Impossible Challenge : How to calm babies in 5 seconds?

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[Music] yeah welcome Neha welcome today Tom will do my best I think we can do it in a couple of seconds but I definitely we can calm them down very quickly okay okay yeah yeah son I eat hash it okay son ah oh oh my god [Music] channels y'all ah see you do I do ah ah see Neal even hating one ah is he's Hillier ah yeah sure Oh chica you're go that yeah oh yeah ha ha ha see you been huh lil no with a woman hey Sam uh-oh so what you do you you roll roll her over oh this one arm like that one arm I technically I well here we go and then hold your bottom uh-huh and then hold her out drop it don't drop her so this is actually really good for fathers yeah yes yeah it is we can't feed them with our breast milk you're all we can definitely holy can be exactly he it'll work between birth and about three months drama after that you're on your own now that they're too heavy too heavy
Channel: CGTN
Views: 12,312,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCTVNews, News, CCTV, Breaking, politics, Robert Hamilton, crying baby, crying, infant, warmest challenges, warm, parents, thrilling, love, family, US, doctor
Id: kR3q9sXM7WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 29sec (149 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2016
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