Improv Sewing with Sheri Lynne

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[Music] you hey everybody welcome to the creative bug live we're in the studio with Cheri Linwood who's been here all week so mean these amazing improv quilting classes welcome to the studio Cheri thank you it's great to be here Courtney I love your philosophy of improv for the people that maybe haven't experienced it or maybe are not familiar to quilting in general can you give us like a little overview of what improv quilting is like improv you just start and you listen and respond and so basic part of improv it's just like anything and theater improv or music improv it's a it's a process of listening and responding sometimes having limits will help like a relationship to start with so if we're liking the theater if you're doing theater improv I might say give me a location and a relationship of two people and then the improv would start so that's sort of what you you kind of apply that principle to your quilting frame yeah with patchwork it's the same thing that it's so freeing and in watching sherry work this week it's been super inspiring and you've been talking about your ruler free meth and you don't use templates you've referred to traditional Patrick as fixed pattern patchwork and improv is not that the difference improv is flexible pattern so that means you don't really know which direction the pattern will go to but it doesn't mean it's crazy or chaotic it just means the pattern goes through a series of transformations evolutions variations kind of a theme and variation type thing that's so cool so we're actually going to do this really fun practice that sherry does in her classes in person called a ruler free improv mashup demo so I actually picked out some fabric so sherry couldn't see what it is and I'm hiding it in this bag and should I just take out all the fabric ah that's that's how do we want to use all of the fabrics I don't know tell me how do we start how many fabrics do we need to use today that's one of the limits that we can say are we gonna use 10 fabrics are we gonna use two fabrics so we're gonna use five fabrics what do you think can we start with three fabric okay three fabrics are you gonna pick them up or you want to just pick them randomly okay what do you that why don't you pick two why don't you pick one random and - do I pick okay yeah like they're really shoved in this bag so let's see I mean you gotta do your choices first and then pick the third one is around I'll pick my choices first yeah you're gonna go to this kind of cocoa color okay really into that I don't know how big these pieces are that's okay into this bright red color okay that'll be one of our limits the size or the amount of the piece okay okay we can actually make it a limit in this that we use all of this red in the piece okay this is my random choice yeah we don't know what its gonna be Oh keep our fingers crossed oh that's a good one and it's a shirt too and I love those colors together well we got lucky there okay great okay that's right yeah okay cool so now now what now what do we do okay so what's in some other limits of patchwork or parameters that we use to decide on patchwork so like shape or scale scale shape so like big or small right or the like squares or strips or triangles right so let's start with the shape what shape should we work with really like this dress Oh strips okay all right what you wanna okay so strips we'll just start cutting up some strips so let me show you how to do strip piecing strip piecing is a little bit different when you do improv first of all you want to have let's cut up some strips with these buttons how about that I think another nice thing is we got this great shape that's kind of a given shape so let's try to work with the shape that we have because again this is kind of a limit right I'm going to go ahead and cut this into a few strips so no ruler no bowling and I'm doing some different now I'm leaving a little bit of room so I don't sew into my buttons right okay they're wide strips right but we can put some narrows to it with this part we can do a little narrower and also you kind of want your strips to be the same width I mean the same length because once we start sewing them together they're going be the same length I mean so that we don't have big gaps so look we've got some natural curves what do you think about doing some curves sure okay so let's let's fill in these areas with maybe some of the cocoa you should see my stash at home okay so you see how I'm layering it now this is the basic technique we use for sewing any kind of shape together whether it's a curve or square I'm gonna give it a little bit of room here and I'm going to so I'm going to cut this to match so I've layered right sides up and I'm cutting this curve exactly to match like a puzzle piece almost and I'll just cut it off right here I'll trim off this little selvage edge okay so now I'm going to take away what's under remember it's right sides up cut to match and I am going to it's matches well does it match that well actually so let me just recut it just a little bit there's no mistakes but I went to lie flat so to make it lie flat I got it so I just recut it a little bit okay when I'm doing a curve and this