In God We Trust
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Channel: Scott Burdick
Views: 196,173
Rating: 4.8111019 out of 5
Keywords: Scott Burdick, god, religion, separation of Church and State, David Barton, King Christian Flag, Christian Flag, James Dunn, In God We Trust, In God We Trust?
Id: 8ucVDpmFz-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 2sec (7562 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
TL;DR: Fundies in North Carolina think that there is no separation of church and state, that we are Christians on a crusade against Islam, that a Christian flag belongs on a veterans memorial, that anyone who requests it to be removed should get the shit beat out of them and then they should "offer a Christian hand" to help them after their beating (no, really, someone ACTUALLY said that), homosexuality is worse than slavery, and that's as far as I've gotten so far. But I feel that summarizes the entire video fairly well.
If you don't want to watch it all just skip to 1:03:00. Good times.
In all honesty though, is this really worth the two hours OP?
Edit: TL;DR, with a bit more info than the title?
'P.H.D in chemistry and evangelist' an someone Google me the definition of oxymoron please?
this is two fucking hours!
America, really wtf?
i sat through the whole thing.
Lots and lots of ignorant religious people. The only thing that kept me watching was there were some reasonable people in there. There was even an occasional reasonable religious person in there.
The ignorance from the ignorant was very painful.
I live here :(