INBOUND15: Seth Godin Spotlight
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Channel: HubSpot
Views: 137,322
Rating: 4.8991594 out of 5
Keywords: seth godin, inbound 2015, seth godin 2015, INBOUND15: Seth Godin Spotlight, seth godin spotlight inbound, seth godin keynote, inbound keynotes, seth godin marketing talk, Inbound conference, hubspot, inbound, marketing, small, business, internet, SEO, social, media, blog, blogging, lead, growth, inbound spotlights, inbound marketing, seth godin ted, seth godin marketing, keynote speech, inbound15, hubspot cms, seth godin marketting, Seth godin motivation
Id: 6kGFyrVgUPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
As usual, Seth delivers a good show. Something he forgot to include here was that Gutenberg didn't derive any financial reward out of his invention of the printing press. His backer took hold of the ownership of his invention when the time came and left him penniless. There is much that Seth doesn't include, because it does not fit his narrative. And that's fine. It is worth your while, digging in to what happened before and after each episode that has gone down as historical fact, in order to gain a clear idea of things. Without this, you're left with the most basic of understandings of human beings, being, human beings. A good talk, nevertheless.
So Cognitive dissonance and Divide and Conquer all the way down ?
He talks about the subjects surrounding his new book, which includes doing work that matters, embracing tension, dancing with fear and making a difference.