In conversation with: Navin Reddy from Telusko

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so this video is a little different today I had an opportunity to talk to Naveen ready Naveen is a fairly prolific and popular content creator on YouTube who makes Java tutorial videos he manages and leads a YouTube channel called telesco which you might have heard and the videos you might have seen he has a lot of good content on Java and blockchain is something that he's working on I had an opportunity to talk to him today so before the interview I told him I don't know if this is gonna be beneficial to any of my viewers but as a fellow content creator these are the things that I want to talk to you about so Naveen was gracious enough to talk to me and answer some of my questions this conversation I had a lot of value to me I've shared this in case it adds value to you Naveen share some of the stats about software development in general specifically for people who are fresh out of college and getting into the industry Levine lives in India and he's kind of familiar with the pulse of the job market there the freshers getting into the software industry and all that stuff so ask him some questions specifically about the job market in the software industry in India so if you are in India that aspect of this interview will hopefully be beneficial and provide some insights to you so in general I really enjoyed this conversation talking to a fellow cartoon creator on YouTube and I hope you like it as well I wanna start off by kind of learning a little bit about about you I have seen the Naveen Radeon telesco YouTube channel but I want a little bit of a background like what they vary from what is your journey to kind of get into this world of teaching computer science and programming and Java and all that stuff so I started my career when I completed my master's in IIT I wanted to be a developer I also wanted to be a trainer not as a trainer but you know when in colleges when I used to give seminars and then I used to take presentations I used to feels very happy I don't know why but it used to give this some positive back yeah so this is something I love but on the other hand I wanted to pay developer as well I was good with Java I mean kind of compared to my college mates that's maybe I was overconfident so when I joined my first job it was tricky because you know I joined a service-based company in India and you as you know that what happens in service with companies so I wanted to get a job project I want you to get up at least one project where I can show showcase my development skills but unfortunately I quite into a project where I was not able to showcase my skillset and then every day or every weekend I used to talk to my manager by saying hey I want to shift to different project whether I can I showcase my skills and you know they were like okay wait for six months in your company or this period so that we can shift in your new project I was like okay let me try and then there was a point I felt you know I'm losing my track because that's what happened when you as a developer when you don't get to work on the projects you will lose that job absolutely yeah so maybe after three months I felt that thing in me okay so I'm losing my charm let me just change my company so I left that company I was I have signed a board of two years but still my for me my career was much more important than those that signed bond I left that job I joined a start-up and that's where I didn't realize that you know a development gives I mean when I walk on the project it I used to feel very happy I used to get excited while working and we all know that when you deploy the project for the first time the enterprise project we are on different level and at the same time I got an opportunity to train my juniors so when they join a company so I was responsible to teach them out you know giving them the previous knowledge what have what happened with the project and what can I do and they should like my teaching and that's when I got the conference ok so I this something I can do in my my future and I got the opportunity to train in different companies as well through my managers so he point he told me ok this is under the company of his friend they also need someone who can you know help their their junior Chinese and I went then I given my first training and then day by day I was I was able to take more trainings and there's a point I felt it's time to start my own business not exactly because I'm not a business person I'm not into money-making business but it was more of doing something of my own I was thinking about joining I mean opening my own glasses or Institute but that is something I can't able to manage it's because it's a big logistic issues on the other hand I was thinking about you know giving corporate trainings because it's a different feel you know when you go to a big company and give money to new journeys they are excited you were excited so everything goes well and I started with that I went to defend companies as a trainer and there was a point where I was giving her training to the one of the company and at the same time there were two classrooms I was in one classroom and the other that resume was had a different trainer and we have been instructed not to teach anything extra so it was a service miss company again and how do you define what's right it's not like you have a syllabus of any sort right like what we unfortunately unfortunately we had a syllabus okay so it was the Java Java Java cause mode of spring hibernate and so those things and they have given us all the pivot ease and the exact content and we were not supposed to do anything extra just teach the thing which is then the pivot ease and in the content I was doing that you know controlling my emotions because as a trainer it's always difficult to control our emotions because they might be different questions from the audience and unfortunately one day one of the participant asked me a position which was not part of a syllabus I was like okay let me just keep they could skip this question but then later I felt bad about this how can I skip a question I'm a trainer I'm responsible to in order to answer all the questions and then in the break time I mean before the break I answered that question but again I was in the I was at the flow shop just answering the question I also talked about something else and doing the break both this class so much the cafeteria and they were discussing about hey you know Lavine has talked about these things and so this this matter escalated to the manager and then the supervisor he came to me and say hey you're not supposed to talk anything extra I said okay I'm sorry I will try my best to do that and that's where I felt you know as a trainer no one should be controlling you you if you want to eat something it should be open for you and that's where I thought let's start with YouTube because no one can control you on YouTube so if you want to share something you have the audience to share people who love you they will watch your content otherwise there are trolls they will not watch your content and that's fine they will give you a view I started with YouTube and then every day I used to think okay this is something I know the people shall we do this is something I know let me publish a video or this is something I don't know let me learn and publish up with you so that's how I started and moving finally I was doing projects as well and now at this point I'm moving from projects and corporate winning more towards online content because I felt there's so much of need for online content especially for new technologies like blockchain because it's you know it's been ten years from launching the industry and other countries they are able to rise up to this technology but not in India in India we have this issue of you know if you go to some areas they will teach you blocking for fighters of the piece I don't know if you know that area name but it's very famous in in India you heard about a meal pate right I have heard yes I don't know where it is just okay yeah okay it's in Hyderabad it's neither of our they just go to that India and you will find a Buddha no learn blockchain in 5,000 rupees okay so this I heard the name I made paid before is it is it like a a city or is it more of like an urban area so in in Hyderabad there are different it's a small place in Hyderabad where they have one of HQ it's coaching Institute's I have you heard about do the soft or the - IIT by any chance I've heard of the aggressive but not the other one yeah so they're Italian so the entire ladies of classes they have to solve their British ID so I got the opportunity to go there I mean just to visit that area just to see how things are there talk to some of these students there and then there were some people were happy that they have joined this big Institute's and some of them were very sad that they I mean I mean there are some negative sides of that as well maybe we can take that in some other calls yeah is that training good though or not some trainers are great some of them just making money there see that's the thing that's for the Institute's right it's it really depends on the trainer that you get you have all these big Institute's promise things like ok we're gonna teach you with this XY and Z but then when you go join it it's like you have