is a pretty simple curve it's a little bit of an s-curve so I can put a couple marks in just as registration if it's a if it just depends on your own skill level you might not even need to to do that part if it's a gentle curve but oh just for the sake of demonstration I'll show you how you see these little depth these little registration marks I'm gonna I'm going to line those up and put it just a couple pins to keep me on track here and now I'm just going to do my quarter inch seam no back stitching and again you never need you never need a ruler to make things lie flat you just need rulers when you went points to match yeah just as a reminder for anybody watching creative but we're doing a great offer three of creativebug plus a 30% off dare you guys use a lot of reuse reuse able fabric right and you can mix it up you can have stuff from your stash you can buy stuff that you like you can use old clothes pretty much anything goes with improv because you know if you run out of something you just substitute something else so you see how nicely that lays I mean really as long as you cut things to match it'll lie flat you really only need rulers and templates when you're trying to make points meets like tiles yes yeah and that's that's when you need to measure rulers and stuff are for measuring I'm not for making it lie flat I took a workshop with Nancy crow like years ago and she said to me the very first thing she said to us in the class was you don't need a ruler to make things lie flat and a big giant lightbulb went off in my head because I had not been able to separate those two things and that freed me up a lot okay so now we've got that curve just for times sake I think should we do another curve I think we're just maybe we'll do one more curve let's do one more I'm gonna go ahead and do the cocoa again and so you're pressing these little sections after they come yeah and then we're gonna cut these into more strips so we're doing basically some strips and some curves aren't we I love it all right let's get those buttons up again I'm gonna layer this and I'm gonna cut that curve right in there oh I have a good idea what you use your thirty percent off coupon on if you have a fabric stash already then you can use your coupon on Sherry's book which is available at some jo-ann stores and if not just online I love this the improv handbook for modern quilters and it talks all about the flexible pattern and prov and i love that you mentioned in this book give you guys a little preview sherry mentioned specifically this improv round robin which is so cool because people working on something and then their fabric and they're so far made quilt block traveled and so you have no control which is kind of like the spirit yeah so each person each person works on each other's quilt so it's a conversation like a yes in conversation and here's let me show you this technique with curving you don't necessarily have to use pins and stuff it's kind of just reverse clothes sewing you kind of just ease it in i'm pulling on the internal curve I guess that's the cave curve an outer curve I don't stretch and it should live pretty flat I mean it was cut to match - you don't always have to pin though let's press it open let's press it in this direction this time alright okay so I think that we also have a time limit right yeah so we're getting lots of restrictions for this yeah procedure so if you told me you wanted me to make a twin size quilt in a half an hour we would be using giant squares right really large squares and really large scale and something very simple so that's part of our limits to our time look how pretty that is okay so now we we have some other strips yeah I was thinking do you want to do strip piecing I was thinking we would cut the strips I can just do strip piecing right so let's go ahead and I'm thinking I'm going to go ahead and cut this off and let's cut this into some strips right we're gonna get some nice curves now this one because the curves going this way I was thinking maybe we would add some red on to this and we want to get it to be about the same length as this so let's make our strips let's add this red here it already kind of like butts up together like a puzzle yeah that one I didn't have to cut cuz it's pretty straight already or they match already okay so we got we want these to be this long right so I'm gonna go ahead and trim this and I'm gonna go ahead and cut this do you see these pieces for later yeah who knows where they might go in later and we also have this little thin strip too so we can cut this in just a few more strips this is already cut lengthwise but we'll cut it I mean width wise we'll cut it the same length as all of our strips and the reason we do that is that when you start to sew these together you don't want short strips sewn to long strips because then you end up not being able to use all of them right okay so now we have some of these let's go ahead let me iron this very quickly I love watching you this week because you really get into ya and strip piecing is really fun cuz it always comes out good I think so let's cut this into some more strips do you want to try it sure okay alright just nice a good firm feel the energy coming right through the through the floor yep all right