Incredibles 2 Review - YMS

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Wait, the first movie is set in the 60's??? I've seen it like ten times, how I haven't noticed this before.

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/Eamk 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad he brought up Bob's characterization. In the first movie it was pretty clear that he was happy at the glory he received and liked the thrill of being a super hero, but he also legitimately hated injustice and wanted to help people even when he got no credit for it. I was kind of pissed that he couldn't be happy for Helen when she was chosen to spearhead the superhero movement, and when she was becoming successful... instead he became uncharacteristically egotistical and jealous.

I didn't really notice the character's voices being all that different (except Dickers, but that's understandable considering Bud Lucky died)... but if Adum saw that as a flaw I can't blame him.

I didn't think the Jack-Jack subplot was all that annoying. Yes some moments were a tad silly, but I thought the fight scene with the raccoon was fantastic, and I got a lot of laughs from how the characters tried to get a handle over him.

I disagree with him that the villains plan was all that bad. Yes the goggles on the super heroes do look similar to the Screenslaver... and the public could come to believe they are being hypnotized, but couldn't they also come to believe that the Screenslaver is in league with the Supers?

Think about it: the Screenslaver makes his debut and is foiled just as the superhero's start launching a campaign to make supers legal again. Once he has been caught and supers are in the limelight, the supers come out and make their statement of attack. I could just as easily see people thinking the Screenslaver was an invention by the supers just so they could foil his plans and start projecting a positive light on themselves, only to use that growing support to commit an act of terror. I do agree that her motivations were kind of weird though.

Also there was one thing that really bugged me about the continuity from the first film... Tony Rydinger's character model looks COMPLETELY different. It looks as if they changed the hair and made him slimmer. I'm examining promotional video and comparing them with the track scene (ending) from the first film, and I even think he's wearing different clothes! How could they fuck up that hard when they already have a frame of reference to work with?

All in all I liked it more than Adum, but it isn't nearly as good as the original or Brad Bird's other works.

I would give the original a 9/10 or even a 10/10... I legitimately think it's one of the best animated movies I've ever seen, and definitely my favorite Pixar movie... but I think I would rate the sequel closer to a 7/10.

👍︎︎ 79 👤︎︎ u/whatzgood 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/claypuppingtonsstudy 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

I gotta say the negativity and cynicism gets a bit tiring sometimes, even as someone whos watched YMS for years partially for that type of criticism.

I really thought this was a pretty great movie strong 7 soft 8/10. I dont view the "fan service" as a negative. They stayed true to the original formula, which for this type of movie is understandable, but executed very well within that without being blatant pandering.

Baby scenes overstayed their welcome on occasion but were genuinely entertaining for the most part.

The story arc was very typical and not quite as good as the original but was still done well enough to not be boring. I didn't think the character conflict with robert aka mr.incredible and his inability to be the stay at home dad out of the spotlight was done badly and i thought it fit his character pretty well. The character building was done really well and i felt it gave more depth to all the people we already knew.

The art direction was especially impressive i thought. They managed to enhance everything that was good about the original without losing the feel and art design that made the original so iconic.

Honestly the weakest part was the villain IMO. With Syndrome I really understood his place and development and why he was a villain, and even empathized with it. I mean sure, it was pretty two dimensional compared to a "real" villain, but for the demographic the movie was targeting, it still had depth. This time around it didnt feel as compelled by the narrative, it kept the plot moving and thats about all I can say. However this time the plot wasn't as focused on purely the villain vs hero and was just as much about the internal hero (aka stay-at-home dad struggles), so perhaps thats why they didnt develop it as much.

There were some current events references that were subtle and clever for the most part, and I appreciated them.

Overall i was really happy leaving this movie, especially as someone who loved the original. Although that certinally makes me a bit biased, i went into this movie very skeptical and critical that they would be able to pull off a good sequel, but I think they did.

In regards to this review, I really think adum got stuck on some details that for me weren't that significant to my enjoyment of the movie. Of course adum is entitled to whatever criticisms he wants to make, but I thought some were less than reasonable or fair. Especially the voice stuff. The original is 14 years old. Of course some of the actors voices will have changed slightly. All things considered it was done remarkably well and to nitpick about slight intonation/tone/pitch changes is entirely pedantic.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/aybrah 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

Anybody else notice the part where the screenslaver calls out Disney and by extension the movie itself?

During the screen slavers second monologue, she says something about super heroes and entertainment distracting them from how the system had failed them.

It almost felt like Brad Bird throwing shade at Disney to me.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/gentlegiant1972 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Tbh i found this movie to be way more entertaining than Solo. God, Solo was a depressing waste of time

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/ireallydugthisalbum 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Giving the baby more screen time was always one of my biggest concerns with Incredibles 2. He was okay in the first one, but if he's the main focus for gags and awww moments then it could damage the movie's quality in my eyes. I hope I'm wrong, but it doesn't come out until July in the UK so I'll have to wait and see. It can't be any worse than Finding Dory, surely?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/AdrenalinDragon 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Every time Adam reviews a kid's movie Adam: "People always tell me 'Adam, it's just a kid's movie'." People in the comments: "Stop being so critical, it's just a kid's movie."

