Impossible Mixed Trivia

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the first question is what form of energy are we using when we use an alarm clock or a dishwasher the correct answer is a electricity question two what is 851 + 1 or9 the correct answer is b960 question three which continent is famous for its coral reefs the correct answer is B Australia question four which is not something a good citizen does the correct answer is a deal question five who had the hit 60s song It's My Party on Mercury the correct answer is B Leslie Gore question six stick that in your hat what is the state song of Connecticut the correct answer is a Yankee Doodle question seven Emil zatopek was a famous athlete from which country the correct answer is C Czechoslovakia question 8 in 2009 whose 1962 piece called $21 Bills sold not for $200 but for nearly $44 million the correct answer is C Andy Warhol question nine Atlantic city became a major Resort because it was the Eastern terminous of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad and it got bigger in 1978 when what State legalized gambling there the correct answer is C New Jersey and the last question is on winning a Webby the founders of what website simply said this here requires no filter the correct answer is B Instagram I hope you enjoyed this quiz and make sure to share your score in the comments Please Subscribe and press the Bell to get notified about our newest quizzes
Channel: Quiz This
Views: 9,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 questions, Electricity, coral reef, genius, impossible mixed trivia, impossible trivia, mixed trivia, quiz, trivia, weqyoua
Id: yt0wU-ovukk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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