In Defense of Basic | What Does It Meme?

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“Ya basic! It’s a human insult. It’s devastating.” If you want to burn someone so badly you dismiss their entire identity, you call them “Basic” . “Honestly, I resent being called basic.” It’s an insult leveled at someone unforgivably bland; whose interests are dictated entirely by what’s trendy or in mainstream fashion, “Those are so last season!” and whose personality is no personality at all. “Hi everybody, my name is Stacey. Um, my hobbies include cuticle care and E! network.” In the peak of of the label’s popularity in the early 2010s, being a “basic” suggested a recognizable constellation of mainstream likes, such as Pumpkin Spice Lattes, “I’ll have a trenta, no foam, five shot, half-calf, no foam, pumpkin spice latte with no foam at 210 degrees.” yoga pants, or the TV show Friends. “I can’t believe we ignored the signs. All the Zumba classes, the inspirational quote in my email signature.” “Paninis from Panera bread.” But since the main identifier is an adherence to whatever’s popular, the signifiers of “basic” change with the times and the trends. “A basic bitch is just someone who likes what’s typical to like.” Today for example, the embodiment of 'basic' is the VSCO girl -- named after the photography app -- who is a modern update to the basic girl of the 2010s and faces much of the same belittlement. Whatever she may be into at any given moment, the “basic bitch” is disdained for being (as various Urban Dictionary definitions put it) an “extra regular female”, “overly generic,” or “typical and a dime a dozen.” “Fatin, the true basic bitch.” Onscreen, we can spot the Basic Girl in movies and shows old and new, through her love of “trendy” fashion, brand-name items, “Oh no, you don’t understand, this is an Alaia!” “An a-what-a?” “It’s like a totally important designer.” or pop culture. “Oh my God, I have so much to tell you!” “Really?” “Yes! Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, they had a baby and they named it Suri.” She’s conventional, and cares about how others perceive her -- a trait that today can materialize in a borderline-obsessive love of social media. Stories about this kind of character have long reinforced a common message: being The Basic Girl is bad. "Look, we don't 'hate' basic people, it's just that their taste is defined by whatever everyone else is into.” More recently, though, stories are starting to question this assumption. “You’re right. I am a basic bitch with a bag charm.” Is unselfconsciously enjoying mainstream interests really as terrible as pop culture has long made it out to be? Here’s our take on why it’s time to embrace being basic -- if that’s who you really are. “I'm super basic. I give into all my base instincts, and I've never felt more like myself.” If you're new here, be sure to subscribe and click the bell to get notified about all our new videos. This video is brought to you by SkillShare, an incredible online learning community made up of millions of lifelong learners. The first 1,000 Take viewers to use the link in our description will get a free trial of Skillshare premium membership. So check it out now, and start exploring your creativity. “You basic.” The “Basic Bitch” term was first added to Urban Dictionary in 2009, attributed to comedian Lil Duval and Youtuber Spoken Reasons, who painted this figure as fake or inauthentic. “If you bend yo ass over in all yo pictures just to make it a lil bigger knowin' you ain't got one... you's a Basic Bitch.” To be basic wasn’t necessarily female to start -- rappers like Tyga and Lil Wayne declared that they were not basic. “Don't compare to no basic bitch.” “I thank God that I am not basic.” In 2011, Kreayshawn’s song “Gucci, Gucci” cemented the “basic bitch” in the popular vocabulary as someone who was obsessed with popular brands: “Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada. Basic bitches wear that shit so I don’t ever bother.” And in 2012, teen internet star Lohanthony, known for his viral video on the subject, “Calling all the basic bitches!” defined the basic bitch as: “someone who does what everyone else is doing and isn’t their own person at all.” The early to mid 2010s were peak “basic,” with searches for “basic” hitting an all-time high in 2014, the year of the popular College Humor video, “How to Tell If You’re a Basic Bitch.” “You probably contracted your basic bitch-ness from a sorority sister. Borrowed some Ugg boots here and there, experimented with North Face.” and the Vogue article in which Emma Stone embraced being called a “Bland Basic Bitch.” “What’s the first thing you did this morning?” “Hmm...Meditated?” In these years, an online obsession grew with defining “signs” of the basic bitch and how to tell if you were (or knew, or were dating) one. “You’re into scented candles, you order your bagels scooped and you own a picture frame that says family on it.” While the concept originated in the Black community, “If you’re a Black girl and your weave is red, green, purple or blonde, you’s a basic bitch.” it evolved to take on more white preppy connotations, being associated with a fondness for brands like Hollister and Abercrombie, and of course, Starbucks. “Two years later, you’re