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/TheRealNinjaTadpole 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

I disagree a bit with this review, but I understand a lot of his points. I didn't mind Jack-Jack but I can see where some people might just find it dumb. Overall I enjoyed it quite a bit. Probably would give it an 8/10.

Didn't really feel like it was a cash grab although I'm sure at least a few higher up execs were treating it as such.

Edit: I can't spell apparently...

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/aquadan12 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2018 🗫︎ replies
so I just saw the new Disney Pixar nostalgia cash grab and it was exactly that and that's not to say that it was terrible it was just unspecial uninspired and unnecessary Pixar has become a very different company in the past ten years kind of feels like they don't even really give a [ __ ] anymore they have plenty of opportunities to make something special and memorable but instead they just do the laziest [ __ ] possible now here's what I liked about the movie first of all the animation was very well done as expected from Pixar I actually revisited the first film the night before I saw the sequel and hoo-boy does computer animation not aged that well at all it's great for 2004 but their scenes in the first movie that at this point kind of look like [ __ ] it was interesting seeing not only the same characters but also some of the same sets with more highly detailed textures the music was fantastic and they kept the original composer from the first film it was fairly well directed in terms of cinematography and shot composition some of the fight scenes in the second half of the film were creative and fun to watch and that's about it there isn't really anything else that this film achieved in any way it just felt like an unnecessary cash grab it wasn't someone's passion project it was a factory movie made to make money and those can still be good if they give enough of a shed but they didn't they put in the absolute bare minimum effort to capitalize off of fans of the original it didn't have a soul one of my issues with this film is that it feels like some of the characters changed completely which would be better if this film took place a number of years later but it picks up pretty much exactly where the first film left off the story is taking place on the same day but the characters voices have aged 14 years mr. incredible suddenly sounds like an old geezer Elastigirl sounds like she had a stroke suddenly all of her s sounds are SH sounds she basically talks like Sean Connery in every Sheen even violets character was noticeably older sounding all of this was incredibly distracting for the first few scenes of the film although thankfully I did get used to it eventually and when I say that their characters have changed it's obviously not limited to their voices all the sudden mr. incredible just turns into a huge [ __ ] in this movie the first film he was a lovable goof who was sometimes selfish and inconsiderate but in this film he actively wants to see the people he loved fail and it's clear what they're going for in those scenes like haha this male character doesn't understand what it's like to be in the passenger seat but I feel like they could have still done that without turning him into an absolute [ __ ] with the full context of everything that's taking place in the plot they really did not do a good job communicating why he actively wants the people he loves to fail in the context of the film it is quite literally against his own interests they just turned him into an [ __ ] and they kind of did the same thing with - - whenever he acted out in the first film it was closely tied to his motivations as a character he had very clearly defined once and goals his character desperately wanted to prove himself to the best of his abilities he wanted to be able to show his true potential despite the barriers that had been placed on him by society when he's placing tacks on the teacher's chair he's not just doing it to be an [ __ ] kid he's doing it to prove to himself that he can do it so fast that no one in the class will notice his superpower potential is not being nourished by those around him so he is finding new ways to do it himself outside of that the most he did was torment his sister like a normal sibling but in this new movie he's just an [ __ ] he just does [ __ ] things to be an [ __ ] kid he no longer has any goals or desires he just wants to press a lot of buttons and cause a lot of problems Wow cool a button that will kill these innocent people I see live on TV I'm gonna try to press it I sure love pressing buttons and [ __ ] up everyone's day I don't care about anybody I'm just an [ __ ] violets character acted more or less the same Elastigirl didn't really do anything that felt out of place and Jack Jack was just annoying man I sure do love cute little babies I would totally take cute little babies over actual writing effort any day why spend any effort writing a clever joke when you can just show a stupid little baby doing something stupid people will laugh haha googoo gaga encore man did you like the part where the stupid cute little baby did something stupid and cute showing a stupid cute baby in a Disney movie is about as cheap as a jump-scare and a or movie it's just a cheap and lazy excuse to avoid having to write something actually funny haha the baby made baby noises haha encore clap clap haha I'm a baby - ha and it wouldn't even be so bad if it was just done sparingly but of course they spammed the [ __ ] out of it so much so that I wholeheartedly believed that this was the entire reason why they didn't set this years into the future I mean just think about it we could have had a 1970s or 80s themed movie taking place 15 or 20 years later if the actors voices would be appropriately aged they would be able to explore so much more about their characters but then we wouldn't be able to spam baby Jack Jack don't you just love baby Jack Jack haha it's cute because he makes dumb baby noises and also he's got superpowers ha plus they would actually have to put in extra effort into character design they'd have to put effort into thinking how these characters would look when they're older they'd have to put effort into thinking about how these characters would act when they're older do they have kids do they have careers have they matured at cetera nope let's just do the bare minimum this is a cash grab after all why would we put effort into it that we don't need to we've got baby Jack Jack and that