In Defense of Assassins Creed Unity

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something I never understood about gaming journalism is a strange way it singles out certain games for being on polished like Assassin's Creed unity for example people are having a hard time playing this game actually people reporting a lot of bugs like tivity issues yeah a lot a lot of weird things happening people's face is looking like a moon and Majora's Mask yeah yet it seems to ignore certain games such as Skyrim for the same if not worse lack of polish see local pool for some reason Skyrim is hailed as this beautiful standard for Western RPGs and while it is fun there are a number of bugs and glitches and straight up broken aspects to it even with its many releases that heavily hinder the experience meanwhile Assassin's Creed unity a game that arguably revolutionized the Assassin's Creed franchise is seen as this load of unpolished garbage despite the fact that it has one of the best stories the best customization the best multiplayer experience the best character the best gameplay and the best freerunning the franchise had seen to that point so allow me to take some time to defend this game and tell you why it's the best Assassin's Creed game if you give it a chance firstly when we're looking at any game the most important part typically is the gameplay and despite this game's world and story being excellent the gameplay is still center stage nearly everything in this game got an overhaul because of the changes made to the gameplay being an assassin never felt more fluid and efficient freerunning in previous games requires you to just hold down the right trigger and let the game work its magic the upside of this is that learning to free run and traverse a map in previous games was super easy but the downside of this is that it was a little janky at times though not too often it also made free running on fulfilling because you didn't have control over how you traverse the obstacle in front of you what I mean is that you could run forwards to a wall but you had no control over what animation you did or where you ended up after within reason of course eventually they implemented a system where you could by holding the circle or B button slide under or vault over short obstacles however the opportunity to use these tactics were typically in scripted sequences another thing that the older games lacked was a sense of fluidity yes you could get from point A to point B and look decent enough while doing it but it felt more like getting from point A 1 to point A two and so on the jumping didn't flow all the time either needless to say the freerunning system in the older games were pretty good but I had some issues and left some to be desired Assassin's Creed unity did not fix this parkour system it revolutionized it the freerunning system was overhauled as not only brand-new animations but with gameplay that completely changes the way you move and think when traversing environments parkour is now more interactive and fluid than ever with one not so simple change you can now control where you go on the y axis you can do this by holding down the right trigger to enter the freerunning mode and just holding that will put you in a basic straight forward path but holding X or a at the same time will allow you to move upwards and either circle or B will allow you to descend this change ironically gives the movement a whole new sense of verticality in previous games there was certainly some verticality to it as you spent most of the game running across rooftops but that's where my point lies you ran across rooftops most of the time in a straight line of sorts your options of getting up were either run along the side of lampposts or directly scale it head-on while getting down was either jumping from 50 feet onto another person or flipping into a haystack in unity your options of scaling a building are so much the same but the variety of animations make it a lot more enjoyable and the biggest change is how you get down from buildings getting down from a high vantage point can still be done by dropping into a hay sack or a body of water or hell you could still break your fall with another guy's back however with a new freerunning system you can descend a building with not only more efficiency than we've ever seen in the franchise but with more style - for example let's take a look at what happens when you try to descend from a tower in Assassin's Creed 2 compared to unity [Music] [Applause] [Music] see the difference that makes this system gives you so much more freedom and control over height reversal world which is especially helpful in shave sequences is the older games would often end up with me failing due to the character jumping somewhere I hadn't intended I could go into more detail but the footage is sort of speaking for itself on top of the extended freedom and efficiency in the parkour system it's also important not to forget that fluidity is a huge thing when making sure verso fun and cool unfortunately fluidity was something that the older games generally lacked and while yes you could sometimes get into a groove and feel pretty awesome it wasn't often and it didn't last very long either your flow is often interrupted by your character just halting for no reason or getting stuck on a piece of a building refusing to go up despite