tweeting about Starbucks, hashtag caffeine.” As The Cut identifies, other “basic” characteristics included: “Reading Jodi Picoult, wearing pink Red Sox gear, drinking Skinnygirl Margarita drinks, watching The Notebook, [and] citing faux Marilyn Monroe quotes.” In 2010, Celebrity gossip blog “Oh No They Didn’t!” released the post “Basic Bitches 101” which compiled a list of “basic” female actors and musicians and defined basic traits as things like looking “virtually interchangeable,” being famous for “doing something else than what they originally entered the entertainment business for”, or using “someone else's success as a catalyst for their own.” “People call me my sister's name all the time... and I'm like, my hair is very different than hers!” In 2013, Ms. Not Right Now wrote that ““basic” is an uncanny ability to aspire to mediocrity.”   Onscreen stories about the Basic Girl tend to suggest that basicness is a condition to be overcome -- a waypoint on the road to some realer, more worthy individuality. Typically, if the Basic Girl is pitched as the protagonist or a likable supporting character, she outgrows her basicness. “Yes, love that journey for me!” In Leap Year, the protagonist Anna begins the movie embodying the more negative aspects of basicness. She's kind of boring, “You know I don’t like surprises.” rigidly conventional, “No-no-no-no. That's not gonna work for me.” and obsessed with superficial ideas of feminine success. “I’m not gonna die without getting engaged!” Her story centers around becoming more “interesting,” as she comes to realize she wants something more original out of life than the perfect apartment with the perfect, rich doctor husband. “I had everything I ever wanted, but nothing I really needed.” Another character who shows the deep connections between basic-ness and privilege is Schitt’s Creek’s Alexis Rose. “I’m expensive sushi on a cute huge yacht, I’m a little bit single even when I’m not.” When we meet her, money and status are the foundations of rich girl Alexis’ whole identity, so she hasn’t learned to prize “individuality” or genuine self-knowledge. It’s only when she loses her comfortable lifestyle and is forced to suddenly survive “regular life” “Lots of doors open up for pretty people.” “Mhm! Clearly, as I register for community service!” that she can discover who she really is and journey out of the condition of being basic. “Part of me feels like... I’m almost glad that we lost the money.” Outgrowing Basic can sometimes be accomplished by simply choosing a love interest with perceived depth. Bianca in 10 Things I Hate About You starts off as basic, “There’s a difference between like and love. Because I like my sketchers, but I love my Prada backpack.” until she demonstrates growth by falling for a guy who isn’t popular or shallow. “You know, just 'cause you're beautiful, that doesn't mean that you can treat people like they don't matter.” Torrance from Bring It On likewise outgrows her basicness by leaning into her creativity and becoming aware of her white privilege. “Y'all have been coming up here for years, trying to steal our routines.” while also choosing a love interest who’s seen as deep and “alternative.” “So, is that your band or something?” “[Pausing in shock] The Clash?” In stories like these, basicness is a flaw that needs fixing. It can’t just be a normal or neutral aspect of a character’s personality. And characters who don’t outgrow their Basic-ness are shown in a negative light. “He’s all yours.” “Very generous, princess. And just so you know, Joey only liked you for one reason. He even had a bet going with his friends.” But if you look more closely at these characters, it’s not actually their basicness that’s the problem; it’s that their basicness is painted as entwined with a host of truly negative qualities -- like being privileged, “Over my rich, hot, dead body.” vain, “I cannot wait to visit Ryan in prison. I'm gonna wear my hottest tracksuit, and get my hair done and then be like, 'Hi Ryan.'” gossip-obsessed, “We cut out girls' pictures from the yearbook, and then we wrote comments.” or cruel: “Most people are losers.” There isn’t necessarily an actual correlation between any of those traits and basicness, though. Take The Office’s Kelly Kapoor-- a model Basic Girl. Her basicness is reflected in her bubbly extroversion and obsessive knowledge of pop culture. “Beyonce, pink the color, Pink! the person, hot dogs, basically anything that is awesome. Snow cones...” Meanwhile, she’s also manipulative, “Basically no one does anything for me anymore unless I threaten to kill myself.” self-involved, “My resolution was to get more attention.” and hooked on drama, If I was you, I would just like freak out and get really drunk and then tell someone I was pregnant.” but these qualities aren’t a result of her being basic. Eleanor Shellstrop is a bad person at the start of The Good Place, and she’s basic -- “I’m gonna sit alone in my house, watching wedding fails on YouTube, drinking margaritas through a Twizzlers straw.” so we might be tempted to associate her basicness with her amorality. But the problem isn’t her basic tastes -- it’s that she lacks purpose, moral principles, and concern for others. “See that hot bartender over there? He’s into me, and we’re going