In Memory of The Waltons "Ike Godsey" - Joe Conley

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well it was nothing out of the ordinary actors I get hired and fired every day of the week when it came time for me to go on the Walton interview it hadn't been named all we knew was that it was a series at a one-hour series and and it was about the someplace in the south they didn't give us too much information when it came time to go in and meet the producer I shook hands and he just sat there and looked at me for a while and finally he said you wear a rug which means translated how the Pali would you wear a toupee and I said I don't wear - it's real stuff and hang in there so we sat for another couple of minutes and no one said anything and they said thank you very much for coming in and of course that's the kiss of death when someone tells you thanks for coming in they two weeks later I got a phone call from my agent and I said they want your position oh you could have knocked me over I was really surprised well the role wound ups me larger than they fought and I was utilized as in door going from the last century up to the present time I was the only one really telephone and corabeth entered the scene and they ended the third season and she's a marvelous actress and there was she was very welcome because that opened up the role being more than just a store I've been now then was a friend of the family so work out quite nicely well I always wanted to do a real song and dance act not that I'm a great song songster but if you put it together with somebody else you can have a man December kind of relationship Eric was a kik is a real good good kid he was 17 years old when I approached him and how would you like to put together a song and dance acted he was interested and so we we worked at it for about the next year and a half bought off and on but when it finally came to fruition he was a lot of fun we traveled the entire country singing ends and dancing all the way well I'm very proud to be associated with a show like The Waltons I've done hundreds of other television shows before that came along and I knew quality I really did and the Waltons was a quality show I was always proud of it and look forward to doing each each episode I remember when the episodes would arrive by delivery and I'd go out to the door and meet them and the postman would give me the new script I immediately went in and read it and very often it brought tears we had excellent writers and I was so proud to be associated with a quality quality series as I received fun fan mail from all over the world as a matter of fact I got one one time and it and it was in in English and this person said your store is just like the one at the store one at dump our corner store I said let's see where is this from Bangladesh Bangladesh is just like like godsey's general store so we were pretty well known all over the world and it was a pleasure well I think Joe and I both as a couple were given very well written parts and I think that the part of corabeth was the best treatment part on the show because they gave her depth and while she was very difficult they gave her redeemable qualities and so she was always on a journey somewhere I think that we were a perfect couple it was just chemistry I think we complemented one another and we both just got lucky and the one word would be to honesty and integrity we had it you you
Channel: Ray Castro
Views: 552,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Waltons, Joe Conley, Eric Scott, Ronnie Claire Edwards, Earl Hamner, Richard Thomas, Ralph Waite, Kami Cotler, Michael Learned, Judy Norton, Mary McDonough, Jon Walmsley, David Harper, Will Geer, Ellen Corby, Paul Cardall
Id: wky5XWDFrmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2013
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