In-Line Industries Dubby Miter Sled Unboxing and Assembly

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[Music] so this is going to be an unboxing assembly video for the the new glass I guess it's not new but the inline Industries dubby precision miter sled the reason I decided to do this welcome to back up this past weekend I was at the woodworking show in Tampa comes around once a year and this guy that I met there believe his name is Jerry Cole he's the designer inventor of the W precision miter sled and he gave a pretty compelling demonstration I guess you'd call it on the values and uses of his precision miter sled and I was kind of in the market for a crosscut sled and I've made them in the past before I sometimes questioned their accuracy and the ones that I've made but they worked and they were suitable this one affords what I consider to be a lot more flexibility now in order to have an effective crosscut sled especially the W precision miter sled you actually need to have both right and left of the sleds in order to connect the two of them and then you end up with a miter sled or if you connect the two you end up with a crosscut sled and it's got some really unique features and accuracy features that I really really liked now the reason I really decided to make this video was because I went ahead and assembled the left side as you can see here and the way this works essentially is that you can adjust this with a scale you know if you can see that down the side of it to any number of degrees to to make your cuts on you know your miter cuts and there is a lot of ability here I mean twenty seven twenty five point seven degrees 25 degrees twenty two point five twenty and as you can see in the hash marks everywhere in between so this is the box it's pretty well packaged I noticed that it says Made in Taiwan on the Abell so obviously they must sub this out and you know they have everything built to their specifications in Taiwan haven't sent back here to the United States I'm kind of more I'm very much a stickler for buying American but to be honest with you there wasn't anything that I could find that was American short of building my own and I questioned my accuracy on building my own so I went ahead and went for this so let's open it up let's see what's inside Oh take the box off I have to say it's pretty well packaged I had no issues with that I could see you know during shipment how things could get shuffled around and banged around but they do use a lot of styrofoam they package everything in boxes so I'm pretty pleased with all of that here's your set of instructions now here's a package that has the the rear fence it has the scale and it has the miter bar attached to it as well or it included in this package and it has also the the stop the adjustable stop that's all it's sort of installed if you will on the back fence in here mr. styrofoam pieces in here is the box that contains all of the smaller bits and pieces and get a nice real cut off will cut that open as you can tell I'm not a videographer either so here's the little parts here's that that end cap it's made out of oak you know it seems to be pretty well constructed obviously they must make this in Taiwan on a CNC here's the adjustable part for making sure that the back fence is Square to the table it has a plunger in it that you can adjust and we'll go into that a little bit a little bit more but once you kind of getting ahead of myself it has the two screws that attach this to the table and then there's two thumb screws and two nuts that are also used to attach this piece to the the back of the fence this is the biggest hardware pack this has the large thumb screws or knobs if you will that used to you can loosen the fence and adjust your minor angles it has a hold down clamp they do come with a hold down clamp here's one here I didn't put it on the unit yet the left-hand side I don't know if I will or I won't but you have to take one of the large thumb screws off this one here actually this one you take this off and then this goes that goes through there and then you put this back on I don't know if it's gonna get in my way or if I'll use it enough it's a fairly stout little little hold down I probably will put it on but I just haven't done it yet all right and then as I said it has the thumb screws and the washers and the t-nuts necessary to install the adjustable knobs for the miter and then in here is I believe this is the mylar strip yeah this has three mylar strips in them that they suggest that you put on the bottom of the sled to aid in its ability to collide so that's it for the unboxing now it's a matter of trying to get all these parts out and start putting it oh sorry I take that back there's one important part I left out and that is the the MDF piece the foundation board if you will down here this is underneath it's sandwiched between two pieces of styrofoam it's in pretty good shape they put styrofoam all the way there on the outside of it so if it does shift it keeps that melamine from cracking or the MDF from crumbling so we'll see get this all apart get everything laid out and then I'll come back and we'll we'll continue the video as far as tools are concerned it doesn't take a lot of tools to do this I basically use a small flat bladed screwdriver that was used to adjust the ball bearings on the side of the plungers of who will on the side of the minor bar a pencil a a digital caliper and I'll explain the purpose of that but basically it's to adjust the miter bar to the width of your miter slots but there are other ways to do that if you don't have one a Phillips head screwdriver and a decent square I recommend that you do not use a power drill or cordless drill cordless screwdriver on this at all because this is MDF if you don't control this you will strip out the MDF and you'll have some huge problems so a Philips head screwdriver and a small flat blade or really all that you need for the assembly of this this unit so as far as assembly goes I'm I'm gonna do my best to show you the probably the easiest way I guess to put this together it may or may not follow the recommendations in the instructions strictly after you but I just built one so I kind of know how this is gonna go and what order of things should probably be done in first thing you need to do is apply those mylar strips if you choose to do that now the next thing you need to do at this point is to get the miter bar set up for the slots on here - aw if you can see when I put this in there in my slot and might miter slot in my Delta there's some plane back and forth and that's the reason for the plungers though the plungers allow you to adjust the ball burying out a little bit take up the slack in the miter slot and get a more positive fit but I do recommend that before you do this you ensure that the sure that the slot is clean you don't want any debris in there that's going to affect the fit of the miter bar in the slot and as you can see there's some sawdust in there just want to make sure I get that out so they give you two methods to do this I've started I didn't I was kind of intuitive so I didn't bother to read the instructions and then as I went along I did read them so for the benefit of this video I'll show you both ways if you have a set of dial calipers obviously turn them on these are digital ones and then you want to measure the width of your miter slot and you want to make sure that you get it fairly tight and it's a good fit and you get a measurement and then tighten it down in this particular case my measures on 0.75 so at that point you can take the screwdriver and adjust the ball bearing so that it comes proud of the miter bar the edge of the miter water to the O seven five measurement now they recommend that you go a couple of thousands more than the actual measurement because they are spring-loaded plunger now the other method is to do nothing more than put the bar in the slot and then find your adjustments and just use a feel which in my opinion works better you now you need to install this block that is sort of your it's your stop your backstop and your micro adjust for the the miter fence and it's basically held in place with two wood screws that countersunk you run them up through the top or run them up through the bottom I'm sorry and into these pre-drilled holes and then that allows you access to the allen head so that you can micro adjust the fence to 90 degrees now at this point you want to trim your base to your saw blade so that you have a good clearance everything fits really well before you move on to any other steps next you want to attach your your miter gauge or your scale I guess they call to the edge of the board now we want to attach the back fence but before we do that we need to attach the sacrificial block that hangs out over the end of the bar the way that works is pretty straightforward you use two thumb screws and two nuts the nuts are designed to fit in the slots of the aluminum extrusion there's a piece that sticks out and there's a slot that's rounded to make allowances for that now now we have to put in the thumb screws or I should say the knobs that control the minor angle and the pivot point you okay so at this point we want to make sure that the the fence is square to the edge of the miter table or the miter sled and the easiest way to do that is obviously is to make three cuts and then measure diagonally and see if your measurements come out the same distance wise and that will tell you whether or not your sled is square so overall I'm fairly happy I haven't obviously made anything yet other than custom wood per square I'll probably make a follow-up video for you know for this item this bikes the other half as well and I'll give you my thoughts and feedback on using it as miter sled as well as using it as a crosscut sled as always if you guys liked the video please hit the like button or subscribe to my channel down at the bottom and if you have any questions feel free to put these comments or questions down at the bottom under the video
Channel: Bear Creek Custom Timber LLC
Views: 5,204
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: in-line industries, dubby, dubby miter sled, bear creek custom timber, unboxing, woodworking, miter saw
Id: 8W8VH2qRr5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2018
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