"In 1990, We Were Warned Never To Return To The Moon" Creepypasta

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if you asked most people of a certain age who is the first British person to go into space and they will tell you that it was Helen Charmin in 1990 Wanda if you ask them who is the first British person to land at the moon they will always give the wrong answer unless they say that to no British person has ever walked on the moon well that's the official truth what they won't tell you is that just before the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 there was a top-secret mission to the moon while the majority of the world's population believed that the Soviets had no connection with Western Europe it was a lot more civilized than all of that yes the Cold War had made us enemies on an official level but we were hardly enemies on a personal level after all the Russians and us Brits both came under attack from him they're just fifty years previously so the flame of friendship was still there to be kindled and I can't disclose to you everything that I know about this after all most of it is still bound under the Official Secrets Act until 2040 after which they were most likely extended by another 50 years and nor do I have any proof the few documents which were assigned to me were confiscated and I'd witnessed and destroyed in a furnace beneath Whitehall I can tell you when it was and where it was launched from though it was in the middle of June 1989 when I was first chosen it and if you can call it that I can't recall the exact date but I do remember that at the time I just went along with it and the two men who came into my study unannounced told me that I was required in the most soon verbally forceful way that you can imagine I didn't believe in my first I thought it was just another University jog and but I thought I would see how far would gawa and they walked me to the car which had parked directly outside the entrance to the main building I didn't take notice of what it was at the time but it was probably a Jaguar XJ 12a judging by the shape and jet black color the entire journey as I sat in the backseat was in silence other than a couple of times when the man in the passenger seat answered a call on the CB radio which was fitted into the dashboard my thoughts changed when only an hour later I found myself sitting at a table in the small windowless room all on my own somewhere in Westminster the lack of windows was certainly compensated for with the quality of carpets and I remember that much without warning that the door opened and about a dozen people walked in it they were all middle-aged or older some are Russian judging by their accents and they all were clutching folders overflowing with documents while talking very aggressively amongst themselves they didn't acknowledge me at least not immediately a lot of what was said went over my head it was all political babble to me and they used terms which I wasn't familiar with at least not in the context they referred to the mana I remember one specific phrase at one of the older men SATA and a strong Russian accent the last time a human being set foot on the moon was on the 14th of December 1972 that was almost 20 years ago we must know if they're still up there I was confused everybody knows that all three crew members from Apollo 17 returned home safely there is no doubt over that there was a brief silence as the others looked at each other hoping for somebody to say something to break the silence I don't know why I did it but my naivety got the better of me sorry em I thought all three of the Apollo 17 crew came back to earth everybody stared towards me as if I just said something discussed amen the older man stared at me before answering my question do you think we were fearful of mere humans being on the moon and I felt silly my mind darted between many different ideas but he was right it was over 20 years ago if they had been left behind and they would have run out of hydrogen and supplies within days and would have perished soon after and this wasn't a good start for me he leaned forward and he addressed me directly in a lower tone of voice you have nor ever will have any idea of what we know was up there I said nothing and partly to avoid making myself look foolish but also because the atmosphere in the room was so tense he handed me some stapled pages from his folder now I assume that you were not briefed about this meeting comrade I wanted to correct him on his use of the term comrade but I decided to just read the document in Stata I don't remember word-for-word for what it said and what the front was emblazoned with classified at level 7 and nothing else I turned the page and there were a series of black and white photographs the images were not only disturbing but horrifying the first one was a landscape I mention taken on the lunar surface but with some sort of structure visible in the distance and the second image was a lunar lander but it looked like it had been sliced open from top to bottom no jagged edges or debris laying about just cut in half all I remember was some Cyrillic characters in the side which remains the third image was the most disturbing it was a very basic spacesuit laying on the lunar surface with the mangled of icy remains of its occupant scattered around the broken visor it almost looked as if he had been ripped out of his suit through his visor at a very high speed the fourth image showed several other spacesuits laying on the surface maybe 75 yards away from the camera I certainly wasn't expecting to see this I wanted to go outside into raba but I held it back at least until the meeting was over Russian lunar landing October in 1968 he sat as I glaze at the horrific images those Americans thought that they would get to the moon first they thought Russian technology was inferior they were wrong one of the British men sitting across the Roma stubbed out his cigarette on the table for Christ's sake scrat's off stop with all the commie propaganda and get to the point the older man who I now know as Krantz oven didn't hesitate to send down a story okay so we landed on the moon in 1968 only about six kilometers from where Apollo 17 landed in 1972 but nowhere near any of the other American moon landings we know that