very good okay and I'll trim this one up a little bit okay alright so here we getting more strips we've got different widths I don't know what do you think about the colors do you think we could use one more color yeah yeah okay what is this anybody in the audience have anything to say about that surprise or surprise or should I select it from the bag intentionally mari has a question okay I'm just trying to do a quarter inch seam allowance although it doesn't have to be exact because you know it doesn't matter if it's exact you just want it wide enough so that it doesn't unravel and quarter inch is good but if it's a little less than a quarter inch or a little more than a quarter inch no big deal and you mentioned when we were filming that if people seem start to come apart then they should use like a shorter stitch length to keep everything nice and tight yep once we cross cut our strips we can you know if you're finding that your seams are loosening you can always tighten your stitch width or stitch length yeah okay let's see surprise since we got most things surprise and see what we get okay well we'll just that's what we'll go with we'll see what we get do we have a yellow or in origin let's say can we get a yellow there's one right by that you're left there yeah all right audience audience wins you get a yellow we get a yellow and a surprise and the reason I was thinking is that there's an orange okay I was thinking maybe we would put a little bit of yellow on to this red how about that so you see how I'm going to build it I want them all the same length so I'm gonna build my length a little bit on this so you just fill so anytime you come up with an obstacle like this is too short you just add to make it fit yep and then up just adds to the interest I love that it's you mention this like yes and so you're always like agree yes for me right and that supports your flow as soon as you start saying yes but it's just like Improv Theater you lose the energy it becomes awkward you get lost you want to always affirm and build on whatever comes up and that's how you keep your flow if there's something you really don't like I don't recommend cutting out I just recommend focusing on what you do like rather than what you don't like and then just keep moving forward those chances are the part you didn't like earlier on it's going to be the part that you love after the whole piece is finished exactly your feeling about it can change a lot okay all right so I think we've got all of our strips I don't think we need any more strips okay so let's cut this into some strips I'm gonna cut them into different lengths so cut a couple skinny ones ooh that's a really skinny one let's do one more really skinny really skinny one that's pretty skinny I don't know if we can sew that or not okay so Courtney what do you think should we do one way we can do strips is we can we can plan them but I like to we can be spontaneous like I'm gonna do this woman this one but do you or I like the random choice again that's where you put it all in baggy just pull it out we sew it anyway it comes out okay okay and we can take turns pulling out I love this this is like crying I'm gonna magic you pull one out now Oh see though that's not what I would normally choose right but that's what we got so look let's let's do it okay I will change the button so they're in different directions how about that so that's kind of like it you notice when when you pulled that out I was kind of like oh man I really wouldn't want to sew these two wide ones together I wanted a color in between them but this is what's so great about random is that it makes you here your preferences really well and knowing your preference is a big part of improv because it's all about choice even when we're doing this random thing I mean the nice thing about the random thing it makes you hear your choices better like it hears makes you hear your preferences so you'd be better at choosing okay I'm going to pull one oh another one okay you're gonna pull one I know in an unconscious way we can feel the difference of the texture Rolly oh okay well at least we've got that right we're reconstructing this yeah well you know what you can say no if you want but recognize that you're cheating the system if you want to cheat that's okay I mean if you commit to being random then if you decide you're not going to be random then that's okay because you can do anything you want with improv but recognize like ah this is my limit I can't so any more of these together in a row I just can't do it and because then prom is also about self-discovery yeah you know and knowing where your limits are and what you can take and what not but I don't think it's so bad okay this is my turn yes oh yes I'm trying to feel around so I don't get one of those that's a bit of cheating but that's okay alright so let's let's keep going here we got one finally that's different okay you just pull them in also umm well let's do let's don't do them too quickly okay got a little bit of a there we go I'm gonna line them up from the top and so if there's okay if they you know some are a little bit longer but I'm trying to line them up on one edge at least okay and I also have the option of maybe flipping around I like it this way though okay