the fact the ledge is perfectly within reach and in unity these problems are either not nearly as bad as they once were or just flat-out don't exist personally I found the freedom and fluidity in the parkour system it'll be fun enough for me to just [ __ ] around for hours on end doing nothing in particular I know I said the word fluid a lot in this last segment but that's because it's so important it's the best way to describe a traversal system of this kind for a good comparison let's take a look at one of my favorite titles from the past few years Spider Man the traversal in this game was [ __ ] nuts and I'll let you take it guess why it's because of the fluidity of the movement you swing from one line to the next and the game adapts to where you let go of your line and where you are when you shoot out the next line it makes the movements of your character blend together and it's so cool another thing that adds to traversal is that there's a sense of freedom not only and how to get past an obstacle as we explained but what obstacles you can get past as a game lets you climb anything some games like Mirror's Edge for example only let you climb certain portions of the world highlighted in red which limits your ability to traverse a world as your path from point A to B is often linear in unity anything can be climbed from the tallest building here I can see to the low lamppost on the streets this makes a game play of killing targets much more enjoyable as you can approach a situation from literally any angle and it works well with the game's level design but unfortunately we're gonna have to talk about that later for now let's work on the combat the combat in this game is way cooler than it is in any other Assassin's Creed game because of its progression it's a system that is easy to learn and semi difficult to master I don't want to necessarily say that's difficult because then I'll be invoking the Dark Souls part of your brain and I'll likely be causing a couple flashbacks along the way I would say it's unique and with time the system is much easier to use you have your basic attacks performed pressings square which is much similar the older Assassin's Creed games but where does the older games had combat that felt too easy or too hard unity strikes a great middle ground and I think for a lot of you who haven't played the older Assassin's Creed games I think it's important to take an in-depth look at where the combat system was before unity in order to get a better understanding of what you DD really changed Assassin's Creed 2 great game can be shooting combat don't get me wrong I don't expect a game as old as this to be completely polished but the combat to the core was a little wonky the combat system is based on attacking and countering much like a lot of other action games these days in the opening city of Florence the guards are weak and as such make for easy enemies so once you get to Venice one of the later areas things start to get a little different by the time you get to Venice the guards are trained enough to block most your attacks and each enemy turns into a wall that you just whale away at until he dies or as health as low enough there are counter to kill them and some of the elite guards are even worse to save so much health that they can take a huge beating before you can take them down this leads to combat being more of a chore than an actual challenge or ordeal and I think Ubisoft knew this hence why they revamped it a little bit in Brotherhood I guess the word revamp isn't entirely accurate as it's not like they tweaked everything but they made one change that completely changed a difficulty and flow of combat introducing chained killing chained killing is the ability to immediately kill almost any enemy directly after killing another another minor thing to mention is that the counters now insta kill so with this system if you were to run into a room of 10 guys for example you would just wait to counter a single attack then go on a rampage ending the fight with ease now here are the pros of this new system combat has more flow and looks incredibly cool on the cons combat is not a challenge with this system no effort has to be put into combat so one ends up being a chore just like in Assassin's Creed 2 however now it's for a bit of a different reason whereas Assassin's Creed 2 struggled with enemies being too beefy and too numerous Brotherhood struggles with making them challenging at all the only advantage is that these older games have over unity is the weapon variety sure they're not as many swords in Brotherhood but you can fight with your fists your hidden blade sword a dagger and axe and you can even pick up enemy weapons like Spears and [ __ ] you could even pick up a broom in unity on the other hand you can only pick up one of the four classes of weapons which would be the long ranged weapons the swords the heavy weapons and the guns all of these classes follow the same animations too so when it comes to weapon variety you could argue that both games have variety though I think Brotherhood edges ahead in this case well combat now is more similar to Assassin's Creed 2 however now it's more gear based sure stronger enemies are only harder to their health in their damage output you can solve that by upgrading your own weapons and armor I like this system a lot because not only does it add