they landed safely but radio contact was lost about five hours after they landed and we assumed that it was a mechanical failure of the plutonium fuel cell they couldn't take off or communicate it was both a victory and a loss for Russia this was a secret mission sullen everybody involved is carried on as normal after death was nothing new to them no matter how many times that they saw it I started to join the dots on my hat and but I remain fixated on what crats off is saying the Americans landed there man Lunar Module in July 1969 and then for more than the last one in December 1972 and it was on December 22nd in 1972 that we were told Krabbe soft looked over to one of the other men who would all remain silent he spoke with the Texan accent but with a very deep and authoritative voice yes as soon as we were sure we notified the Kremlin immediately he paused as he rifled through some of his notes there had been a discovery and by the crew onboard of Apollo 17 of an unknown lunar module and we assumed that it was rosh hashanah and a few minutes after receiving the images and they confirmed that the craft we had discovered was Russian tell him what your crew found comrade Kratz off said to the American well we weren't exactly sure at the time but the debris slider on the modular in fact human remains and not only that but they were all decapitated beyond all recognition well soon after their gruesome discovery the three crew members of Apollo 17 unanimously announced that they wanted to return to Earth immediately we told him that it was impossible the service module that was orbiting the moon was in the wrong trajectory at the time and so they had no choice was to stay inside the module until it was time to return they told us that from inside the module they could see figures outside and picking over the equipment that they had left outside I mean these guys were what 20 feet away from whatever these things were with only the lunar module to protect domina those modules are decide to withstand the vacuum of space and the forces of a launch and they simply aren't designed to withstand physical attack I was so shot I just asked him without thinking what I was about to say so if this all happened why did the Apollo 17 crew look so normal when they were welcomed back in front of everyone he almost smiled as he said it of course they looked happy smiling and waving to everyone the men that everybody saw that day had been nowhere near a spacecraft let alone the moon I was confused the but he continued before I had a chance to say anything those men were no fit stayed to be in the public eye when they came back so we thought we would get some actors to take over all their PR and celebrity status until they got better unfortunately for them they never did get better and I mean physically they were fine and but mentally forget it their minds were gone half of the time they had to been sedated just to get them to sit down and eat wouldn't stop talking about seeing these figures everywhere and when one of them finally told us about them well it wasn't pretty he said they were like a no pack shadow but was such a menacing stare he said one of them looked right at him as he peered out of the lunar module I think he meant he stared right at it because from what he said and they did not have eyes he said that they just stared straight into her soul plundering all your thoughts and projecting fear and terror into her mind and we still don't know a lot about what had happened up there all we have to go on are the pictures and not majolica I'd turn the page of the document that I held in my hand the edges were now damned from the sweat forming around my palms the next image showed a glimpse of one of these figures it was hideous it was nothing more than a very dark shadow but with a very distinctive outline and limbs if you can call them that it's hard to tell from the angle from which the photograph was taken but I would guess that these figures were about to 9 or 10 feet high so what do I have to do with any of this I asked Emma and one of the other men quickly replied as a professor of psychology we need to be certain that if the crew of this next mission are affected in any way that you will be able to cure them I was shot but I still don't know what this had to do with me I still fail to understand why you feel the need to involve me with this a few of the men started looking at each other before kratts off just came out and said it we have our reasons for selecting you we have studied your case file extensively and we are satisfied that you meet all the necessary criteria for this task I sit up in anger that's ridiculous you mean to say that just because I spent 18 months working in a mental asylum suddenly unqualified to cure your crew after they see things that go beyond the human imagination 20 feet away from that man well they're a quarter of a million miles away from another living soul you obviously had no idea how psychology works do you why on earth would you want to send anybody back there the last crew in 72 barely made it back alive if you call being spoon-fed your dinner at the age of 39 of life craps off wasn't entirely pleased but I refused to go ahead with this okay tell you what take these documents and read through them carefully and if you change your mind let us know my mind was already made up I wasn't going to take on this assignment but I took the documents anyway it's to avoid further confrontation with Kratz offer the others I was then driven back to my University by the two suited goons who had brought me all the way to London I will admit I did consider one said at the time to let it sink Anna but I decided that hearing first-hand accounts of evil ungodly figures from intelligent men who but had their minds pulled apart by some otherworldly force just wasn't for me I still remember the lodge details in the number of crew members Ola [Music] it was launched from the ole launch site in Russia on the 22nd of December 1990 and there were three crew members one British in two Russians I can't recall their names though I thought no more about attend I filed the documents away in a box folder in my study [Music] in January of 1990 wanna a day or two after he returned from the Christmas break I received a phone call I was to be