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today we're in Disney Springs to try all of the new food and trust me there's a lot from the viral cookie croissant at amorettes a crazy cheese pole on a Korean corn dog at Morimoto trying the brand new Gideon's cookie the best meatloaf I've ever had and more you guys aren't going to want to miss this [Music] one every month the restaurants and Disney Springs roll out new food and I'm here to show you what's new for May but first things first before we do anything else we have to go check on Gideon's and put our name on the wait list maybe there's not a wait list I'm not sure maybe there's just walk up um but we're going to go check that out get our name in and uh hopefully get called back soon but guys I think we are lucking out today I am so surprised I feel like on the first of every month everyone's like going to get the new cookie I thought the line would be longer but I walked up and I saw that the cast member at the end of the line did not have an iPad or a phone on her to check names so we're in luck while we wait I figured I'd show you guys this month's artwork and if you flip it around of course there we go it's going to tell us our specialty cookie of the month which is a peanut butter cold brew cookie it's really funny because I truly had no intention of going to get the cookie right away but the line was just so short I couldn't pass it up and I ended up only waiting about 10 to 15 minutes it was very hot weight cuz I was in the sun um but once we got in the line was moving which was shocking and not only did I have very good luck with the line I have been having the best luck in hitting Gideon during hot cookie hour and pretty much as soon as I walked in they announced that the hot cookie hour was starting I walked in at about 1:55 so they started about 5 minutes early but guys we have so much more dessert that we're going to be eating today I figured I I I I can't do it today before we get to the cookie for this month I also do want to mention that they have a matching cake slice for this cookie they have a peanut butter cold brew cake slice available on Wednesdays which today is and that sounds really good as well but I I don't want to do it over over do it on the desserts just yet so I just went with the cookie of the month for May which is a peanut butter cold brew cookie it's a thick almost half PB peanut butter cookie laced with freshly ground espresso break ourselves off a little bite and we'll try this bad boy out guys to absolutely no surprise this is fantastic what I was really hoping for with this cookie is that like you didn't lose the flavor of the like espresso or cold brew I was hoping there would still be like a strong coffee flavor even though it's like overpowered with all that peanut butter but no it's really such a good blend of course you've got that touch of sea salt on top as well as a little bit of saltiness from the peanut butter just pairs perfectly with that coffee flavor and then like chocy chip cookie flavor I am definitely not mad at this this is this is even better than I thought I think and I don't know if you guys remember but last month I posted a video it was only like a couple weeks ago that I filmed it um where I tried the cookie of the month for April and it was like a white chocolate caramel kind of swirl and to my surprise which I don't really love white chocolate that much it was phenomenal this I thought I would like and of course I do and last month when I was eating the white chocolate macadamia nut caramel swirl cookie I said this is up there in like best cookie cookies at Gideons best cookies of the month at Gideon and I would have to put this one up there as well I feel like just every single month I'm going to get blown away by the cookie and every month I'm going to be like no this is on list nope this is on the list nope this is one of the best and it just keeps happening cuz Gideon's cookies are are just that good and I know a lot of you guys don't agree every time I post a video where I uh try Gideons I always get a bunch of comments that are like their cookies are too thick their cookies are too undercooked for me I guess this is just how I prefer my cookies because I really enjoy them but now we are going to head to a place that also serves chocolate chip cookies as well as a variation of a chocolate chip cookie that I have been wanting to try for so long over here at amorettes Patisserie they announced a couple of days ago that they were going to be getting a chocolate chip cookie croissant and in case you're not on social media much these have been blowing up lately they're like the latest viral craze every Bakery is starting to make them and I am so excited that amorettes decided to make their own version of it I know for a fact these cookie croissants are very popular around the New York New Jersey area they're even like taking that idea that crazy idea and running with it they're making like Italian rainbow cookie croissants and all that it all sounds sounds so so good this little cookie croissant is the main reason that I came to Disney Springs today as soon as I saw it I was like I got to go try this I came here for this as well as some other things but mainly for this and man does it look good so essentially what they do with these cookie croissants is they make a buttery croissant they cut it in half they put cookie dough on the inside and then they also put it on top they warm it up and it just creates this masterpiece from what I hear let's break it in half here and you can see the warm gooey kind