Incredible Lumber from Ugly Logs

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so welcome back guys on the last video we  tried to cut some two by sixes and it ended   in disaster the blade was i guess the set was off  on the blade and i got some very wavy cuts and   wasn't able to use those that lumber  for the order that i'm trying to fill   today i think we've got a good blade on the mill  we're gonna try to complete this order we only   need 12 more two by sixes so let's get a log on  the mill and see if we can get this wrapped up this log is uh presenting some challenges already  we got nails three nails i don't know if i'd be   honestly be scared to try to even pull those  out because if i pull them out i don't know what   else is going to be in this log and we've got to  move this log up on the mill a little bit as well   because uh the blade is not going to go past this  point right here so oh that's going to be risky   i think i'm going to pull these out and  give it a try there's four nails there but i   i think there's some nice lumber in here so my original plan on this log was to try  my best to get two cants out of it but since   uh it was obviously a yard tree and it's had  nails in it i am just gonna cut some very very   thick slabs off of it to try to get up under  any possible metal that might still be in it   and as y'all can tell these logs have been  sitting for a while uh but i do think once   we get up under this we're gonna have  some really nice lumber in this one all right so at this point  we've got our six inch cant here   and we have managed to not hit  any nails at all so that is a   that's wonderful so we'll get this flipped up on  the edge and start getting our boards out of it so at this point what i like to do is just cut  this top edge off and then flip this whole cant   onto that flat edge and that way i don't have  to flip it anymore uh on the remainder of the   cut it looks like i was right we do have some  very very nice wood still in this in this log all right so this is what we're left with we  got six excuse me six two by sixes out of that   and uh they all look really really nice  let's get this one flipped over here   there we go there we go so y'all can see these  look really really good there was some really   beautiful lumber down up under the ugliness of  that outer edge on that log now they all look   great except for this one right here this one  turned out i made some kind of a miscalculation   somewhere and this particular one is about two  and a half inches or so thick so we're gonna put   this one back on the mill get it down to two and  uh then we are gonna move on and do a few more so here's all the waste from that log that we just  cut up and you all are probably thinking man there   is a lot of waste there and you'd be right there  really is a quite a bit of waste here if you look   at this i could easily get another two by six  out of that one and that one as well but if you   remember we had those nails in this log and i  don't know if there are other nails in the log   and my whole point in making these really thick  flitches or slabs or whatever you want to call   them my whole point was to try to get up under the  possible nails that were there so it's really more   time effective just to cut off big thick chunks  like this to avoid the nails instead of trying to   make thin cuts and end up hitting nails if i hit a  nail i'm going to ruin a blade lose a lot of time   and it's just really not worth it so that's why  we've got quite a bit of waste on this particular   log and you may be thinking why don't you get a  metal detector and find the nails and dig them   out well the metal detector that i have only goes  maybe one to two inches deep and even if it went   deeper if it found the nails in the middle of a  log i couldn't dig them out and the ones that are   on the surface if it found two or three nails on  the surface and it took me 10 15 20 minutes to dig   those nails out i could be using that time to mill  logs that don't have nails in them and make more   lumber so it just makes sense sometimes to make  deeper cuts and waste some than to use up all that   time trying to dig nails out and inevitably  you hardly ever get all of the nails out   and you end up ruining a blade so it's just better  to not mess with nails if you don't have too so this next log it's also pretty ugly i'm hoping  it's got some good lumber in it as well but we're   looking at about 16 inches on this end and 16  inches on that end but it looks like it's got   kind of a skinny spot right here in the middle  this was undoubtedly getting towards the top   of this tree because we see a whole lot of places  where limbs were so it's going to be full of knots   so we'll just see what we can get out of it  i'm hoping i can get six out of this one if   i can get six out of this one that'll give me  the 40 two by sixes that i need uh to fill this   order that i'm working on so let's go ahead  and get this one cut up and see what we get so   that really couldn't have turned out much  better these boards look great they do have   quite a few knots in them but uh they  are still perfectly usable they look   really nice let's create some sawdust  off so y'all can see a little better yeah i mean those are some nice boards  very very nice turned out the dimensions   were just i mean i mean you're just really  not gonna get a whole lot better than that   so yeah what a difference a good blade makes  so you saw that giant slab that i cut off so   since this one didn't appear to have any  nails on it i will put this one back up   on the mill and i shouldn't have any trouble  getting one more two by six out of this slab well that was a pleasant surprise i didn't  think i could get two out of it but i did so that's a good deal what a difference a good blade makes really the  blade set on the last video is obviously way off   because this blade has been going through  knots and everything and just remaining true   so blade set is undoubtedly the problem  that i was having in that last video   i'm happy to say that this blade is cooperating  just a little bit better but those blades the   reason that the set was off is i've got the kooks  cat claw sharpener and setter and they both work   really well and honestly it's just kind of a  function of my own laziness the sharpening part   is really easy but the setting part is not it's  kind of tedious it's kind of a pain so i just   kind of sharpen them and hope for the best so it's  really my fault that those teeth were out of set   and i think what i'm probably going to do in the  future is i really don't have time to sharpen is   i'm probably going to sell that setup and um  and start using wood mizer re-sharp again so   anyways so if anybody's interested in a cook's  cat claw sharpener and setter setup uh email me   fallout ridge and we can probably  work something out but anyway that's gonna   do it for this video i thank y'all so much for  watching and i will see you all on the next one
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 22,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawmill, woodmizer, lt15, lumber, 2x6, fall line ridge
Id: HGq_hAqqWvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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