they have ten people in the staff teaching and whoever you have the fortune or misfortune to get as a teacher your whole experience kind of depends on that so yeah yeah that's tricky and if you're not fortunate you might be getting a trainer who will do motivate you more so yeah however the the story that you talked about like your your whole journey right that kind of like the story of your journey it it a lot of things that you mentioned kind of resonates with me there are some similarities with the way I kind of got into it as well and I totally agree with your kind of like I understand your sentiment of being controlled when you teach because in my opinion and let me know what you think I feel like teaching is more of a creative endeavor it's not something that you do like for example for let you listen coding for example right we need code you have this one aspect of it like okay you got to make this program work and then there is a second aspect of it which is the creative part which is I'm not just writing code to get the results that I want I'm writing code which is elegant which is maintainable which is readable which is kinda like a joy to read and maintain right so there's a creative part to it I think that is true for teaching as well so if you have like a syllabus and say okay you got to do just this you are not just you know restricting the teacher you're limiting the creative potential and so you're the teacher is not able to read the room like you said and they can't say okay like this room has this question let me answer this one question and that will make whatever is in the syllabus make more sense even if that is not in the syllabus right it's like it's all tied together knowledge is and networks you can draw a strict boundary and have those limitations so yeah it definitely definitely kind of understand what you mean when you said that so um let me ask you about your card for a training experience so when you say your you did corporate training are you still doing corporate training I still do but then the number of trainings I take now is I mean so let's say in the earlier days of my career I should take around 10 to 15 20 exposure now I take when they went on to dad also given up on company so I want to skip that because when I go to corporate training I can't actually focus on my YouTube work called online content because there's a gap it's let's say in the month of July event for that training and so it's a training of one month so when I go there I can't actually touch my YouTube because I have to be there from 9:00 to 9:00 or 9:00 to 9:00 to 7:00 and even if before the training I have to prepare because you can't simply go there and take a session of course you have to check marks and things okay there's something I have to talk about and I can't touch the YouTube for one month and that's where the issue starts because when I come back I lost my momentum and it take around one week for me just to get into that momentum again to make videos and to prepare my own content maybe it's just me all which happens with everyone you know I lose everything so maybe there's a short term a loss really happens to me that totally happens to me you know what happens with me it's like when I'm making content right I try to batch them together because when I let's say I have plans for like I don't know like an hour of content okay so I bash them together because the first 15 to 20 minutes of me trying to teach something to a camera it's crap it doesn't come good at all right after 15-20 minutes to half an hour that's what I kind of hit my stride in like okay now what I'm saying might make sense to whoever is listening you know just speaking gibberish so there is totally this thing called moment and not just in terms of how many you know like four or five days working together but even in a single day I feel like there is momentum in like you know if you spend two hours working on content together versus spending like five minutes recording something another fine regarding something is it's never going to come out that for me that's why that's why oh I've tried to skip very good but that's what I'm trying to reduce the number of waiting I take so I only work with those company now which where we have a good no typo so in fact I also say no the term sometime but you know they have this thing they don't wanna take it resist with new tweener so okay how do you find the restrictions in corporate claiming do they have a syllabus as well can you go out of syllabus there some company yes in fact when I go for it waiting where you have multiple classrooms so at the same time they have three to four batches running together and they have to follow 'slap-ass if I go to a company where I mean busy rapid applies companies where they don't have a syllabus they just say hey this is a batch they don't know Spring Fling but they don't know let's say blockchain take are twinning and it's it's depend upon me how I want to start they will give me 10 days 15 days or maybe 20 days in fact they also ask me how many days you need and then they also negotiate okay so if I said 20 days or they will say okay I can you 2015 things then I have to plan my curriculum or my you know flow based on what number of days they give and it also depends upon the background of the audience so let's say there were 30 or they already have worked on some projects or some different frameworks and now they want to switch to spring so again it to flow changes so they don't know anything how to I think take a training so they gave me all the Liberty do whatever you want but at the end of this training they should be able to work on a project and I do it that way and enjoy I enjoy this type of paintings it's risky because you know even you're not sure it's your content you're not sure the background and what projects are going to work on but still you have to and of course I changed my curriculum in between as well so let's say after five days I realize hey this is something's not working if you change a flow so we do that maybe some audience get to know it okay they are like oh something is changed and some people I questions going off flow okay oh this is what they are going to that today that's great so enjoy this about paintings where I get the opportunity to have my own curriculum so between corporate trainings and making YouTube content what do you prefer YouTube all right read from what you're saying so far it is that it actually depends you know when I take classroom training I enjoy a lot because that's where you get to do interaction with the audience in on YouTube yes it's a great platform but then when you make a content when you prepare a content you are actually talking to a camera and I mean of course you have this experience it's kind of weird I mean of course after five to six years I get I got too used to it looking at a camera but it's fear still now when I make a video I don't know how they will react because in the classroom when you talk about something you can see the reactions okay this what you think they are getting this what their understanding or maybe if they are getting confused they will they will tell you by the expressions you can't do that in camera you don't even know what you're teaching is making sense to them and after putting a video we have to wait for one hour just to understand hey okay so no based on the number of likes dislikes of cared or be based based on the comments you get so if someone is saying hey this was confusing and it happens with me at this point as well when I make a video there's still a question map will they understand what I'm talking about so yeah totally agree it took me a long time to get used to showing myself on camera a lot of the initial guys I was doing with your screen recording it's a little easier to do screen recording than talking to a camera it's it's hard for people to understand how difficult it is if they haven't done this before it seems natural when you see the finished product but if someone has not done just talking to the camera style of a video it's super embarrassing ice totally see what you mean the other problem with YouTube videos that I found is that you get people from various different levels or accessing that video who are watching that video you might you might get like let's say you make a video on a spring framework a topic on Spring Framework right you might give someone who's totally new to spring you might get someone who has some knowledge of spring and they you know they want to learn this other thing you might get someone who has some previous experience was going to those trainings paying $5,000 for 5,000 rupees for the Spring Framework course and trying to get more information so it's like you have people with various different levels and when you're creating content it's hard to tailor it so that it appeals to all of them right so you need you need to address some level that you need to assume some level and create content yeah that's what I find super difficult every time I make content yeah in fact when I was making videos for Java or Python series one of the most viewed video series on YouTube so when I was making those that that cause it was not something I planned it to make a video for Python it was more of the demand from the audience so they were like okay you have made our videos now we want Python from your side I was like okay I'm not