of slightly underbaked cookie dough just in the center of that croissant it looks so good I cannot wait any longer guys let's get a by to this this croissant itself is so buttery and Flaky it's a very well-made croissant and it kind of tastes like a chocolate croissant cuz you got all the chocolate chips in there and then when you get that cookie dough flavor it is amazing I'm not sure if they warmed this up they did let me know they can warm it up and I thought she did but maybe she didn't um cuz it's not that warm but I imagine if you get this like piping hot this thing has got to be insane even without being the warmest this is still delicious and I think a lot of that is attributed to the quality of this croissant like I said it's so flaky so butter you can just taste like butter oozing out it's it's very very crispy on the outside but still very very soft on the inside and then of course you've got that cookie dough in there and I love how the cookie dough in the center is kind of like slightly undercooked so it's super warm super gooey and then you got like a fully baked chocolate chip cookie on the top this is incredible definitely worth making a trip to Disney Springs today I'm very very happy I finally got to try a cookie croissant and it did not disappoint amorettes has honestly been killing the game recently I know they have a bunch of other like new desserts in there right now as well they have like a mush cake pop and then a boba te cake all of which sounded really good but I've had enough dessert for now it's time for some food food and we're going to head over to one of my favorite places to get food here at Disney Springs the polite Pig in my opinion the polite Pig has the best barbecue at Disney World and it's not even close and pretty much in every one of these like Disney Springs update new food videos that I make I come over to the polite Pig because they always have something new a couple months back they had this amazing sweet tea Fried Chicken they also had I think last month like these like burnt ends that were phenomenal literally everything I get here is really really good and this month's specialty item sounded like even better than all of those that I've already tried you guys got to see this this is the polite logo MoGo meatloaf it's a special blend of ground beef mixed and chopped spam and Hawaiian seasonings with bacon Maui onion demig glaz sticky rice Lomi lomy Tomatoes red onion and sesame chili oil for $21 wow guys the presentation here is immaculate this place just looks so beautiful with that perfectly cooked egg on top the flowers all the seasonings on there this looks amazing I don't even know where to start with this guys but I guess we have to start by breaking this egg yolk we got to go for a dip in that yolk get that Meatloaf all with that egg Yol that is so good guys that Meatloaf is cooked so well to where it's not like super mushy you know it still like holds its war and holds that like bite that you need it definitely has like a distinct soy kind of sauce you could taste that Hawaiian and that Asian influence coming through I couldn't taste much of the spam but I want to get another bite of this meatloaf to see if we can get that spam flavor not tasting much of the spam but what I am tasting is phenomenal it's sweet it's Savory that barbecue kind of soy glaze on there is just perfect I wish this was a little bit spicy here I'm not really tasting much of that Sesame chili oil so I could definitely use a little kick on here but the flavor still is real good I want to get a bite with that sticky rice [Music] now that is definitely the way to eat it get a little bit of rice get a little bit of meatloaf in there with the egg Yol DPP it on which is a great dish and I don't necessarily consider myself like a big meatloaf person either I feel like it takes a lot for me to really enjoy meatloaf this much and I have to say this is probably like the best meatloaf I've ever had in my life they always do such a good job of like blending the like culture of what they're like trying to represent with barbecue so you still get that like overall barbecue flavor and that barbecue taste but they just do such a good job of like blending the two different types of flavors seriously you guys got to come to the polite Pig whether you're just getting barbecue and the stuff that they have on the menu all the time like the mac and cheese is like my second favorite mac and cheese property so definitely try out the regular barbecue but also always ask what the like monthly chef's special is because they always have something and I telling you guys it is always a knockout we are not done yet guys on my way over to our next stop I remember that Morimoto had a special new dish on the menu as well so I came over to check it out I wanted to see if you could get it outside at the like pickup window at the street food window here uh turns out you can't it's for like the sit down dining only but I did spot something on the street food menu at the walkup window that I've never seen before didn't know existed and I'm usually a huge fan of them this is the Korean corn dog it's a beef hot dog with mozzarella cheese Pango breadcrumbs and Sriracha ketchup for $8 well let's try this out and see if we can get a good cheese po I'm always all about the cheese pole I'm hoping we get a good one here with a Korean corn dog I feel like that's like the main event the cheese Pole [Music] and that one definitely did not disappoint wow it is so crispy guys you get that nice corn dog flavor so crispy all the sugar so it's like sweet