INCREDIBLE Inventions that Changed History

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from the wheel and automobiles the telephone and the internet here are 15 incredible inventions that change the world hey guys it's your host for today America and I before we get into it make sure you subscribe to tall tannic and if you like today's content be sure to check out my channel American I will see you there the compass until this device came along Mariners could travel at night by navigating the Stars but at night or on overcast nights that method couldn't work so ships had to stay close to land experts think that first compass was invented by the Chinese between the ninth and the 11th centuries they had been studying lodestone in our north as naturally magnetized the technology later passed on to the mill Easterners and Europeans through nautical contact the increased range of navigation allowed the seed trade to flourish and played a major role in the Age of Discovery radio even though there are countless entertainment options out there this medium is still relevant the first practical radio transmitters and receivers were developed by guglielmo marconi in the late 19th century by 1900 the medium was starting to be used commercially by 1919 the Radio Corporation of America the RCA was formed and was arguably the first mass media company as more radio stations signed on air it transformed numerous industries especially the information trade information could be disseminated more quickly to the public at large without having to wait for a newspaper radio became a great source of entertainment kind of like the appointment programming of its day and the world became a smaller place as transatlantic communications became a reality the steam engine this example of an external combustion engine first saw practical use in 1698 as a water pump but steam driven devices had been known since the 1st century AD James Watt is credited with creating the first practical steam engine around 1776 his design became so strongly identified with the technology that took many years before newer innovations replace it the external combustion engine went on to power the Industrial Revolution and drive huge leaps forward a manufacturing transportation and agriculture in addition to powering the rise of empires like Great Britain the engine lay the foundation for innovative technologies of the 20th century that included internal combustion engines and jet turbines which led to automobiles and aircraft respectively the World Wide Web WWI turns that everyone can identify as the world wide web although many people mistake it for the internet itself but the net is the underlying connection network that allows users to access email video and other online content the more technically inclined might define the web as online content that has comprised of interlinked HTML pages which are accessed online you can probably just call it the web thank the English scientist Sir Tim berners-lee for creating it in 1989 since then he has fought to keep the web open and free to all did you know that mr. berners-lee had never profited off this game-changing invention The Telegraph before there were smartphones this was the only way to send a text message the first electric telegraph resulted from the work of several inventors during the 18th and 19th century it used the internationally sanctioned Morse code to transmit messages along communication wires the first commercial units appeared in 1837 and telegraph lines were multiplying by the 1850s transoceanic cables had been placed around the world by 1902 with ability to rapidly send messages over vast distances huge advances were made in the way people received information the impact made on industries including banking government business and the news were incredible you could argue that the Information Age already started here the wheel before it's invention around 3500 BC humans were severely restricted by the number of things that could be transport on land and how far what really made the difference was the wheel and axle idea it seems like a simple enough mechanism but the size of the axle ends had to be a near perfect fit for the wheel holes if the fit was too snug or too loose the wheel couldn't properly roll it took a lot of time to find the correct proportions but all that work had led to a huge pay off wheeled cars to enable the growth of Commerce and agriculture and helped to ease the burden of long distance travel transistors these semiconductor devices are sometimes overlooked yet they're found in calais modern electronic gadgets developed by scientists at Bell Laboratories in 1947 the small devices can precisely regulate the amount in the flow of electrical current through circuit boards they became identified with transistor radios but they've since become essential components in smartphones computers and televisions did you know that many sources regard transistors as one the greatest inventions of the 20th century and their impact on technology will only grow the studio phenomenon known as Moore's law it states that the amount of transistors and dense integrated circuits will double almost every two years the printing press Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing this in the 15th century movable type made from metal had previously been invented in Korea and China but Gutenberg pioneered the use of movable type made a metal that allowed the mechanized transfer of ink to paper with movable type with more copies of books being printed knowledge could be more quickly transferred and decimated for the first time in history by 1500 it says to me that 20 million volumes have been printed in Western Europe penicillin the discovery of the world's most famous antibiotic happen almost by accident in 1928 scottish scientist Alexander Fleming unintentionally left the lid of his petri dish ajar he noticed that the bacterial sample within had been contaminated with