Inadvertant intravenous injections

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I wonder how many vaccines got botched simply due to not aspirating the injection.

The 'experts' got it wrong. How could they get it wrooong?!


Smart guy ^^

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Andras89 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
well a warm welcome to this talk now when you've watched this video i'd like you to write to your mp or your representative in parliament or something because i'm just at a loss at what to do about this and i think it's really important i'm going to give evidence that we should be aspirating the needle before we give the injections basically i think that most people in the uk and the united states are giving the vaccine injections wrongly now what you should do when you're sticking a needle into a muscle because it has to be an intramuscular injection so the needle's not that quite big on the um not on the vaccine but you stick it in then you should hold it like that and then what i always do is i draw back and if you draw black back blood you know you're in a vessel so you would pull it out and change the needle and get a different sight but that's not being done now if if that's not done let me show you what can happen so this is what can happen so imagine you're giving the needle you stick it into the muscle and for just pure misfortune you find you end up in a blood vessel then when you so when you draw so if you draw back and you're in the muscle then no blood will come out but if you're in a blood vessel then you draw back and there you go you know straight away you're in a blood vessel and you know not to inject it because he would then be giving this intravenously that would be going straight into a vein not into the muscle where it is supposed to go so we're doing this wrong now i'm going to be giving evidence for this today and this really has to change so i'm going to give evidence from this paper here now do look at it for yourself i always post the links of course now this is this is the name of the title here intravenous injection of coronavirus disease now this is with messenger rna vaccines can cause acute myoperycarditis so myocardium the middle layer of the heart pericardium pericardium the outer layer of the heart and itis on the end means inflammation of because we know it can cause this heart inflammation now this is from the clinical infectious diseases described as major article peer-reviewed uh published with the auspices of the infectious disease society of america hiv medicine association oxford university and oxford academic publishing so i mean basically what what more do people want to start listening to this it's just unbelievable that this is still being done and and in my view disgraceful now let's get to the evidence the background to this post-vaccination myocarditis and pericardite is reported after coronavirus mrna vaccinations and we also know that after the adenovirus vector vaccines there's been this thrombosis thromboembolism problem and i believe that some of these cases have got the same origin that is the inadvertent intravascular administration because people aren't drawing back now i'm going to give the evidence for it so um the effects of accidental intravenous injection of this vaccine on the heart is unknown direct quote from the authors of this uh peer-reviewed published paper now uh this study is done in mice now to be fair okay might aren't ideal but you couldn't very well do this in humans you couldn't line a load of people up and give a load of people the injection intramuscular he's checking it was intramuscular by drawing back first and rolling the sleeve up and another bunch of people and giving it into her directly into a vein in the arm that would be completely unethical to do in humans i mean a lot of people don't like doing it in mice but this this has been done in mice so this is just new research published so it's done in mice comparing the difference between intramuscular and intravenous injection of vaccine and they looked at clinical manifestations in the mice histopathological changes now of course histo is the study of tissues pathology is the study of disease so this is this is disease changes in the tissues and they looked at that under microscopes and did lots of studies on that they looked at tissue messenger rna expression to see if the spike protein was being expressed in the tissues of the body when you don't want it to be they looked at serum levels of cytokines and troponins are released by damaged heart muscle indicating heart damage they looked at that and they did it really well because they did some intravenous some intramuscular with the vaccine some intravenous some intramuscular with normal saline as a control this is a very well conducted experiment now what did they find out intravenous sars coronavirus 2 mrna vaccine administration induced grossly visible pathology in the heart there you go now if you want to look at this article it's all there you can download the pdf it's completely free which is good of the clinical infectious diseases journal to do this and it shows you the actual pathological pictures of of the the organs from the mouse with the um with the microscope slides and all the immunostaining staining and all the all the clever stuff they did it's a really impressive piece of work so yes giving mice sars coronavirus ii messenger rna vaccines caused grossly visible pathology in the heart it did but only in the iv group they're the only group that developed the histopathological changes of myo-pericarditis in other words the myocardium became inflamed the pericardium became inflamed so the iv group developed to these changes in the heart the intramuscular group didn't and of course here the intravenous group were given the intravenous injection quite deliberately but i'm saying that one in every few thousand could probably be given inadvertently intravenously in the vaccination campaign that we currently have and this really has to change it's simply not good enough how can governments be so blind and educated to be so blind as to not see this here's the evidence there was evidence of cardio myocyte now that the cardiomyocytes are the actual myo is muscle site of course is cell so the cardiomyocytes are the actual cells of the heart muscle itself the active the actual contractile muscular cells of the myocardium so the evidence was in there and there was a d degeneration of the of those tissues so they go that's what they saw this oil with a microscope they saw it with their eyes they saw it in all the tests you know the evidence is there if it's given iv intramuscularly no problem no problem they also found apoptosis of the myocardium now apoptosis is a mechanism whereby cells actually commit suicide and the cells die and you develop an area of necrosis you