and you don't worry about these seams now you're sewing over a piece stripped no I just try to let them go in one direction as much as I can sure yeah let's just keep feeding them to me okay I'm Melissa welcome I'm here with Cheri Linwood and Shirley was the master improv quilter she is also the author of The Improv handbook for modern quilters and we're doing this crazy mystery random strip pee patchwork demo right and so this patch where this strip piece thing can be put into a quilt at some point mean a bigger more we only have a certain amount of time so we don't know how much how far we'll get but if you do the strip piecing at home you could make bigger sheets you could then recut it up to make like the outside of a purse or you know make the boarder on a pillowcase or you know you could use it for home sewing decorative things and basically you're creating a piece of striped fabric okay so you know I can I can see how I can orient this in different ways in terms of the see I like the other direction better don't you know we gonna cut this off eventually are we gonna fill yeah I know that's these were a lot shorter so I don't know what we'll do let's just go you missed the brown I know but we we might still use it and I actually like the way these two are light better don't you so let's um let's not worry about that right now now we're not getting any of those brown ones are we or the off-white was well that's what random is you never know what you're gonna get I kind of like though when you get things you know it makes me do things that I wouldn't normally do that's the point right of this yeah processes right hearing what your preferences are making choices in the moment embracing the unexpected and then working with it to move forward right exactly and discovering new territory all right I love a skinny one right here yeah me too okay I'm gonna go ahead and just keep flipping these yeah oh we got a button in there right okay let's do a couple more and I don't know would you want to keep just doing strips or do you want to create something with the strips we could oh we could do ooh I like that I like kind of flipping these in other in opposite directions when we get them so do you do this practice always with a finished piece in mind or no not at all in fact sometimes I'll just do these strip piecing just as a meditative way to warm up for a more intense creative process like you know if I'm working on a composition I may just do a few strip piecing a little bit of strip piecing just to get my energy flowing again well I mean get my energy going in the mornings or when I they're starting it can be very meditative and then these piece scraps can be used in compositions they can become blocked with it yeah they can be cut up in fact I was thinking maybe we should throw in some other elements yes yes what do you want to do what do you think can you do some little where's should we do some puts should we add this to some square yeah okay all right you want to use a blue do you want it which blue do you want oh I like that one you like the dark blue okay all right so should we do a large square or a small square me or the audience I don't know his audience how many directions let us know larger small square big scaler little scale I say little little I don't know Tim is also the peanut gallery is let's do one of both okay one above okay let's cut a big story freehand cutting yes let's do a big square long a big square okay we'll do both we'll do a large square with a small square how about that so did you see how I made that square mm-hmm let's make a small one now okay you can just fold the corner over I'm just cut so much time do we have we have we have time okay we have some time I want to make sure we get something finished before the end of the thing all right so now I'm gonna cut my strips so we will assign our strips first the one thing when I have strips like this I don't want to iron until I at least have six to eight inches so so we have that isn't it funny how we well let's see what it looks like after we iron it now sometimes if my strips are pretty pretty crisp also in one direction sometimes I so light dark I mean iron like too dark sometimes I'll iron in one direction but actually a lot of times I just go from the center out and mash them and let them go let my seams go any way I want with this shirt fabric I mean it shows up a little bit but I'm not really concerned about perfection or the way things look I'm more about the expression that I get and when I when I allow my curves and when I allow my seams to go in any direction sometimes I get curvier or more lyrical lines especially if my lines that I've cut to begin with or a little bit curvy so I just did that and you see my seams are going all over the place it looks nice and flat so yeah it's pretty flat now if you don't like that though you can iron all your seams in one direction there's no one way of ironing okay and we know that this part is a little bit we'll go ahead and cut that off as a strip okay so we're gonna add these strips to our blocks right yeah so I say let's um let's start with our start with our small strip the small block and let's just add some strips to it I'm going to well we could you know do the thing where we do kind