Incredible Archaeological Discoveries from 2023

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it's easy to become JD when it comes to archaeology these days most of the media hype in this field seems to fall at the feet of conspiracy theories and Secret Lost civilizations but despite the Trends on social media there are still jaw-dropping legit discoveries happening every year in 2023 was no exception in the past 12 months teams have discovered entirely new languages gold coated mummies hidden swords and sunken temples which only goes to show that you never have to look to the fringes for a little excitement when it comes to digging up the past [Music] the ancient city of husha has been enthralling archaeologists for decades it was once the capital of the Turkish Empire back during the Bronze Age over 3,500 years ago and it's the source of the largest collection of ancient records and literature in the world because of this Rich history it's been a UNESCO world heritage site for nearly 50 years archaeologists at atusa have uncovered more than 30,000 inra tablets mostly written in a protol language known as cuniform cuniform is the earliest known writing system it's a collection of wedge-shaped characters that are used in several early languages around ancient Mesopotamia most of the tablets around Tusa are in hittite which is the oldest Indo-European language other languages have been discovered etched in uniforms such as Pake Luan and hatk these tablets are Priceless in what they have to teach us about past civilization mostly they are records of the everyday life of the time Merchant lists and societal records however this year an entirely new language was discovered at this well Trot site and no archaeologist or Anthropologist has ever seen it before on one of the newly unearth tablets there was a cult ritual recorded in a foreign language never before seen the scientists at the site believe that it describes a religious practice that was already ancient at the time it was eted into the tablet well over 4,000 years ago we do know it was written by people that spoke and wrote In the hittite tradition but the words on the templet are taken from an ancient saying from the kashma region where people who Liv to the Northwest Borderlands of atusa the equivalent to their W West it was a less civilized Frontier region and apparently some popular idioms stuck and were recorded by The ancestral Turks experts have no idea what the tablet says exactly but the more they dig the closer they are to uncovering the secrets of societies that we're yet to dream of just before we continue in today's video have you ever wondered how to tackle dry skin during the witer well are sponsor the UFO 3 forio Sweden has the answer look I'm not exactly a guy who's ever been big on skin care but this is a fantastic device all the stuff from fario is honestly I so it's a weird integration when fario first came to me they were like do you want to work with us and I'm like it's not I'm not a beauty influencer but they sent me the stuff and I love it they keep sending me 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yourself click that link below let the skincare Revolution begin thanks to forio for sponsoring and now back to today's video this September archaeologists of the coast of Egypt near the Bay of abukir Alexandria discovered a Temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite if that gives you pause since Aphrodite is famously a Greek goddess and not an Egyptian deity this is your regular reminder that Alexander the greater Greek invaded and overtook Egypt back in 332 BC that time of Greek rule over Egypt is known as the toic period And it lasted for 300 years starting with Alexander the Great and ending with Cleopatra when Rome finally invaded and won but regardless of what Empire is historically in charge of Egypt Alexandria is the main Port City on the coast but it hasn't always been long before Alexander ever landed in Africa there was another International Port City just off the coast of where Alexandria and it's 6 million people reside thonis heracleon you might not have heard of that one though because it sank into the sea over 2,000 years ago 101 BC was when a deadly combination of earthquakes flooding and rising sea levels liquefied the soil that the city was built on and the once great trading Hub just sank archaeologists have been diving and bringing up artifact since its Discovery in 2000 and just recently among the majority of Egyptian materials a Greek Temple dedicated to the goddess of love was discovered at a depth of just 10 m or 32 ft below the surface the temple to Aphrodite dates back to the 5th Century BC when sonis heracleon was Africa's gateway to the Mediterranean that sea connected a bevy of ancient civilizations and if you were a historic importer of grain wine or any other valuable trade good thonis heracleion was the international bizarre to sell from ships from all over Europe the middle easn Africa had a city of thousands of people who made their living in trade goods which is why Aphrodite Temple was already established it was a place for Greeks already making a home working in Africa we know the temple was Greek because of the imported goods devotional items and array of fifth century dated Greek bronze Imports as well as the style of building matching Greek temples at the time if you're interested in other finds from the lost city including 5 meter tall statues and countless everyday artifacts you can currently see remnants of the sunken city on display at the Grand Egyptian museum in Giza near Cairo 50 years ago in the Judean desert in ened Oasis National Reserve Israel a curious inscription was discovered in an obscure cave hidden in a cliff overlooking the Dead Sea a stall type protruding from the Cave's roof was discovered with ancient Hebrew writing carved into it the words were incomplete and hard to decipher as nearly 2,000 years have pass since they were originally carved this year researchers return to the site to get a better look at it a team from the University of Jerusalem entered the cave with a hope of using multispectrum photography to uncover any semblance of words no longer visible to the naked eye as to better understand the reason for these words being carved in to a caves formation in the first place while working on that photography job the team members noticed what looked like a stack of old leather books jammed far into a crevice in the Cave's wall upon closer inspection they realized they weren't books at all but the leather scabbards of four 1900 yearold Roman swords the swords were in amazing condition impeccably preserved thanks to the naturally dry desert climate and a clever hiding SP Spot Free from winds water or human disruption the Roman Beauty included three spara AKA long swords which were all between 60 to 65 cm that's 23 to 25 in and one short ringed pommel sword at 45 cm or 17 in all four weapons still had their carved wooden handles scabbards and some leather and wood accessories that belonged to them the university teams involved believe they were hidden in the cave during a time of Jewish Rebellion against the Roman Empire with the purpose of