into Python development but still I thought once you know Java you can actually learn any language in one week so I learned Python I made some projects and start making CDs so I started making series it was difficult for me to understand who will be watching these videos will it be a corporate people who's watching this or maybe students who into much wanting to machine learning and they have a Paley acquisitive learning Python all school students in fact I was not knowing about this but in schools now they are teaching Python and it turned out that most of the views which I am getting this from is from schools and that's why I have to change my you know after making 10 to 15 videos then I realized hey I have to think about all the levels now it's not just about those people who are into machine learning or they are working on Python I have taught so focus on those students who are into schools now that's that's interesting I didn't know that so you're you kind of got into Python content creation as a result of people asking for content yeah is there something you look at like you know see what is the what is the demand pay attention to the likes and the dislikes if somebody says ok this this video sucks or something like that you do you go examine the video and say ok is this is this really bad or something like that like what's your process behind getting that feedback in terms of okay there are two things one is so when I make a video I have to understand two things one is the is will this video get views I mean that's something I used to think about before but now I don't think about views because I have learned something when you make a video initially you will not get views especially the type of videos of content which we create example your video which is about spring or now even if you get let's say 1000 B views or 2,000 views now that doesn't matter because in future all these videos will get a search view so that when when to search about spring wat your video you pop up and you will get views we are not someone who created entertainment content which people will watch once and they will go away so now I don't think about use I just make videos and let's see if even if I get a views that's great otherwise let's wait and watch the other aspect which is if I make a video and as we as I mentioned before I have to understand if I'm making a video is it making sense to audience and yes I'm shaking like I used to feel bad about dislikes before you know I want my videos to have minimum dislikes but then there was there was a period of my I mean last - la 2017 somewhere every time I just have upload a video I used to get more disliked than nights in first five minutes so maybe I used to get 3 likes and 10 dislikes I used to get confused why these dislikes and then I realize these are there's a concept of trollers that is a concept of spammers haters so maybe they have created multiple channels or take comments just to dislike the videos but then it stopped now why why would someone do that I don't get it I don't know I don't know so but now it's not happening at least yeah things are going good I honestly don't understand why someone would would have maybe dislikes make sense if they actually encounter the video and they don't like it then I'm open to people dislike that stole the reason why the dislike button exists but why would that so why would people kind of systematically dislike all videos I don't get that but yeah it's maybe maybe there I don't know I I do I do see some some dislikes in the first few minutes of some of my videos right I upload a video the first few minutes I it's like I know you haven't seen this video because this video is 15 minutes long and it hasn't mean 15 minutes and separate it how can you possibly either like or dislike this video I don't get it anyway people do what they want to know something like okay so we got a new video from Pisco this must be bad so the the other thing so going back to be a corporate training versus beauty video concept we were talking about oh this is a struggle that I've been having I used to create videos in a course format okay so I take a topic and then I say okay I need to make around like 15 to 20 videos so that I cover this topic in depth and it has this nice progression right first topic first video is an introduction second video I talk a little bit more hands-on you know building a project in entirety to a finished quote-unquote finished stage yeah but the trend today seems to be on YouTube to create these short videos which are standalone and then you just watch for like five minutes and then you get something out of it and then you're done what are your thoughts about that are you is that something that you would consider doing is that something you're already doing by the way what do you know about that okay now this is something I even have seen so I remember you when I mean you uploaded Java 9 videos that's some values so that for that was first and you showed your face right on spread so I know I was a bit vial back I think it was Jack Cyrus oh yeah I've been showing my serve on and off so often but yeah so when you up in the Java now maybe there were some series which you updated all the videos at the same time yes so I don't mean introduced of two days you have updated all the videos alright that's a course coordinate so in fact I used to think about those things so let's say if I make a goes on that's a maybe job again so this one day you can make a CDS the way you have on udemy or on different platforms you can you know you can have all the videos then and all these divisions are dependent on each other so maybe if you want to watch the first fifth video you have to make sure that you have watched the fourth video right so it is a dependency and it makes sense to have those dependencies in a platform where I mean that's not like you'd I mean or if you have your own back for example have my platform is just a squat form right which is a page which when I have some paid courses in fact now it's only two so if you buy a course of course you know that you have to watch all the videos then it will make sense but youtube is be different now YouTube is more of people do search your videos right example it's a they want to know about how polymorphism works so they will not search for Java tutorials there is such a polymorphism and then if they want to watch your video it should not be dependent on the previous video right now luckily what happened with me is when I started my YouTube thing I have never thought about making the entire course my main motive was to make videos so I did some videos like what is polymorphism what is encapsulation there was never a thing what you say a plan to make the entire pose then I realize people don't search for Java pose they search for some points that maybe there were there learning jobs from somewhere and then in the classroom let's say they joined some Institute and then they were not able to intersect polymorphism they will go to youtube they will search for the particular topic and and that's why it makes sense to have a video which is standard one so they don't they should not be dependency on the previous video but yes you can you can still say hey once you have watched this video now wait for the next video well we'll think about some advanced things yeah yeah no that makes sense I don't know if you can see me now I mean but I have lost your video yes there was the loss yeah okay here you are you're back yeah so I have been doing this thing called brain bytes you know your brains brain bytes so it's basically short videos I'm kind of trying that format so it's it's always tricky when you want to cover advanced topics do you ever know you don't want to start from the beginning every video you create so it's a great I mean I got to try some other platforms I mean just wanted no you're uh yeah I I've thought about it how is udemy worked out for you which platform you do you that you do mean Udacity so I want I wanted to go on to the site before but then they have one of restrictions see if you are a developer and if you are not I mean at least if you're not on youtube through the site and all this platform makes sense because they want your course should be published only on that platform but that's not the case with the daimyo that's not the case with a chip so it's open platform right now in terms of you Danny udemy is good but then when you Weiss is not that great because they have defined offers which is running and and one thing I realized about udemy is too I mean if someone if you want someone to buy your course you need to have good reviews and that reviews most of time is fake people buy reviews in fact I quite some of the mails from some companies they saw my course on udemy and I've got a meal that do you want to increase your ratings that was like like okay so I have not went for that but it's tricky right I mean you can get a review by just by paying and then you're basically fooling people that you have a post which is great so dumb is good but not in terms of not compared to other platforms so it was just an experiment for me just to see how you tell me will work out but now I want to focus more on my own platform and that makes sense for youtubers because there are already females right they people do to follow them people know that you know if you there's a post on Japanese of course