a metric shit-ton of customization which a series doesn't unlocking up to this point but it also makes progression more noticeable granted there are a few issues that rise from this such as cooler gear being locked behind tedious missions or collectibles for example if you're gonna be an assassin chances are your two primary colors of choice would be either white or black the game gives you white thank God but if you want black you have to spend what took me about four hours gathering 100 collectables what is the point of that most people wouldn't have them any collectibles by the end game anyways it just feels like a bit of a missed opportunity I think it'll be better if all the gear was locked behind an in-game pay wall some gear is like this for example some of the legendary gear you can get will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars I like this because when you start the game you'll be making maybe a couple thousand for missions and side missions though as those missions get harder you'll earn more money so in that sense there is a good progression eventually you'll be able to afford expensive gear like it's nothing the gear you choose also has different stats to go along with it like melee which allows you to do more damage in one-on-one combat health which gives you more health stealth which makes you harder to detect and ranged which makes projectiles stronger and ammo more abundant other effects are set to like extra revive speed and so on weapons have stats like these too but I don't think I need to go into it the point is again gives you a ton of freedom to play the way you want so in short there wasn't a whole lot that you and you changed combat wise to the system aside from polishing it a little more and making the progression of the combat smoother more rewarding or if you don't like combat you can use the age-old trick of throwing down a smoke bomb and getting some free hits in of course there are also ranged weapons like the phantom blade which is essentially just shooting a blade on your wrist or a pistol but they also brought back things like the berserk blade which has maddening poison on it which drives its targets into a rage allowing for easy work of guards in your way or a good distraction they also have smoke bombs and other lords but nothing in this sense was made better or worse throughout the franchise so I'll leave it at that I think the biggest issue with the previous game's combat is not the fact that it was hard or that you could be easily overwhelmed by four guards is that there was no stealth system Assassin's Creed 2 from my assumptions puts all these enemies lying around because they want you to take more quiet and assassin like approach but the game has no way to achieve that other than some throwing knives I mean look at some of the full synchronization requirements and Brotherhood full synchronization for those either don't knows when you complete a mission while doing an extra requirements such as infiltrating a castle get in and it will get 50% synchronization get in without being spotted and you'll earn a full hundred percent the lack of the self system really becomes an issue in these missions because there's no way to sneak around and you have to rely on throwing knives and guns in unity there's an actual stealth mode that can be entered by pressing the l2 button leaving you to crouch and move quieter and this mode you can't be detected as easily and on top of that you get to use a cover system which is a lifesaver this system makes getting the job done so much more efficient and satisfying another helpful tool is your eagle vision which highlights important things like enemies interactable objects and other important things this system hasn't been changed at all through the franchise as far as I know so there isn't much to say here other than it's a useful tool now a lot of what I've talked about thus far has been the core gameplay on the mechanics it's based on however I think it's important to look at how these mechanics are used in the missions within the game in Brotherhood a lot of the missions were very linear you had to tale a garden eavesdrop on his conversation kill a couple guards and take down your target the issue is that the way you got to your target was stilted you got in through an open window and essentially nothing else granted the weapon you uses up to you but it pales in comparison to unity the unities missions still involved the normal use dropping and tailing every now and then but many more missions really take advantage of the sandbox at hand allowing you to interact with the world in order to get to an execute your target I think the best way to describe how well this is done is to just show you one of the missions one of the first targets you get to assassinate is located out that meticulously crafted in I'll trip down however getting in will be a bit of a task thankfully you have a few options firstly you know that the man you're gonna be assassinating will be meeting with another man in fashion area so you can assassinate that guy who's supposed to be there and take his place you can also obtain some keys from high-profile cards making it much easier to get in there are a few different ways to get in such as using the underground tunnels or maybe using your key to get through the locked door on the roof but maybe you just like to