Importing X, Y, Z Coordinates to AutoCAD from Microsoft Excel

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hello guys welcome back to the channel in this video i'm going to show you how to import xyz coordinates from microsoft excel to autocad so first of all i'm going to show you what kind of coordinates that i'm working with over here you can see i have bunch of x y coordinates basically a set of longitude and latitude coordinates along with an elevation value and all together i have about 129 600 points and for each of those points what we have is we have the x coordinate the y coordinate and also we have the elevation value which also can be considered as the z coordinates so objective would be to transfer this into autocad and the process is going to be fairly simple first of all what i'm going to do is i'm going to save this file as a csv file because the file that i'm going to contain all of these coordinate information prior to importing them into autocad i would like to separate these by commas and if you were to save this file as a csv file which stands for comma separated values then these values will automatically get separated by commas so i'm going to go ahead and click over here on file go to save as and right over here when selecting the file type i'm going to select the file format to be csv command delimited and file name i'm going to retain it as points and we can see that file over here all right now i'm going to open notepad and what i'm going to do is i'm going to directly drag this and drop it over here and just like i told you guys the values have now been separated automatically by commas and i'm going to get rid of the header over here that we have by default and instead of that header what i'm going to specify over here is the corresponding autocad commands now i'm going to use two autocad commands to actually do this process those two commands are going to be multiple and point but since we are going to create a script file which we can run directly from the command line of autocad we are going to have to enter those commands in a specific way now in case if you are not familiar with the command multiple we actually can use the multiple command to repeat one specific command over and over again now for example if i open autocad if i want to create a point i can simply go ahead and type point and it'll let me create just one single point but after that the command will be deactivated as you can see over here however if i want to create multiple points without actually exiting out from the command what i can do is i can initially type multiple and then it will ask me what kind of command do you want to use under this multiple command and in this case it's going to be the point command and after that it's asking me to specify the point but when i specify the point you can see that it does not really exit me out from the point command automatically it lets me create as many points as i want until i press escape so this is basically the concept that we are going to use in order to do this process entirely automatically so i'm just going to select everything and hit delete so that i can erase all the points and let's head back to the notepad file now and over here i'm going to specify the two commands however i'm going to add an underscore because we are going to run this using this autocad command line as a script file so it's going to be underscore multiple and i'm going to add a space followed by another underscore and the actual command that will actually generate the point which consists of this x y and z coordinates will be the point command and this is pretty much it guys all i have to do is now save this file as a script file so i'm going to go to file and select save as and i'm going to name this as points autocad script made the name a bit descriptive over here so that we know which file we are talking about quite important to keep in mind that as the extension i'm going to specify the extension to be scr which stands for basically script file and we can save this and if you actually happen to open the folder you can see that this is how that file got saved and now all we have to do is simply head back to autocad and over here in the command type scr and it will ask us to load the corresponding script file and as you can see over here this point underscore autocad script is the file name of my script file i'm just going to open that and guys it might take a couple of seconds for autocad to actually load in the points and once the points have been imported into autocad there's a good chance that those points will actually get placed somewhere completely far away from your current drawing canvas's extent so to zoom into the objects what you can do is you can double click your scroll wheel button just like this and as you can see it directly zoomed us into the extent of our object and in this case our object happens to be this large array of different points so if you zoom in and click on one of these points and if you check the properties you will be able to see that it has accurately recorded the x value the y value as well as the z value which happens to be the elevation value and with that i think we can conclude the tutorial and if you do have any questions regarding the overall process you know what to do you can leave a comment down below and i'll get back to you as soon as possible and you can always show your support by hitting that like button also before i wrap up the tutorial if you would like to check out the other autocad related tutorials that i have posted you can click on the videos that you are seeing right now on the screen as well so thanks a lot for watching guys i'll see you again with another video very soon
Channel: GeoDelta Labs
Views: 45,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Import x y z coordinates to autocad, import x y coordinates to autocad from excel, import data to autocad from excel, autocad xyz coordinates, how to import xyz coordinates to autocad, import latitude longitude data to autocad, import lat lon data to autocad, how to import point data to autocad, MULTIPLE command autocad, POINT command autocad, how to use autocad scripts, autocad tutorial, autocad beginner's tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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