of like a a log-cabin thing let's do that on one side with these small strips because you're starting with the cut the piece we cut off to this yeah block we're going to add that to the small square and so the idea of flexible pattern making we added the squares and the new color because we were getting bored with what we had right so it expands our parameters right we're gonna kind of get some new colors going and more right yeah and so now we can decide where we want to add the rest of our squares let's you know it's just a matter of choice and preference mm-hmm exact Amit Minh trite I mean I could just go around in a circle you know I can I can put this I mean when you put it there it just looks like you know that's kind of a solid fabric there so I'm thinking just to do something different I'm just I'm thinking I'm gonna do this this way okay I don't know why I'm just seeing starting somewhere right yeah and I think we'll end up cutting that but we'll just go ahead and sew it onto here okay now let's see how this lines up with our big square we can add our big square like this all right this is this is a bleed yeah it bleeds into the big square and we get the stripes I'm going to go ahead and cut this right here whoo that's exciting we've done okay so you know this is kind of nice because we don't want to have you know I can cut this off here and sew it or I can decide you know do I want to put some more strips here before I sew this what do you think folks so what my two choices are and improv is all about choice I love this because now there's just a little bit of yellow I love it right there's a little bit of yellow here now we could just sew these two cut this off and then go from there okay the other option though instead of cutting off you never want to well I never want to just sew this on here because then I haven't a partial seam and that's a big pain to deal with so another thing I could do is if I want to keep my block as long as this I can add some strips of this and then sew this seam and I could do it in either direction I could do it this kind of looks cool that's cool - yeah or we could just sew it and then cut it so I'll let the audience decide what does them quit the fearless answer for me I feel like okay I I like just this because that feels interesting but kind of safe am I being too safe is that why um well I mean then then I mean I I guess to me it's kind of fun to see I kind of like this is interesting how this changes yeah yeah and in the thing that I kind of like about this is we're gonna get another strip out here and I kind of like how this kind of bleeds into this oh you're kind of like those steps coming down you know if you cut here then you've got to do you then you start getting to more of a typical log cabin so then do we need to fill this space we could but I think you know we could we could we could take another square and fill that space and then we could have an order of sewing or we could cut you know you want to try that what should we do to cotton we can actually fill in we could fill in with another blue what do you think about this pink that's pretty intense I don't know that's maybe too much yeah so keeping it always loving at all what about the gray the gray I think the gray kind of feels a little too dark uh you know here's let's look at the rest of the blue again what about the blue I kind of like keeping with the blue that's feeling very nautical oh okay we want we want to mix that up huh yeah I like that you like the light blue yeah do you like that you don't like the light blue let's see what are their options for auditioning things Oh yellow we haven't heard you yell oh yeah we got the yellow here or what about the brown I love this bar oh right we got the brown too so this is okay so how do you not feel overwhelmed when you have so many choices I know Amit and move forward we're at some point you got to commit and move forward okay let's see Brown okay okay I think the yellow is a good choices okay let me tell you why because again you're making the best relationships you can in the moment one reason I like the yellow is that I mean I like the blue a lot too but when we say I like the yellow is see what the yellow picks up here mm-hmm it almost picks up the block again interesting and so you've got another relationship there where it's not exactly on line it's not like right there she couldn't move that there and put something there if you wanted but let's keep it I I'm saying keep it a little simpler but our eye kind of goes up and that's kind of an interesting move yeah I promise just about you know interesting moves really what's the next thing so like to make this chest yeah to make this a little bit more manageable I'm going to just cut some of this fabric off because this is such a big strip and I would never worry about wasting fabric because there's all kinds of fabric out in the world yes oh you did a residency at the San Francisco Recology Center right which is essentially the dump exactly where you made quilts using only materials that you threw up including tell me more including the batting the backing the thread everything came from the job the sewing machines came from the dome everything came from the dump that's so awesome and they you know they're