picked up the next day and I was to bring with me the documents that I had been given about seven months before I reminded them that's I wanted nothing to do with this they understood and they respected my wishes they agreed that I would not have to conduct any psychological experiment but I was still to attend tomorrow as planned and I was picked up by the same two goons who dropped me off the last time Bowl still as talkative as before I brought my briefcase with me containing the documents that's requested on arrival to Whitehall I wasn't taken to the small room with no windows I was instead taken downstairs into the cellar Kratz often if you have the others were there too it's good to see you again comrade in a way I was confused by his ambiguity what did he mean by in a way yes well I was told that I wouldn't need to conduct any psychological treatments so why am i back here he paused before looking up from the ground the mission was a failure I thought about something to say power communication problems replied gingerly gratz offside neither unfortunately the equipment was fine until after we saw what happened to them on the videomic monitor I felt ice cold with fear over what he was about to tell me the figures and they were not only still there they were waiting for that man as soon as they landed it and they hardly had time to turn off the navigation computer before the whole thing was ripped apart I tried to think logically for a moment these were figures that we were talking about what if there was a mechanical failure what if and Kratz off interrupting me there was no failure and I'll tell you how I know those figures are just the foot soldiers they have been warned off of the moon twice there are no more warnings if we do return him they will class a test an act of war and I don't mean one with guns and bombs this will be a war on the psyche of the human mind nobody can imagine what this is like I couldn't think of anything to say the module lands on the lunar surface at 3:45 a.m. on Christmas Day 1990 at 3:47 am the crew were seen on video Linkous they were decapitated in the lunar module at 3:48 a.m. all of the high-speed line printers at Mission Control just printed the same text again and again warning us to stay away from the moon with great details of the consequences if we do not heed their warning I was both angry and fearful I was angry as to why they would send three innocent men to their inevitable death a quarter of a million miles away to be torn apart by these figures but I was fearful for what we would all suffer if another moon landing took place in the future so what do we do now I ask rats off you have the documents Kratz off stood there with his handouts I took them from my briefcase and I handed them to Amma no copies you have not duplicated these I shook my head as I regretted not doing so earlier he walked down the corridor to a small room which contained a metal chute and he lifted the metal lid and an orange glow filled the room along with a wave of hot air and he loosely wrote up the documents and threw them into the chute leading to the fairness before the lid slammed back over Enza that was the last trace as long as you have made no duplications officially and that mission never took place he immediately went back into the corridor I followed Emma closing the door to the furnace room behind us and you can find your own way home comrade and you reached out to shake my hands after what I just heard in Donna I shook his head instinctively without thinking please don't imagine our past once ever cross again comrade we may need you again one day the next time your assistance would be mandatory he said as he turned and he walked away it wasn't until 1997 when I met Krantz alpha gamma our meeting wasn't deliberate but I had a feeling that it wasn't accidental either at the time most of the seeker work that I used to do in the 80s and early 90s it concluded the agencies had all been dissolved along with the Soviet Union and so there is very little secret work available on this side of the Atlantic I worked in various institutions over the years most of them run by the NHS and I did some studies on patients in Broadmoor just for under a year contrary to those who believe that it's a prison it's actually a high-security hospital the only difference between Ettin any other NHS hospital was the absence of the patient's right to refuse treatment and now don't get me wrong I never conducted evil twisted experiments like you would see in the house on Haunted Hill or the horrors of dr. Mengele in 1940's Germany all of my experiments were psychologically based and intended to help patients regain as much of their normal life as they could possibly have officially and they could not refuse treatment but I always gave my patients a chance to opt out whenever they felt like it I was set a psychology convention in West London it was on for a few days so I was staying in a hotel near Stonebridge Park you'll have to forgive me for now remember in the name of the place but it was almost 20 years ago and I was in a bar attached to the conference centre one day Damon and talking to professors from other universities when I heard out my comrade over here it was Kratz off what was he doing here an ex Soviet military commander at a British medical convention I excused myself in the group that I was talking to and they shared some strange looks with each other when I seemed to respond to the calling of comrade after all I had never discussed what had happened seven years earlier with anybody I walked over to Kratz off he was holding a brandy glass in one hand and had the smoke and stuff of a thick cigar in the other he was dressed differently to the last time that I had seen Emma he certainly looked more like a civilian now he no longer wore the dark green blazer adorned with multiple military medals on his chest Kratz off what are you doing here he had a surprised smile on his face well I'm not here for your psychology diagnosis if that's what you mean I was surprised at how human you see him compared to the last time that we had met I can only presume that the collapse of the USSR at lightness meant to workload when we sat down at a table on the less crowded side of the bar so like I said it what are you doing here I