Paul Rubens YOULAN Orchid - 5th Generation Watercolors

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hi everyone I have a new product to introduce today it's Paul rubin's fifth generation of watercolors yolan series or Orchid series apart from several of their metallic and glittery colors this was my first time trying out Paul rubin's watercolors and as with all products there are definitely some things I think you should know and take into consideration before buying this set so let's get started shall we I received this set in this bubble wrap parcel and inside it was further wrapped with a foamy material very protective once I got the product itself it was nicely covered in shrink wrap now the Box itself I don't know if anyone has experienced this but this is probably the first time in a long time that I genuinely love the packaging you can see that it's gold and black very luxur urious the gold is shiny and reflective whereas the black is almost like a soft velvety feel the box is a very sturdy cardboard that I can definitely repurpose later on as storage compartments right away I can tell this will make a lovely gift item once open I came face to face with the infamous cloth that only this brand offers it's a cloth similar to those that one might use to clean glasses definitely not a rag to absorb water but I think in this case it's just a nice touch to keep the metal palette protected from any unwanted scratches this palette design is honestly so so cute yet classy but also cool at the same time I can see this pattern actually being quite Timeless if you don't like the black and gold they also have a pink and gold design available of course I have linked everything in the description box below it also comes with this pamphlet with some more information and color chart as well as this Swatch card the paper seems like decent watercolor paper to Swatch on and do you see that it's glittery this is just so fascinating to me I've only ever seen a few brands that include Swatch cards with their sets but never have I seen one that Glitters opening the palette here ooh colors 24 half pant mine seems to have jumbled around during shipping but that's okay I can easily put them back in order actually I think this might be a good time that I should mention that I do appreciate the minimal wrapping of the half pans while unwrapping a few pans of watercolor may be exciting unwrapping anything above five pans starts to feel like a bother to me personally at least these ones just have a loose wrapping around them so you can just easily slip the pans out with ease they also have pigment information on the wrapping for those who like to stick these in their Swatch binders the palette itself is a typical metal palette for 24 half pans the empty middle row does not fit their own half pans vertically but they do fit horizontally I'll try to find other brands's pans and put them on screen here which ones that fit or not I actually prefer these palettes without the extra flap so I always end up removing it before I actually use the palette the glitter in the paper of the Swatch card made it a little bit difficult to film so I opted to print my own Swatch chart the paper I've used is from mean's watercolor paper block that I've reviewed in the past which is essentially similar if not identical to bowong then I used this marker pigma graphic 3 to draw on black lines to test opacity all of the colors are either marked as four or five star light fastness which I assume means that they're very light fast with the exception of indigo that was marked with three stars interestingly enough the transparency and opacity ratings are rather accurate would you like to see what colors came in the set well let the swatching commence first up is Naples yellow made with pw6 py 53 and PBR 24 I've actually been obsessed with the pigment pbr4 which is used to make a lot of Naples yellow colors so while this is a unique choice to come in a palette I sure do appreciate it lemon yellow made with py3 is your typical cool yellow color and this one is is very bright and vibrant definitely does not disappoint for a lemon yellow color cadmium yellow light made with py 35 I would say this would still lean towards being a cool yellow though I did wish this was more of a middle yellow as you'll see we're moving right into a warm yellow chromium yellow Hue deep made with py 65 if you're interested to put together a split primary palette I think this one would be a great choice for your warm yellow chromium orange Hue made with p62 I'm not particularly fond of orange colors but you'll see later on in my painting demo that this color mutes greens very well to create natural greens cadmium red light made with p108 I would consider this the warm red of this palette it's not yet a middle red more like an orange red pr1 179 perene maroon I was very surprised when I swatched this out it's a lot more red than I'm used to with PR 179 this one definitely feels like a strong tinting reddish maroon whereas from other brands they're more brownish maroon Quinn Rose made with pv19 this one was rather disappointing to be honest I love all Hues of pv19 whether they're Gamma or beta but this one I struggle to find the right words it's more like a