sneak in through an open window once inside your options of taking out the target are just as varied you could of course take the guns blazing route however at this level it might be a little too dangerous maybe you want to take him out from afar jump down from the higher floors to finish the job maybe you want to take the opportunity from earlier and sit in the confessionary listen to some of those files available there are also short missions where you get transported to a different time in Paris which is super cool and while these missions don't affect the story and could have easily been caught out there so cool and don't happen enough to make an intrusion so overall these missions are also really sick bottom line the open level design on top of the exceptional gameplay mechanics make this one the best in the series when it comes to this category however a big part of the style that this game radiates is due to the animations of course with the Assassin's Creed games the animations were generally pretty good granted back in the first game the animations were a little janky and whatnot but they really nailed in Assassin's Creed 2 to the point where the animations in that game were used again and again over the next handful of games and even in Assassin's Creed 4 the animations in these game felt nice and reasonable and they all had the superhuman feeling to it of course Ezio and Connor were not clearing buildings in a single bound but they were vertically leaping up a wall to a point higher than their own body so while it may not have been incredibly realistic it was much more fun to do that rather than be limited by the worlds design which in the case of nearly all these games had to be accurate to the time period the animations within unity however have been completely overhauled as your character now leaps off of buildings with incredible force and weight in contrast to the earlier games that made you feel as light is one of those hundred feathers you had to collect when he hit the ground Arno is staggered and you can see the weight of his body really pulling him down as he scrambles to his feet for the next jump it is true that in this game you can still leap an incredible vertical distance however the examinations feel like they have weight to them I mean in some cases Arno will legitimately dive to make a jump and it looks so cool every time the climbing animations have an incredible amount of finesse added to them as well which is one of the biggest changes to the animations there's a brand new sense of style and fashion that goes with these animations while still being functional and yes some animations such as this one here feel a little janky it's so far better than the other end in the series and the animation itself isn't enough to pull you out the world or make exploring not fun there is also a good enough variety of animations meaning that you won't see the same animation back-to-back too often like in previous games though with all the buildings and trees you'll be jumping from by the end of the campaign you'll know a lot of these animations inside out the movement in general is a huge reason why unity is so appealing to me as it looks great with its finessin this finesse extends to the combat animations the different animations for the sword swings calendars and clashes make fighting a real treat in a game series where it was a lot of the same animations and a lot of chain killing the different animations for the storage ranging from attacks to even the drawing of the sword from your felt all looked great with the slick sense of veteranism' to it when comparing these animations to older games they stack up relatively well with unity makin some general improvements where needed such as a variety of finishing moves these moves all look great with my favorite being these few the different tactical options such as the guard breaking push that sees Arno throws waiting to the enemy allowing him to get a hidden or even the basic counter animations look stylish and have a great impact finally the assassination kills look as great as they always have and as usual we'll have a ton of weight to them now to be fair the animations of previous games were just as good and the first to come to mind is Assassin's Creed 3 is this animations were just as well made and the kill animations in particular were like something out of an action movie though some people wouldn't like these kill animations as they can come across as low over the top but in this particular area for me I find the comparison would just be a toss up they both have their upsides and downsides forever a big thing to keep in mind is that generally speaking the animations throughout the games leading up to unity have been reused and I'll feel quite samey this is where you need shots as all the animations are absolutely new which in my opinion gives it the edge over previous games as far as miscellaneous animations go characters on the street look generally pretty good and things such as our nose clothes specifically his robes bustling in the wind as he leaps from building to building look spectacular there's even detail on things such as our nosal smirk whenever he's twirling a sword around finally the cut settings in this game looks spectacular with facial movements and facial designs in general looking top-notch and doing a great job of not leaning