Incroyablement délicieux❗Pain farci à la viande hachée facile moelleux et inratable 💯

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Welcome to my kitchen, hope you are well. today we are going to prepare delicious bread stuffed with minced meat. the bread is very soft, light and inescapable!!! I hope this detailed video will help you make the recipe successfully. 300 g of extra fine semolina. 500g of flour. 10g of salt. 5 g of dry yeast. 3 tablespoons of olive oil. pour 500 ml of lukewarm water little by little. knead for 10 minutes while adding the water little by little. the dough should be smooth and elastic. the dough is soft and slightly sticky. pour a small drizzle of olive oil over the dough to prevent it from drying out while proving. leave to rise for 1h30 in a warm place. meanwhile in a Dutch oven pour a drizzle of olive oil. cook an onion and 2 cloves of garlic for 2 minutes. add a red and green pepper. a pinch of salt to clear the vegetables. cook 5 minutes. 500 g of minced meat. season with salt, pepper. paprika, ginger, cumin, turmeric, pepper according to taste. add a teaspoon of tomato puree. add a handful of parsley. let cool completely. degas the dough. form a sausage. divide into 12 pieces. in a large dish pour a drizzle of olive oil. form balls. lightly brush dough balls with olive oil. cover and leave for 5 minutes until the dough relaxes. roll out a first ball of dough. if the dough sticks to the work plan add a little oil on your hands. slices of cheddar (optional). add 2/3 tablespoons of cold minced meat stuffing. Close the galette, sealing the edges well. set aside and do the same with the other balls of dough. take the first pancake you formed. spread it delicately from the center outwards. in a hot pan spread a little oil. brush with a little oil. Cook for 30 seconds then flip immediately. flip the galette every 30 seconds until golden brown. cook over medium/low heat. I hope you like the recipe take care of yourself 💚.
Channel: Dans La Cuisine de Sou
Views: 293,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recette facile, pain farci, recette de pain, viande hachée, viande hachée recette, recette rapide, pain garni, msemen farci, recette ramadan, recette batbout, batbout, pain farci à la viande hachée, recette de pain sans four, recette de pain à la poêle, galette de pain, galette farcies, recette de cuisine, dans la cuisine de sou, yt:cc=on, msemen m3amer, msemen recipe, bread, recipes, food, asmr, recette, recettes, yummy, recette pain garni, minced beef recipe, mince meat recipes
Id: _eaXpnFEbvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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