pretty great then why do you want check for the reviews I feel like for platforms like udemy in Udacity the value add that they bring is a distribution they get your content and say you know can I give it to people who are looking for it so if someone does not have that brand it doesn't have followers like you know the youtubes you know people like you said it makes sense for them to use those platforms to reach out to people but you're someone who already has subscribers on you who have who you know people know that content I feel like if you were to go to Udacity or udemy you're probably gonna give do them a favor more than they would be doing you a favor by you know putting the content on certain people so I think you know if you put your content that I think they should be paying you more than they probably this is what happens with Python series so last week I published a Python goes on it I me the same course which is available on YouTube the problem is in some of the companies YouTube is blocked they can't watch my videos so what I did i upload did the same course on udemy but paid pose same content which is there on YouTube for free but it will be paid on udemy now the idea is everyone can watch it now I wanted everyone to know about that course what I did I shared that link on my YouTube and now I got around more than 2,000 enrollment so again I'm promoting gonna be on YouTube now so that's what happened yeah it's like you're doing more work for them than their for you but yeah it seems strange that people are paying money to watch content that's for free you know what I found really really weird there were a few illegal download sites where my content was uploaded oh I don't even have a pay wall right there were they were torrents and illegal downloads where they had taken all of my spring content and there coz you know it's like where they share a lot of other paid content as well someone told me that I checked it out there they've published all my content for download like man what are you doing this is available literally for free why would you wanna make it package it illegally in a Florida it doesn't make sense anyway so I want to ask you about you know eking of this kind of like this thread of videos that people need to watch right for service let's have any create a course on Python or anything else for that matter I know that different people drop off at different times right so let's say you have a course which is 15 meters long or 20 videos love some people watching all the 20 videos some people wonder 10 15 some people just watch 2 3 and drop off what is your experience beam with drop F is that something you think about do you plan your course so that you kind of try and carry the viewers through to the end or is it something that you know you've accepted as ok this is the fact of life there's nothing can be done about it maybe this is something to do with YouTube I mean see I mean when people want to learn something they have different mindset so maybe some people are very determining that they want to learn this maybe that's why they go to paint platforms but some people are like more of they just want to see how Python looks like so they will just go to youtube and solo Python ok first video awesome not this Python I I know about Python second video ok hello world and now I know how to learn hello world third video addition of two numbers okay now I know how to add how to I two numbers and that's it I know Python now so they wouldn't have enough pipe in front of me I'm done okay that's why they are dropping out yeah I wonder how much of it is because it is free on YouTube people don't tend to value something that's free you pay you pay money for a course you're likely to kind of stick through it and like okay I paid this much money I might as well watch the whole thing but a new tube which agrees like yeah I can come back to it later and people don't know cut apart they have studied some series and then in fact when I I bought some of the courses on udemy two years back and I don't really one remember which causes I bought so every time I go to udemy I guess I can see their faces okay this is of course I bought at least have to watch it now yeah so maybe that's something paid that phones gives you cancer they send a reminder emails and all that so you should do that do you see which actually I think is the other way around you have somebody who's determined to learn spring or Python they go to YouTube what shows up in the recommended field it is probably some match highlight video probably some movie video so even as the person goes to youtube with good intent they get distracted by all this clap story go down that rabbit hole and Java and Python is out of their minds I have seen the happier with myself so I can empathize in the viewer so we're trying to learn on YouTube it's a change it's a tricky platform I wanna ask you about kind of like the accompanying material that you do either in corporate training or on YouTube udemy or whatever else like what would you recommend like a viewer if you were to if a viewer were coming to you and saying hey how would you warn me to consume your course do you want me to just watch your videos do you want me to do exercises projects what would your advice to them be okay no this is a great thing you know so I when I was in my college when I was doing my graduation of a post graduation I used to believe you know just watch the video or just read the book you understand everything but that's what is happening in the schools as well so if you want to know something just with the book and you're done with that but then maths is not something you can you know you can read and you can learn and that's so in my ten standard idealized okay match is something you have to practice and that's what a lot of people hate match because you have to practice that's not the case with the history geography the same thing is carried for programming as well or any technology for that matter you can't watch videos and you will know everything you try to have seen people they just watch the entire series like it's a Java Python spring and they believe that they know things then you don't know things you just have my hearted these syntax you have my I take the flow of the concepts in fact I've talked to some of the professionals they they claim they know Java and I was like okay from when you have learned it maybe they have learnt it from some different platforms and the moment they start walking on a quartic actually can't code because they know everything they know about an encapsulation they know how Spring Framework works they know about how to use JWT in spring but they kind coil they can only code those things which are there on YouTube so let's say then they watch your video now they know how to connect this application with this thing at how to customize it oh we have to ask for so this is something you can't actually watch videos and learn you have to practice and not just those things which we have done so maybe the code which you in fact we people do that they watch the content and they also practice but with that you have to also practice your own questions maybe this is something I was thinking about to give there more assignments they can work on the assignment against up with the assignment so that I can verify but on YouTube you can't do that you know you'll be getting millions of assignments every day so you can do that plus even when you write a small code you're not sure if you actually know it because reading a small cone is very easy nowadays even if you go to Google and search for up code and we have this amazing website Stack Overflow which gives me everything so if you really want to enjoy that you have to build a project and that's what I have learned when I made my first project I was thinking it was it would be easy so when I was doing my Master's I was supposed to make a project for for my is you know the semesters and then when I started working on the project I thought it will be a small project but everyday it was expanding like and I was thinking this will be my project but then every day I was adding some extra features round and round and round and then the end it got so big even the examiner he was not able to see my entire project he was like okay I got your project and that's it so then I realized into in that inner circle I have learned so many things and then I caught the confidence okay now I can work on a project so you can't actually watch a video and practice small examples just to learn something make a project may be a dummy project will do at the start but try to build real project with other people's requirements because when you have your own requirements you change your requirements depend upon the coal which is going on but let's say if you go to NGO if you talk to your family members they will be having some project they might be reading some software so you can build that and that's where you look at the confidence that's what i always recommend my audience to do I've always felt like the skills that we learn in programming is not just about writing code but also about figuring out when code doesn't work right it's like imagine how much time Lika a professional software developer how much time they spend actually typing out the code versus the bulk of time is spent reading the code and also to figure out why the little code