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hey everyone artemi is here um do you remember such theory that eighth version dystopia is the sequel of your life i even had a video about it there's no confirmation that this is true but what if it's actually true what if almost every character from 8th version are just previous characters from 6th version but modified with better technology so i decided to compare characters from dystopia in alive by finding similarities in sounds designs and more of course it's all just made for fun and bra and this video is not a confirmation that sounds from dystopia are updated versions of alive songs i created this table to make a video a little bit interesting and this is the start of the new series incredibly geek where we are over analyzing our favorite freaking game did you guess the reference alright let's get started and let's start with the main character of this version [Music] when i was making the evolution of sounds from dystopia i noticed that this sound combines two type of beats kick and snare and we have such sounds in alive so i think that advanta is the fusion of these two sounds or just evolution version of the kick i like the first variant more but let's keep the idea that only one character was modified they took tom in creative reach or incredibly box as some people might say and i actually don't know what character from alive it might be it's also a combination of some beat types clicking drums and hi-hat but if we move on to the very end the first beat is the evolution kick then we can say that incredible fridge is the snare dude but turned into a robot or alright box next one is fall break this sound is some kind of upgraded version of break sounds and we actually have one in alive the last beat so we found a match fourth one is the pyramid dude he is clicking and we also have a clicking dude in alive so another match the last beat is the kugu sound surprisingly we actually have such similar sound in our life it's also pretty chuggy and it sounds through the whole loop the bear dude sounds pretty similar now we move on to effects and it gets much more trickier because most effects are pretty unique and we never heard such sound types well except for one the bass and well it's very obvious that this dude is the first effect from a life [Music] so there's no need in big discussion but now it gets much more cryptic we move on to the monk character he sounds so weird and looks so goofy that a lot of people like this character but can you guess which character is also weird and looks goofy in a live version i give you few seconds it's the voop dude they are both fan favorite and both weird and at this point now it's impossible to tell who is who we have three effects left and we don't have any sounds from alive that's similar to these guys so let's keep them for now now melodies and this time it's much easier to guess the first melody is arpeggio and i actually know who it might be this dude sounds pretty similar [Music] it's some kind of an arpeggio but not so melodic so that's why they turned him into a freaking droid from star wars to make him better with second melody the answer is much easier [Music] we don't know who it is because we don't have trumpet sounds in our life but we have some in brazil and g1 oh what if people who turned everyone into a robot captured other sounds from previous versions from different timelines and turn them into robots yeah it sounds like bullcrap so let's leave this doodle on for now next one is this robotic dude [Music] it reminded me of vr dude and one thing they both have this kind of the line on their helmets so maybe that's him fourth melody is the organ one we don't have exactly the organ sounds in the life but we have pretty similar one this effect [Music] or maybe this melody [Music] so i don't know who it might be exactly effect also has the mask which covers his mouth but the melody is well melody like the organ dude but i would prefer the effect do it more so let's take him and the last is the synth and we had the dude which is also named since so he actually found his place somehow who and the last one are voices and you will probably ask me how are you gonna discover who is who by the timber of voice and the voice type so let's start with the fancy rocker this is his name from official merch store by the way right on when i first heard him and saw his design he really reminded me of main character from alive they both have bizarre clothes glasses and the timber is pretty similar i'm still working on my skills right on the ship follow us and not only me found this detail one animator created a story about this character and like he's trying to hide from these flying cameras next one is the choir dude [Music] and maybe you will say that this is this dude [Music] but actually no he feels more to this [Music] voice they have much more similar timber than the choir his voice is pretty deep and we actually have one in the life you better hurt no better better yeah hurry hurry but i doubt that it might be him but whatever beep and boop next is the incredible cyborg yeah that repetitive reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the star reaching the stars can be pretty annoying do you remember my video that his voice sounds a little bit like my voice of course it's not truth and just a joke but in alive i think that this tattooed dude has the same voice timbre as the cyborg [Music] kinda and you know that my persona's design is based on the dark version of this incredible but it's not me so let's put this dude here because why not and finally the last sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] well this is the most highest voice timbre in the version and in the live the highest voice timber is the fox dude [Music] plus they both have the mask which covers health of their face so i assume that they are connected alright we have 4 characters left from dystopia and 4 remaining characters from alive so maybe we should try to measure them hmm you know i will match the fourth effect with the demon dude why because they are both creepy and weird and the sonner dude with this cat dude because they both do the tem tem [Music] and now we have two remainings one effect and one melody from alive and one effect and one melody from dystopia and well screw it let's just match effects with an effect and melody with a melody that's it i know that it turns more dumb but whatever this list is already dumb whoa so here's the full table with curtain similarities between dystopia and alive it still does not prove anything but it was fun i hope you enjoyed this video if so leave a like and subscribe to my channel if you did not bye bye and see you soon
Channel: Artemiy Kopych
Views: 346,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: incredibox, incredibox v8, incredibox v8 dystopia, incredibox dystopia, incredibox v6, incredibox v6 alive, incredibox alive, incredibox all bonuses, incredibox v8 all bonuses, incredibox v6 all bonuses, incredibox v8 bonus 1, incredibox v8 bonus 2, incredibox v6 bonus 1, incredibox v6 bonus 2, incredibox v6 bonus 3, incredibox review, incredibox v6 review, incredibox v8 review
Id: H0dhhfsX5w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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