In The Zone 29: Winners Top 4 [Crush Soda vs Jackpot]

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all right hello everyone yo by the way finrail thank you so much for the 10 euro donation really enjoying the stream thank you very much we are here in the zone 29 cast in the top four match unfortunately no pencil strats today as both of these players are e-leader players and you know Twitter is still meant to me earlier but rarely this is gonna be a match with no jet pack which is really weird because there's just been bullpoint in like every game these days and we're actually going to be seeing a no inkjet game as the universe come out performance remote work zones this is Zone Zone current metaphor so we'll be seeing Madness after five sets and so far jackline has cap his own but really lost a lot of map control in the opening and Crush Soda is starting off quite nicely with their positioning here jackpot looks to retake here they've been running the Stamper bucket dive con for a while looks like Q is able to find some Snipes already Stanford going to be doing an excellent job painting this Zone here and is able to use that tactical or to kind of get set up for their zip cash without having to worry as much in this pilot we're gonna see here Stanford trying to find a kill in the splash with a splash gets fall off damage on the sword oh that was nice Adam the Euler gets picked off as this crap finds two tanking both hits of the waybreaker Stamper is trying to set up with that zip Caster with zipping with an e-leader on the map is particularly scary able to find one this time though is Q manages to take out the threat near leafy and leaf is able to zip and find another excellent teamwork from the charger there being sure that their zipcaster stays alive and this fight's going back and forth but it seems like jackpot is getting a very nice setup here with the bucket and sword on the right side of the map they're gonna have a lot of ledge pressure it's gonna be incredibly difficult to contest jackpot and that's kind of something their concept really benefited from the bomb is also able to find the Neo Splash early there is no tactic cooler on the side of Crush Soda so if stuff goes wrong they're not on the back of plan wave able to find an immediate kill setting quite a defensive waybreaker up I think a more aggressive position would have been a little bit better there but it might be enough to get the job done or at least that's what I would say if Q didn't snipe the person painting The Zone preventing it from being capped and now all of a sudden things are looking quite dicey the zip Caster is ready and if leafy can get a play with it this could turn everything around and secure a knockout however it looks like Crush that are going to be dipping and dodging out of the way no it looks like one player actually does go down and leave these managers to get away from The Landing however I miss all the chaos The Zone actually did get flipped and that's not gonna be the game one as William is able to get out of there and stay alive jackpot would really like to get on their top area and just get that position they're very nice burst bomb combo from leafy before the e-leader can get a shot off and the crowd being popped from Thunder doesn't have a lot of players to work with it it'll at least get a kill onto leafy and it looks like they're gonna try to engage quickly with the try strikes however another player goes down and these e-leaders are just slowing down the pace of the ability to push in here and especially without cooler it's so scary going against a player like Q knowing your death could be just having massive consequences another interesting part about tactical or if they manage to grab it is they can negate your own respawn Punisher and so a charger with respawn Punisher dueling another respawn Punisher charger with a cooler is particularly scary than adding a little bit of interesting depth to the charger Dittos anyway car soda really needs to get to the side of the map and quickly the try sharks are going to try to separate jack off from their cooler unfortunately not doing a great job of it but that zipcaster gets taken out immediately and another one gets taken out wave able to find two kills and leafy or sorry Q will be trading with thunder here as a leaf he sets up on the plan pretty much immediately with Madness and wave is just trying to limit the positioning they can stand as well as farm that wavebreaker look how close they are to this special Q in the meantime as you're trying to find anywhere to stand Jared actually got picked off and so did Madness there's no cooler on these respawns so this is looking really bad for them Crush Soda is able to set up that crab tank trying to get some damage on the left side of the map weakening the unit player and forcing them back zipcaster comes out from leapy to try to find something here swash finds a kill though the zip Caster has been unable to find anyone gonna be recalling one of the strikes accidentally hits their base but they're able to cap The Zone but not before the lead is flipped and Crush Soda getting a very nice home so far however it's worth noting their penalty is Tiny and so any mistakes are gonna cost them such as dying instead of being able to get that crab tank when leafy narrowly escaping death at the hands of two different players here comes the safety tactical cooler having that QR in this final fight is gonna be essential and honestly Crush Soda just wants to cap The Zone more than anything wavebreaker comes out again a little bit defensive trying to clear the player on the bottom left over the Zone flips while the tri-strikes are being thrown The Kills happen and crushed soda is gonna take game one what a solid win from them that was a very back and forth game but so far The Underdogs are able to get the first match of the set very interesting humpback pump track is next oh boy what are we gonna see here I think Q is actually preferred to State e leader on this map this is a ridiculously strong charger map so I wouldn't be surprised if they end up keeping the charger for the next game we have to see I'm very curious to see what adoptions uh we're gonna be able to get from these teams to try and turn this around foreign now considering it's humpback I think we'll see one of two things here e-leader or missiles or both there's the e-leader and there is both we're continuing to see an elitor and Ditto in for the second game yeah nothing here we go hop into this next match here you see leafy on the wiper Deco gonna be able to get a set of 10 of missiles out early on the board cooler comes out and