the dev type is not working it includes searching Stack Overflow it includes reading error messages it includes kind of anticipating what kind of errors could happen these are not things that people can learn from any YouTube video I've had comments where people have said oh this course is great never washed it and I don't have to read a book or read anything else like no that's not the point please do read the book or please do go explore advanced stuff this is just this is just an introductory you know knowledge so yeah that's that totally makes sense and yeah I think I think we should be adding projects and hands-on work to video courses you've inspired me to do that now so thank you for that we can do it together sorry say that again we can do it together you can be yeah sure I'd love to do that we can definitely take this out the problem that I see there is a lot of people who watch my video I feel I don't have the data behind this but based on the questions that they ask and based on kind of like the the interaction the comments and all that stuff I get a feeling that a good majority of the people are trying to learn something just to get a job it's not like the people who are in a job and they're trying to level up their skills it's basically like okay I want to get a job so I have an interview coming up in a few couple of weeks time so let me watch as many YouTube videos as possible so that knowledge yeah anything that I can do so that I don't have to actually code till heaven love the skills that's something that I think you know it's it might work it might work in the short term but it's not a good long term strategies we don't want to be doing that I do want to ask you about the kinda like the job situation speaking of jobs I am it's been a while since I've been to India and kind of gotten myself familiar with the job market there I did spend a good amount of time writing software and India but it's it's been a while so what are you thoughts about the job market there is it is it is it booming is it saturated as they demand for freshers people out of college what do you think about that demand is high till now as well in fact lot of companies they are have those issues with layoffs now in fact all these services companies they are facing issues recently cognizant also maybe they have they have layer of people the main issue which I find is the industry is changing very fast even in India as well of course India always follow us what is happening in us now will be happening in India next two to three years and the same technology will emerge here as well but what people don't understand is they are striking critic charges which are oh it may be example let's say no for Android Market they are moving from Java to Portland even Google is promoting 14 now but still people are sticked to each other I'm not saying job is a bad language in fact I am a geographer you know it always feels bad when you when something knowledge replaces Java but you have to accept the fact you know if you want to survive in in and mean I enjoyed it's time to move from Java to partly maybe you can do it badly but also learn partly then they got flutter now if you want to make a cross-platform application of course you have to learn flutter otherwise your company will say hey we want to make both the apps and you not able to do that so we PDP will need someone who can do it and then they will kick out of you from the office and then you then you will say hey and if something is going wrong in India you will blame the government you will plane everyone around you it's your issue right you have to update yourself you can't this is this is a field where you have to update yourself and this is something people are not understanding some people do understand they have to upgrade but there is easy enough to do that they have other excuses there that they just got married they have kids now maybe they want to enjoy their life maybe they want to spend the weekend somewhere I mean that's fine if you want to enjoy your life in weekends do it but what you are doing in weekdays why you're traveling two hours to your face change your company you know so that there ways you can operate yourself but people always find excuse my not to learn on your technology now for freshers of maybe lot of people not able to get a job the employment rate of the still going down a lot of unemployed I mean you can blame it in colleges you can blame parents they are forcing their kids to do engineering still till now as well they have some other interest but you know we have this huge demand for engineers on the other hand you can also plain students they I mean of course students always blames their college that they don't have good teachers they don't have good campus placements see when I was doing my graduation even the college term where I did my graduation we were not having any place any placements the second teachers were not that great to be proud of some people still blame the college that because of the college teachers they were not able to do something in life but you have to realize we are not in 1980s where you have you have to depend upon your teachers you have to depend upon books now it's a open network right you can learn anything for free we have YouTube platform we have great channels we have other platforms has very very can pay a non-final rupees and you can junk their typos maybe you will not everything you will not learn everything but at least something to get started you have to appear yourself you know you can't simply just by dependent on your Pollitz course and this is with marks as well still a lot of people focus more on marks then skill set and I have made it tons of videos on this you know don't focus on your marks focus on your skill set marks are important but if you don't have a skill set no one will hire you of course after two years of experience now it will ask you hey what degree you have done or how much marks you got in your college no one will do that in fact when I go for corporate training no one asked my degree what they ask me is how much experience you have or can you take this training that's it I think this is some computer science field is is is kind of unique in that sense because you don't see this in other industries I think the reason why college is kind of almost redundant these days is because it's it it's very hard for the academic area to catch up with the advancements in technology right that is the whole Academy the concept of colleges and syllabus and professors it's all modeled around the kind of topics like uh you know the other sciences where things don't change overnight here in computer science things do change overnight and the way we have structured the academic curriculum and the process is not meant to handle this they cannot handle this I mean I was actually surprised when you said you know the school kids are taught Python because that would have taken a significant amount of effort to change the whole system is not meant for that kind of a change so yeah I think I get what you're saying so do you feel like the you know you talked about layoffs do you feel like the main reason why that kind of a shift is happening is because you have people still stuck with outdated technology and they're not trying to you know get up to date they're not trying to improve their skills do you see that as a major factor a bit you can see if you have that skill say company will not remove you because company never removes the assets they also they always remove the libels they want to reduce the liability and they want to increase the number of assets and if you if you're one of them who is getting laid off I'm not saying that's one of the only reason you're laid off because maybe company is going through a very bad phase they have to remove most of the employees or maybe they are closing the entire division of course you can't do anything for that but one of the factor is you don't have that skill set that company thinks that you will add value maybe they have given you some choices as well before and if that is the reason then you can blame yourself otherwise in India as well a lot of companies they are taking huge risk by hiring pressures and they offering the senior employees maybe just to reduce the cost because one senior employee will charge 3x or 5x of deflations okay so that's higher far more precious than one Cydia that's that's definitely a decision made by a corporate person I can tell ya I was gonna ask you nothing is there anything you can do about your video the video is kind of dropping in quality a little bit occasionally you know I'm saying it's not player from your so maybe the network is not that great for myself I'm just check my okay this is dropping as well it's not dropping but it's super pixelated yeah okay do you have a wired connection anova or a wireless it's a wireless connection here okay should I be using my Dexter I should am I using laptop to cool life because the entire setup here is on my laptop so I will spray in the so my texts are sitting somewhere else which is the editing machine okay I've seen your live content that the quality is pretty good so I don't know if it's it's it's that or something else but it's it's SuperDuper pixelated I don't know maybe it's hangouts that's the problem yeah maybe I was gonna talk to you about the kind of self computer science curriculum