In the Sky - June 2024

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[Music] what's going on Stella crew Bob MacArthur here for Stellar V telescopes for this month edition of In The Sky June 2024 the summer is upon us milky Way season is upon us I love this time of year I love getting my scope out getting under some Dark Skies going camping enjoying that beautiful Milky Way warmer nights are always nice too what's great about June is you have a plethora of things to look at you have the the the spring galaxies ending in the in the western part of the sky and then in the eastern part of the sky you're getting the Milky Way and the summertime constellations coming up you have galaxies and nebula and star clusters just a bunch of things to look at what's going on Stella crew all right so let's get to it let's talk about what we got going on in the sky for June 2024 so June 1st Before Sunrise we have the moon sitting right there between Mars and Saturn so I love it we got the planets coming up in the morning Saturn's always fun to view but we have that nice little Trio right there on June 1st on June 11th we have the waxing crescent moon near regulus so um we have regulus in Leo it's getting lower in the Western sky and the moon's going to be near there couple nights later the moon's going to bounce from regulus to the brightest star in Virgo spika um and then on June 20th the almost full moon is going to be right there next to an's so it's kind of fun to watch the moon bounce by some of those brighter stars in the sky and on June 20th the first day of summer longest day shortest night of the year in the northern hemisphere so for our friends in the southern hemisphere it's their first day of winter so they're getting the long observing nights while we're getting the shorter but warmer observing nights on June 27th we have a daytime occultation of Saturn so if you have not seen an occultation of Saturn that's always a fun treat it's not visible everywhere so jump on that website there uh ww. lunar occultations dcom and it'll show you where it's visible what time it's visible if you have not seen an occultation of Saturn it's fun to watch that Moon uh pass there in front of Saturn and actually to me looks like the St Louis Arch when uh when the moon is covering uh when the moon's covering Saturn those rings are just visible so fun to see on June 29th Jupiter the plates and Mars are uh making a nice little grouping in the early morning hours um you know the plaes are always fun to look at but when you had Mars in there and you had Jupiter in there and they're kind of converging on each other it's just it's fun to watch because it does show you that things in our sky in our solar system are in motion so definitely over the next uh couple nights couple weeks check out uh check out that grouping and on June 30th this will be a fun little challenge uh Mercury is going to be really low in the western or W Western Sky uh right there next to castom pox now Mercury is already hard to uh hard to spot because it never veers too uh far from the Sun in the sky so it's always kind of in that uh glare and then to try and get casor and poock in there so I can make a neat little Trio to uh to try and uh capture there so let's talk about what we got going on with the moon and the solar system we right there the moon phases new moon June 6th um so there you go that's your dark sky um no moon night so get out there get under some Dark Skies enjoy that uh moonless night and warmer night hopefully for you all um and then the full moon June 22nd um you know there's the full moon so plan accordingly um now the sun woo holy cow the sun has been crazy I hope you got to see the auroras wherever you were I know here in Colorado they were spectacular uh my wife and I we went out there uh out towards the Eastern Plains of Colorado and the northern light display we saw was phenomenal so definitely keep an eye on the sun um is a great website the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration space weather website Noah space weather they do a really good job kind of knowing when um you know the auror will happen what geomagnetic storm will have will it be a G1 through G5 um and we're we're we're coming up to maximum so if this is any indicator of how this uh solar uh solar cycle solar maximum is going to be definitely check out those websites keep an eye on those things because uh who knows I we might be able to get see the auroras again like that it's been crazy to watch the sun now as for planets they're kind of stacking up in the early morning Sky Before Sunrise um you have you know Saturn and Mars and Uranus and uh you know Neptune uh Venus is transitioning from the morning sky to the evening sky so here in the next few months we'll be getting ju we'll be getting Venus in the in the evening sky and then you know as Jupiter moves out from solar conjunction it's going to join the morning Planet party too but right now the key players are um Mars and Saturn U and Uranus so get out there and check them out so this is what I love about summertime there at least June because we're kind of in between that spring and summer we get some of the the the the the spring galaxies and now we're starting to see that Milky Way come up and star clusters are all over the place and I I mean I I just listed a few we have so many open star clusters coming into view M39 and signis is a is a good one to spot um you also have a one that I enjoy I see 4665 over there in O fucus um you know sometimes it's like a little V head or sometimes it's referred to as a summer beehive cluster but uh it's kind of up there in one of the shoulders of a fucus so check that out the globular star clusters Galore of course we have the great star cluster M13 um unbelievable beautiful