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hello oh vanishing twin sure i'll do vanishing twin uh so i'm hoping for this vanishing [Music] oh okay well i was scared okay okay okay all right that's cool i mean that's like two boneheads right what does it sound like lego bricks okay all right that's fine it's fine because i have boneheads it's like the only way to protect your deals as bethany i got balls they're lit i i'm realizing i've forgotten to what the hell happened to him he gave me crack jacks thank you old bandage tons of health uh hello seven skills is whatever [Music] uh we don't really need to check the rest so we'll just go straight down to be honest with you i don't want to play this guy i'll play him [Music] oh hey nice hey he's so close he's definitely weird [ __ ] up too uh you guys want to tell me why that uh this this stone ship didn't open did it really spawn too soon that sucked [Music] judgment uh sure why not true which is funny yeah yeah i might as well take it nice experimental treatment oh those stats i said nice sarcastically i was fully expecting to just cry but uh no actually good [Music] yes rico i don't see anything to rock so let's go down [Music] i enjoyed your chance very nice oh update f5 whatever judge i don't mind that much let's blow you up i want that extra deal oh touchers probably that's a real one uh sure nice oh hello good stuff thank you luck up to jesus what is this room what is this room what is this super meat boy room what ice this sucks i have how a plan it oh god [Music] okay that's cool thank you so hard though i hope i find a better active item soon but i i don't know i'm just not not using the bomb detonator if it's full it's potential well here's what i'm gonna do i want to buy everything including the tapeworm i don't know if the tapeworm is going to be possible to get i'm going to try well i didn't get that so this hinge is the scary spot to exist when dupes so i uh i'm terrified i'm going to be early i don't want to be here oh my god ah what is happening we're good okay big key is big this is also big my tier 8 is so much right now uh that's nice i'm gonna blast him with my uh negative shot speed tiny planet where everything takes seven years to get to you uh i don't even need that do i really not have a cube no way oh i'm stupid [Music] to the next floor we're definitely slow so i don't think we're gonna be taking care of any boss rush got another curse room this is the the run where i avoid curse rooms because i'm bethany and i want the bone hearts i i mean is that better is that like better i don't common cold's better oh okay well nevermind here's here's my shop i'm gonna take care of my shop first before i go find the box uh spider mod i mean i'm a spider mod enjoyer but i have gold member which will give me restock no thank you [Music] i think i'll just go oh oh two little how does this work oh my god it really is just what is happening up though oh stapler nice oh wait i can't get it wow holy [ __ ] um let's just do this i'll lose the gold heart it's fine i wanted the money anyway i feel like if i go get the knife piece it's gonna waste too much time and i'm realizing i might be able to make boss rush if i do this okay instantly find a treasure room instead they have no keys once again oh never mind oh satisfying let's check this out it's a [Music] oh it does oh it spawns wisps oh wait that's sick man can i sleep like these no i can't [Music] i when did i get a gold field what [Music] oh analog yes hear that please oh thank you what's next how does this work i actually don't know how this works at all i'd love to find out thank you how does this work what the hell what okay i have the highest tiers the most range of anyone quite big nerf tiny planet gives you and i just have infinite range and high den a little less pretty to look at but i mean like i can also do this which is kind of cool so like i think it i think it makes up for it you know [Music] hey greed thank you i need money for this full shot [Music] what is in you good items but i'm pretty sure my tier rate is capped out so do that siren let's suplex you oh there's two of them forgot about that [Music] get me in there [Music] oh nice hp range i'm gonna be real with you i was thinking i was gonna get better items with vanishing twin what can you do you just hold left here and you'll make it i know he doesn't know how to do this room all right yeah i definitely like to run now uh could be conjoined honestly oh you know what sure could we can join wow all right that oh i need that but i should take it i could remove it from the pool or something right so why not uh speed up is actually what i need so thank you more money for the gold shop my last one oh my god i just realized i can't make faster than mine forget everything maybe i can make it i just realized i'm all like a huge time limit i gotta go [Music] just buy whatever i don't care what's in here uh wow that's sad literally sad this is better though stars i'll use it on the next floor i don't have time maybe maybe hold on oh but i spawned the angel oh god [Music] what's in here okay it was worth it to come in here instead [Music] oh wait i need to save these i'm gonna go to hush at least by far the most ass room i've encountered in my life [Music] remember that i have a devil it's not guppy um this would kill me right just straight up kill me take little horn pretty sure avadon kills me so let's not do that let's go fight hush instead i want to suplex flash [Music] uh hey thanks i can get both items oh my god dude what is this something else c-section i'll take it yeah beazlebub i'll take have no idea how much damage these guys are gonna do but the fact that like i got it on the hush again the amount of times i've found c-section on the hutch floor i feel like it's like kind of rigged go get them my pretties use this too tie fly c-section jesus you know what oh [ __ ] i feel like my my suplex is more used as like a like a panic button out more than anything why are your touches the tears go crazy like it's like i get involved rather than an intensive item because i don't really need it to be an effective item right now ow my series gone down by not even that much i guess i wasn't maxed out what an easy fight oh my god all right let's go down [Music] [Music] a weird run so many things that overrid each other no shot i'm gonna be able to pull off the glitch yeah my flies are gonna hurt him so i'm just gonna do this jesus all right go down burn of souls that's a great item hey i found a challenge too um wow these are good these are straight up good i want all of them except top left probably this is conjoined so i want this yeah that's insane i want this and i want this shotgun oh why okay thanks for the fakie how does this even work oh my god jesus okay i'm gonna i'm so close to death i gotta chill out i'm dead no way no way i feel like i shouldn't have taken the uh tech too i lose out on fetuses but yeah that's what i was i still godly amount of pieces that are kind of bruce protecting me and each tick is potentially procking neutroposis we should be okay i might as well try and see if i can get more stuff where are you oh god where is he thank you thanks for the hp i needed that i went down first clicker i mean useless but no key challenge also that's my first sticky nickel i hate you that's slow that's pretty good um seems there's a rotten heart in there but i can't even bother let's go find mega state for fun i'm not even shooting i'm stuck in this okay oh look at the chain that looks so satisfying holy my god oh my god i didn't realize how powerful this was everything is chaining with jacob's ladder i have electrical penises [Music] i'm ready to die wow fast even with the boss armor no delirium but it's fine alabaster box gg [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 111,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfying, Challenge, Repentance, Synergy, OP, Dead God, C Section, 20/20, Unlock
Id: C6q7BO8Pv90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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