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hey y'all happy going everybody welcome back to another video today we got a special because we're back in the gym but instead of the regular house we got a void Dave with us hey let's go also guys we have pizza boy Reince we've spawned Google and myself Travis Jane after those guys today we're doing blindfolded basketball trick shots it's exactly like the horse rules but before every shot you take you have the option to do it blindfolded I'm a lifelong GSW head mothers yep new addition hey Bongo anything before we start I'm the Vegas man Tony anything before we start no all right guys so blindfolded trick shots David you start hold it nice mighty guys [Music] so Dave is your sha blindfolded or not my foot looks like not blind home okay I like that go thank you yes sir Oh Yoga chai dude alright next Sean is starting us off with the blindfold let's get it buddy shoot from here blindfolded I feel like ya know that's gonna be a tough shot to make too sir oh I swear to God how you thought so you're looking not gonna leave I went in now it's going in no you see my bong ism guys APL bruh King this is a shot he can make all right Bongo good luck buddy let's go yeah good enough oh let's [ __ ] go yo you [ __ ] missed do it is the self-proclaimed best basketball player on YouTube as we know so my boy Marlins watching you know that lets go swish oh oh alright let's go for it oh my god no no that's actually that was actually in high your go I do they've lived his whole life blind so this should be easy it's a normal I'm just going with a simple off the walls is list oh I got you oh my god no no no no no here oh my gosh Shawn's up next oh sweet drama phone Rosie Larry Oh [Music] Brock gang the CEO of rock gang come on go oh my oh oh I'll be there in a sec hey what are you are you can we're already group with a broad gang include a lot of jumping into you the Lexington Ryan your nice guy buddy oh oh oh count it count it let's go here here hey lovelies that have to be high rank you're okay right your knees okay you're not broken get on Brooking baby bongos brought gangs up let's go poor nice young old torn ACL torn meniscus what's gonna be quick trickshot it's a solo on from David David for the guys you gotta hit that thumbs up button immediately hell you get it guy my shot songs up on right now thank you David you're gonna get any so many likes this is going to be one handed so you have one handed through the legs to a shop right away alrighty so one hand is through the legs you know what we'll do from the free-throw line yeah nice under the leg one arm ballerina shot let's get it alright guys if there's anything I don't know gobble hor Davey Yip you saw me a minute and it fit in and in a minute for you to watch here here oh no sweets take that off other people have to wear with your 20 I saw sir did you just get it you're sweet take that off other people ought to wear with this party off after he's not mag up there yet to take your shot and finding a beautiful oh I like that today's special you know this guy got a deep squat bro that's a nice one squat I know right can't bend down right here wait wait oh here wait do that again crazy people [Music] let's go ja we met the vision the vision fracturing for the baby food David's going to be the judge so if they have a good enough bid today posing - that's a good pose not speed let's go Marv guys you made it onto the big dick Dave odium right over there is going to be the losers over here is the winners okay don't take it all take it he's accepted for the winner side oh and quit it anyhow are standing up normal human all right Ryan you don't have any trouble get it yeah oh that was way down over oh oh oh he really is like David are you okay hey there's a baby deer and fog am i joining on the head yes oh I tried but I'm on bond besides a beer bong go H over me David's up neg David if it's all fire going on I will be playing Hold'em articles I'm here why not okay my shot blindfolded passport you have to hit the backboard and nothing of Nolan all right David won't wall I could try David I saw for this trick shot fair at the end of this thin bench is basically like a parallel bar the dimness uses backspin and then you're going to run from one end of the bench to the other jump off and reverse layup whoa reverse up No all right sorry let's see your buddies white ibises Oh what the foul Oh Oh what the boundary I'll even make sure it's not me [ __ ] here here here oh whoa suppose with that noise - all right the hell is it for now a bongo tried to you know surprises with that one but your HRA HRA HRA Ryan Kings bring it quick oh my little right where the hell is big because there's some dancer now oh I'm up next oh my god I've been like hrs Oh drop us off because I'll get it oh my god no we need the power of the song or I smashed out number one right now give David some good luck David [Music] [Music] [Music] this would be a tight race I think I my age or s long without you Torres beauty Tora you're a teacher I thought no lettuce Oh rut gang bring up the chair Hey oh we're gonna bounce it here and then quickly up oh do the running gun all right guys Bongo let's see it know [Laughter] what you doing behind the backs off of this okay go Swayze baby bang that towards the end of the game and you got to put your body on the line for the team let's be a choice let's go again Cory Jono all right all right long ago games on the line one defender here Oh drive it Oh Oh good time bungle you almost have the game all right guys Ryan's up sleeves up Shawn's depending yeah oh I was all shut up look this is the last shot of the game all right David misses this he will be a horse as well let's see what happens Chris waves on D slaves on D get the [ __ ] off maybe look at the [ __ ] off me be Oh guys the horse wat any words that the horses here are the survivors of alright guys so that was the last little basketball trick shots hope you guys enjoy that hold it you did what a mouse don't go some hello guys they're going to give a huge shout to the boys make sure you subscribe to all the channels right you do talk on /spawn go be che he's a dog on flash kid ah yeah Meg okay it's your boy slash ryan wave oh you do go home / big dick you stick your Padonia subscribe boys uses are all sliced deeper on you and you to talk on slash david parodies alright guys well thank you so much for watching half the best day of your lives we will see you in the next video
Channel: ChadWithaJ
Views: 864,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trick shots, trick shot, basketball, blindfolded, challenge, basketball trick shots, entertainment, comedy, vlog, funny challenge, impossible trick shots, chadwithaj, davidparody, itsyeboi, epic, extreme, impossible, basketball trick shot, impossible trick shot, best trickshots, trickshots, funny, hilarious
Id: Oj-lzs6iO7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2017
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