Incredibly Easy Layouts with CSS Grid

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- There's some amazingly powerful things in CSS Grid that let us accomplish layouts that we've been doing for quite a while but accomplish them in much less code, much less effort. So let's take a look at a couple things. One thing about CSS Grid is that there's this concept of explicit and implicit. As you learn Grid, you'll hear those words a lot. You can explicitly define the size and the number of rows and columns or you can do nothing about the number of columns or the number of rows and you can let the browser define how many rows and columns are gonna be ... Or how big the row is gonna be or how big the column's gonna be. You can also place things explicitly into particular cells or into particular areas. Or you can say nothing and the browser will decide where to put it. It will implicitly place things onto the grid according to the rules of the Grid autoplacement algorithm, which is a whole thing that you'll learn all about. It's one of our new best friends. It's nice. If you don't do anything. Instead of stacking all the content up into a giant pile that's useless, Grid starts to just automatically place things one in each cell all the way along. And sometimes that's all you want. So let's take a look at this example. Here's a classic layout, the kind of layout that we've done a lot since responsive web design became a thing where we have a bunch of photographs that are just simply put on the page. They are laid out into columns and there's a certain number of them depending on how much space is available. If you were doing this with floats, it wouldn't be that hard to do because all of the images are exactly the same size as each other. They all have the same aspect ratio. If they didn't, if they were different lengths and heights in different sizes, then we'd start to have a float drop problem which then requires clearing, which then requires a bunch of extra wrappers. That becomes very tricky with using floats. CSS Grid doesn't have any of those problems. But here's a layout that because of the size and the shape of the photos wouldn't be too hard to do with floats but it's even easier with Grid. Because with floats you would have to say, hey from this width to this width, using a media query, I'd like you to have this many columns. And now once you reach this width, I'd like you to make more columns. And now that we have even more space, I want you to make more columns. You would write a whole bunch of media queries for each of the changes in the number of columns. With CSS Grid you don't have to do any of that. Let's look at the HTML. You can see here that I've got a main and a list of images, just a bunch of images in a row. So, we're gonna apply CSS Grid to our main element. We're gonna use the main element as the Grid container and then each of those images becomes a Grid item. Grid applies to a container and the direct children of that container. Each of the direct children becomes an item and gets placed on the grid. Anything that's a grandchild or a great grandchild, anything that's further up in the dom outside of the Grid container, cannot actually be placed on that particular grid. In this case though, we've got a main. That's our Grid container. We have a bunch of images. Those are items. We're gonna place our items on the grid that we define. Here is all of the CSS for this example. All of it, 16 lines of CSS. The first couple lines are just reset the box-sizing border-box and the margin of zero for the body. This is just typical reset things. We put a little bit of a background colour on the body and then we start applying some CSS to the main and the image. You can see here, the same CSS is listed. We've got display block on the image which keeps it from being an inline. By default, images are inline which means they have a little bit of line height applied to the bottom of them. We don't want that so we switch them to display block which makes them act like blocks, gets rid of that extra space that we don't want. I also put a width of 100% on the images. That way, as the space that they're in, they're in a Grid cell, each one is in a Grid cell, as that Grid cell gets bigger and smaller, the image itself will grow and shrink inside that space. I put a little bit of a box shadow on the image. And then on the main, we've got our code for the layout. Two lines of code. So on the main element I've said display grid and then I say grid template columns and this complicated syntax, and I'm gonna explain, that alone handles the entire layout for this. It handles changing the number of columns. It handles how big things are. We don't need any media queries whatsoever. That's all of the CSS. So let's look more closely at this. Display grid activates the grid itself and of course in browsers that don't understand display grid, that's not gonna do anything. Also those browsers won't understand Grid template columns. So we'll just get probably just some sort of a list, like just a solid list of images and we'll wanna figure out something else for those browsers. But for the browsers that understand Grid, display grid will turn on the grid. Grid template columns defines the grid. So in this case, we've said nothing at all about rows. We're not defining the rows so the browser is gonna implicitly define the rows. It will make as many rows as it needs. It will make each row be auto height, which in this case means the row is gonna be the height of the images that are in that row. Grid template columns is us coming along and saying, here, I'm gonna tell you what it is that I want you to do with the width of the columns. Repeat auto-fit, minmax, 200 to 1fr, that's our code that we've written. Repeat means, here I have some stuff I'm gonna tell you. I want you to repeat this pattern over and over again. Auto-fit means we could put a number in there like four, repeat four means make four columns or really it means take this pattern that I'm defining and repeat it four times. It might be a single column pattern so you end up with four columns. It could be something like a double column pattern and you end up with eight columns. Repeat, you can put a number there. So repeat four, blah, blah, blah would mean take this pattern and repeat it four times. In this case, we're saying repeat auto-fit which means we're about to tell you something and we want you, browser, to repeat this pattern as many times as will fit into the space that's available. There's also an option of auto-fill. I'm not gonna explain the difference right here. For this particular use case, auto-fit and auto-fill will do exactly the same thing. You can look that up yourself. Rachel Andrew has a really great video where she describes in detail the differences between auto-fit and auto-fill. But in this case, both of them will do the same thing. And then the pattern that I have, the definition of the column itself, is minmax 200 to 1fr. And what that's gonna do is say, browser, I want you to make a column that's a minimum of 200 pixels and a maximum of one fr, which that's what is making a flexible column, a column that's growing and shrinking. So at the very minimum, the column will be 200 pixels and then it grows and the moment that there's enough space, maybe there's 600 pixels total ... You've got 400 total, you've got 200 and 200, that's gonna be 400 and then it grows and grows and grows and each of those two columns grow and grow and grow and the moment that the total reaches 600 and the browser is able to have three 200 pixel columns, it will pop to having three columns and they'll each be 200 pixels wide. But before the browser gets to that space, like when you're at 580, there's not enough space for three 200 pixel wide columns and the columns are not allowed to be any smaller than 200 pixels wide, so they're each one fr which means we've got however many columns and we want them to each be one fraction of the space. You get one fraction of the space. You get one fraction of the space. You get one fraction. So when there's two, there are gonna be two columns that are the same size as each other. And then when there's three, there'll be three columns that are the same size as each other. And so on. There's other ways to write this. We could do minmax, a couple other numbers to do a very similar pattern but in this case I did repeat autofit minmax 200 to 1fr and that gets us this layout. The whole thing squishy, two lines of layout code, 16 lines total, so much easier. No media queries. This is why people are gonna fall in love with Grid very quickly.
Channel: Layout Land
Views: 120,982
Rating: 4.9574347 out of 5
Keywords: design, CSS, CSS Grid, Layout, auto-fill, grid-auto-fit, grid-auto-fill, grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, grid auto fit, grid auto fill, auto fill, minmax, grid container, graphic design, Jen Simmons, Mozilla, Firefox, Developer Tools, DevTools, Developer Relations, Flexbox, Fonts, css grid, css, flexibility, Resilient CSS, responsive website, responsive design, css grid layout, responsive web design, Resilient web design, web design, easy layout, css layout
Id: tFKrK4eAiUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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