into the uncanny valley that we see so often these days granted cutscenes in previous games have looked just as good the characters all look great and the cutscenes in general look polished except for this frequent glitch that makes all the physics based materials such as our nose hair or coat fly up in the wind for a few frames this however doesn't last so long as to distract you but it is there long enough to know I don't know much about cutscenes or movies in general from a critical standpoint but I can at least show you some of these cutscenes and it pretty well speak for themselves something I think is a huge asset in this game is the open world after all you'll be spending the next 50 odd hours in there the architecture of Paris in Versailles is flat-out wild the amount of detail on all the buildings and the streets make the world mind-blowing the first time you see it granted every Assassin's crew game has have impeccable world design so unity isn't really revolutionising anything I don't want to talk too much about the map as you've been looking at it quite a lot by this point so I think I'll leave it at that finally a huge thing that Assassin's Creed unity added for the first and as of this video last time is online co-op you and up to 4 people can not only free roam across all of Paris but you can also do some specific co-op missions now you might be thinking that this sounds awesome and it really does however this is definitely one of the downsides of the game and this is because most of the missions are barely playable due to the lag or they just straight-up don't work at all for example I tried to do this mission and it would only let you progress when all players were in the area and this one guy just looked like he stopped playing and we had to wait upwards of ten minutes before he eventually picked up his controller and we got to carry on with the mission this mission eventually led us to an arena but the enemies that were supposed to be in the arena ended up being invisible and people just kind of died for no reason and on top of that there were bugs out the ass and my god it was a disaster another issue with these co-op missions is that they don't scale with how many players are there so there are plenty of missions are brutally difficult and time-consuming just because it expects you to be playing with three or four people so you might think out whatever rock would just don't play these harder missions who cares well I care because weapons and armor are locked behind these missions and not just one but three pieces of gear are locked behind each mission and you can only receive one of these pieces of gear per playthrough of the mission so in order to get a certain piece of gear that would totally complete your outfit you'd have to play through a mission up to three times before you get it this can take upwards of an hour and a half and it just leaves me scratching my head I understand if you want to lock a piece of gear behind a mission but why three the system could have worked better if instead of having to play the mission multiple times you can have a bonus requirement such as don't use a smoke bomb in order to get those extra pieces now I think up to this point you've likely noticed I've been ignoring the elephant in the room the biggest issue that people have with this game is the bugs I just want to say this game is not as bad everyone says I have plenty of friends who have played this game and i myself have played the game on lunch and I even played through it multiple times since then and in my personal experience the bugs that the game is quote/unquote stuffed full of are not as present as some articles may lead you to believe and my experience I saw one major bug and a few minor bugs the one major bug was where a side of a building wasn't loaded in and when I tried to enter it I fell through the world though that was a couple years ago so I don't have footage of it and any other minor bugs were the odd animation bug the first thing people think of when I mentioned bugs are the infamous missing face bug however I'm curious how many people have actually seen this bug and any others for that matter I made a reddit post to try and get a decent sample size and here are the results generally speaking a lot of people did not experience major bugs within the game one person said that they played unity roughly one year after release and didn't experience a single bug some people did say that they found issues with Arno getting stuck in the air or having weird animation bugs but nothing that was able to ruin the experience I'll leave a link to this reddit post down below so you can see for yourself what people have said another big complaint that people have is a framerate and I agree the framerate can get very bogged down at times but it wasn't enough to ruin the fun I am of course coming from a place of bias so if the footage on screen right now looks too choppy then by all means feel free to disagree I really want to emphasize that too this is just my opinion and you will likely have a different opinion and I totally respect that I'm just making this video because when I was talking with a lot of people I work they all assumed unity was a dumpster fire even though they hadn't played the game and I explained to them that's not as bad as people make it seem I thought it might be a decent idea to