In Between | Calarts Animated Musical Short

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[Music] ah [Music] you look lost dear oh well yeah I mean uh I'm looking for gate z99 not that kind of lost deer this kind Gail quit bothering people the girls having an existential crisis alfedo well it's true I'm leaving for my dream school and I know I should be happy but it's so far away I knew I sensed a turbulence and it's not just all the PLS when you're leaving home and feel alone try learning to [Music] embrace in between in between between what you know and where go it's how you grow in between in between between what you know it's how you grow in between look at all the people they might not show it but they're just as sad and lost as you I'm going to Cincinnati same place I always go Cincinnati never changes but at least I'll make some D we're going into Hawaii at least that's what we're trying I forgot the snacks and my XX I think I might explode I'm going to sanini and Shanghai and per and Bali when the world's at your hand you don't have to make plans all i' ask is more time with the [Music] ladies in [Music] between between what you know and you go how you grow [Music] in between home between work between sleep Between Women we hit the road with time to go n [Music] I watch all the people pass by who know what they want more than I as I Bard for departure suddenly I'm unsure am I meant to go or stay [Music] behind there's only one way to know [Music] h [Music] it's easy to feel lonely and a little homesick too but nothing's wrong cuz once you're gone home's always right there with you in between oh between in between in [Music] between in between in between [Music] in you know you what you [Music] [Music] know and
Channel: Torianna Jacque
Views: 4,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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