to bang it out. The bad news is it means I can’t drive you guys home.” Even after she outgrows her negative qualities and even adopts a few more obscure interests like moral philosophy, “You think just because I'm a straight hottie I can't read philosophy for fun?” Eleanor retains her love of all things basic “Of all the human stuff I've been able to experience in this neighborhood, nachos, number one, easy.” as well as her basic-girl’s exuberant self-confidence “It’s not a joke, I’m a legit snack!” So she demonstrates that a Basic Girl can even save all of humankind from eternal damnation, without renouncing her fundamental basicness. “Ya basic!” From the start, the appeal of calling someone else basic seemed to be a pronouncement of your own un-Basic-ness. “I called you basic, but I coughed over it because I’m embarrassed for you.” As Buzzfeed writer Anne Helen Petersen observed: “‘Basic’ is, at bottom, a stereotype. And like all stereotypes, we fling it at others in order to distance ourselves from them.” “Do you know how many basic bitches would kill to have the same personality as me?” The opposite of the Basic Bitch is the original and daring Bad Bitch. “You’ll never be a bad bitch.” And on screen, too, the desire to be anything-but-basic has resulted in tropes such as the “not like other girls” girl, who prides herself on the sort of individuality that Basic Girls presumably lack. The film Miss Congeniality challenges this mentality through its main character, Gracie, who reflexively dismisses the kind of typically girly and conventional girls who compete in beauty pageants. “I’m not going to parade around in a swimsuit like some airhead bimbo!” In the end, Gracie comes to appreciate that being “like other girls” isn’t all that bad. “These women are smart, terrific people, who are just trying to make a difference in the world.” Whether you identify as a Basic Bitch, a Bad Bitch, or a "Not Like Other Girls" Girl, though, it can often feel like there’s no way to win. You’re perceived as either mindlessly following trends, or “pretending” to be different by rejecting them. “You’re trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your back.” -- damned if you do, damned if you don’t. And while at first the Basic label might just feel like a harmless joke. “[Laughs sarcastically] That’s so funny.” it’s almost only targeted at young women. The “basic guy” -- essentially, a “bro”-- mostly escapes heated criticism. “Doctor, that’s impossible. Uh, only bitches can be basic.” And it so happens that basic traits commonly coincide with traditionally feminine characteristics. Urban Dictionary’s definition of the “basic bitch” even describes her as “upholding [...] the status quo and stereotypes of their gender, without even realizing it.” In other words, contempt for the Basic Girl may be rooted in sexism. “I get called a girly-girl like it's a bad thing. So I'm double the amount of girl and somehow that's *not* feminist.” The fear of being shamed for having mainstream interests can restrict young women from being themselves, during that time when they’re figuring out who they are, what they like, and how they want to express themselves. In a Teen Vogue article, Jackie Veling recounts a story of deciding whether to wear Ugg boots to work: “There was this unshakable feeling that wearing these boots would somehow erode the carefully cultivated image I had created for myself as a smart, professional, serious employee... I didn’t want to be seen as one of those girls. You know, the basic kind.” “Any tips on what to wear?” “Not that.” There are some upsides to letting yourself be a little bit basic. The Basic person’s mainstream interests allow her to find bigger communities of people who enjoy similar things. “We’re cheerleaders! We are cheerleaders!” And if there’s a great show, movie, song or clothing item that everyone’s loving, someone Basic gets to shamelessly enjoy that, without overthinking it. “I’m a basic, basic, basic bitch if there’s karaoke I’m singing Taylor Swift.” You might say the ability to consume media without feeling the need to be critical is one of the Basic Girl’s superpowers. Even more than the Bad Bitch, perhaps the truest opposite of The Basic Girl is the hipster - the character who automatically rejects everything mainstream, often going to unnecessary lengths simply to be viewed as “different.” “I really only listen to, like, German Death Reggae and Halloween sound effects records from the 1950s.” Ironically, the hipster’s tastes can be just as dictated by what’s popular. “So, you would never do what a basic person does?” “No!” “Oh! So your taste is also defined by what everyone else does?” But the Basic Girl can actually be more content and confident in herself than the Hipster or the “Not Like Other Girls” Girl because she’s not plagued with self-consciousness. “The entire city looks like Ratatouille.” One of the key traits of the Basic Girl is often that she thinks she (and her life) are pretty great. “You guys, I’m like really smart now. You don’t even know.” Returning to that treasure trove of slang Urban Dictionary, there “Basic bitch” is described as “tragically/laughably unaware of her utter lack of specialness and intrigue. She believes herself to be unique, fly, amazing, and a complete