put all these ideas into a video I also know that this is an awkward point to say this but I want to emphasize that this is all subjective and I say that because the story and the characters in this game is possibly the most subjective part of this video so with that being said let's talk about the story and the characters the story surrounds our main character Arno Dorian who had his father killed as a child and was adopted by the father of his lifelong love interest elise teyla ser years later as an adult Arno Sousa mr. dillis heirs home in Versailles well Elise is out doing other stuff I guess until one day Arno is ordered to deliver a crucially important letter to mr. della Sera before he reaches a banquet of sorts but due to Elise coming to town Arno slips it under his office door instead and heads out to the party that Elise will be attending after sharing a romantic moment with Elise are no jumps out the window to see mr. della Sera dead on the floor while the man calls a guards a sue Arno is responsible he then gets captured and wakes up in the legendary prison the Bastille in there he meets a man named bellick who as it turns out new Arnold's father and after seeing the Arno has eagle vision offers to train him after a few months of training in the Bastille it eventually comes under attack giving an opportunity for Arnaud embellish Cape before they part ways however Bullock offers a position as an assassin to Arnaud and they both leap off the Bastille into the waters below once out of prison he meets with Elise who tells him that the letter Arnott was supposed to deliver to mr. Bayliss air was in fact warning of his assassination meaning the Ardo played an involuntary direct role in the death of his father or pseudo father with nowhere to turn Arno decides to seek out the Brotherhood for help and killing those who conspired against his father and upon meeting with Bullock and completing his initiation he eventually gets the opportunity to assassinate soother a high-ranking Templar who played a hand in the death of mr. dateless heir upon killing severe we find out that when our nose fascinates someone he sees their memories are no then gains info that severe was working with a man named Roy Bethune's I think that's I think I'm saying that right I might be [ __ ] it up I'm not French and Arnaud begins chasing after him and finds out his location through the help of a Templar higher-up named latouche along the way Arno makes friends with Marquis de Sade who advises Arno on the best way to find his target and upon killing Roy he gives Arno a Templar weapon that he found and told them blacksmith named Germain crafted it bringing it back to the Brotherhood they give Arno the OK to investigate are no tracks down Germain and finds out that a man named laughs Rene was a man who ordered the weapon and upon tracking him down Arno kills him when he informs the Brotherhood that he killed him without permission he gets scolded though they decide to allow Arno to continue his investigation after you've dropping on a Templar meeting we find out that Elise is going to be ambushed by them we say released unfortunately she's not very quick to trust our knows he's an assassin and she's a Templar though her loyalty to the Templar order after their assassination of her father and now attempted assassination of herself is being questioned we eventually convinced her to turn to the Brotherhood for help and despite the fact that our know literally brought a Templar to the assassin hideout they seem pretty okay with it Arnold's told that the Germain case should be left to a more skilled assassin though are no plans to ignore this advice after being denied assistance on reasonable grounds Elise in Arno leave and begin to discuss the investigation of her father's killer and when Arno mentions Germain Elise tells him that Germaine was actually exiled from the Templar order and upon investigating his home they find that he was not only the one who killed her father but is also planning a New Age Templar order arno and elise decide that they should inform the Brotherhood's supreme leader mere though but he's been assassinated in his own home with all evidence pointing to Elise however it couldn't have been her she was with us the whole time after a wild goose chase tracking down leads and clues we come face-to-face with Mira Bo's killer took you long enough pisspot Vleck should have known about you they'd find me well the question is what happens now black attempts to get our note to join his cause of purging the assassin order in order to reform the Brotherhood Arno declines and after a really neat boss fight we strike the lek down in our nose house while the Brotherhood to track down letters that Mayor Bo's sent to the king of France when he gets there he runs into Napoleon who tells him of a military leader who was a Templar named Riel who is directly connected to Germaine and upon assassinating him we see the he was in talks with Marie Levesque with a plan to start France in order to start a riot and dethrone the king Arno kills her and finds out that Germain will be at the public execution of the King upon heading there at Germain surrounds Arno and while Germaine is escaping Elise tells him to go after him while she deals with the guards Barno refuses to put her in that much danger after Germaine gets away Elise questions Arno's