Incra TS-LS Table Saw Fence Features and Benfits

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welcome to my shop my name is guy and I get asked quite often about my ink or TLS table saw fence system today I'm going to explain some of the features the benefits and why I think this is the best table saw fence system on the market today so let's take a look at the major components of the system first of all is the rails now these are extruded aluminum they're very straight these are available in a 32 and a 52 inch model - a 32 inch the second is the fence itself now this is very very straight very flat and offers almost no deflection on it at all now this is the positioner itself and this is the heart and soul of the system this is what give you its accuracy and repeatability throughout your entire project there's a micro adjust knob right here there is also a threaded rod that runs the length of the arm now this is a 32 tooth per inch threaded rod and that works in conjunction with this which is the clamp so I can position this so let's say three inches or close enough to three inches lock it down and it's going to automatically go to a resolution on the 32nd of an inch extremely accurate very easy to use now I'm going to show you how to actually zero the fence out to the table saw blade this is almost like zeroing out a router very very accurate so I'm going to raise the table saw blade up to its full height now I'm going to slide the fence system over until it just kisses the blade now I'm going to go over to the clamp and put it at the micro just position so right now with this arm down the fences unclamped so I'm going to bring it up all the way to clamp it and then I'm going to put it at half position right there and now I can micro adjust this to the table saw blade I had mentioned before that there's a thirty-two tooth per inch lead screw that runs on the back of the arm here in the fully clamped position that gives us a resolution of 1/32 of an inch when it's in the micro adjust mode with this knob here I actually have a resolution of one one thousandth of an inch just incredible very easy to set up so I have at zero at set at zero right now and I'm not hitting the blade it's almost there so if I move this knob forward it will move the offense forward and one one thousand seven in sync increments if I move it back towards me I'll move it back so I'm going to go forward thousandths of an inch at a time that's it right there so now that I've got it set the perfect zero I can zero this out and when I clamp the carriage back into its fully locked position I know that this is zero if I move the fence to one inch and lock it in it's going to be exactly one inch now I've got the fence 0.4 the blade I can take the steel ruler here which is on one of the tracks inside the arm and there's a magnetic strip to hold it down I can just move this until the hairline cursor is right at zero and let that ruler lay flat in that track and then lock it down there's also another ruler right here that I like to use I'm going to set that at zero also one thing I really like about this window with that hairline cursor it's anti parallaxing doesn't matter if I'm looking at from this side or this side if I put it at zero I know it's zero so now I can unlock this no matter where I put this on the track if I set it let's say 3 inches and lock it down I know I'm going to be at 3 inches so I'm going to show you how accurate this saw is I'm going to make a couple cuts I'm going to make a first cut at 3 inches where I'm set at that will make 1 of 5 inches and then we'll make 1 of 2 inches we'll take a look at those but you'll see how quickly I move this softens to make those cuts there is no bump and pray method of figuring out where that fence needs to be so here are those three pieces again I've got the two inch the three inch and the five inch so the first two are going to take a measurement of this one here that should be two inches actually I'm one one thousandth of an inch larger than that two inch now I can take this two inch and three inch and that should equal five right so if I take this stack it up and put this one next to it this is perfectly flat up on top it's just incredible now I know if I take this right now the blade set at five inches if I go back to the table saw and cut another two inch and three inch piece from this I'm not going to be able to because of with the kerf of the blade let's say I cut other three inches off of this it's going to be exactly the same as this three inch one you well here's the first three-inch piece I cut and here's the second one if I lay these on my table saw and put them up together again this is perfectly flat across the top this is where not only accuracy comes into but the repeatability let's say you screw up a piece and you've got to go back and make it I mentioned this before the bump and pray method is eliminated all I have to do is set my fence to three inches make a cut and I know it's going to be exactly within several thousands of an inch exactly like the first one I cut another nice thing about the system is how accurately and safely you can cut thin strips of wood 1/8 1/16 1/32 of an inch using for inlay for shims all kinds of different purposes but when you're trying to use a normal table saw fence and you want to cut a 16 inch sixteenth of an inch strip off the inside not only is it dangerous but it's very