that start in college it's very encouraging to know that kids are being taught Python when I was in college we weren't taught any computer science at all but if I share more details I'll give away my age and I don't want to do that the first I've been told I look young for my age right it's in my best interest to keep my age a mystery I've been so when I was in engineering right I did computer science engineering and the first computer science computer science programming topic subject was programming in Fortran okay so and that was at the time was considered like why are we learning this outdated language right why don't we learn C which is which is cool so it's I'm happy to hear that it's kind of moved from Fortran to something like Python it's it's it's wreaking it's encouraging but do you have any sense for like what other topics are taught for someone like a computer science graduate which might be applicable when they join the job because they always feel that there is this huge disconnect between someone who comes out of college and then they go join like a an MNC or whatever it is like full-on software developer and they don't understand half the things because they were never taught it what do you think okay see I mean I have seen some of the curriculums of some of the colleges I got this opportunity to visit some colleges for seminars in fact from some of the colleges I also caught the syllabus for the verification or what you say Corrections if they want I mean they were changing the curriculum so they have signed me they can do by them to to add something new now when I look looked at those curriculum I thought about these things the first one is some of the colleges they are not even thinking about changing syllabus I understand the first problem is even if they are played there's rappers who will teach it they don't have teachers who can upgrade themselves because there's a mindset of most of the college teachers nowadays they don't want to learn something new I mean they have worked very hard in their Intel young age I mean they have learn different technologies now there are the preachers of a college now it's that's done that's that's life said for them they don't want to learn something new to teach and even if their data slap us with a new subject to a new topic know is there to teach the second issue is even if you change the syllabus what changes you are making of course you want to introduce new technologies but the question is to what new technologies will it be something which is they will be there for a long time or it's something which is short example one of the colleges they have introduced a new subject which is Android but then Android with what was like hey you know what was a technology Android or a cross-platform okay there was some technology which is a form of the name so before doctor before react came into picture code oh right yeah so there was a photo ah yes yeah so they were teaching Kodava in college now the question is you thought about changing your syllabus great you thought about teaching the mandroid great now think you're thinking about teaching them Cordova the first problem is not everyone is interested in Android even if you're thinking about I enjoyed while you're teaching something which will be there for short term of course right I mean you they are they're doing a four-year degree and you are teaching them Kodava maybe it will it is not it will not be applicable for the next two years after two years I'm not saying people working on code or now they are working on react they are working on flutter so if you're changing your syllabus change something which will be there for long term example I'd say machine learning it makes sense because that's the future the option makes sense because most of things no technology will move towards blocks maybe cloud computing make sense because everything is running up crowd now but Kodava I mean you have to think before in our charge yeah the next thing is the change which they're making is the new technology in fact I have seen some of the colleges they have introduced machine learning it's a great thing they are teaching machine learning but the question is who is teaching it are you you know having some interest rates first teaching machine learning because this is not something which can be learned by someone who is not interested in machine learning because what happens in colleges is they rotate their subjects so I have seen some of the colleges so this year if they are if you are teaching Java next gen you will teach that's a Python you next year which teach database if the same person is teaching machine learning next year this person don't know much is nothing what he will do he will read the book he will teach machine learning and basically you are killing the excitement of machine learning for students so that's one of the issue which I feel I mean if you want to mute if you want to teach new technology at least spend some more money which are taking from our students on experts I mean of course the piece is so hard they are charging and on one level piece of 1.5 lakh rupees per student can't you invest one percent of it on interstate sports you can talk about new technologies yeah I want the way that money goes for especially for something like computer science you gotta treat the subject differently because you don't have to have expensive labs for computer science for example right the mechanical engineers needs this big machines and the money goes there what do you need for a computer science you don't even need PCs you can set up terminals which SSH into a main box and then you can have Kord there so it's a variance that money going if not investing in good teachers I don't get that but I did watch it I have to ask you about blockchain we will get to that in a bit but I also feel like you know we talked earlier about how you know the system isn't designed for these kind of changes right it's I can empathize with a computer science professor saying well now I have to learn this this new thing while the mechanical professor is out there watching a movie he doesn't have to learn anything it's the same same stuff he's been teaching for years right I don't know if this is true maybe mechanical engineering also changes so my apologies to over is mechanical engineering and watching this video that's not true but yes it is it is an extra burden to being a computer science engineer so it does need more funds it needs more research it needs better staffing and it also needs fewer lesser investment in terms of infrastructure so there is a balance there so yeah hopefully the situation will change but I believe that's kind of like a common problem it's not just in India right I'm sure it's this is the same problem all across the world so I guess the model of the story is if someone is graduating from college they cannot rely on what they learned in college by the academic knowledge is only going to get them so far they have to ramp up on their own and thankfully we live in an age where all of that is easily accessible so just go to youtube and into your service you will find hundreds of videos these days so that should be yeah but there's a confusion right in fact they are not sure what to learn now so they always ask me live sessions I've done my engineering now what what technology should learn does JavaScript as a future just just just launching as a future may be that we need to have that path as well yeah yeah that's a that's a hard question to answer like what is a future for someone who is picking from like ten different technologies for you and I it's where the path is kind of set right so any major change we make we can kind of make an informed decision but for someone who's fresh who has nothing starting from a clean slate there are so many different options whether this from it is it is a challenge so it is but it is reality like there's really no way around it people have to make a decision if sorry go good so I said if someone comes to us with it with a question like that it's hard for us to answer I give that I've had people come to me and say should I go for the JavaScript stack or the Java stack is like how can i how can anybody answer that it's very very hard it depends on the opportunities that you have around you depends on your interest level what you want to achieve it's it's hard question in fact the best thing is if they join a company and if the project is in JavaScript that's great you don't have to think about those things right you know you have to work on your step you have the entire stack on JavaScript but what if you are not working in a company you are a freelancer or do you wonder you're such a colored job and data actually asked me hey should I go for Chavez like the same question should I go for JavaScript or Java Java and we can't answer that because if you say because let's see we are always biased towards technology which we love of course we will say hey go for Java is great but then what if that person will not enjoy power maybe back up the way their mind works is more for JavaScript right so basically we are without we are not giving the right flag to them yeah we want to give people advice that they hate and they're gonna come back to me and like look what you made me do now I hate this thing I spent six months learning what you suggested and now I hate it it's a hard thing to