devotion to avenging her father and cuts ties with him Arnaud seeking guidance goes back to the Brotherhood's hideout but stopped by two of his fellow assassins being taken to the council which ultimately decides that due to his constant neglected the assassin code he will be exiled from the Brotherhood Arno then goes back to Versailles where he falls into a deep depression and leads him looking for answers in the bottom of the bottle until one night he wakes up from a nasty hangover and has to go on a hunt for his dad's watch the last thing he has from his father during this time we see some real badass moments from our know that give off some Batman energy and I love it where thank you eventually Lee shows up and has the watch and after giving our no pep talk they decide they'll go take down Germaine without the Brotherhood but before that he has a loose end he wants to tie assassinating latouche after that's finished he heads back to Paris in order to find Jermaine's right-hand man Robespierre but he's heavily guarded in order to make him vulnerable they plant incriminating evidence against him on a few people allowing them to turn against rebel spear an intern Germaine cuts him off now that he's vulnerable Arnaud and ELISA infiltrate his office to interrogate him and it's one of my favorite scenes in the game I sent four samba hours ago so my warned me about you you're one of them aren't you an assassin not anymore where's Jeff man Elise we don't have much time where is your mouth I will never [Music] the temple I should have known I hope you enjoy a revolution and I just dismiss you after figuring out Jermaine's location at the temple Arno confronts him at the top of the temple where we see that he's using the sword of Eden an all-powerful artifact which gives him the upper hand and allows him to escape into the temple depths once down the catacombs to give chase Elise catches up with us and they tag teaming up to take him down though eventually through the use of the artifact Germaine causes a pillar to fall on our no Elise instead of helping our node decides to try and take down Germaine herself but ultimately Arno knows she won't be able to make it and a burst of strength Arno lifts a pillar and runs towards Germaine but the sword explodes killing Elise and severely wounding Germaine in a bittersweet moment Arno slowly inserts his blade into Jermaine's throat in his memories German explains to our know that he was a sage one of the only people in the world destined to wield an artifact of Eden and talks about his struggles of living up to his destiny before we find out more he passes leaving this wild goose chase to an end in an epilogue Arno reflects on the assassin code and realizes that the phrase everything is permitted is not a rite of passage but in fact a warning that nothing is off-limits for him and his enemies our final scene is Arno entering the catacombs to seal the Templar vault while the story may not have been spectacular it certainly is my favorite my Bolivar knows the best character in any Assassin's Creed game and Elise's my favorite supporting character for sure firstly Arno isn't special sure he has eagle vision and has training to properly assassinate his targets but I mean he's not an extraordinary human the entire purpose for exploring his memories is not because he himself is special but because he came into contact with someone who is for comparison Ezio in all of his instalments was portrayed as this prophet people literally told him he was the chosen one and his involvement with the artifacts of Eden made him seem like a superhuman and seemed like nothing was a threat which mind you isn't a bad thing but it's refreshing to see a main character that's kind of a delinquent Arno messes up from start to finish and the paws directly influenced by his own bad decisions the main quest of the story wishes to avenge mr. dillis heir is directly caused by Arno's negligence Ezio never messes up he just fixes other people's mistakes the best way to explain this comparison is the idea of Arno n'est ce o--'s family s ce o--'s family dies due to templars firing against them Arnaz father dies because he neglected to deliver a letter to him his actions even get him expelled from the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood is actually another great aspect of the story they actually have a brotherhood of Paris and they explored their ideals in any Assassin's Creed game the Brotherhood consisted of a few people and their initiation inner workings were not really expanded upon in unity the Creed not only has an actual hideout but it also has more members people populate the place and the Creed has rules and if you don't follow them you get kicked out the creed is always in talks with the King and always has people collecting Intel and all this makes a story and the idea of the Brotherhood of Paris so much more entertaining and engaging I think the fact that Arnaud isn't perfect and that he makes mistakes and learns from those mistakes makes them so much more of a likable character and his charisma and one-liners really add to the enjoyability let's get your arse in position the last question is this pub I live to serve Arnold's Arc isn't perfect as he has highs and lows such as in the final moments for a comparisons sake Ezio at the end of Assassin's Creed 2 decides not to kill the man who