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this is a modern machine you probably haven't seen before it's Chanukah co-parents underneath the ground on this machine oh that super sounds fine it's a secure spot of machine I found no they actually love to go up to the sink and little scratch them just like a bag of scratch it's a better scratch your foot caps I like this if you love potatoes you will love this machine can you dig up this is a horse trade machine that they use to try and make the horses run faster that costs over 40 million dollars I didn't even know this was a thing if you ever see a flamethrower tractor with day so basically we're doing is brewing the whole ground so they can put a fresh seed and soil that's it look so bit us this is how potatoes are cut in half guys what should I put potato oh so excited over potato caddy what is wrong with me this is a machine they can literally dig up a tree and move it to a different location all the dirt is near and the tree that's amazing holy cow this machine is called a rock crush there oh look at there it's like it's basically a ginormous hammer it was actually super satisfying didn't even crash them rocks this is the Machine you want to look at getting this is called a modern robot machine literally perfectly make a soccer pitch instead of a human doing it that could be incorrect this man just doesn't himself yeah but actually turned out super honest Pamela this is how they make dad sing you know the broom the broom age I have a little robot that puts every individual piece in like that I've stopped watching this video guys is how they make like containers out of you our fab legaia students is am electrifies they used to turn cows upside down safely so they can clean his feet once the guy claims the cows each hug gets brought down and it's free to go on his day this is really cool it's the fastest built bridge in the world I used a hundred and sixty of these machines to demolish it but rebuild it so that the traffic in these two days could just go back to normal you probably never knew this but they made a machine they can actually lift Pietrus ice machine actually helps get you nose up stairs to your apartment oh that is actually pretty cool if there's ever a fire in your building they made this machine it's like a parachute that you pull and it completely forces you out the window like a technically should make you land on the road without injuries this model machine is called a trench digger and it's exactly then it makes you perfectly awesome trenches has made uses so they can actually put underground pipes they're super cool if your lake has tons of leaves don't you just buy that machine why what a machine super satisfying look at that these guys put this hot lava into the ground and a parent this is how iron fetuses are made like a shape of like a fin just pull it up and that turns into where I make gates and feet this is a motor machine that perfectly can't round off hitches oh and did you even know they have a firefighting robot that has tons of water in it and they put the fire out Geor this is a China damper China is a here's a game game I look at even have this machine that you can practice your volleyball against robots is so cool even have a machine that pops balloons why is this a safe bet it's it's real I have so many questions to this fear that will probably never get obviously well please have this modern robot stop something you gonna be bouncing around and you're gonna be holding a second Bobby you don't want that to seem to be in front of you because you are not going anywhere this is a brick lane machine that can do the work of five people in two hours I feel like every person that works in construction needs this machine this is the first ever adjourned music okay it's a change born in Santa Fe Oh fabulous guessed it this is a modern machine crew leaves blow that literally AIDS leaves for a living basically a leaf Hoover I have a robot that can clean up rubbish coolant is disgusting but this road was doing a great job to clean the city up another satisfied machine is this machine that catch huge it's like an interesting symmetry watch the sword and I can super rough here that makes it perfectly clean
Channel: Yode
Views: 1,364,348
Rating: 4.6530762 out of 5
Keywords: INCREDIBLE MODERN MACHINES IN ACTION, react, reaction, reacting, funny, incredible, morden, machines, in, action
Id: Z0-u78xAhd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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