give advisor so speaking of people preparing for interviews and then picking a technology to take up interviews I have a related question there around tackling interviews right what in your experience has been some of the good things that people do when they tackle interviews what are the bad things the common mistakes that people make like if you were to give advice to people who are tackling interviews and preparing for it what would some advice be yeah so the good things so let me not talk about the communication because of course there are lot of videos available at all of content available in fact colleges they are focusing on how can we improve your communication for interviews and how can you convince them in fact that you use this you know interview is as I speak well just bring it out that's amazing I didn't know that the campus placement so I recall it now they have a campus placement cell where every weekend they I mean I'm talking about some of the colleges every weekend they have a session only for the interviews how to crack interviews okay so let me get they're taught how to communicate in interviews but not how to level up their communication in general that's a little weird you know imagine somebody clearing an interview getting a job when their communication skill is like okay what happened now it's like I would start just to talk in an interview not to talk on the job that's super weird okay but it's at least good that they're doing it I think there is some commonality between communication in interviews and in the job in general sorry continue please yeah so they so they teach you how to talk to interviewers how to answer the question because there are some tricky questions as well right I mean why and why we should hire you so they have to think if they give you the exact answer so for this question you have to answer this this way there was because even introduce they are not changing their questions nowadays there's they stick to those old-school questions that's that's the first thing next I want to focus more on technical part so based on the company which should be which you go for of course everyone who will have a different set of questions thankfully in the developing world people used to ask our questions before I mean irrespective of what type of platform you are going to go on maybe you will work on JavaScript or Python or dotnet still the questions will be based on Java because maybe the interviewers they don't know the technologies so they will ask you questions on Java about this and that now one thing which is going good about for students is they are preparing well for the interviews before going they're not just going I mean getting up in the morning and say hey we have a to do today let's dress up properly and go for that use they are preparing Poli interview from let's say for 15 days now they know for which question how to answer and what to answer if this is a question which is very you know would you say common question of course they can answer there are some questions which they have to understand that there is not a part of a curriculum let me share one experience I was so that there was a girl she went for the interview and she was she has prepared very well for the interview I mean they she learned about Java networking and all the concepts which normally ask the question in the interviews but in one of the interview the question was do you know fireball and her reaction was how would I know fireball you know indeed the answer was camels aquatic ecology so that does a issue you know they depend more on the college syllabus then they depend upon the engine technology because if you are working in the IT boy you can't say that this is something a lot of syllables of course right if you if you if you're finished dr. and hazing to some other practice you know practice he's not the practice which you are looking for let's say you're you caught some one on your hand and now you are showing it to a doctor of course it's not there's no compulsion that that person should have it emerged right but still he has to answer that thing otherwise you will be having this thing with why you have done your degree same goes whitey professionals right so it under can say I already said it was in that case right yeah so same thing goes for you so interview they might ask you any any question and that's something you have to prepare well the negative thing negative thing which you in fact you have answered that before some people watch our videos just for interview so they have an interview tomorrow and they want the interview is based on John Python or may be on spring so they will watch the entire series and they go for the interviews and they will answer they have this amazing you know pick up what you say grasping power because they are done in using their schools by hearting everything and the moment they have a question they will answer that in fact this is something I got a comment recently I was teaching some concepts were to remember now in that concept I tried to explain so that you will understand the same thing if you cannot do that in the interview so they have putted the entire phrase and they have given the same unsigned the interview and then he got rejected I'm teaching you I'm not giving it to you here so you can't use my scientist in the interviews so that's the bad thing they're doing anything else I can't become one of the thing which should people do nowadays is participating in hi curtains working on open source version because lot of people are not doing it especially the place where I live in Mumbai in Bangalore is not something in Bangalore every college knows what hackathons are how to participate in hackathons but in Mumbai colleges they don't even know what hackathons are and I mean some some people know some colleges do hackathons but I feel everyone should participate at least once just to get the experience just to get the feel of it and it will help you it will be very helpful for your interviews it will be well for your producer as well that's some great tips it's a I wish more people take on personal projects that's something that I I keep telling people just pick some problem that you want to solve even if there are like 10 different applications we should do that already just make a personal project and apply the work that you've done it doesn't have to be a fishel college project nobody's gonna train you or whatever I was just just do it on your own accord that's gonna teach you more about any technology than anything else what are your thoughts about some of the some of the newer technologies that are coming up so you have your you're working on blockchain which is which is pretty niche at this point it's not something that's gained wide acceptance I'm sure you must have been bombarded with comments about artificial intelligence and machine learning and all that stuff I see that a lot as well so what are you thoughts about someone getting into those kind of like niche areas right now is this something that's that you would recommend for someone new to software or do you say ok wait for a bit let's see if this develops and then we can get into it what are your thoughts about that I mean of course I can I can be biased to your bit so everytime I go live on YouTube every time I talk to in colleges in fact they have this common question I mean of course they first want me to make videos on machine learning which I will never do at least in next 3 to 4 years because I'm not into machine learning and I don't want to make a series just because you're the money I did that for Python but machine learning is something which where you need expertise now second point is will I suggest I want to get into machine learning or the blockchain that depends actually so if let's say if you are to be ought to be on the bias side of course I will say everyone learnt doctrine because that's the future here because of course right if you are working on technology you will be always biased for the technology and you always feel it is a great future and that's something I feel for blockchain it has a very great future because it's a technology which will change the way you work on the Internet but the only problem is its new it's not actually new it's been 10 it's been 10 years block change there has been but andreas really I don't know that yes recently will be him popular right yeah so Lauren came because of Bitcoin its underlying technology of Bitcoin and when Bitcoin was launched the auction was there but people not not able to realize the power of it so in 2014 they have officially named it blockchain initially it was chain of blocks I say but in 2014 they have renamed it - I mean there was a conference win which they have named it finally thank God they renamed locked imagine someone saying what are you working on I'm working on chain of blocks ok and because of all this efforts from different companies like Intel the god IBM they're also you know giving their their talks - for the blockchain but it will it be applicable for freshers these are still a question because when you join a company now companies are not adding freshness for blockchain because for them the new technology of course you will not get people who are expressing the auction because the technology is new for the market but then if you have expressed in some other technology and now if you have done block