actually get dead cells necrosis with adjacent inflammatory cell infiltration so the apoptosis caused the necrosis that caused the inflammation and inflammatory cells infiltrated into that area and as well as that there was calcific that's calcium-based deposits on the visceral pericardium so that the these the there's two parts of the pericardium there's the viscera and the parietal the visceral is the inner part the parietal parts of the outer part of the pericardium and there was calcium deposits now what the calcium deposits usually mean is when a tissue is damaged um it can become calcified so this indicates that there was damage to the pericardium which then resulted in calcification and of course you don't want a calcified pericardium because the contractile heart is inside the pericardium so the last thing you want is a rigid sort of bony almost pericardium that would be a very bad thing that will cause a condition called constrictive pericarditis so there you go those changes are there in mice if you gave the vaccine intravenously they were there if you gave the vaccine intramuscularly they were not there it really doesn't get any simpler than this evidence of coronary artery or other cardiac pathologies was absent so this is not a disease of the coronary arteries which is the common disease the coronary artery atherosclerosis which is the common furring up disease of the arteries was not present spike antigen was recognized by immune staining occasionally found in infiltrated immune cells of the heart so the actual pattern of the spike protein was seen in the immune cells and the spike protein had actually been expressed by the cardiomyocytes i'll do that bit first by the kyo cardiac cardiomyocytes so what this means is because the vaccine was given intravenously the rna to make the spike protein went into the blood it got into the myocardial cells the spike protein rna went into the myocardial cells the myocardial cells produced the spike protein expressed that to their cell surface and of course that's a foreign protein so the body's immune cells said oh foreign protein there and they attacked it and they attacked to the cell and that's what caused the inflammation of the myocytes in the myocardium all this should be happening and just giving her a bit of a sore arm not not a sore heart if it's given in the muscle if it's giving intravenously it goes to the heart and as we'll see in a minute goes to the liver as well and it was also in the intracardiac vascular endothelial cells so what you have in the heart you have various blood vessels of course so imagine that's a bit of a coronary artery there that's going to divide into smaller branches and and all these blood vessels are lined with the vascular endothelium to make it nice and smooth for the blood to go through so what this is saying that there was a inflammation of the intracardiac vascular endothelial cells of these blood vessels so because there's damage to these blood vessels that gives the inside of these blood vessels that gives rise to the possibility of blood clots forming in there as well and i didn't say that but that gives rise to that possibility but anyway you don't want it to be inflamed the histological changes of myo pericarditis after the first iv priming dose persisted for two weeks so there was for two weeks they found evidence in the mice that they examined um that this damage was there two weeks after the first priming dose but we're markedly aggravated by the uh by a second intramuscular or iv dose so if in other words if the first dose was given iv inadvertently even even if the second dose was given correctly that still aggravated the condition and of course this is exactly what we are seeing there is more myopericarditis after the booster dose than after the first dose it is exactly what we are seeing and this has been exactly duplicated in this study we need to change the policy numerous inflammatory cytokines cytokines cytokines found in cardiac tissue the cytokines are the the messengers cyto is cell kinos kinds movement so these are chemicals that communicate between cells and generate inflammation so there's one called interleukin one beta which introduced which causes inflammation another one called interferon beta another one called interleukin-6 and another one called tumor necrosis factor alpha now that they're all released by the cells and they all cause they all lead to inflammation and you don't want an inflamed heart but this was in the intravenous group not in the intramuscular group this is only if this was given intravenously compatible with the presence of myo pericarditis in the intravenous group just to spell it out they said it twice and they also saw blooning enlargement uh degeneration of hepatocytes now apatocites are in the liver now we don't know of liver problems caused in humans but it was noticed in the mice so it could happen in humans as well and also found in the iv group not in the intramuscular group all other organs appeared to be normal which of course is exactly what we are seeing in humans after the mrna vaccines this is exactly what we're seeing so what conclusions did they draw from this paper this is in vivo evidence in life evidence that inadvertent intravenous injection i've covered 19 messenger ribonucleic acid vaccine may induce myo pericarditis there you go i mean it can't be any clearer brief brief withdrawal of syringe plunger to exclude blood aspiration may be one possible way to reduce such risk direct quote from the authors both pfizer bioentech and moderna have clearly stated that their vaccine should only be given by the intramuscular root not the intravenous route so why on earth are we not ensuring that the manufacturer's recommendations are obeyed and it's done according to the manufacturer's guidelines rather than giving the occasional intravenous injection by mistake it's just completely unacceptable current cdc and who guidelines no longer recommend precautionary measures during the intramuscular vaccine administration and i could add the green book in the uk doesn't recommend it either i mean i'm not making this up this is the cdc the who and and the green book the official government bodies that control vaccination in the united kingdom are saying don't do your injections properly don't aspirate they actually say don't aspirate it's unbelievable this is just beyond my ability to comprehend i'm afraid uh direct quote from the article the cdc pink book 2020 the who 2015 position paper have recommended against aspiration prior to vaccination so as to minimize pain is there a rationale for that i think that is completely utterly wrong now this article also said that of course we're giving the vaccine into the um into the deltoid muscle up here but from the deltoid muscle into the the lymphatics under the auxiliary lymph nodes there there's a pretty direct communication