catch, when really she is boring, painfully normal, and par.” “Do you have, like, gauzy curtains and a sign that says ‘dream’?” “Yeah! How did you guys know that?” “[Snickering]” But who is this objective observer that gets to declare the Basic Girl is not as amazing as she feels? If her experiences feel special to her, isn’t that good enough? Because to be basic is to like what’s popular, often, basic is used as a shorthand for lacking personality. But what if the Basic person actually likes those popular things -- why should she hide that? “So what kind of music do you like?” “I don't know... Michelle Branch, Matchbox 20.” “Jeez.” Following trends doesn’t necessarily mean you’re mindless; it can just be a way to discover new interests that come highly recommended by others. And having common tastes doesn’t automatically devalue someone, or mean they don’t have depth. “I have other interests beside shopping.” Indeed, in The Office, Kelly has more personality than almost any other member of the office. “Who am I? I’m Kelly Kapoor, the business bitch.” Likewise, Cher in Clueless is a textbook Basic Girl in that she likes fashion, makeovers, believes popularity is a measure of worth, “I am going to take that lost soul in there, and make her well-dressed and popular.” and is at times quite shallow. “So, what did you do at school today?” “I broke in my purple clogs.” However, she’s still compelling, creative, and smart. “I’ve tried everything to convince him of my scholastic aptitude, but I was brutally rebuffed.” At the end of the movie, Cher and her friends are still being totally basic -- talking about planning their weddings and fighting for a wedding bouquet -- but it’s clear that Cher has no shortage of intellect or personality outside of her basicness. Likewise, in Legally Blonde, another underestimated blonde Elle Woods may love shopping and mani-pedis, but that doesn’t mean she can’t top her class at Harvard Law. “How did you know Chutney was lying?” “Because she's brilliant, of course.” “The rules of hair care are simple and finite. Any Cosmo girl would've known.” In recent shows, we’re at last seeing basicness incorporated as a neutral or even positive trait in characters. “You’re basic.” “All day, e’er day!” Shows like The Characters and Emily in Paris acknowledge a new phenomenon: being proud of basicness. “Calling me basic is a compliment!” Emily in Paris’ main character is initially marginalized for her love of brands, her social media savviness, and her perceived basicness. “What does 'ringard' mean?” “It means basic. He called you a basic bitch.” But it’s these same qualities that allow her to save the day, winning her the respect and affection of even her snobbiest French colleagues. “Almost 200,000 likes. Not bad!” This change in attitudes is reflected in writer Daisy Buchanan’s article for The Guardian about why she’s “proud to be a basic bitch.” Quote: “We've reached a tipping point where there is something incredibly refreshing about admitting that you love what is popular.” “In fact, do you want to know why I got that bag charm? Because my friends and I were obsessed with Gossip Girl, we all wanted to be Serena van der Woodsen.” Both on screen and off, it's time that we realize basic is nothing to be ashamed of. “Basic is beautiful!” Whether you love learning TikTok dances, can’t help but keep Taylor Swift on your playlists, or keep a spare pair of LuluLemon leggings in the back of your closet, at some point or another, there’s something common and mainstream you won’t be able to resist -- and that’s just fine. “You've got a thing for Taylor Swift. And I know because my Mac picks up your Mac's library.” “I was so careful...”   While popularity is of course not the only measure of quality, it’s also true that certain figures or creations become popular because they have genuine merit or undeniable appeal. “Paris is romantic, Christmas lights make small, depressing rooms feel warm and welcoming, and live, laugh, love, is great advice for anybody!” The Basic Girl reflects a mindset that we could all work towards: she does what makes her happy. “Do you know why people wear Uggs, Riley? Because they’re super freaking comfortable!” Instead of needlessly avoiding anything because of what others think, she’s happy to open up her Candy Crush app, retake her favorite Buzzfeed quiz, or sit down to binge Sex and the City for the millionth time. At her best, the Basic Girl is true to herself, and if that makes her boring, she doesn’t really care who knows it. “Ya basic!” “No, mom, ya basic. And that’s okay.” This is The Take. 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Channel: The Take
Views: 260,154
Rating: 4.8760676 out of 5
Keywords: basic, emily in paris, legally blonde, clueless, zombieland, twilight, schitt's creek, alexis rose, cher horowitz, the wild, the duff, mean girls, forgetting sarah marshall, the office, kelly kapoor, leap year, kreyashawn, lil wayne, tyga, the devil wears prada, the characters, starbucks, ugg boots, vsco girl, live laugh love, bring it on, scream queens, social media, pumpkin spice latte, emma stone, 10 things i hate about you, the good place, miss congeniality
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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