star cluster uh M92 is another nice one too sometimes I feel M92 gets a little overshadowed by M13 both being up there in Hercules um you have M3 uh kind of squished in between uh actually not squished but you have it's in between Arcturus and core Caroline um core Caroli is in the constellation kenis vtis and then um Arcturus is in constellation bodis and if it's kind of right there smacking between those two stars um and then you have M5 over there in serpens and then ucus has some uh globulars too so M10 and M12 so lots of globular star clusters and actually I really enjoy looking at globular star clusters because I think each one has its own personality with how compact or how spread out it is how bright it is um even the patterns of stars like in M13 you can depending on your skies and how dark it is and your aperture it's it's Galaxy season it's not Galaxy it's Milky Way season I guess Milky Way our galaxy season there we go um but nebulas too I mean we're kind of in that that that dry spell of nebulas um in the northern hemisphere you know after the Orion Nebula goes away from the winter and Thor's helmet and all the wonderful wintertime uh nebulas the the spring kind of puts us in this lull of really bright nebulas but we're getting back into it now as the Milky Way starts to rise in the evening um some beautiful planetaries M57 the Ring Nebula my abs my personal favorite um M27 uh the dumbbell another fun one to look at too now one thing I encourage with uh with uh planetaries is throw in a um UHC or o03 filter it'll start to pull out that detail and depending on your aperture um the dumbbell I feel has a the the little white dwarf is a little bit easier to pull out the dumbbell um and sometimes again depending on your aperture you could pull out the little white dwarf star in in in M57 um the Eagle Nebula you know the Pillars of Creation from Hubble you know that that's kind of where the Eagle Nebula got its its Fame there um but check it out M16 and then you have the Crescent nebula in signis NGC 6888 or called 17 that's a fun one to pop out too um and then there's some fun other fun stuff in the in in signis the North American nebula and uh you know the signis wall uh favorite thing for people to image uh NGC 7000 or Coldwell 20 um Dark Skies really help out with this filters can help out too um and I know there are a lot of different nebulas uh coming up in the summer but these are the ones I want to highlight in June we'll have some different ones for sure in July GX IES now like I said we're kind of in between that the Spring Galaxy season and the summer milkyway season so I I kind of just you know copied it from the previous episodes because we still can get those galaxies in Virgo um Leo's getting a little bit lower so early in the evening you can get those Ursa Major you know Big Dipper still placed really nice and high in the sky and so is uh Koma bernes so we can still get a lot of galaxies too so it's a fun time of year to view binaries uh so much to look at it's great I love it so um you know the double double and with refracting telescopes we or I at least love to look at binary stars and I think that with re just Optics in in refractors it can bring out those really nice pinpoint stars and the double double in Lyra is just one of those so check out Epsilon Lyra uh beta signy alberio for the longest time was one of my favorite binary stars and started looking at until I started looking at more and more binary stars but it is just a crowd pleaser with that the I think it's the color difference is really what allows um alberio to stick out because you kind of get that that goldish star next to that like bluish star and it is just a beautiful uh binary to look at 61 signy this one's also fun um not much of a magnitude difference but it has a nice separation so it's just a really just classic binary star to look at Now Beta CI is going to be a little bit um diff uh difficult not necessarily difficult but um it's it's fun because um alfrick has a brighter primary and and a quite a bit fainter secondary star so um they're there and it's really neat it's neat to see that that that brightness contrast so we have some just classic binary a fun uh binary in the double double great colorful binary in beta site and then you get there an Albero and then you get the nice uh brightness contrast with a with bit of sephi or Alf so get out there and check that one out too so you know we we we're getting past those cold crazy winter months and um and Spring weather can be kind of crazy and now we're getting into June which we love June because it's it's summer we can get out there go camping and uh we got our telescopes uh barbecues set that telescope up get some friends over for a barbecue or just get up to your favorite dark sky site and just enjoy the that cloud of Milky Way uh coming up I remember um one time uh I do student trips I take students to different places uh to to show them the science and one year I I took a group of students to Hawaii and we were on Mona and I had uh we're the skies were unbelievable and I had a student say oh back the clouds are rising I'm like nope that's the Milky Way um so get to a dark sky sight look to the east watch that Milky Way uh share the skies with your friends or your neighbors uh I love doing that in the summer too as neighbors are out walking in the nice summer warmer nights and they'll stop by and look through my telescope when I got it set up so just get out there have fun keep looking up [Music]
Channel: Stellarvue Telescopes
Views: 1,373
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Id: nXCP6GN_f3I
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Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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