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Man City is under attack it's up to us to save the day ah where is it where's it already update is literally impossible get out of here man you're just a noob captain we are getting aerial heat signatures from all around areas in dy oh come on Dawg we can get out of here we can call ourselves the Great Adventures of chicken and dog I have this screwdriver hold on dog hold on we're going into the battlefield whoa yes that's what sound dogs make good job ten points for use it faced 2009 Tamiya big stupid ugly aliens they don't really seem that dangerous oh is something down here Oh captain I have infiltrated the base police listen listen guy do it I don't want to I don't want to fight you I'm just here to kill the aliens all right so I'm just gonna leave you can murder these people you can spawn camping let's kill this stupid parked like a jerk but all nice thank you - jeez the nerve some people okay let's do this what is this now what do we what what oh no the aliens are here shoot them shoot them in the face oh there's so many what's up ready they're doing the chicken dance I'm one of you look at my head you don't have to kill me does the Taser work it doesn't work they just absorb the electricity's power Oh got run are you shooting planned mine eggs this is like zombies from call of duty ah I did not see you for a second I should have brought different guns to this I brought the wrong guns here what wave are we on remember to leave a crawler so that we can use the pack-a-punch what there's a UFO in here do you really think you could survive yeah I do actually I'm pretty sure I'm gonna grow old with these chickens ah no no no no please spare me day there's so many and they knock you over like they're friggin police dogs I should have brought my police dog in here that would have been so helpful or maybe not I don't know we'll see next round I guess I don't think I'm gonna survive this oh god oh god save me somebody I can't do this I can't do this he keeps knocking me over all day oh okay definitely this this furniture definitely needs it ah I can't have both I will name you chicken murderer I'm ready to be put into the chicken verse whoa ha ha ha you fell right into my trap there is nowhere to run get him kill them all you're not getting me this round stupid chickens I'm Way smarter than a chicken I'm just gonna keep throwing tear gas right where they spawn oh wait I can't yet hold on reload already oh no this is bad oh look at that big one he's really getting it I don't need to see him look at that oh I tell you chickens in my sleep I turn you into chicken I don't care you did I can't kill these guys yeah I'm gonna eat you for lunch delicious go ahead spawn some more I dare you ha ha ha ha ha you freakin idiot spawn inside the schmuck it doesn't hurt them are you serious through the gold ones are deadly please for the love of God somebody elevate this is too much somebody take the aggro no I just need to heal please don't smile anymore I can't do that we stop following me I won't eat any more chicken I've robbers how is he so bad get the yellow one please thank you geez man chicken murderer why are you not murdering the chicken you're useless to me dude my screen is shaking so much I can't even freaking see anything where am i shooting I don't know my landing shots I have no idea one thing I know for sure this music is awful oh he has a death ray these chickens are bullies they just knock you over and kick you in the face like bullies dude I hate the yellow ones dude I hate them they're so annoying know why one of the admins Chris told me that I was gonna like this update why would I like this why would anybody like this this is terrible you can't survive you can't do anything oh my god dude look at how fast they are oh my god and this is it I'm over this is it this is the end of my room I'm gonna die now oh wow it's been a good run boys I have 1 hp and I'm dead that's calling all sugar daddies and sugar mamas I need your help to defeat chick well see how those stupid chickens like me now harbor's go chickens let's do this yeah yeah oh yeah ok this is hurting me take this and that and I regret my decision oh there's only one weapon that can destroy the evil Cluckers and that is what the death ray stupid chickens try to defeat me after they're fried chicken like me from the pyramid because I touched the death balls by accident who's cool you guys better be ready food who put this in here which one of you pranksters put this in here alright now me and Doge have death rays but nobody else has death rays because nobody wanted to take the time to go all the way the pyramid whatever doesn't matter this is the only way to win guys keep it on him kill the yellow ones first they're the most dangerous for sure why are they all coming up to me Oh anything for you cute a Vegas they're shooting aids everywhere oh god how did we already lose somebody we just started we're getting closer this guy's just dancing can't really blame him oh my god dude we made it so far just die already nope sorry brother can't do that I can't die what no no wait it's switch to my pistol why did it switch to my dude dad off we need to have all Deathrays lawyer death ray death ray I have death ray she has death ray you have a grenade launcher we're gonna die out there Thank You G no yes yes we did it yes everybody dance yay dude a jig alright this time we're winning come on what you got yellows more like dedos and then rhyme but just pretend like you did for a second please run just run run from the yellow chicks I can't even hit them oh my god that pyramid is open I have collected the world's greatest warriors me King Doge dark Callum and Haman who didn't show up to the meeting for some reason let's go let's go get that day we meet today around this what is that shape it's not an octagon the pentagon table and we will win we will I mean we're probably gonna lose but we're gonna try to win ok finally we're in we have a coherent team we know how to kill them let's do it boys you can get afraid of you I am Not Afraid of Chiqui we're doing it what how did he get here new member of the kill squad all Amin's getting destroyed dude why is this one on me so much kill him ok no no no no please don't die no dude is everyone really dead how how dude this isn't pop not the end of my rope I don't know if this is possible I don't know we I hate this hey master tweeted the invasion might seem hard but preparing carefully is the secret to winning so that's why I decided to kick out the majority of people from the server because it was way too complicated and everybody wanted to play with me even though we have to beast critique about this so I made another private server and this time with my four best champion send us into the matrix this time we have grenades so we're basically gonna throw them every time they spawn right now well I mean not right now after you shoot a once there we go that's right maids are your friend boys oh my god Emmons getting cornered bro run and run all right get ready to throw nades throw those nage boys oh god oh I shouldn't have turned around throw the freakin a dude what is wrong with my freaking mouse it's not working this is terrible oh I killed both of them I'll be there James ma okay no they're not shoot I kept my screen is shaking so violently that I actually can't do anything look out look out just keep throwing days oh god why why did he go up to me right away dude what did I do that's what you get stupid freakin chicken always on the ground as when you get you idiot Oh Oh God I got him you gotta focus those yellow birds we got this nades out go get up Tony get the yellow what are you doing focus the yellow guy oh no come on there's more already oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god dude no oh nice hang ten brother cheap Trick's dude goodbye there he goes my son okay this is my last try because I don't know what else to do I don't like I really don't know so this time we're using RPGs and Ammon has the death ray and that guy Tony over there he has the grenade launcher so we're just gonna see what happens I guess apparently RPGs opie so far I don't see it it's not that good this sucks dude how is this better we're gonna lose whose idea was it to use the RPG not sure what other strategy would work besides just using the death ray but you know whatever all right boys it's been an honor serving with you this is the worst attempt yet I think run Tony oh god no it's after me now this song is stuck in my head dude I can't get it out of my head no dude am instead weird dad the only guy with an actual good weapon here I know how we made it this far heal up because we're about to die I'm just gonna keep running in circles and then I'm gonna turn around and occasionally shoot behind dude this sucks this is the worst update ever good [Music]
Channel: Sketch
Views: 2,848,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sk3tch, moments, Gameplay, YouTube Sketch, mad city area 51, mad city update, sketch YouTube, mad city season 4, mad city area 51 raid, raiding area 51 in roblox, montage, area 51 raid, Mad City Roblox, no cursing, sketch mad city, Sketch, mad city sketch, mad city area 51 boss, Gaming, roblox area 51 raid, no swearing
Id: nLomTrxqqhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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