alone will sell the film now obviously my distaste for the film is not just because they chose to continue from where they left off for all I know there could be legitimate reasons why they chose to do this but even ignoring that aspect this film is just written so incredibly lazily this is one of the most predictable movies I've ever seen if you think you know where the plot is going in this film you definitely [ __ ] know now usually when I say this sort of thing about a kids movie there's always people who jump in and save Adam it's just a kids movie they have to make it easy to understand because children are the target demographic but what these people fail to understand is that easy to understand and predictable are two completely different things in what way would it benefit the child target demographic to be unsurprised by anything that happens in the film in what way would making things less predictable be detrimental towards the experience of the child target demographic watching the film kids don't even understand movie formulas and cliches yet so I don't see how they'd benefit lazy writing at all unless what you really mean to say is [ __ ] it it's a kids movie kids movies are allowed to be stupid because kids are stupid which is a fair argument to make but I am NOT a child and this is not a review channel for children so when I rate a kids movie I'm rating it as a movie if we're supposed to give extra points to movies that are made to appeal to stupid people then we should be doing the same thing for the Transformers films if somebody takes issue with the lazy writing in a Transformers movie you could say no it doesn't matter it's made for stupid people they're not trying to actually put effort into a movie it's okay why would you criticize a movie for not putting effort into it when it doesn't wanna put effort into it suffice it to say the writing in this film made me feel like they didn't give a [ __ ] and the villain did not make any [ __ ] sense at all and it's not to say as though their motivations were never explained but I almost feel like they might as well not have been not only do the motivations not make any [ __ ] sense but the way that their plan is carried out makes zero [ __ ] sense I guess this is an appropriate time for spoiler talk so if you don't want to hear spoilers just click to this part in the video there's your warning three two one now I get what they were trying to go for when it came to the villains motivation the dead gets killed because the superheroes couldn't save them and the brother was like oh if only the law wasn't there that kept the superheroes from being able to save him but the sisters thinking off only he didn't even think that he needed the superheroes to save him then he could have just hid in a safe room so her entire motivation is based off of this idea that superheroes existing is bad for people because it puts them in a situation where they feel as though they need somebody else to save them when they should be doing things for themselves but if we're gonna apply that logic then why doesn't she also want to get rid of the police and military let alone the fact that the law was clearly what caused her father to die he would be totally fine if the law weren't preventing superheroes from saving him and your takeaway from this is that superheroes should be illegal what so you have the guy that's trying to make superheroes legal again and then you have the main villain whose only motivation is to keep superheroes being illegal and they just so happened to be directly related to each other but for some reason she acts she helps the superheroes get to a point where they're legal again why did you do that why did you not just keep them illegal why on earth did you wait for the ambassadors to sign the document what part of keeping superheroes illegal required you to first make them legal again nothing she did made any [ __ ] sense they just gave her a scene where she's basically like yep I'm the villain now isn't that crazy I like how she gives that line where she implies she was controlling the pizza man like oh you mean you had a good fight with me and at that point I was expecting some kind of ready player one [ __ ] where she was actually controlling the body of the person that she had under her control but then later it turns out that she's just barking orders at them in general she's controlling like a dozen people at once I also like how her only explanation is like yeah I got them new goggles they have like infra red and everything yeah they're pretty cool like her entire [ __ ] scheme relies on people being too stupid to understand what she's doing the entire thing is being broadcast live on television the superheroes are all wearing goggles that they've never worn before and are suddenly acting very strange you don't think someone at home is gonna tie that to the screen slaver thing that was also broadcast on television the one where it was thoroughly explained that they were able to control people's minds you don't think someone's gonna remember how similar those goggles look how the hell was this ever supposed to work the main villains entire plan is just so convoluted and stupid nothing makes any sense at all sure the plot of the first film could be considered by the books or even cliched but at least the villain was well-defined the characters had relatable motivations things made sense you know there is one more thing that I remember liking about this movie I guess and that's that the setting felt a lot more clearly defined than the first film both of these movies take place during the 60s but this movie actually feels like it takes place during the 60s like the first movie kind of just forgot but that's about the only thing that this movie did better overall it was pretty terribly paced it felt like it had a really long first act and then went straight into the third that a and B story thing just kind of dragged on for a while felt like more of a sitcom than a movie oh yeah I also liked Frozone in this movie I'm glad he got more screen time and his powers were kind of cool to watch he was the only character I didn't really hate anyway I guess I'm pretty much done talking about this unspecial average cash grab to anyone who wants to say that it's just a kid's movie I wholeheartedly agree with you so we should not be treating it like it's anything more and I'm giving this one a 5 out of 10 [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 761,573
Rating: 4.2767539 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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