from there whereas if you give it into the vastus lateralis muscle that's the um that's the thought the thigh muscle up there that into that thigh muscle and it's got to go through quite a lot of uh quite a lot more lymphatics to get into the blood so they think that giving it into the vastus lateral i sent it into the upper after aspect of the thigh might be better they're not sure about that but they say they say it's that's a possibility so worth considering our study indicates that intravenous injection of the vaccine might partly contribute to this clinical phenotype so they're being very cautious clinical phenotype means what's going wrong with the heart and the liver thus warranting a reconsideration of the practice of intramuscular injection without aspiration again they're putting this very clinically but that's a direct quote from the paper if it's in italics it's a direct quote which carries an inadvertent risk of intravenous injection so there we go case proved in mice and of course mice and mammals exactly the same as we are we really need to change this practice now in terms of the adenovirus vector vaccines the johnson johnson and johnson the oxford astrazeneca we've looked at this in detail before but the same is true it should be given intramuscularly not intravenous now what we've looked at before from this paper we looked at this in some detail um about six weeks ago i think it was now but again it's all there download the pdf check it out for yourself make sure i'm not making it up thrombocytopenia so the thrombocytopenia of course remember is the low levels of thrombocytes in the blood in mice reported in 2006 this has been noticed in 2006 published in the journal blood or mice received by a virus through a single tail vein injection thrombocytopenia has been consistently reported following the administration of adenoviral gene transfer vectors if it's intravenous so in other words the complications or some of the complications that we're seeing from the adenovirus vector vaccines in terms of thrombocytopenia and thrombosis could also be caused by inadvertent intravenous administration now i started this by saying can you write to your mp or something because i've tried then i just don't know which end with this i really don't know where to take it next so i've got this letter um this letter here is from um my my mp uh kindly uh kindly passed it on uh dear john writing back to me thank you for your correspondence etcetera has passed it on to various people and anyway this letter ended up with uh nadim sahawi the the vaccine minister that's where it ended up um so um and and and he basically says i have nothing to worry about um so here we go from the reports of major thrombosis and concurrent thrombocytopenia and this was back in the day talking about the um this is when i first wrote in about the adenovirus vector vaccines but we now know the same is true for the messenger rna vaccines we've not been able to identify any evidence of association with errors administration in the uk cases well of course you're not because if you get it wrong you don't know because you stick the needle in you inject it and you pull the needle out and you haven't got a clue let me say that again you haven't got a clue whether it's gone into a muscle or a vein so of course you don't know if you've got it wrong it's not as if say oops got that one better go and report that no you simply never know so the the this is just poppycock what what nadeem saharawa's person has written here is it's just the very air clutching condition reported following the administration of the university of oxfasco and vaccine is thought to be due to an immunological mechanism rather than the way which the vaccine is given that's their opinion but um they don't give any evidence for that i think part of it's due to the intravenous administration guidelines published from public health england states there is no need to pull back on the plunger aspirate before the plunger is depressed to release the vaccine into the muscle well hopefully into the muscle hopefully into the muscle because there are no large blood vessels at the recommended injection site now this just beggars credulity let me just tell you what they've said here basically they've said that this muscle there's no blood vessels going to this muscle it doesn't have a blood supply now if you get an elastic band and tight around your finger and cut off the blood supply it will go red it'll go white then red then it'll go mottled then it'll go uh purple then after a few days it'll turn black and then it'll drop off it'll die it's called necrosis you know the idea that a minister of the realm is writing to me say saying that there's no significant blood vessels in a muscle it's just it's just unbelievable a muscle is a living tissue therefore it's got a good blood supply i mean why don't these people realize that you understand this and most of you aren't clinicians no why don't they get this it's just um don't want that one and that one there we go all right yeah well anyway the rest of it's just blur but anyway so basically i'm i'm not knocking the deem sahara he's just a politician but you should be advised well i am really because we need more doctors and uh scientists as as politicians i don't know what mr sahari is before he was a politician he might have been i'm pretty sure he wasn't a doctor or a scientist but there you go peop politicians that were doctors and scientists tend to understand this stuff um but there's very few of them so there we go i understand it now you understand it now but our governments don't if you can think of something to do please do because i mean why don't we do it properly right anything you can think of to rectify the situation the references are there in the description if you know anyone in power get them to change the policy so we stick the needle in draw back if there's no blood then we inject keeping the needle in exactly the same position so you stick it in you hold it where it is so the needle's not going forward or back you aspirate if there's no blood then you inject it with the needle not going forward or back and what i do is i just i went well i'll just i'll just stick i'll just stick the needle in like that i'll stick it in and then i'll hold my fingers just against the patient's skin to keep it in just the right position and i've taught student nurses to do that using that exact technique for well over 30 years and well over 30 years and uh not now the cdc who and public health thing so you don't need to bother doing it if you can think of anything please do thank you for listening
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 409,341
Rating: 4.8974924 out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: nBaIRm4610o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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