as well and then you have the Sriracha ketchup so it's also sweet it's spicy it's crunchy sweet from the corn as well it's cheesy oh my gosh doesn't get much better than Korean corn dogs just that cornbread batter alone is fantastic guys it tastes very very fresh I'm pretty sure they make them and then they kind of like put them in a in like a cooling case and then they like kind of air fried them on the side this wasn't even like deep fried from what I saw at least is really tasty let's see if we could take a bite from this side and get some more cheese I don't know ah is this going to work this might be ridiculous but let's try it out that is really a great Korean corn dog guys the last Korean corn dog I had was over in Seuss Landing at Circus mcgurkus in Universal they opened like this new uh kind of walkup window at the circus mcus quick service restaurant and they have something similar a Korean corn dog um but it was not nearly as good as this it was good and I I still thought it was really good but this this is different and I can't believe I didn't even know it existed like I just so happened to be walking by looking for something else then I saw this on the menu and I had to get it and I'm very glad I did my mouth is on fire from the Sriracha catchup and luckily we don't have to move far for our next step because we're actually heading right there into deluxe burger for our I think last food of the day let's head inside and this this is what I'm here for the Southern Burger how good does that look this is the Southern Burger has two pressed signature blend beef patties Pento cheese fried green tomato bacon and jalapeno jam on a cheddar chive biscuit for $399 so in typical fashion I opted to get this burger with cheddar cheese instead of Pento cheese fento cheese hasz Mayo but man like I thought the photo on the board outside made this look amazing this looks even better in person than it does on that board which is shocking this looks fantastic but I shouldn't be surprised because every specialty Burger I've had here is amazing we started off with the beef wellington Burger last year like late last year we had that it was amazing the French onion burger that they had here a couple months back was Top burgers I've ever ever had and now we have this bad boy which looks so good would you guys look at all that like melty cheese and the biscuit bun there's green chilies we just got to go for [Music] it you can see I didn't even get like a full bite I didn't even get that green tomato in there I got to get it got to get another bite this is this is a a thick Burger we've essentially got like three patties cuz there's two patties and then the fried green tomato so it's like three times as thick see if we can do a big bite this [Music] time seriously though I don't know how no one is talking about these Burgers all of the specialty Burgers here at deluxe burger are just phenomenal the biscuit this time around man it's cheesy it's buttery it's like a Red Lobster biscuit as your burger bun like what's better than that then you get those green chilies in there the crispy bacon and that green tomato man this is a good burger and I'm not even missing that pimento cheese they had a choice of also like cheddar or Monster so I just went with like some basic cheddar and like I'm not even missing the pimento cheese I thought like that not getting it with the pimento cheese might make it a little bit dry and I was hesitant to get it because I didn't know if like the pimento cheese would kind of make this whole thing but no without the Pento cheese this is probably just as good I love how here at deluxe burger when they do these like kind of specialty Burgers they're not just like putting different toppings on a bun you know it's always so unique and so creative and they're not just like using a regular bun either they always kind of switch it up and have something interesting so with the beef wellington Burger they had like a a puff pastry bun that was a knockout of course now we have this like cheddar butter biscuit cheddar and chive biscuit bun we need this type of creativity everywhere else around Disney because Delux bger and all the places at Disney Springs are coming up with new Fantastic stuff pretty much monthly and we don't see anything like this in the Disney World parks man guys I am so impressed I'm so happy with today we tried so many good foods like seriously everything might have been a 10 out of 10 like everything that I tried today was so good and to end it with this burger man what a day and now that we are all full it's not only new food day here in Disney Springs May 1st is also Hollywood studios's 35th birthday so I figured I'd take you guys over to Hollywood Studios and we'll see what they've got going on I don't think it's going to be much though we have made it into Hollywood Studios and as soon as we walked in the first thing we did was pick up our 35th Anniversary map um which basically just says 35 years and on the inside it also has like a little poster if you unfold it but besides this map and the merchandise that we're hopefully going to go look at there really wasn't much going on today which shouldn't be a surprise because I feel like all of these anniversaries and birthdays of the Disney World parks have been so unimpressive recently they had a ceremony at 11:00 this morning that I watched a live stream of and um they pretty much just thanked all the cast members multiple times and then some characters came on stage Kerman and Miss Piggy were there so that was cool but other than that I don't know I