ordered for his family's death and the deaths of hundreds of others this is because his story was driven by vengeance and by the time he makes it to him he decides us not worth it and decides to let him live on and let go of his revenge or no one the other hand completely gives in he kills Germain and he does it with a slow relieving fashion as if a wave has just been lifted off his shoulders and I like that I feel like I would do the same if I was in his position you know assuming I already killed like a thousand people up to that point Ezio also doesn't have a love interest or at least not a very good one Katarina was in the game for like 15 minutes and that was it and if we're being honest none of the assassins really do or at least they don't have anything compared to our no analyse they have a connection from the very first moment and they eventually become such a great duo and because of this her death is so much more impactful one of my favorite moments was when Arno Elise had to escape from some guards and decided to get away in a hot-air balloon but Arno couldn't get to the balloon in time so yes to chase after the hot-air balloon during a storm while avoiding guards and when he catches up he shares a wholesome moment with Elise it was nice the story is ultimately a wild goose chase but it's a good one the supporting characters like Ali symbolic really helped to make the story interesting and entertaining even on the third playthrough now and those are really all the reasons why unity is the best Assassin's Creed game in the franchise in my opinion and if you disagree with any of my points please let me know in the comments entirely open to discussion and having my mind changed as far as a closing statement I think unity has gotten the shaft a little bit was treated unfairly based on bugs there are not as common as people made it out to be don't get me wrong the game lacks polish but it's nowhere near as bad as games like Skyrim or even as a modern-day example Jedi fall in order which I may or may not get into in a separate video I want to clarify I don't think critics have a vendetta against unity or anything like that I think honestly it was just a coincidence that took off the missing face meme luckily boosted and further enforced this idea of unity being a broken game but I hope I could change your mind on that a little bit maybe you could pick it up especially considering the game is super cheap now in the DLC expansion is free because Ubisoft wants a story for releasing such a buggy game so as much as this cliche to say I don't think you need is a bad game I think it's just severely misunderstood hi friends thanks so much for making it to the end of the video I know this one was quite long I just wanted to make a few closing statements the most important of which being in this video kind of comes across as if I don't like the previous Assassin's Creed games and that is entirely not true in fact I just bought the Ezio collection and Assassin's Creed 3 and Assassin's Creed liberation remastered on PlayStation for like a month before this videos made I was actually playing these games in tandem with unity while I was making this video so I don't want you to think that I hate those games because I don't I think they're really good I do think that they have that you we saw feel to them of certain things just being a little wonky but I think it's really if they're really charming games and they're really good I also want to say that you can follow me on Twitch where I I stream pretty pretty regularly right now as of this video I'm doing a pokemon sword and shield playthrough I'm a little late to the buzzer on that one but look who came out to play you're just too cool to hang out with your friends what [ __ ] yeah so come check that out I also have other video essays that you can check out in the description I also have highlight videos that you can check out in the description and another link in the description will be to NAMM one two three nine 9's channel a lot of you guys know who he is but if you don't he makes video essays that are really good specifically his persona 3 FES video that he made is not only really long but it's really good so go check that out check out his channel for more video essays and check out the playlist below for more of my video essays and I will see you guys next time thanks so much for making it to the end of this this endeavor and I'll I'll see you guys next time next video I would say is probably going to be the two that I'm up in the air on right now or spider-man ps4 which I'll probably be praising a lot or it'll be Jedi fallen order which I'll be praising a lot but also [ __ ] on a little bit so I don't know play by your I love you guys I'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: That Boy Aqua
Views: 1,209,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aqua, Nolan, assassin's creed unity, assassins creed unity, assassin's creed (video game series), assassin's creed, assassins creed unity gameplay, assassins creed, assassins creed unity ending, assassins creed unity campaign, assassins creed unity lets play, Critique, review, assassins creed unity review, assassins creed unity analysis, assassins creed unity essay, video essay, analysis
Id: S0F9j7JFoiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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