a mould and wherever the mould appeared it seemed to kill bacteria the moles antibiotic properties related refined and yield the drug penicillin by 1944 it was being mass-produced and was made commercially available in the u.s. about a year later the drug is used to treat a huge number of bacterial infections without harming the human patient about 1 in 10 people are asked may to be allergic to penicillin but according to researchers the majority of them can still tolerate the drug near travel stories of self-propelled flying machines date back to ancient Greece about 400 BC the Inara da vinci is known to have designed such a machine in the 15th century but it wouldn't be until the 20th century that true powered and sustained flight was achieved the Wright brothers are typically credited with inventing constructing and flying the world's first airplane they controlled and sustained flight of a powered aircraft and was documented about 4 miles south of Kitty Hawk North Carolina in 1903 their achievements laid the groundwork for modern aeronautical engineering and quickly made the impact on world travel more than four billion passengers are estimated use commercial aviation transport each year decreased travel time over greater distances has resulted in a much smaller world the telephone variations of this technology had been developed as early as 1840 with the working voice communication device create around 1854 however Alexander Graham Bell is generally acknowledged as inventor of the telephone in 1876 he was awarded the first patent for an electric telephone according to historians his work was inspired by working with a deaf and had previously create a system called visible speech Foam was an immediate success and quickly revolutionized global communications in business its popularity also attracted a lot of intellectual property laws to use from various inventors by the time Bell died in 1922 an estimated 12 million phones were in service lightbulb this technology and Thomas Edison are pretty much soon ominous as with the telephone there are many vendors who played a role in developing this technology historians estimate that around two dozen people invented various versions of the incandescent lamp throughout the 19th century but Edison was the first create a fully functioning light system that included a generator wiring and a carbon filament bulb in 1874 by the 1880s commercial incandescent bulbs were widely available by the early 20th century electric lighting had become commonplace prior to its invention people used candles or gas lights and productivity was largely restricted by daylight hours with the light bulb productivity was enhanced around-the-clock it also had an unintended byproduct of altering human sleep patterns ask anyone who stays up all night electricity a lot of inventions on our list would be useless without electricity so who invented it the answer is no one did scientists regards electricity as a naturally occurring phenomenon so humans couldn't truly invent it but its nature however could be discovered in 1752 Benjamin Franklin allegedly attached a metal key to a kite string and fluid during an impending thunderstorm when sparks jump from the key to Franklin's hand it proved that lightning at electrical quality to it most sources stayed at the way that electricity is produced distributed and installed is accumulation of centuries of research some key moments include Nikola Tesla's development of alternating current or AC and the development of direct current or DC developed by Thomas Edison George Westinghouse bought the patent to AC and as the standard that's been used today automobiles it's tough to imagine a world without cars but it wasn't even until 1886 of the first true automobiles were invented German inventor Karl Benz is generally credited with this invention his name is Benz and Mercedes Benz that company's origins can be traced in part to his Benz patent Motorwagen it's regarded as a world's first production vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine did you know that it ran on less than one horsepower cars became readily available to the masses with introduction of Ford's model-t in 1908 after that the motorized vehicles quickly replaced animal-drawn carts and characters in the u.s. the transition took a little bit longer in other parts of the world there are over an estimated 1 billion cars rolling around the world today while they do provide us with independence and mobility not quite as much fun when they break down and number one the internet do you really need an introduction to this technology you're using it right now to watch this video on YouTube most of us use the internet for all kinds of things including paying bills taking online classes or communicating across various social medias Internet is a contraction of interconnected network it refers to a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks used by billions of people the technology's origins lie the 1960s with the US military in their Advanced Research Projects Agency or ARPA a group of computer scientists was charged with connecting the agency's computers to a communications network that resulted in the ARPANET it had about 15 sites connected to it by 1971 today there are nearly two billion sites connected the internet 400 million of which are estimated to be active [Music]
Channel: Talltanic
Views: 6,817
Rating: 4.4561405 out of 5
Keywords: Talltanic, inventions, invention, inventions that changed the world, gadgets, innovation, list, facts, technology, future technology, new inventions, cool gadgets, amazing inventions, inventions you must have, inventions that shook the world, ancient inventions, new technology, changed the world, most important inventions, compass, radio, internet, wheel, airplane, lightbulb, electricity, benjamin franklin
Id: kGH7nOq1k44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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