IN STORE Color Inverted Shopping! *what will we end up with?*
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Channel: HopeScope
Views: 241,681
Rating: 4.9622502 out of 5
Keywords: colour invert filter, try on haul, are these brands worth it, are they a scam, shopping with the color invert feature on, mystery box, mystery outfit, shopping blind, choosing outfits blindfolded, shopping blindfolded, shopping without seeing color, clothing haul, shop with me, mystery box unboxing, crazy clothes haul, buying outfits with the color inverted filter on, inverted triangle, Lululemon haul, target haul, norstrom rack haul
Id: ngYIC_eewG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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