Improve Your English Listening Skills in 15 MINUTES! | English Speaking Practice

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Today you're going to learn  the best way to understand  native English speakers. Do you know what it is?  The best way is to practice listening to native speakers  and to expand your vocabulary  with natural expressions  and that's what you'll do today! Welcome back to JForrest English  of course, I'm Jennifer now let's get started!  Here's how this lesson will work I'm going to say a sentence three times  and you need to write down exactly what you hear  in the comments and I'm going to   talk fast and use natural expressions and this listening task will progress  from beginner to more advanced let's get started I'll say it three times  you're on a roll you're on a roll you're on a roll  did you get this one I said you're on a roll notice that contraction you're  this is you are and native speakers we pronounce this very unstressed  you're you're you're you're on  notice how on a sounds like one word because I use that n from on  I transfer it to ah on nah nah but I have to say it as one word  Anna Anna you're on a roll you're on a roll  and you're on a roll what does this mean this is a great expression  because when you're on a roll it means your experience  a period of continuous success or good fortune so this is a very positive   thing in the sports world if a sports team wins five games in a row  which means consecutively one after the other that team would be on a roll or in the workplace  let's say Muhammad has a sales job and Muhammad made five sales today  he's on a roll because you need   the verb to be he is as a contraction he's he's on a roll he's on a roll  or how about you if you pass this listening test the next one  the next one and the next one in this lesson you can say I pass all four listening test  I'm on a roll I'm on a roll or you could say  I studied English every day this month so that continuous success one after the other  I've studied English every day this month I'm on a roll and notice   that verb tense I've studied I have studied this is the present perfect  and it's being used because it's an unfinished time reference  so if I say this month it means the month is still in progress  maybe it's the 20th or 23rd so put I'm on a roll  I'm on a roll because you're watching this lesson and I'm sure you've watched other English lessons  hopefully mine this week so you can say I'm on   a roll put that in the comments are we on a roll or are we on a roll  our next listening exercise  a little more difficult  I'll say it three times I'm not a fan of sports I'm not a fan of sports  I'm not a fan of sports did you get this one I   said I'm not a fan of sports notice that contraction I'm  I am I'm not all can be linked together so said as one word  but notice that t is between two vowels so I'm going to pronounce it as a soft d  nada the nada nada I'm nada fan of  so I can combine fan of together fan of  but I need to take that end  and transfer to the next  sound love love fan of  I'm not a fan of sports I'm not a fan of sports this has a very simple meaning  to be a fan of something or  someone means you like it  you like that something or you like that someone  what about you are you a fan of American football which in North America we just call football  but to avoid confusion for you are you a fan of American football  the NFL to reply on the negative side you can say I'm not at all a fan  so this means you really dislike sports or American football I'm not at all a fan  a little less negative I'm not a fan I dislike it but not really dislike it  I dislike American football I'm a fan I'm a huge fan  I'm a giant fan if you love American football so which one describes you  put it in the comments for me I would say I'm not at all a fan  I would rather watch football soccer than American football   which we call football now remember  you can use this expression  with something or someone  for example I'm a fan of  Taylor Swift and of course  that means her music what she does I'm a fan of Taylor Swift  I'm a fan of Elon Musk or sports something I'm a fan of yoga biking  technology is a great something I'm a fan of Google Drive personally  I'm a huge fan of Google Drive I love it I'm a fan of Amazon I'm a fan of Android  whatever you want so you can get a   lot of use out of this expression oh oh oh I just wanted to tell you I'm a huge fan  I'm I'm a huge fan not a sports fan huh are you enjoying this lesson  if you are then I want to  tell you about the finally  Fluence Academy this is my  premium training program  where we study native English speakers from TV the movies YouTube and the news  so you can   improve your listening skills of fast English expand your vocabulary with natural expressions  and learn advance grammar easily plus you'll have me as your personal coach  you can look in the description for the link to learn more or you can go to my website  and click on finally Fluent Academy now let's continue with our lesson  our next listing exercise I'll say it 3 times you really hit the Jackpot  you really hit the Jackpot  you really hit the Jackpot  did you get this one I said  you really hit the Jackpot  now native speakers we often pronounce you as a very unstressed yeah  you're really you're really you're really you're really hit  notice I don't say hit and pronounce that t because it forces me to take a pause  hit the so you don't really hear the t this is called a flop t hit the Jackpot  now when you hit the Jackpot it means you win the lottery  which is an awesome thing Woohoo I hit the Jackpot  but outside of the context of the lottery when you hit the Jackpot  it means you achieve a highly desirable or fortunate outcome and it's by chance  just like when you win the lottery when you hit the Jackpot it's by chance  they just pull a number and  by chance it's your number  you hit the Jackpot so when you use this   expression outside of the lottery