asked them ah well I contacted your University but they said you were no longer teaching there so I made a few phone calls and greased a few wheels and I found out that you were going to be here for the next couple of days it seemed like he had certainly made an effort to find me my presumption that our meeting that evening was no accident was confirmed so what are you doing now I asked Emma well when Mother Russia began to fall apart I did what any smart man would do in that situation I took advantage he chuckled as he took another sip of his brandy he could see the inquisitive look on my face he put his brandy glass on the table and leaned forward and he continued to tell me well let's just say that some countries east of Europe but to west of Russia were able to get a discount on surplus military hardware he went as he relayed his extinguished cigar I was responsible for liquidated assets mostly military hardware tanks aircraft trucks weapons ammunition and you get the picture so my instructions were simple so what you have for the best price you can get and forward the money directly to Moscow it made sense to me and after all what would the largest communist state want to do with hundreds of thousands of vehicles and hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition when it's in the process of falling apart eternally I think I can guess what happened next I told him perhaps but there's no harm in telling you anyway so leaders from all over Eastern Europe and the Baltics can now buy the best military hardware in the world a fur fraction of what it would cost them to manufacture but there was a problem a hundred transfer the payment banks has too many questions even in Russia kratsov took another sip of his brandy I told them straight I would only accept payment in gold bullion or US dollar bills little compromise and the rest was simple paperwork was forged amounts changed 100 tanks for 300,000 could so easily be changed to 7-under tanks in the paperwork after the sale was completed suddenly I had another 600 tanks in my disposal which I could sell and keep the proceeds to myself why aren't you afraid of being caught I asked instinctively Kratts soft chuckle please go Brad this was the fall of the Soviet Union at the biggest military power the world had ever seen yes there were those who were supposed to keep a check on things but there is nothing that an envelope of $100 bills could in fixed and he flipped his hand at me summoning me closer to listen to what he was about to say those who knew didn't care and those that cared it didn't know we talked about politics in the fall of communism for a couple of hours before we ended up on the topic of the failed lunar mission in 1990 suddenly the jolly mood dark enter and despite the quantities of alcohol that we had consumed comrade if we are to discuss this topic may we continue this conversation in private I had to agree with that man it may have been the late 90s but talking about top secret space launches in a public place would have raised a lot more eyebrows in the sight of two men going into the same hotel Romo so we left the bar and we went back to my hotel Romo which was a few minutes walk from the conference center and when we got back to the room he sat on a chair next to the television there I pulled the other chair from across the room and we sat opposite of each other as we resumed our conversation from the bar Sowell became of the missions I asked them I didn't I couldn't tell you everything we knew back then comrade he sighed with frustration we should have never set that mission up there it had felt wrong from the start but how could I stop it I was just a cog in a giant communist machine I could understand his inability to provide tension he certainly had remorse over it after the mission in 68 failed we made contact with what was behind the dissemination of those two missions my ears perked up I wasn't expecting him to say that we had an open line of communication between the launch sites and namma not the figures and they were just the soldiers no this was much more real so what were they I asked them we don't know they didn't understand our questions but they communicated by the one true universal language science they developed technology which was inconceivable to us at the time now I don't know how much you know about technology comrade but I will break it down in simple terms for you before we made contact we have little success in developing semiconductors we sent them samples and plants explaining our problem so simple symbols and they returned the solution sent how did you send it I asked it's not as if they had sufficient radio bandwidth to send images to the moon and back probes we sent too many probes to the moon inside were samples of our failed semiconductors made of germanium he continued as he walked over to the minibar and helped himself to another drink they returned probes of the solution to the problem they suggested replacing the germanium with silicon also included were tiny quantities of chemical solutions which they suggested we use to aid the photolithography process there is so much more reliable than the stuff that we were using before unbelievable stuff we analyzed these samples and produced larger quantities of them and the process now worked flawlessly I was amazed I didn't quite understand all of what he was saying but I understood the general idea Fenton whatever was up there was hoping the Soviets to develop higher technology but and kratts off continued to we knew we weren't the only ones being helped over the next few years we had agents in the United States who provided us with samples of American semiconductors the process was identical to the one provided to us by Dhamma and this was no coincidence America had contact with him too I asked him in no uncertain terms of course but they used their technology to enrich their capitalist society selling it to the general population and the new concept of gadgets and electronic computers we on the other hand use it to enhance our society and military power it all started to fit together the technological improvements over the past 50 years were extraordinary and too extraordinary for humans to complete on assisted so if they helped you to advance your semiconductor industry why