crimson instead of pv19 that washes to a pinkish red quinacridone maroon made with PV 42 oh how can I not be excited about this one I have been wanting to try this pigment for the longest time I believe only scha and Daniel Smith offer it so it was such a joy to finally have been able to try this color this could EAS replace my quinacridone magentas dioxazine Violet made with pv23 very standard extremely strong tinting and transparent blue violet I don't use this color much myself but it's a great go-to color to mix super dark darks Indigo made with pb15 colon 1 and pb66 that's phthalo blue and synthetic Indigo this is the only color marked with three star light fastness and now I don't use Indigo much myself but does this maybe look like a Pain's gray French blue made with our standard ultramarine blue pigment pb29 this one does granulate but I feel like it's more of a fine to medium granulation not very obvious we're halfway there here is Berlin blue made with pb27 which is our typical standard Prussian Blue I like to use use this as a base to easily mix an inden thrown blue color phthalo blue pb15 colon 3 this is our typical phthalo blue green shade and if you know me you know this is my favorite pigment ever pb16 phthalo turquoise I tried to pack on the pigment in the mass tone there but I wasn't able to get to an almost black like Hine and Windsor and Newton this p pb6 is more like Da Vinci's and Daniel Smith's Oriental green pg7 also known as the green blue shade this is a powerful color that I mixed with a warm red to get a dark black May green made with py 151 and pg7 this one is a yellow green bright vibrant feels like spring is near Cobalt turquoise dark PG 26 now this color is normally very expensive so I was quite intrigued that Paul Rubin included this personally I need to have a granulating turquoise in my signature palette of 12 so while this leans a little more green and muted I'm beyond happy this was included olive green dark made with p62 and pg7 I'm quite particular with my greens that I like and well this one doesn't particularly tickle my feathers Earth yellow py 42 this does seem to granulate but the effect doesn't show up after drying it's pretty much our typical yellow ochre moving on to Burnt Sienna pr101 and pbk 9 this one I'd say is very similar to Windsor and Newton's burnt sienna it's more like a transparent red oxide Venetian red pr101 nothing much to say here very standard opaque red Earth Brown umber made with pb15 colon 1 pbr7 and pbk 9 I was figuring out what's up with this color and I sort of expected a burnt umber or sepia but then it dawned on me it's meant to be like those super dark umbers made with PBR 7 and our last color ivory black made with pbk 9 and here are the colors after completely drying all colors were extremely easy to rewet even the Earth colors for someone who has never tried this brand before I am very impressed of their quality selection of colors and especially the price 24 half pans a palette and luxurious packaging at almost $50 I could definitely recommend this for beginners that want to upgrade to artist grade watercolors but may be still hesitant to invest a larger sum on a different brand what made me so interested in this set is that these three pigments were included PV 42 pb16 and PG 26 I don't think I've seen all of these three expensive pigments all in a set for this price definitely gave me a mind blown moment I'm calling this the new Holy Grail palette for beginners because I absolutely love that there are a few legit granulating colors in this set that beginners could experiment with although it's important to learn mixing with a limited palette I certainly appreciate having a wide selection of colors to play with as a beginner as well that said it's not only for beginners I'm sure experienced watercolorists would enjoy this in their collection as well the more I painted with this set the more I appreciated how easy it was to pick up the paint I didn't even pre-wet the colors at all I'm not the type of person to remember to prewit my colors beforehand so so I'd say this alone deserves major brownie points from me all in all the metal palette itself isn't a new design but the fun print on it is the color selection had both standard typical colors one would need like split primaries secondaries and Earths as well as unique expensive and granulating colors to experiment with I don't know about you but I'm definitely going to be putting this on my holiday gift list it's just just so giftable all right that's all I have to say if anyone has tried this set please share with us down below what your thoughts are and I'd love to know what Drew you to this set itself in the first place as always thank you so much for watching everyone don't forget to drink lots of water and stay hydrated
Channel: Paint in Hiding
Views: 17,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watercolor, watercolour, art, paint, paint with me, paint along, tutorial, paint tutorial, watercolor tutorial, daniel smith, raphael, white nights, sennelier, rembrandt, lukas, schmincke, davinci, winsor, winsor&newton, mijello, shinhan
Id: 6UarUkgndVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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