. Officially, the goal is to fight against illegal immigration. But everyone sees the will Hindu nationalists, To attack religious minorities. It is at this time that the Ajbar Ali's life has changed. Overnight it is declared suspected illegal immigrant. I was born here, I am a son of this land. If I was a stranger I would have left this place for a very long time. The farmer is summoned by the police to present his papers. Like everyone else, he has to prove that it happened before 1971. But illiterate, without a lawyer and lack of money, His file is incomplete. This is what I could find, My documents, an identity card, The title deed of my house, my voter card. Everything is here. without being able to defend themselves, He is arrested one morning at home and incarcerated. At the very moment when we were imprisoned, We have all become less than nothing. And me, what was my fault? Why have I been put behind bars? To make him free and pay attorney's fees, His wife sells their land and livestock. But this is not enough, Ali remains in jail. After 2 years of waiting, riddled with debts and now without income, His wife commits suicide. What happened to me took his life. She ended her life during my incarceration. We had nothing. And the anguish ended up bringing it to end his life. He was released after 2 years. He now lives with his son, his daughter-in-law and grandchildren, With the fear of losing them at any moment, If he fails to restore his nationality, Because it is still considered an illegal alien. He is not the only one. 1000 Indians have already been imprisoned for this reason. And soon many more. The government has published a list, Almost 2 million people stripped of their nationality, Are today likely to be arrested and imprisoned at any time. Zaki Husseyn is a lawyer and a Muslim. His family has been in India for several generations. Some of his cousins and uncles lost their citizenship. Revolted, he helps those who have become, in effect, stateless persons. People have received negative reviews for no valid reason. Some people have become stateless, And were incarcerated in a camp. * Others are still pending of a judicial response. * Indians born on this land and locked up in camps. This is the solution found the government of Assam. I'm looking for the detention center. It's over there. 10 detention camps are currently under construction. There, now, we will have to turn right to go to the camps. One of them is almost complete. Zaki Husseyn, takes us there to show us what the government has planned. Here it is, built in the middle of nowhere, Far from cities, far from sight. Unable to get authorization to film and official information. So let's enjoy the day of workers leave to enter. A foreman is present that day. Zaki Husseyn introduces himself as a lawyer, And the man will tell him what he knows. So this is a detention center? Do you know how many people are going to be here? I don't know the exact number. I think around 3000. And over there, in front, there will be the school. They are even building a school? Yes. A school for the children of prisoners. Important information for the lawyer, Which confirms his fears. These camps could accommodate entire families, In prison conditions. The guardian shows him the halls where inmates will sleep. I imagine we'll see the dorms. I assume there is no partition in the middle? No, no, I don't think so. These rooms can accommodate how many people ? * About fifty, I think. My first impression after seeing this place, That's what I'm afraid of now. All the people who could not defend themselves Even if they have the good ones documents in their possession, This is where they will end. Locked here and there will be many of them. It will be mainly poor people, illiterates, people in remote areas. Many people are affected. And only Muslims, 'Cause they can't be regularized since the citizenship reform. How long do inmates will they stay here? Years, according to the lawyer, Because Bangladesh does not want welcome those who until now, Were Indians. Zaki Husseyn, especially fears one thing, Let what is happening here serve as an example for the government of Narendra Modi, And end up applying nationwide. Starting with Uttar Pradesh, One of the poorest states in India, also led by the BJP. Faced with the excesses of the government, Brave beings arise. Like Parvez, the young paramedic witness to the New Delhi riots. At 26, he got involved in politics. With all that's going on, We the young people of India, Hindus, Muslims, Young people from all communities and of all denominations, We must come together to protect our country and move it forward. Parvez campaigned in his home town, A district of 40,000 inhabitants predominantly Muslim. He is the youngest candidate. He is not affiliated with any party and defends pluralism, And the secularism of the Indian Constitution. I ask you to wholeheartedly support, And with enthusiasm our friend Parvez. If you support me I will keep my promises. So far I haven't offered anything on the basis of any discrimination. D-Day has arrived. In this region marked by a strong illiteracy, Candidates are represented by symbols. Parvez chose the wooden sandal, In reference to the one worn by Gandhi. He attends the counting of each ballot. For wooden sandal list, 2200 votes. Yes, 2200 for the wooden sandal. Parvez has just been elected and he has struggling to hide his emotion. Quite a symbol in a country still largely dominated by the ultranationalist party. Despite the hold, despite pressure, fanaticism, Lawyers, artists, opponents, Young people fight for democracy. Despite the risks, they are more and more numerous, To call for disobedience and to mobilize.
Channel: Investigations et Enquêtes
Views: 2,120,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reportage, documentaire, enquete, narendra modi, inde, indien, new delhi, premier ministre, immersion
Id: p6ZjJxxWL1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 58sec (3298 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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