I I don't know I think it's like 60% of our landfill now it's material waste did you hear that 60% of our landfill as much it's a huge huge problem though maybe look at your goodwill and donation bags a second time right to make your quilt so let's look at the order of sewing okay I've cut this strip right and we're gonna we're going to need to sew these two together before we sew this together and so the question is is we're gonna fill this in with something yes then would be close to having a full square then we'll have a full square let's make a few more straw where our strips the original strips here they are let's do a couple more strips okay and I was thinking maybe we could just fill in with some strips I love that I love that what do you guys think sherry Lynn would calm the question was where are the images for Sherry Lynn woods all the quilts made from the Recology yeah see so you can check them out on Sherry Lynn would calm me up and the first the the actual body of work is called afterlife okay because it's like life after the dump right yeah I love it and also if you're on Instagram you can do hash tag making do Recology and you can see the whole documentation of my residency all the cool things I found and the things that I made in the whole process it was a four-month residency so I hashed had it's making do Recology and so cool so let's go ahead we pulled these out and I'm looking for natural well it doesn't matter with strips whether they're cut to match because you can iron them and they will they'll behave they'll behave yep we got a saw them first before you iron though the other thing about improv when you're doing the order of sewing you gotta be a little bit of Conn's you got to be a little conscious that every time you sew a seam things shrink about 1/2 an inch so when you're doing your layouts things are gonna look a little different one sewn up because exactly so again we've got to make some decisions about where we want I think that looks I don't know I like I kind of like to have the brown I like what do you think like that I like the brown do you like that yes okay so let's go ahead and sew this to this and these are all pretty straight edges so I'm not having to cut them to match but if you're working with other shapes yeah or as as the lines get longer and longer we might have a situation where things don't lie flat and then you can take a dart to get the the flatness get it flat again so we'll see if that happens we'll take a dart yeah and that's something that we talk about in sharri's classes she's filming three improv classes with us now that we'll be releasing leader in 2018 and 2019 kay so you can see this now doesn't really so there's a little bit of a gap right so what you go ahead and cut well the way I would do it I mean you can always add something in the gap or you can just layer this over we could also turn it and see if we get a better result I don't like it like that though I like this originally what we picked you always can change course and improv I do too okay so I'm going to layer this over these two pieces over each other and then I'm going to go back over with my rotary cutter and I'm going to cut them to match all right and now take away the extra now right sides together too so we're getting there you guys yeah I'm gonna say improv quilt we're gonna have a little finished panel I really like working strips and squares together so much you can do is just those 2-cent very simple basic shapes like I'm gonna iron it okay okay I'm gonna in this direction I think that's looking good I always like the way things look after they've been ironed yeah it's like the official like wouldn't take a photograph of something kind of flattens it out yeah exactly alright so now we've got to do this seam got so close final seam here and it's pretty close I'm going to do I need to ya I'm gonna trim it a little bit so I'm gonna cut this I'm gonna go ahead oh I can I always like to cut a little bit over and then I can trim later mm-hmm and again never squaring up rulers just all by eyeball or cut to fit right see how I'm gonna run right along this edge here cut to match we're gonna get you know this is gonna be a little bulky because of all the seams but what it doesn't matter it'll work out I love that you know you could almost take that out such a thing yeah but you know we don't have as much time to do that right now so we'll just go with the flow of being in the moment and having a timeless restriction that's very primary colors here holds together nicely yeah oh this is interesting it ended up as like as I sowed it and ended up that I'm getting a little bit less of this than I expected but Whoopie that's what happens with improv so you just basically like take on those Whoopie moments and then just learn from them and keep moving forward yeah I mean there's it just happens the way it happens and there's no right or wrong I mean there's no external thing that we're trying to work towards so sometimes you know our best laid plans shift and you just have to go with the shift okay so now I'm going to just trim this up so I'm going to cut that a little stack of Legos yeah and so that might even inspire you to do more of that right yeah I love it so this is about like a discovery process