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this is dr. John Sharpsburg professor of nutrition at Loma Linda University where I've been there for the last fifty eight years but here in Magdala overlooking the Sea of Galilee we have a lifestyle center that will show you how you can live longer we have good evidence scientifically of how you can live much longer than people living now we have now done a very good study showing the life expectancy of people on several different kinds of diets those people in the general population living on the usual meat consumption program are dying sooner only 19 and a half percent of those men live to be 85 or older but those vegetarian men are doing much better forty eight point six percent of them live to be 85 or older now we know women live longer than men so in the general population thirty nine point three percent of the women lived to be 85 or more but the vegetarian women 60.1% live to be 85 or more so this is the reason that we're putting you on the very best diet here in Magdala a lifestyle center so you know how you could live longer meat is a really big problem in most countries meat is a deficient food it lacks fiber doesn't have any fiber it lacks carbohydrate insufficient carbohydrate we need more carbohydrate in the diet than we do fat and protein combined and here meat doesn't have any of that meat is a problem people who eat meat are much more actively overweight just because of so many calories in the meat people eat meat a much more apt to get diabetes three or four times more apt to give diabetes we can reverse diabetes but you've got to get rid of the meat there are so many diseases where meat is a real problem how can we persuade the people in this country to stop using all that meat the World Cancer Research Fund the agency for international cancer research says processed meat and these should not be eaten at all never that's the beat this vid dried that's been smoked that have been salted that has added chemicals like sodium nitrate these things are harmful force and so the International Agency for cancer research says because of the testicle cancer you should never eat such meats you should understand very well why the Afghan diet and the high protein diet is not for you it's not a good diet high protein diet tends to cause kidney damage we now know that in the United States for example ten to eleven percent of all the population has kidney disease and ninety percent of them don't know it because the doctor waits till your blood crack need is elevated before he diagnoses it and that doesn't happen till one of the last stages of the five stages of kidney disease the nephrologist the kidney specialist today or say we can decrease renal disease by 32 percent if in the early stages we're on a low protein diet so we need to give you a good diet as adequate and protein but is not super high like the Atkins type of diet the dietary Advisory Group for the United States government which comes every five years recommends the best diet and they recommended in 2015 for the first time that the vegetarian diet is a good diet to follow and they usually would put in what kinds of foods made up the good diet in the past few years they've always said the lean meat was part of the best diet but this time they left lean meat out because I know it's not the best thing to add in the end of diet but when it got to the high political level the head of the Department of Agriculture the head of the Department of Health together they put lean meat back in and said it's part of a good diet so the scientists are saying it's no good and the politicians are saying yes it's still good you
Channel: Migdalia Lifestyle Center
Views: 3,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: migdalia, lifestyle, center, john, scharffenberg
Id: OQvV2OdhGyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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