hard to do again you have to do that whole bump and pray method so I've still got the fence side here at 3 inches this board is 3 and 3/4 so I'm going to set the fence down to three and a half I'll make a rip cut laughter I've cut that down and I know this piece to be exactly three and a half inches I'm going to cut an eighth inch strip so I'm going to do is move my thumbs over an eighth of an inch for the width of the curve and another eighth inch so it's down to three and a quarter and I will make another cut now I've cut that eighth inch strip off here I'm going to take my digital calipers and put it on there I'm at point zero one two five that is perfectly one eighth of an inch now I can do the same thing with the sixteenth inch strip and 1/32 of an inch strip all I have to do is move the fence over they crack them out lock it down again no bump and prey to figure out to make sure that's exactly where I need to be so I've got those two strips here's the 32nd of an inch again 1/32 of an inch the resolution on this is down to one one twenty eighth of an inch of these digital calipers and that's one sixteenth of an inch again truly incredible so let's take a look at a practical use of this and this is something that all of us has been through let's say this is a half inch drawer side and this is the quarter inch plywood bottom that we're going to use now we all know that quarter-inch plywood is not quarter-inch this piece is actually 1364 what you would normally do is you take this you run it over the table saw blade which we know is an eighth of an inch bump the fence over run it again bump the fence over until you got it you may take four or five different cuts before you got that right some times longer or you may overshoot it and then have to read you the drawer side so let's take a look at how I can do this with just two cuts using thin profund system and also the micro just i've got the saw blade set at about a quarter of inch height really doesn't matter and I want that groove to be a quarter inch off the bottom of this so I'm going to set this to a quarter of an inch and make a cut so I've got my initial eighth inch groove here now I know that eighth inch groove is eight sixty fourths of an inch and I know this piece of plywood is thirteen sixty four so I'm going to try needing an additional five sixty fourths of an inch now on this it's really simple I don't there's no guesswork I don't have to do the bump and pray like I mentioned before all I need to do is move it back a sixteenth of an inch lock it and then lower the clamp to half and now I can use my micro just to move this back even further another 64th of an inch so to do that I'm going to move this knob towards me I'm going to add that 64th of an inch and I'm going to give it one two three extra clicks just for a little bit extra clearance and then lock it down and I'll make the cut so right off the saw with the second pass I was perfect you're not going to get this kind of fit with the normal table saw fence on the second cut unless you're really really lucky this takes all the guesswork out of it the repeatability is there so if you screw a part up and you need to make another one you go through the same process very quickly very easily and very repeatable and at a bonus of this whole system if you can if you choose to you can use your table saw as a router station you could replace this wing or this wing and put a router table and a lift in here it really depends on which side your motors on and this is available as an accessory this is anchors wonder fun so if you go to anchor comm you can look at different packages there and that simply slides into the T track that's on the front of the fence and again like I said that will convert this to a router fence now I've got the wonder fence attached you can use all the jigs and templates that Ankara has available to make dovetails box joints double dovetails all kinds of cool stuff if you've got the router table on this side this whole carriage is moveable there's four locking handles on either side you just undo those and then this whole assembly goes to the other side of the table you simply lock it down and you've got your router table here very very cool so if you're all like me and the engineering side your brain goes into absolute overdrive every time you cut a board for a project this is the table saw fence system for you if you want to spend your time making your project and not bumping the fence around to try to get just the right cut this is the table saw fence system for you I kept saying it over and over again in this presentation accuracy and repeatability that's what this table saw fence gives you it also gives you peace of mind knowing that if you want that piece cut at 5 and 3/16 of an inch it's going to be cut at 5 and 3/16 of an inch you can have absolute blind faith that this system is going to work for you thanks so much for watching and we'll see you later you
Channel: GuysWoodshop
Views: 192,213
Rating: 4.9209785 out of 5
Keywords: incra, incra ts-ls, incra tsls, incra review, incra demo, incra demonstration, incra ts-ls review, incra tsls review, incra tsls demo, table saw fence, saw fence, tablesaw fence, incra positioner, incra router, incra router table, incra wonder fence, wonder fence
Id: joLMMeM5ME4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2016
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