were they so hostile he sat back down as the answer game comrade you must remember one thing and they are not afraid of us but they don't have the ability to feel fear although they understand how they can use it against us they do however have so preservation instinct as do all intelligent forms of life I had to ask the question even if I didn't want to hear the answer so what did they want in exchange for this knowledge and scientific assistance Kratz off leaned back in his chair as he tried to think of a way to where his answer how to say this I remain silent as I waited for him to reply well they wanted to conduct experiments on the human mind don't assume that we're asking for a permission they didn't need any permission and they could do what the hell they light know what they wanted was our cooperation and allowing the experiments to walk among the rest of society and to minimize her interfere Henson a chill ran down my spine I asked him what sort of experiments they wanted to conduct psychological experiments of course they wanted to see the reaction of the general population and when a small number of us are altered and allowed to remain physically unchanged Grad saw started to look uncomfortable as he talked about the subject he started pacing around the room as he talked let me ask you something comrade do you believe in God I hesitated before I answered honestly no I'm agnostic I'm open to the concept of organized religion but I'm not entirely convinced by Edson he pointed at me as he chuckled quietly that comrade is a good answer I felt sluggin comfortable by this time what does my faith or lack thereof I have to do with extraterrestrial assistance in Soviet technology go on what does it got to do with real agenda well they have already conducted experiments before and which were hugely successful for them they altered the psyche of a few people around our planet over the space of several centuries people called them prophets suddenly my mouth went dry and I started to sweatin tell me you're joking Kratz off he lowered his tone of voice and this is no joke comrade I'm serious I was brought up as a Catholic myself and I've grown to accept the fact I still wasn't sure whether or not to believe him I don't think that he was lying to me but he may have been mistaken her interpreted incorrectly somehow okay for the sake of this conversation let's assume that's all the prophets and Kratz off interrupted me most comrade most prophets without all them were part of their experiments we just don't know which ones I continued my question okay so let's assume that most of the prophets were part of the experiment what are they going to do now I mean it's not as if they can create another religion we have already had new religions in the past few hundred years and now they mostly fail because people are too set in their ways to accept a new belief system into their life gratz off concerned what I believed was true you're right but religion is an old experiment they know that it was successful you can see the results for yourself what they want to know is how to experiment with how could you say anti prophets I didn't quite understand I needed to know more what do you mean by anti prophets Kratz offs thought for a moment before he spoke we don't know but we don't think they've started yet at least that's what they've told us and the concept of a known unknown from an extraterrestrial race was horrifying Kratz off continued in a serious tone of voice all we know is that they won't begin to experiment until her home planet completes two thousand rotations from the sauna after the birth of one of the prophets it couldn't have been clearer if he had spelled it out for me and foot-high letters on my hotel room wall so you mean that they plan to conduct their new experiments after the year 2000 bearing in mind that's in 1997 the concept of the new millennium was genuinely exciting and invigorating this gave it a much more sinister prospect I could only assume what they had planned but if you want my opinion they are going to turn small numbers of people against the rest of us but possibly using the previous experiment is a framework however and because of how widespread the last experiment was and how many people find comfort in it it will be almost impossible to isolate and eliminate my mind was all over the place by now I was trying to comprehend what kratts off neela so what will be the outcome I asked not expecting a direct answer Kratt soffits worried I don't know I just think that we need to be aware that the next time they'll be retired it will be by those from our own species not for land to money or even freedom but for a false ideology which was given to their ancestors several hundreds of years ago by the results of an experiment by extraterrestrial beings for reasons we can't begin to understand after that point and the conversation drew to a close but like all Russians grabs off didn't want our meeting to end on a low note when we talked about topics closer to home for the next hour or so football television our families and so on before he saw my camera on the table and he took an interest in Anton at the time I was a keen amateur photographer so I took my camera to London with me even though it stayed in my hotel room the whole time he asked me to take a photo of Emma I don't usually take photos of people the landscapes in architecture were more my subject of choice I took a few photos of Kratz off when we had another drink and then he laughed I remember him saying that he would like a copy of the photos next time he would meet I wish that I would have kept in contact with him back in those days it was impossible to maintain contact with international acquaintances obviously there is no Facebook or Twitter and you just can't try and speak to every crafts off you find in the telephone book it's not quite as common as the English name Smith or Johnson but it's certainly not uncommon and maybe it's more like the Russian equivalent of Wilson or Roberts sadly I never saw Krantz a Anna [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 685,460
Rating: 4.6996074 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: KlaPD0Yf_YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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