expected more I I contemplated coming to that ceremony and I'm glad glad I didn't I was like I was I was hoping that like Michael Eisner would be here for cuz you know he created MGM Studios and I was like maybe Michael Eisner will be here and I was like should I go should I go I only wanted to go just in case he was here and I didn't come and he wasn't here so I'm pretty glad that I didn't come and or come this morning because now I'm here and I got my map and I want to take a look at the merchandise now I know you had to get like a virtual queue for the merchandise but I think they might be selling some in the store when you first walk in and I know one of my friends uh is kind of wanting some of the 35th merch so I'm going to go take a look and see if I can find anything for him this is pretty much what we're working with in this front store here they have this little t-shirt that doesn't feel of the best quality they also have a loungefly this loungefly is honestly pretty nice it reminds me of the Club 33 Lounge flies a lot they have a corkle as well and then a nice little hat I like this hat this is nice does it say anything on the back or anything nope just a hat I don't know I like the design I like the design on the brim well look who it is I joined Kristen right after her little Adventure at Disney Springs and of course I had to drag her to one of my favorite Parks Disney's Hollywood Studios or back 35 years ago Disney's MGM Studios you know what we're looking at the map it's a nice it's a nice map I like these new you know these collector Maps they had one for the animal kingdom one but if you take a look give me a second it turns oh it turns into a poster same design that they got on on the merchandise as you see I have on my shirt a nice little baseball style t-shirt merch nice colorway it's comfortable it's soft so I'm I'm pretty impressed with the merchandise so as Kristen pointed out there was not many new food options for the 35th to celebrate you know 35 years of such an amazing Park but we're going to you know play a little joke on our Tik Tok here about the cob salad review so we're going to do a cob salad review on the kingdom crew Tik Tok so make sure you go check that out like Sean mentioned we're going to film a little kingdom crew Tik Tok it's going to be a SAT ire video we're kind of going to like pretend that the cob salad is like a brand new item and it's here for the 35th Anniversary or whatever when obviously it's not the cob salad is like a beloved item here at the Brown Derby but we got our name on the walkup list at the Brown Derby lounge and we are already headed inside I have made a couple of videos here at the Brown Derby Lounge in the past and this is one of my favorite places to come hang out in Hollywood Studios obviously Baseline stays at number one but if you're looking to grab like a quick drink or a quick like food or a nice salad come here to the around Derby Lounge also like we have like the perfect table this is so cozy this is part six this is a cozy table but as Kristen is saying we're going to try this nice little kuab salad they got here the kuab the kuab salad I'm excited you know what better way to celebrate the 35th Anniversary than a kuab salad you heard Sean we're also going to be pronouncing cob salad incorrectly just to like trigger people a little bit we used to make videos like this in the past I feel like I've like mentioned it before where I say like where we go to ttor alno like this is the most authentic Italian restaurant or we go to Rosen I'm like this is the most authentic British pub and we just joke around and we want to get into more of those videos again I think it's so funny so um go to the kingdom crew on Tik Tok and um I'm sure you're going to see a bunch of people triggered in the comments of our Tik Tok we are enjoying our cob salads I've been delighted I've been delighted Pro tip if you come to the lounge ask for the rolls sometimes they'll give them to you and they have such good bread here they come out like warm okay yes everything anything for right now we're good thank you thank you I and you get the butter also I never cut my bread in half I just put the butter on the bread like that that's a psychotic move show the people what they want Kristen see you got to open it up here like a nice little sandwich you got a little leftovers take the rolls pack them in there you got yourself like a little mini sandwich a salad Michael Eiser would be proud of well I wish I could do that but Sean ate all the rolls so I only had one and the rest are gone so no cob sandwiches for me well guys I really glad I got to come to Hollywood Studios on the park 35th birthday and I am so impressed with all of the brand new food that I tried in Disney Springs today there is so much food that I would highly recommend you guys try I don't even know if I could pick a favorite from today if you guys made it to the end of this video let me know Down Below in the comments comments which food that I tried today that you would want to try the most and make sure you guys hit that subscribe button because I do these Disney spring update videos every single month I'll see you guys later bye hello hello there
Channel: WrightDownMainStreet
Views: 22,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney world, disney springs, orlando, florida, disney parks, magic kingdom, gideons, disney dining, disney snacks, disney restaurant, vacation, travel, foodie, food blogger
Id: 7RCooATtpGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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