it's also by chance so I can say  I love fashion and my boss just assigned me to the Vogue account  Vogue is a fashion brand and I get to go to fashion week for free  I hit the Jackpot but this suggest that it was just by chance  that I was given the Vogue account it's not because I spent weeks  preparing a presentation to try to get the account it was just randomly assigned to me  I hit the Jackpot and just remember those conjugations of hit  it's hit hit hit so very easy to remember so in the past  simple last week I hit the Jackpot  when my boss assigned me to the Vogue account  or I could say I've hit the Jackpot the present perfect  I have I've hit the Jackpot with this new account in this case the present perfect is for an action  a completed past action that has a result in the present  and here's a true example my students are absolutely amazing  all of you are so amazing I truly feel like I've hit the Jackpot  with such amazing students especially when I read the comments  and everyone is so positive and supportive I truly feel like I've hit the Jackpot  so thank you all our final listening exercise and the most challenging listening exercise  I'll say it 3 times she really pushes my buttons she really pushes my buttons  she really pushes my buttons did you get this one  I said she really pushes my buttons and this is the most difficult one  because maybe you heard the individual words but do you know what it means  if someone said this to you would you be able to reply back  would you be able to have a conversation because this is an advanced idiom  that native speakers use for pronunciation maybe the word buttons wasn't clear  because native speakers we  don't pronounce those t's  I don't say buttons buttons that sounds very awkward for me to pronounce  I never ever say it like that I always say buttons buttons  buttons buttons so those TS become flat TS  we don't push out the air now you can absolutely say buttons  you can pronounce the t but it's important that you know how  native speakers pronounce it so you can understand us and not be confused  when we say buttons and you can hear that   unstressed buttons in this clip let's listen now button button  who's got the button so now that you know how to hear buttons  let's learn about this  expression to push ones buttons  and notice buttons is always plural this is when you annoy someone on purpose  now why would you annoy someone on purpose well you have maybe a sister  a brother a best friend a husband a wife  a mom and dad and you probably know how to push their buttons  you know how to get a reaction out of them and let's be honest  sometimes you do it on purpose right so let's say you have a sibling  your mom could say to you why do you always push your sister's buttons  so notice your sister's buttons the buttons belong to your sister  so you need the possessive there and your mom is saying  why do you always purposely annoy your sister and maybe you push her buttons by   talking about her ex boyfriend and you know  just the mention of his name really irritates her but you do it on purpose to get that reaction  let's be honest we've all done something like this there are always little rivalries in the workplace  as well so someone could say she's just trying to push my buttons  but it won't work so she's saying someone else is trying to annoy her on purpose  but she's going to ignore it it won't work  and maybe this other coworker is doing this by talking about the Vogue account that she lost  remember she hit the Jackpot  with the Vogue account  but then she forgot to do something and they fired her from the account  so she's not going to Fashion Week and she's not working on the Vogue account  so just talking about the Vogue account really creates a reaction in her  this happens a lot let's say you have two friends one of them supports this sports team  and the other friends supports this sports team and their rivals  and simply talking about the other sports team gets that person really upset and annoyed  so you can say I know how  to push Alexander's buttons  just mention how France lost the World Cup he pushes my buttons this   kid is pushing my buttons really knows how to push buttons  now let's do an imitation exercise so you can practice  all these natural pronunciation changes I'll say each sentence again three times  but this time after I say it I want you to repeat it out loud  here we go you're on a roll you're on a roll  you're on a roll I'm not a fan of sports  I'm not a fan of sports I'm not a fan of sports  you really hit the Jackpot you really hit the Jackpot  you really hit the Jackpot she really pushes my buttons  she really pushes my buttons she really pushes my buttons  so would you like this lesson do you want me to make more lessons just like this  if you do then put on a roll on a roll on a roll in the comments below  and of course make sure you like this video share with your friends and subscribe  so you're notified every time I post a new lesson and you can get this free speaking guide  where I share 6 tips on how to speak English fluently and confidently  you can click here to download it or look for the link in the description  and learning idioms is must know to understand native speakers  so watch this video on the 20 most common idioms right now
Channel: JForrest English
Views: 32,593
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Keywords: Jennifer Forrest, JForrest English, learn english, english grammar, english vocabulary, native english speaker, American English teacher, how to speak English, how to learn English, how to feel confident speaking English, learning English, fluent English, how to be fluent english, how to become fluent English, english fluency, fluent in english, how to speak english, fast english speaking, fast english conversation, fast english, american english, C2, fast english speaker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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