Incredible trout fishing in a wilderness setting - My last day in Idaho! p31

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okay so I made my way to a creek I want to fish uh when I got here not really any place to to Camp uh there were a couple spots they were already taken um when I got here though it's like three o'clock already it took a while to get here so I'm just gonna camp tonight get up in the morning and fish it uh and I ended up buying a really good camping spot along this Creek even though I wasn't really looking for and the creek was pretty nice and I wasn't planning on camping here I came down this road this road goes in the middle of nowhere up over the Ridge and it just goes for probably 20 miles not really anything on it other than probably people who are hunting I think that's what this pull-off is found this pull-off he's gonna turn around and now I realize you know what I was going to drive back pass where I was at and then up on the mountain there was a spot I saw but it was like a six mile turnaround I was like you know what let's just truck's nice good thing about camper a truck camping in the bed of the truck is that you could just kind of park it anywhere so I'm off the road it's level I got plenty of spy I was just gonna turn around like I said so I can turn around in the morning go fish the creek I want to and then if I want I can maybe find a place to Camp there tomorrow morning we'll get up we'll go fish hopefully it'll be a good day it'll be worth yeah it took me four hours to get here so hopefully it's worth the the time other than that pretty much all I got for tonight just gonna hang out here uh try to be quiet and unnoticed on the side of the road than just sleeping by truck bed camper it's pretty nice makes it things like these are great because you just drive in unload sleep in the bed next morning get up and leave and most times nobody even knows you were there so pretty much all I got we'll be back tomorrow all right good morning we are uh 7 30. I got up about five when a couple of the hunters came through on their ATV so I've been up for a bit uh but just making sure got everything gonna make a drive over that Creek and see about getting some fishing in it is let me go check the temperature it's chilly I'm not super excited or in a hurry but I can't sit here at this Camp anymore so it's 36 degrees so yeah I'm just gonna go over there figure out where to park figure out where the trail is at and uh maybe just hang out for a minute something to do right okay so hiked in first stream first water I get to look at pretty strange got my uh eight and a half foot four weight um kind of thinking I wish I'd brought my 10 foot but it looks like it'd be eight and a half foot as well but a little more reach might be nice but it's probably not a big deal um stream is beautiful though I mean this is absolutely gorgeous but uh let's get over here and see if we can find gonna start off with a dry dropper it is chilly so I'm not expecting just a whole bunch of action early on on the dry but we'll see [Applause] a little too shallow a little too skinny there at least nothing wanting to come out from that tree and grab my dryer right now up it looks like a good hole over there am I when this warms up a little overhangs like that'll be I'm sure there's a fish underneath there just probably not ready to shake out chase that dry just yet I'm awesome a little chilly for where waiting but I'm not packing waders it'll warm up I think about another hour or so so my feet will just be numb for a little bit that looks like it might be a decent hole man you can tell we still got a lot of smoke in there I don't think I got far enough away from the fire once we hadn't had a lot of wind which is good and it's kind of bad because it's not blowing the smoke out I'm also not fan of the fires and it's not making it hard to fly fish so man what a pretty it's a pretty good hole right here hope it's fishing hopefully this is why I'd like to have my 10 foot I can almost stand here make a cast of Men if I decide to stay two days I'll definitely pack my Tempo ride tomorrow the stream looks smaller down below kind of gotten big [Applause] oh no dang [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] all right so I hiked into that first spot found the first fish beautiful West Loop and go all right let's get some more way faster oh dude you're dumb Mars they're definitely not jumping in the net making work a little bit today all right so this is definitely fishing like one of those streams they see some traffic because you're pretty much having to park it in the driveway they're not coming out [Applause] gone [Music] [Applause] just about though man [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] scattering every time I catch fish [Applause] maybe one of those days where it makes more sense than just nymph for the indicator on [Applause] get the death right definitely wish I had my 10 foot four weight [Applause] [Applause] that's what I'm looking for right there foreign a little bit deeper added a number six split shot I'll figure out like there just had to be fishing this hole one of those holes if you don't catch a good fish out of it something's wrong [Applause] hey you got a fish need to drive first one of the day oh and he comes off well played I wasn't paying attention I wasn't expecting a dry fly all right so it's pretty bony through here uh gonna just go ahead and pack up hit the side of here and walk up and get to the top of that I've checked out a couple of these little side channels and these little Cub banks with the Willows I hadn't really found anything and it's not worth bouncing around in this dream it's kind of bony and trippy and just not worth the effort so gonna hike all the way up to there again later in the day it's about 1 30. I'm not gonna go too much further pretty much been hiking the whole time so let's get out of here and see what we see hey bear a good fish the cutthroat [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] over there trying to be patient [Applause] I'm trying to get him his head [Applause] he tried to smash him out of the water foreign stream good day uh but I'm back at Camp took me two and a half hours to hike back all in the Stream all over the boulders um definitely not easy so I'm gonna kick back in my chair grab a cold beverage here in a minute and uh relax the rest of night get some calories and look at a map and plan um remedy tomorrow uh guess my ideas but I need to look at a map and figure out exactly how far some places are not sure exactly where I want to go um but uh I definitely don't can't fish here again I'm not gonna hide two and a half hours to start my day so um that's pretty much it for this video um if you're looking for other videos from this series check the description there is a road trip playlist there started this trip in Wyoming and I'm in Idaho now and I've been in Idaho for almost three weeks so there should be almost six weeks worth of videos um so should be a good time I'm having a good time hopefully the videos are showing that but uh I know I'm a little bit tired I feel a little bit uh be down today that's just a hard hard hike but uh the fishing was worth it so anyway uh appreciate you watching the video um if I didn't go over I was fishing my uh eight and a half foot four weight uh 4x2 my top shelf Hopper or any foam really they were just I think I had two fish on a dry uh protagons and Caddis today I was going back and forth um and both of them caught probably half the fish uh pretty much all I got uh gonna do some dinner thanks for watching the videos
Channel: Drew LooknFishy
Views: 60,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9fWLOs28zTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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