this time we see oh okay the cooler just yeah I guess the spectator mode thing but we see it cooler on both sides this time CS electing to have one over those try strikes probably the right play here and I think the swap office Botana Stamper to a wiper something that can uh run a bit of QR I believe as we're seeing here no not gonna be doing a QR build but maybe just play more aggressive the coolers themselves can instead be playing around a missile charge building that's pretty interesting and we'll have to see if this swap to the wiper is gonna be worth it a little bit more Mattis was able to find a double a bit earlier and look how close leafy is to another set of tenements already even with that 10 second cooldown unfortunately though one of the hard matchups that they're gonna have to deal with here is 52 and 52 can be very very good into wiper Decker with a lack of bomb that weapon has and long kill time compared to 52 Zone and Twig is just having a field day just gonna be taking a leisurely stroll back to the tactic cooler taking Madness down with them however the cap that jackpot has is starting to get a little bit scary and leafy is just trying to get that set of tenant missiles they finally have one just gonna be solo missing twig Jared gonna be able to get the kill because of that though so missile's well used as jackpot sets up on the zone Jared gonna have another tacticular quite early the crab is actually getting bumped around by the wiper who's gonna be able to dip and Dodge out of there Madness is able to get one kill leafy managing to save Q who's like living on one HP at the time and trying to get some extra damage out is able to find one wave setting up the wave breaker right behind that cooler to Shield it not something you see every day and wavebreaker is very very strong on this map part of the reset such a good e-leader map as it is as way breaker is ridiculous on this stage it's so difficult to actually see and deal with it as well as just hitting every key location the high level is rarely a problem for him here and that second way breaker though on the other hand gets melted in about two like two milliseconds two seconds would be an understatement that crab takes it out in no time flat e-leaders are able to one shot each other's wave break with under treasure I'm not gonna be quite threatening ooh the try strike gets taken out by a wave who gets a very nice snipe however you can see the respawn Punisher doesn't actually have an effect here with the cooler eeler's having a bit of a ditto we can see a lot more Dynamic positioning on this kind of map but so far I mean jackpot has done such a good job on making sure the full control does not float the other way will the bucket able to find one kill you can see them on the map there but they managed to get out of it in time gets another hit but no kill Madness is getting a little bit caught right now but leafy diving in to save him sorry you might be in a bad situation but I can help you out I can set up this double team however Thunder is gonna be able to trade someone out even in that situation Matt is gonna fight twig and finally run out of gas and by gas I mean ink of course and that waybreaker is gonna be able to locate a few people and we're gonna see Jared try to get some damage off it but nothing happening so far an early kill on Philippe is also looking pretty bad here twig is in a key position but not able to find a kill off of that position and Goss is your sharking and he's close to that tactic cooler so this is incredibly risky if he gets caught and he does unable to find a kill manages to get out though luckily we'll still have that attack before ready but twin gets taken down by Madness and all of a sudden jackpot with very few points on the timer missile and try strike ready and a cooler out is going to be really difficult to push into the trash is gonna Force the crab onto the low ground grabs a cooler for good measure Jared is fighting Q goes down though Jared is able to find a kill to even things out the wavebreaker gonna try to be the extra teammate they need Jared wanted to shoot it down but ended up giving up not having enough resources to do so man has jumped straight into twig but manages to get a trade over that zone flips once again but Crush Soda is gonna need better than this they're chilling in the middle of the map and that's not quite good enough you gotta push up to that top left corner they have a tactical they need to go now they need to kill leafy get that side of the map of the control and they do Jared goes in they need to take out this player cleanly if possible however two of them go down and unfortunately I don't think it's gonna be enough to be able to hold and jackpot reflips his own reapplies that penalty CS having to invest both the whale and the crab tank man is able to shark in trying to chase this cooler player down being able to get rid of those cooler respawns would be great right now is able to get one but unfortunately falls off the map gets pushed around there and the e-leader is having a hard time finding a kill the cooler player is gonna be able to push them without much fear forces the wavebreaker and just backs off into the corner twig is in no man's land but is gonna be fighting it out anyway this man plays in solo queue he's used to that but unfortunately the zone is going to be flipping in the middle of all that chaos and jackpot gonna be putting themselves on the board and we have a tied up set foreign knockout I think it was a really really solid play as a whole jackpot is the team with triple sevens in their name that is their tag you can probably figure out why foreign excuse me all right well here we go on the zones on ink plot we're tied up here and finally the return of the ball points and we're actually gonna be keeping the wiper Deco even with the ballpoints active I do think it makes a bit of sense the wiper is just a bit of a better weapon in terms of playing around tactical and if that's the Strat they're trying to do adapting to fit their team better with that could be a good idea I mean this is a very very similar core Contour my own team does really just only the bucket instead of the 92 plus but a lot of the same principles here with a wiper Deco kind of being able to play for entry tools or aggressive you have the bucket for AOE and the ball playing swallowing of Zap combo which is just basically The Meta right now gonna be charging up the fizzy bomb over here Hugh gonna be looking for any shot opportunity sees the zap but is only able to trade with them before going down and unfortunately that trade is really bad since the cooler