so you told me that or we talked about in the classes that once you finish something you do an evaluation would you mind just walking us yeah let's evaluate this that's great really cool it's kind of a nice little make a cute little pillow maybe yeah okay so um what I like to do to evaluate is I like to ask myself these three questions what surprised me what happened that I didn't expect what did I discover or learn then I didn't know before what was satisfying about the process or the outcome and what was dissatisfying I hold myself carefully on that last one I try to answer the first three because I never wanted yes but but if there was something I was dissatisfied about I can ask myself what did I what can I do differently to learn differently next time to be more satisfied yeah so let's look at this and we both can do this I mean one thing that surprised me is this whole block of I mean we actually have a whole nother square there right out of this plain fabric which is kind of interesting that it's piece like that yeah and what did I discover or did you have any discoveries you know I I i really like this shape that appeared this I don't know how I would replicate that but I think that's super cool I like that too and so you could look at something like that and say you know you can see how that's kind of pieced in with two different colors you could you could start to play with just that shape again and you can start write that motif and start improvising with that I I really like the bits of yellow at first when I was like yellow and red I was like oh no no I don't like that together but now that it's all like trimmed up I like how it moves the eye around the piece I love this tiny little spot of it and I like that up here too so that's fun I like this and I think this like giant chunk of blue is it's cool because it actually kind of helps this exists yeah I don't know yeah it's okay you know you know you can keep building on it actually you can also look at what orientation I do like this orientation better I almost would want to I don't know do we have any more white strips do we do we have enough time I'd almost want to just add a stroke around it maybe and just kind of oh no I can see this as a slippery slope yeah you just keep going on and on right I do really like how that bleed happens yeah and we're you know and you get that curve in there yeah okay compelling tell me about it I've been watching it all week on the monitors and I just like never know what choice you're gonna make that and then I'm always surprised by the choices she makes and let me tell you it always looks amazing yeah you can't go wrong with improv you know it's so cool I mean you can go in a lot of different directions in some directions you might like better than others but there's always you know no you can't really do anything wrong I mean even looks kind of nice with that strip there so I kind of would know I'd like a thinner strip on it just kind of works out open yeah I don't know what do you think sure does the audience think that's interesting so Holly's saying like change the medium and then put embroidery in this spot not that we'll do that on the blank spot yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're gonna watch like Rebecca Rehnquist class and learn some cool embroidery techniques that's right anyone the other thing you can do you know you can remember however you're gonna quilt it right yeah absolutely you can create designs in the open space to do like a contrasting thread choice with chunkier stitches hand quilt create something that's a boy idea good I could do it anyone can do this it's so easy so if you've ever been intimidated by more traditional fixed pattern quilting and the perfection of that this is like that's like apples to oranges this is like a wonderful quilt making process was very different and if you've intimidated by that other thing or you feel like you can't do that perfection thing or the planning of it try improv because you know it's a it's a completely different experience of quilt-making hey you were saying that it's like apples and oranges they're both delicious but they're very different yeah they're both delicious are very different I love that I'm just kind of having a moment with I think we should just let it stand yeah let's give it some breathing room and we'll come back to it yeah I like that I like the way it looks it looks very modern and contemporary actually I love it the light and the dark it's really cool thank you guys so for all of your input and making this really cool improv quilt Sherri's classes will be out later in this year in the beginning of next year check out the 30 days of create a book for free with your thirty percent off coupon to Joanne you could pick up Cherry's awesome book yes ruff all of this the techniques the whole process of improv are all here in the improv handbook for modern quilters yeah thank you for having me [Music] [Music]
Channel: Creativebug Studios
Views: 23,976
Rating: 4.8247013 out of 5
Keywords: Sheri Lynne, improv sewing, quilt, creativebug, creative
Id: FKvIdHVraX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 14sec (2774 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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