being used again when it was safe to extract them Dr aan Klein director of the Judean desert survey project had this to say on the story Discovery obviously the rebels did not want to be CAU by the Roman authorities carrying these weapons we are just beginning the research on the cave and the weapon cache discovered in it aiming to try and find out who owned the swords and where when and by whom they were manufactured we will try to pinpoint the historical event that led to the cashing of these weapons in the cave and determine whether it was at the time of the Barba Revolt in 132 to 135 CE the swords are currently in the care of the Israel Antiquities Authority for further research and preservation this year has been a busy one for archaeologists worldwide but if there's a reward for the most ancient Discovery in human history Zambia wins that one recently their Cambo Falls near the Zambia Tanzania border archaeologists Unearthed wooden logs preserved deep beneath the airtight clay of a river the nearly petrified logs displayed obvious cuts and markings from handles notched together to create a right angle clearly indicating an intentional tool Hune structure if finding an Old Log Cabin doesn't sound that exciting to you it might raise your eyebrows when you realize that the Pickled logs are nearly half a million years old the teams involved used luminescence dating to hone in at 476,000 years old if you want to keep score this is a fascinating Discovery because it means that possibly another species that lived before Homo sapiens built this structure our species as far as we know has only been around for 300,000 years meaning the use of tools tools and construction by humans and their close relatives have been practiced far longer than previously thought before this discovery the oldest human built shelters were Unearthed in France and over dated 400,000 years ago professors involved in the Dig remind us that it could still be something crafted by our earliest homo sapian ancestors but we have yet to discover human remains that old of our own species which means this home probably wasn't built by us but more likely by one of our extinct close relatives of the middle PL to scenes such as Homo erectus hom or homo bensis since all of these species were living in Africa at the time Professor Larry BM of the University of Liverpool had this to say about the find quote this find has changed how I think about our early ancestors they use their intelligence imagination and skills to create something that' never seen before something that had never previously existed this particular find is possibly a dock set near the water for fishing possibly even Transportation if our ancient relatives ever used Rivers as a means of transportation via Proto watercraft such as simp simple rafts but such discoveries still yet to be found just ahead of the construction of the M Train railroad project archaeologists were called in when a palace likee structure was discovered near the ruins of the 1500 year old city of cabar near the aratan peninsula in Mexico the ruins of cabar are already an established research site complete with low Stone pyramids archers and altars and plenty of material culture from the M peoples that lived and worshiped there however the slow work of clearing away ages of overgrown vegetation is exactly how more of this ancient city is being discovered these newly studied Palace structures are the first residential buildings found among all the temples and religious monuments scientists are still unsure of the exact date of the estate Living Spaces but estimates are around 250 to 500 CE near the time that the city of cabal was founded the building span 26 M that's 85 ft and was elaborately decorated with carvings of birds feathers and Beads there was an elaborate facade on the palace complete with a pillar Portico out front the inclusion of this intricate work may have been an intentional connection between the residents of these Estates and the Mayan Gods which were often associated with gold birds and adornments by featuring these symbols and items of value around the Palaces it possibly helped to legitimize the special status of the people who lived among this holy city it's being called a palace complex because while it's uncertain if actual royalty ever resided there the people that did were Elites The Artisan work was well beyond the common person's home of this period proof that residential buildings that hous the once thriving mind population of the time had some really Swanky real estate options the ancient Egyptians had been practicing mummification long before anyone from the West ever learned of the practice it wasn't until the 5ifth century BC that the Greek historian Herodotus first recorded any documentation on the practice but long before his pen hit paper ancient Egyptians had been perfecting the practice for thousands of years mummification is a practice that actually deg graded in quality over time with some of the best preserved specimens all hailing from the earliest period when preservation relied more on completely drying out the bodies instead of removing organs embalming and then wrapping them in all soaked Linens in January of 2023 one of these earlier mummies was discovered surprisingly well preserved and coated in Gold Leaf a team of archaeologists digging at the necropolis of cagara near Cairo discovered a man named hecka sheepies who had died Circa 2300 BCE his remains were discovered in a tomb sha 15 M or 49 F feet deep his Limestone sarcophagus weighed 45 tons the lid alone weighing five and when the lid was removed what lay inside was a specimen rather outside the Norms his arms and legs were wrapped individually not held close to the body and wrapped as one units like most later dat remains are this gave him a more lifelike appearance in death to match the illusion of seeming More Alive his body was completely covered in Gold Leaf and his face and hair painted on to appear more like a buried doll than what we think of as a classic mummy a kis is the oldest non-royal mummy ever discovered his role in society is not yet known but to receive this level of burial he certainly had a lot of influence the Ancients believed gold was holy and what the God's skin looked like being coated in gold was the kind of end of life treatment that only the wealthiest classes could afford beside the gold leaf and life-like body Arrangements the tomb he was in was also adorned with life-size statues depicting family members and staff to assist him in the afterlife their bodies were painted in a reddish brown pigment closer to the actual skin tone of people living at the time so well heck really stood out [Music] it's
Channel: Sideprojects
Views: 491,106
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Keywords: megaprojects, construction, engineering, projects, sideprojects, archaeological discoveries, 12 most incredible recent archaeological finds, archaeological finds, archaeological artifacts, archaeology news, archaeology, ancient artifacts, artifacts finds, artifacts, most amazing
Id: vcsWMJFPZ2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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