was able to come out right afterward and they were able to go down with the cooler that could have been huge Jared not able to have enough ink in the tank for a bomb there to take out that player and we see a super jump in with the crab gonna be popping it pretty much immediately but the angle here is just really awkward look how hard it is to just find a single player to Target and then the missiles are just gonna mess it up a little bit more as well I think that's a bit of a waste of a special there and this wiper is just gonna trap them in no man's land we'd be able to find one and get out of there alive and jackpot's looking so good this game inkjet comes out to seal the deal but ends up getting taken out however with two players down the side of Crush Soda I'm not sure if they have a lot of options to really make anything happen the gal is trying to push in but it's finding nothing and just getting forced into the corner of Shame as jackpot suddenly turns up the heat and takes a dominant game three and crushed soda cannot afford another match like that very interesting excuse me my voice is dying a bit I should not have opted to solo cast this barnacle and dime is the next game very interesting thank you foreign y hopping into game number four and it looks like CS is gonna be picking their own wiper Deco we're gonna be seeing Goss switch to that and thunder switch to cover the end zap that Goss was playing and I mean this this is kind of like the best leopard Echo stage in the game probably just because beacons are so good with how large the map is as well as it being a very solid missile state with us from hangers can be like Charters so I mean very reasonable pick to set at least I mean so far it's working out for them quite well they're able to get an early double kill but will they be able to push off of this we do see it when you begin forced into the corner trying to help out with Q actually manages to do so but the ballpoint takes them out pretty much immediately and I mean CS is a very nice setup right now a very nice hold in general one player jumps out the wiper gonna be getting missiles and spawns gonna be able to lock four people for them to just walk forward for free look at the amount of space being taken in fact someone even goes down to the missiles and jackpot should be able to get a very nice retake as leafy finds a kill on The Twig and jackpot just settling into the Zone without even having to use that inkjet wiper Deco gets a kill before having to jump out but not that big a deal here do you see a flank getting pushed away by Cube and they're probably gonna hold that ain't yet for when the coolers are close to running out so they're able to get some more pressure there has to be careful that they're already quite low they're gonna pop their jet pack but they're actually so weak that this could be a bit difficult however Q just gonna find two players immediately tries to find the hit on the wiper taking their time of that last shot not able to find it the missiles coming out to try to anti-dot wiper away gonna work out here and leafy gonna be trying to get a little bit of damage onto Thunder Wave in the corner here trying to set up trying to get some paint onto the Zone both coolers come out and wave is just trying to pre-fire the enemy team away from their cooler trying to keep them off if I'm grabbing those boss Thunder gets found and picked off a little bit early here and it looks like CS might finally being losing some semblance on the map as they Retreat to their own side of the map here twig is trying to Bunk her up here and just hold this area this stack is so so important very similar to make a Marvel you really want to hold it all costs two people just walk into the 52 twig will be absolutely taking those quick kills out of the way and setting up once more cooler comes out trying to hold on to things twig get a shark in and go for the kill first but unfortunately that death happens before the coolers grabbed which means he's not gonna have that fast respawn or ability to get another since he doesn't have poker respawn himself and obviously got a kill in that encounter leafy gets another immediate quad missile you can really see the strength of them on this map and just look how far they're pushing him not just out of the Zone but backing them off of their own stack it really just goes to show how strong the special still is in this meta pairs very well with everything else I mean you see the ballpoint trying to find a pick but Q able to take him out pretty much immediately she's gonna have that inkjet in just a little bit to be able to push in as long as quick isn't able to take her out early and he's not click in the corner fighting for dear life he's gonna grab that cooler on the way over and able to secure some space for their team we're even gonna be pushing on the right side she's gonna be looking to try to get a little bit of space on the left now the main thing you want to get on this map is the top left side if you can ever get up there and keep the ballpoint in touch off their Force resources over there it's huge because you can't force resources for the stack that's just a little bit too close to the zone to be able to hold it however CS is in big trouble here as those missiles weren't able to find too much inkjet coming out from the ballpoint trying to find some damage is able to get a little bit but Madness sneaking in here finding a kill if he can somehow take out this wiper it would be just pretty much a game-winning kill but the wiper manages to stay alive we will be able to see the missiles of the last ditch effort but with the inkjet and try strikes coming out there's just going to be a wall of damage and jackpot gonna be able to secure the set with a nice three to one victory props to Crush Soda definitely put in some good effort there was able to get a little bit of work on the scoreboard but unfortunately just not enough to take out such a powerful team and we'll have to see if they can make the losers run back to have another chance
Channel: ProChara Vod Dump
Views: 4,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Splatoon, Splatoon 2, Splatoon Pro Chara, ProChara, Nintendo, Splatoon 3, Rapid, Bocut Nation, Competitive Splatoon, Splatoon Top Team, Torpedo, Support, Splatoon Tournament, Brella, Splatoon 2 Discussion, Splatoon Tier List, Splatoon 3 Prediction, Splatoon 3 Analysis, Chara Splatoon, NA Champion Splatoon, Splatoon Top Player, Splatuber, Top 500 Splatoon, Squid Game, Range, Range Blaster
Id: Xhf_NqJHhf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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