sure you have the industry experience so companies are preferring those people who have industry experience plus they have they have learned blocks you know they have certified in the object even when you say certified in blockchain it's still a question because certifications are still a mess you can simply go to online you can do a course I think you can give exam online you can cheat certification does not make any sense for blockchain but still people prefer those people who are companies before those people who have learnt blockchain but there also have industry experience but if you're fresh from the market you feel fresh to the market if you are from college they might not they might not be for you but again that's the thing they might not but what if they want someone fresher who want to work on blockchain I have seen some companies some startups they are preferring freshers because they have a more open mindset you can experience people they have this thing you know they want to do they want to work in their own way they don't want to listen to the managers they don't want to they want to be a boss their professionals they are open to everything they are like okay give me a technology I will learn it I will implement something here they want that energy so it depends upon you if you are sure that you can master in blockchain it's not something you have you have watched my videos some of my videos and say hey I know blocks and now that's that's not how it works you need to work on some projects on blockchain if you can't do that it's a great technology apply for the job and build your career but just by watching some videos on on dog chain or maybe mum watching some use of machines I think I've seen some people they just watch some machine learning videos and they call themself as machine learning experts that's not you how you will get higher but if you if you know that you can build projects on machine learning you can build personal chain if you are confident that's great apply for the job you will surely there will be some company who will hire you and don't think about packages I have seen a lot of people when they join company they have this mindset I want at least X package see when you are a fresher doesn't matter which technology you join which technology or working on don't think about packages think about how much you can learn in one or two years because initially if you think about nothing later you can remove that L you can think about ugly but initial one or two years focus on your nothing part and yes you can learn much nothing you can do you can do blockchain at the initial stage but here's the thing if you're not sure that you can actually learn new technologies if you're not that excited don't take risk now go with a technology which are still there in the market which is running on the crimp crimp layer let's say Android cloud computing spring so long those technologies get a job now while working on your job look at the project which is happening on your inside your company by any chance if you feel there's a project which is going on your chain and that doing PLC and you have learned rock change some of the videos some of my videos great continue with the coast now I will continue with some other course which you want to learn from and try to connect with that team and show them your skill set of course they will take you because you have shown your abilities in the other projects and they are ready to take you so that's one of the way you can jump from your field to the auction or machine learning other jobs through and watch-chain like is it is it something that people can look for like I'm searching for a Java block chain link to vacate opportunities that way for big companies they are not looking forward freshers and they have blockchain jobs but they are not looking for precious you are looking for someone who has a districts perience plus they know blockchain but there are some startups they are looking for blockchain I mean they are looking for employees who can work on blockchain part this startups are very very startup I mean there is that of the startup phase so it will be a risk for you when you join this companies of course if that company works you will be the top five employees but then what if it doesn't work out that's the thing that's always there so it's all what not to use but the technology should know though I mean it's something you can learn I mean work on spring work on cloud computing work on Android but have this skill set with you you never know when they are project you will knock maybe your company will say hey we have a new project anyone knows blockchain but you'll be like okay I've done some projects yeah so he's important to have the breadth and knowledge especially when you're the fresher you need to know what's going on like what are the different technologies so that when the opportunity does come you can like I said you can kind of pounce on it oh yeah that's we're we're close to the end of time Naveen I wanna end with one last question I want to ask you about some of your upcoming work you said you're not gonna make any content on machine learning which is a pitiful disappointment I would have definitely been interested to check it out but can you talk about what content you are doing what can the viewers expect from you in the foreseeable future okay great so specific to nubbin 20 I will be publishing course on blockchain both on youtube and on paid paid platform now why not everything on YouTube because not everyone is interested to know about blockchain I don't want to bombard with the YouTube channel with the option videos so I want to focus on those things which people is really want on YouTube and the blockchain high-potential courses will be there on the Payette platform which is the discord calm but then because of the huge demand for machine learning but what I'm doing is I'm doing collaborations so one of em talking to one of the company they will be making content on machine learning and publishing on of that forum but I have the same thing people I mean subscribers who love my channel they want everything to be taught by the window NT so I tried this with JavaScript as well but every JavaScript I do have this comment where is number 20 so varies by them is not teaching this and the trainer was awesome but then still once they like you I mean of course your audience when they watch you of spring videos maybe those people are pissed like my videos yeah so you're working on blockchain content and you do have that expertise oh that's that's exciting and this is available on tillis credit card so people have to sign in and create an account there and purchase yes what about your YouTube content whatever what are some things that people can look forward to on YouTube they can they I mean that of course blocks in videos but the introduction videos which will be beneficial for everyone not to get to mass rain that but to understand how the options box that's my first target the second one is I want to make some movies with Python because after watching when I mean I think I was not having a lot of expectation from the from those videos but then if the videos are getting millions of views now and people are expecting a lot from me every day I they ask me to make more advanced videos of Python but I was like telling them it's time I should make some more videos of Python and I want to make some more videos on Java as well because it's been a long time the thing is there's so many things on on the least but the only problem is the bandwidth I don't have that much applies yes I can also blame I'm lazy yeah and I just so I have a two year skate to to two months what we use two months that's okay so you you you cannot be lazy if you have a two month okay but now it's it's a story of my life too too much of too much of content in the to-do list and not enough time and I'd like to think that I'm not lazy maybe I'm lying to myself so let me assure you that it's not it's not laziness it's just the nature of nature of creating content and it's it's it's been great talking to you and I don't usually interact with a lot of other content creators but I want to change that and I'm so glad that you responded it was great to kind of talk to you and not a lot of people realize the amount of effort that goes into making this content making it available on YouTube making sure it's errors error proof right you gotta make sure there are no errors spelling mistakes factual mistakes and all the stuff there is a lot of work that into it so I'm really glad to be have the opportunity to talk to another content creator like yourself and we can share the pain share of the joys and the sorrows so thank you so much for taking the time to do this but Paint Pot was important sharing pain I'd be happy to I'll be happy to share more pain with you but I don't know if you would wanna take it but so yeah it's it's been great talking to you and I hope that we continue to talk sure sure all right thanks bye
Channel: Java Brains
Views: 82,732
Rating: 4.9615383 out of 5
Keywords: java brains, telusko, interview, navin reddy, java tutorial, YouTube, online tutorial, job market, training, blockchain
Id: NIvTgepKjtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 25sec (4585 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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